Hello There! ^^

So, here we go! Second part of the Prologue.

I didn't mention it before, but I'm so glad I'm writing this. Fangirling aside, what makes me happy about it is how I enjoyed sharing inspiration with other people. Thus, I want to thank hyesui, not-so-secret-nerd, ocvalkyrie, legendaryfangirl, kureablue, Arialene, disneydirectionerglambert and so many others for their inspiration and feedback. I love you guys! 3

If you have any questions related to this fic, feel free to review, PM me or ask me via tumblr at aelfethart. I'll be glad to solve them!

That is all for now. Enjoy the reading! ;)


~ PROLOGUE - Part II ~

The King tucked Anna in her bed sheets. She was already deeply asleep. Elsa waited silently in her bed for her father to do the same with her. He had read Little Lotte to them again. It was Elsa's favorite tale, and they even made up a song about it. However, he had read it so many times already that Anna started to fall asleep before it even ended.

When he approached to Elsa, she had a deep-thought expression in her face.

"Papa," Elsa called, "is the Angel of Winter real?"

"But of course he is, dear" he smiled while tucking her.

"… Then why doesn't he whisper in my head? Like to Little Lotte." Her sweet features looked worried. "I also wheedle mama, I'm kind to my doll too, and I do take care of my shoes… Yet he doesn't speak to me."

Elsa thought that Lotte was very lucky to hear the Angel of Winter. Her father sat by her side and thought for a moment.

"Well, because that is for the Angel to decide. Maybe, instead of whispering to you, he prefers to draw beautiful frosty patterns on your window, or nipping at your nose."

The eight year-old looked down to her little hands.

"Or maybe he is afraid of me…" she added.

"Nobody is afraid of you, my dear" the King replied, lifting his daughter's chin with a caress. "And the Angel of Winter even less."

"But my powers…"

"Your powers are a gift, Elsa. Always be sure of that. You will learn to control them, eventually."

The King tried to reassure his daughter, despite the precautions taken because of her special abilities. Elsa was a child, but not an unaware one; she could notice the changes. The number of servants was reduced by a third, and only the royal family's personal service was aware of the princess' strange gift. The kingdom's small Council and the bishop of Arendelle were informed as well.

"Agdar… We cannot hide this forever" the Queen had said that afternoon, after they dismissed the librarian and linguist of the court.

The King remained quiet for a moment, looking at the old leather cover of a book with a runic title.

"I know, Idun" he said finally, running his fingers through his golden hair in a tired gesture. "And we won't. The kingdom will know… but in good time. First, we have to find whoever is cursed."

The king pointed at the book with his hand, opening it again on a certain page. He had been making inquiries about Elsa's magic after what Mr. Pabbie's said to him several days before. Was she the only one ever to have such ability? Accounts of Arendelle's royal lineage said no.

The book they finally found in the depths of the castle's library was indeed as the peculiar physician had described. It was writen in Old Norse, and as it was common in the Scandinavian lore, it mixed history with legend. At least, that is what the rulers would have thought, if their own daughter wasn't showing the effects described in that old parchment. The verses worth interest were translated and transcribed on a new piece of paper, and they narrated the following:

"Vanlande, Kári's son, succeeded his father, 'the Lord of the Wind', and ruled over the Upsal domain. He was a great warrior –rumors had it that he was graced by the god Máni and a very fair man in all his physique, and he went far around in different lands. Once, he took up his winter abode in Arendelle with the king Snow the Old, who wasn't an ally, but it wasn't an enemy. The king's name was not accidental, as he was able to cast the powers of winter. In fact, he was said to be son of Old Man Winter. Snow had a son, Thorri, and three daughters: Fön, Drifa and Mjöl, who also shared his abilities.

The foreign warrior-king was soon mesmerized by Drifa's cold beauty, and against the advice of his comrades, Vanlande got her in marriage. But in spring, he set out leaving Drifa behind, promising to return by next winter. So he did, to discover he was a father to a son and a daughter, and they rejoiced. But Vanlande was a free spirit, and when spring came back, he wished to leave again to continue with his journeys.

