This is my first fanfiction ever, and I'm not used to write in English either (Swedish), but I hope that you will like it anyway :)
I want to give a special thanks to LegoHouse that has help me a lot with with the English, don't now what I would have done without her notes!


They had been welcomed by almost the whole town when the Jolly Roger reached the harbour in Storybooke. Even Regina had received hugs and been celebrated when they set foot on the docks. Right now they were at Granny's, surrounded by people. It had been only a couple of hours since Emma had been onboard the Roger, with the smell of the sea and the light breeze against her ivory skin. She could feel Hook's burning gaze from the table in front of her, but she refused to lift her head up and look at him. The journey back to Storybrook had been exhausting.

With Henry back, she didn't need to worry about him anymore. However, she still had this feeling that something wasn't right. With both Hook and Neal on the ship, and her parent's concerned looks, it didn't allowed her much space to run away. She had stayed in her cabin most of the time, trying her best to avoid them, and she had focused her energy on Henry instead.

She had ignored Neal's desperate attempts to talk to her, or make her listen to his opinions and thoughts about what she should do. She narrowed her eyebrows slightly and she blushes, thinking about their conversation last night.

"Emma, can we talk?" Neil grasped her wrist and made her stop. She turned and looked at him.

Emma hadn't been able to sleep and she was on her way to the main deck, to get fresh air and feel the comfort of the wind. It usually calmed her down. The small space in the crew's cabins made her claustrophobic at night, and she never got a good night's rest.

"What?" she turned around to face him. It was after midnight, and she was tired.

The look on his face made her regret the harsh tone. She did love him. And no matter what he had done, he was Henry's father. She forced a smile on her lips, reassuring that everything was okay.
Even if it wasn't.

"I thought that I would stay around in Storybrook when we get back," he started slowly and met her eyes. "I think it would be good for Henry to have a safe family environment when we come back, he has been through a lot," he smiled gently.

Emma didn't know what she should answer or what she felt about it, but she knew that Henry would be happy. And he was right, he needed to feel safe.

"Yeah, I think that would be a good idea," she answered him.

Neal's face lit up a bit and he continued, "I talked to Henry before, and I said that I maybe could stay with you two."

His confession made Emma raise her eyebrows and a confusing expression spread across her face.
"You talked to Henry before me?" her tone was clearly annoyed.

"Well it sort of just came up," said Neal, shrugging his shoulders.

Emma could feel how she slowly started to boil inside. He was using Henry against her. Her son wouldn't understand why Emma didn't want his father to stay with them, and then he would blame her. She would become the villain. Her breath suddenly felt heavy, and she knew that she would do anything to make Henry happy. She wanted to give him what she had never had, a family.

"I guess that I don't have much say in the matter then, if that's what Henry wants," she glared at him with both a flash of defeat and fury in her eyes.

He didn't catch it, so instead Neil smiled at her and Emma continued.
"You can stay with Henry and me in Storybrooke if that is what you want; I know that he wants to spend time with you."

She hadn't noticed that a figure had approached from behind, and suddenly she could feel Hook's presence. The situation suddenly felt intolerable, as the tension in the air quickly changed.

Her muscles stiffened and tensed at once, her body shivered slightly. In the back of her mind she wondered how much he had heard.

Neil obviously thought that Hook showing up was like a birthday gift, judging on his grin.
"Good, I will start to ship my things from New York as soon as we get back," he added.

Emma felt like she just wanted to sink through the wooden floor, down in the endless sea and never get a breath of air again. She couldn't answer him, so she just nodded. If Hook hadn't heard them before he definitely did now.

"I am going to take some air," she mumbled weakly as she pushed past Neil and headed toward the stairs.

They had arrived in Storybrooke the day after. If the relationship between Hook and Emma had been tense before, with a single "hello" or "goodnight", it was non-existent at this point. She wanted to explain, but there was nothing that she could say. She felt her confusion, her fears and her obligations slowly drowning her. The relief of being back had been short lived.

Neverland had changed a lot between them, if they hadn't found Neil she had no idea where she would be right now.

Emma shook her head slightly and looked down at the food in front of her, she had barely touched it. She feelt like she owed Hookan explanation, or something to erase the nagging feeling that ran through her body.

She heard David's authoritative voice at the table in front of her "Leaving so soon, Hook?"

To her astonishment Hook and her father had almost become mates, as Hook always called it. They had spent an awful lot of time sharing war stories, sword fight techniques and memories.

"Aye, need prepare the ship," Hook answers with a low, firm voice as he stood up.

"Why? We just came back, take some time off! You deserve it," said a cheerful David.

Hook stood silent for a moment and he turned his gaze at the people in front of him. Her long blond hair were dancing with soft curls that falls in front of her shoulders as she leant forward, and he could hear her light laughter as she looked at Henry. Neil was smiling, teasingly throwing a paper towel at Henry since he had succeeded in spilling out what was left of his cocoa.

That's when he decides, and he tried to answer David with his normal, joking voice, eyes looking empty. "I am leaving, there is nothing left for me here, after all, I am but a pirate"

David threw him a surprised look, but he wasn't blind, and he saw Hook looking at the table in front of them, at his daughter. He understood, and even though the pirate had grown on him, relief washed over him.

"When?" David replied briefly, "The ship must need some work after our journey, right?" The answer is short, ushered in a quiet tone, "It will be done tomorrow night I Believe."

"Well, let me know if you need anything, it's the least we could do to thank you"
Hook nodded at him and then turned around to leave, without looking back.

Emma can't ignore the feeling when her heart suddenly feels like it turned to ice. He was leaving. Emptiness washed over her, sending chills down her spine, and it suddenly felt like she was back in foster system, not belonging. Neal saw that something was wrong.

"Are you alright Emma?" he asks softly. "I… I think that I might be getting a cold," she said, slightly stuttering.

"Oh, should we go back to our home?" Emma automatically made a distasteful face as she hears the word our home from his lips.

"No, I will be fine! Henry and you should stay," she reassured him with a small smile.
"I probably just need a walk," she continued, as she got up and kissed Henry on his forehead before leaving through the door of Granny's diner.

The fresh air outside didn't help at all. She has a nauseating feeling in her stomach and her thoughts were a mess. She walked down the street, away from everybody. She didn't reflect over her surroundings. Everybody leaft. He'd said that he would wait. He'd swore that she could trust him. And he had lied.

Suddenly she could distinguish the Jolly Roger's sails by the docks. She was standing so far away that she could barley smell the sea, and with concentration she could faintly hear the waves throwing themselves towards the harbour. A tear was falling down her cheek and she desperately tried to push the feelings away.

She tried to think of Henry, of his laugh, of the happy look on his face at Granny's, of how he is the most important thing in her life. How he deserved a happy ending. Emma swallowed and picked up the pace, heading back to her apartment.

She crawled into bed and pulled the covers over her head as soon as she was inside. When she'd heard Henry and Neal coming home she pretended that she was asleep. She just want to be left alone, if only for a minute.

Her body was totally drained, as if her energy had been stolen away. Every time she closed her eyes, she only could see stormy, crystal clear blue eyes. The look on his face after she'd kissed him in Neverland, the way his voice sounded when he 'd reassured her that they would find Henry, the way he looked so at ease when he sailed the Jolly Roger on the way back home. She hopelessly tried to push the thoughts away, and she eventually refused to close her eyes in defiance. Staring up at the sealing.