It was Mega Man's first morning in the Smash world, and already he felt horrible. Why, you ask? Well, because he was looking down the barrel of Samus's blaster, his only source of protection and guidance Snake was unconscious on the floor, and he had six girls (well, seven if you considered Jigglypuff female) glaring down at him, accusing him of being a pervert. Not exactly the best morning.

"You'd better have a damn good reason explaining why you're here," Samus growled, shoving her gun closer to his face.

Mega Man gulped, and tried to come up with an answer, but all that came out of his mouth was unintelligible gibberish.

"Answer me!" Samus yelled. "Or you will soon find yourself without a head."

Mega Man was sure his end was near, until someone put a hand on Samus's shoulder. It was Rosalina. "Calm down, Samus," she said softly. "I'm sure we can get answers without violence."

Mega Man's systems began to heat up as Rosalina walked towards him. If robots could blush, he would be beet red right now. She wore a long bathrobe similar to her usual dress, but he already knew what was under that robe. Never would he get out of his mind the image of her splayed out across her bed, wearing nothing but a black, lacy nightdress that practically revealed everything...

Rosalina helped him up to his feet. "Now, care to explain why you are here?" Mega Man stared into her crystal blue eyes. She certainly wasn't as angry as Samus, but he could see disappointment in her eyes. That made him feel even worse. He didn't want her to think that he was just like Snake - an immoral, desire-driven guy who objectified women. That wasn't him; that would never be him. He had to convince her of that. He had to convince her that he was above that, that he would never stoop to such a low level.

"When I woke up, I saw that both Snake and Sonic weren't in bed. I went to go look for them, mainly Sonic because I know what kind of trouble he can get into. But I found Snake first, right at your door, peeking in like a teenaged boy. I went to go stop him, but then..."

"Then what, Rock?" Rosalina said imploringly.

Mega Man looked away; her gaze was hypnotic. "You wouldn't believe me."

"This is the Smash Mansion; as far as I've been told, nothing is unbelievable here."

He closed his eyes. How was he supposed to explain that he and Snake had been attacked by a cute little creature that no one had ever seen and then just happened to fall into this room? Well, no point in trying to lie; he wasn't even programmed for that. He opened his mouth to answer, when they heard an unexpected knock at the window. Samus went over to open it and saw none other than Sonic sitting by the window with his usual cocky grin.

"Hello, ladies," he said. "What are you all doing up so early? And Mega Man? Why are you here?" He shook his head, a smirk on his face. "I didn't think you were one for spying on girls."

"I-I'm not!" Mega Man protested. "I would never-"

"What do you want, Sonic?" Samus said, narrowing her eyes.

"Cranky as usual, I see," Sonic said. "You know, I wonder if your time of the month isn't just every day."

Sonic was met with a punch to the face.

"Ow!" Just as Samus was about to smash the window down on Sonic's fingers, he said, "Hey, wait! I didn't mean that, okay? I just wanted to know if you saw a little blue marshmallow-looking creature with a cute little bowtie anywhere around here."

"We saw no such-"

"Chao, chao?" A tiny creature peeked out from behind a basket. It matched Sonic's description perfectly, and it was just about the cutest thing any of them had ever seen.

"Oh my goodness!" Peach said, immediately running up and gushing over the little critter. "It's so adorable!"

"Don't get close to it!" Mega Man warned, but it was too late. The blue puffball got scared when Peach came towards it, and then it hissed at her and locked its jaws on her arm.

"Aaaaaaah!" She tried to shake it off, but the creature would not let go. Sonic groaned, as if used to this, and then jumped into the room and tried to pry the creature's mouth off of the princess's arm.

"Cheese, let go!" he said. "Cheese, I swear if you don't let go this instant, you can forget about having any of the strawberry cheesecake Cream promised."

The little thing, oddly named Cheese, reluctantly let go. Luckily, it had no teeth, so it didn't leave any marks on Peach's arm, but Peach stumbled back and held her arm as if she had been mortally wounded. The creature scrambled out of Sonic's arms and hid behind him, fearing that another one of those girls would attempt to smother it like Peach had tried.