Drifa was not pleased by his husband's decision. The lovers argued, and Vanlande took the baby boy with him and left. Hurt and angered by Vanlande's felony, Driva sent a message to the troll-witch Hulda. Driva asked her, either that she should bewitch Vanlande to return to Arendelle, or kill him. The witch warned the princess that only love would bring them back together, and the use of magic on matters that could be solved through a natural way could turn very dangerous. But Drifa was too hurt and stubborn to consider Hulda's words, and urged her to do as she commanded.

The witch performed her magic then, and when this witch-work was going on, a great desire came over Vanlande to go back to Arendelle; but his friends and counselors advised him against it and said the witchcraft of the Arendellian people showed itself in his desire to go back, that surely it was a trap to seize him after he had left his wife. He then became very drowsy, and laid himself down to sleep; but when he had slept for long enough, his men hastened to him to wake him up, only to find him ice cold and dead.

When Drifa came to know of Vanlande's sad fate, she immediately regretted her doing and went back to Hulda the witch, who said she couldn't change the curse and reminded the princess of the warning she gave her and decided not to listen to. But the princess did not cease her begging, and Hulda said that, since Vanlande was indeed Máni's descendant, it was up to the Moon God to help her.

The princess prayed to Máni for a fortnight, seeking for redemption and her child back. On the 14th night and under a full moon, she heard Máni's voice on her head. He said that she would be condemned to live without love and her other child, and that her wrong wouldn't be redeemed but in a thousand years.

Thus, a prophecy came to be
from the Snowfall princess'
affront to love. Despite her plea
her brood was gifted and cursed.

Only love can nurse a gift and
Only love can mend the curse.
Only love would right the wrong,
When cold blood forces their split."

"I don't want you to go again, papa" she mused, suddenly changing the topic and bringing back the King out of his thoughts.

"I have to. I am the King and I have many duties to fulfill," he smiled tenderly at her. "I'll be back before you expect it"

"But what is it that you have to do for the next month?"

"I can't tell. It is a surprise."

"Tell me!" She pleaded.

He shook his head "Then it won't be a surprise, my dear."

"Oh, papa, please!"

"No, honey. I can't tell you I'm going to buy foreign treats for you and Anna. Is that clear?"

"Yes" Elsa giggled in amusement, and added "But I still don't like when you go. I miss you too much."

"I'll miss you too, my dear." He smiled tenderly at her, then leaned and kissed her forehead. "Just remember one thing: when I'm not here, the Angel of Winter will take care of you."

They hugged tightly.

The King left the girl's room as quietly as he could. When he closed the door, the Queen approached to him from behind and hugged him.

"You don't have to go again" she whispered, "not so soon anyway."

That was her way to say she'll miss him so much.

"You know I have to, Idun. I'm so close already" he replied, resolutively "I've been told that in the land of-"

"Adgar" she cut him tenderly, "Elsa is fine. She doesn't need anybody to save her. She needs her father".

Slowly the King turned around to face his wife.

"What if it gets worse? What if she has another accident? You read the prophecy too."

"But she is only a child! How can we even be sure?"

"Idun-" he trailed off, pondering for a second on her wife's plea. "We don't know how the kingdom will react to such news once she becomes of age."

"The people will love her, Adgar" the Queen placed her hands on his back for a soft embrace "Just as much as we do."

Author Notes:

- About King Snow's children's names: Thorri means 'Frozen-snow', Fön means 'Snowdrift', Drifa is 'Snowfall' and Mjöll means 'powdered snow'. Yeah, not very original, but that's what the actual myth says! ;)

- About The King and Queen of Arendelle: I adapted their names from the Runic inscriptions that appear in the movie (see Disney wiki). I used Idun and Adgar for easy and clear spelling.