"Sorry there, Peach," Sonic said. "Chao usually aren't violent; it's just that Cheese hates it when anyone tries to fuss over her. Except for Cream, that is." He turned to the scared Chao. "C'mon, Cheese. Let's get you back to Cream now. I think you should leave the adventuring to the professionals."

Cheese was more than happy to end her little adventure. Sonic scooped the Chao into his arms, hopped out the window, and said a quick "See ya!" before dashing off to who knows where.

It was then when Mega Man realized that the main reason he was in this entire mess was getting away. "Hey, wait! Sonic, don't-"

But by the time he got to the window, Sonic had already disappeared.

"Great. Sometimes I wish that hedgehog wasn't so fast." He turned to the girls behind him, who just looked at each other in question. "Um, I should probably go after him and see what he's up to, but I just want to say that I'm really, really, really, sorry for all this trouble I've caused you."

Rosalina gave him a small, reassuring smile. "It's alright, Rock. I believe you were telling the truth. And I'm sure everyone here believes that you had nothing to do with this, right?"

The girls seemed mostly forgiving to him. Peach and Zelda smiled and nodded their heads, Jigglypuff hopped around and said nonsense words, and Nana simply nodded slowly, wanting so much to just get back to sleep. Wii Fit Trainer was as silent as ever, and Samus just huffed and crossed her arms, not entirely convinced that Mega Man hadn't been spying.

Mega Man gave a small smile, figuring that that was good enough. He made to go out the window, but then remembered that he had forgotten someone. "Do you want me to take Snake out of here, or...?"

"Not just yet," Rosalina said, an almost evil glint in her eyes. "We will deal with him on our own."

Mega Man looked at her in surprise. The way she glared at Snake's unconscious body and the way Samus was starting to smile cruelly made him fear for Snake's life. He just smiled nervously and jumped out the window, wondering what horrible things the girls had in store for Snake when he woke up.

He circled around the mansion. Where could Sonic have gone? Mega Man was sure he had come this way-

He suddenly ran into a massive wall of purple fur. Whatever he had run into stood unmoved, but he stumbled back and fell. Then he found himself looking up at a gargantuan purple being holding a fishing pole.

"Oh, I'm sorry, robot man," the being said, looking down at him with small, yellow eyes. "By the way, have you seen Froggy?"

Mega Man was just about to ask what the heck he meant, when he noticed that this big animal wasn't alone. Mega Man suddenly found himself surrounded by an assortment of odd people. Flying ones, speedy ones, big ones, small ones, robotic ones, and everything in between. Outside of the Smash Mansion, Mega Man had never seen so many different people in the same place.

"Hey, Mega Man!" He turned to see Sonic coming up to him. "What are you doing out here?"

Mega Man was too awestruck to answer him. He just looked around, trying to form words but finding himself unable to do so.

"Hey, don't turn into a blowfish on me," Sonic joked. "Say what you've got to say."

"Who are all of these people, Sonic?" he managed to say.

"I thought you might ask that." He spread out his arms dramatically. "Say hello to all my friends."

"Your friends? All of them?"

"Well, I guess not all of them. Some of them are my enemies, but I thought, why not let them come along, too? And then there are my many rivals-"

"Why are they even here?"

"Well, I feel so welcome here, and every day is just a bucket-full of fun, I thought I would invite my friends over to enjoy the fun, too."

Mega Man looked at Sonic as if he had gone insane. Sonic seriously didn't he think that he was able to just invite all his friends over on a whim, did he? He then turned to the enormous group of Sonic's friends. He knew Sonic had more friends than most people, but he didn't think Sonic knew this many people. He was certain that Sonic would not be allowed to bring in all of his friends into the Smash Mansion. But if he could...Mega Man couldn't even think of all the trouble that would emerge.

"I really should have just stayed in bed," Mega Man said to himself.