(I'm so sorry I didn't upload this when I said I would! I tried, I promise, I really tried! But every time I went into my document manager to put it up, I got an error message and couldn't upload! NO! Perfect timing, huh? Anyway, I'm sorry you had to wait longer! I promise it's not my fault! But I finally got it working so HOORAY! The wait is OVER! Enjoy!)

Hello my wonderful readers! So, this is the final chapter of Death of a Team. *sob* I hope you all enjoyed it! I've got a lot more stuff for Lab Rats I'm writing, so keep an eye out for new stories!

Thanks to all of my wonderful readers, reviewers, followers, and favoriters for being so encouraging and excited about my first story. You guys are great!

Alright, enough of the sap. Let's get on with Chapter 14!

I don't own Lab Rats.


*Announcer's voice*: Last time, on Death of a Team:

"So how'd you get away from Douglas, then?" Leo asked.

Chase opened his mouth to reply, but someone else did it for him. "He didn't."


* * * Bree's POV * * *

We all turned around to see Douglas standing in the doorway of the lab. In one hand he had some kind of futuristic-looking gun-thing, and in the other was some sort of small remote.

My little brother pushed himself off the chair and walked toward Douglas. "I'm still powerful," he hissed. "I could still take you down!"

Douglas chuckled. "Just try it!" he challenged. Chase lowered himself into a fighting stance, but as he did Douglas held up the remote. "You didn't break it!" he taunted in a sing-song voice. Chase opened his eyes wide and stumbled backward in fear.

"What –" I started to say, but I was interrupted by a blood-curdling scream from Chase. My heart stopped for a moment as my brother fell to ground. He rolled back and forth, writhing in pain. His eyes held the most terrifying look of pure torture I have ever seen.

I knew instantly that Douglas was doing this. Mr. Davenport, Adam, and Leo were on the ground next to Chase, trying to help him up, trying to calm him down, trying to do anything. But I knew who to go after.

Screaming, I charged at Douglas and ripped the remote from his hand. I pushed the button, praying that it would make Chase's pain go away and not make it worse. As I pushed it the screaming stopped. I looked down to see my younger brother shaking uncontrollably on the floor, but he wasn't in pain anymore.

Douglas was scowling. He held up his gun. He was aiming it at Chase, who was still lying defenseless on the ground. None of the rest of them saw what Douglas was about to do. Thinking fast, I grabbed Mr. Davenport's cryoblaster off the counter and quickly froze Douglas in a block of ice.

"Good going, Bree!" Mr. Davenport said.

I walked over and helped my brother up. "What was that?" I asked.

"His 'safeguard,'" Chase explained. "He put it in with the update. Since my bionics are connected to my nervous system, he can make me feel massive amounts of pain everywhere at once with just the click of a button."

"No fair!" Adam yelled. "I'm the only one who gets to hurt you!" Chase gave a half-hearted grin. I rubbed his shoulder.

"I'll be fine," he assured me. Then he turned to Mr. Davenport and said, "Can you take off all the updates Douglas gave me?"

My father shrugged. "I should be able to. But that would mean you'd lose all your new abilities."

Chase bit his lip. "I know. That's why I want to do it."

"But Chase –" I began.

"I'm not the strong one," he interrupted me, "or the fast one. I'm not 'hustle' or 'muscle.' But I don't really want to be. I want to be the brains. Just the brains."

Mr. Davenport smiled. "Good," he said. "Now, all you have to do it get in your capsule, and I'm sure I can remove the updates."

Chase complied, stepping into his capsule. He still looked kind of weak. I wondered if it was a product of Douglas's "pain button."

Mr. Davenport typed in some commands on the keyboard. "No worries," he said. "I can get them off just fine. I am an awesome genius, after all." Adam, Leo, and I groaned and rolled our eyes. Mr. Davenport glared at us.

"And, done!" he said a few minutes later. Chase stepped out. He looked a lot more alive now.

"I feel a whole lot better," he said. And he looked it too. His skin was no longer pale, his voice wasn't quiet, and he had the air of superiority he usually wore.

"It's a good thing you let me take off those upgrades. All those new powers were taking up a lot of space on your chip," Mr. Davenport explained. "That coupled with the new update put too much stress on your body. It's like when a hard drive gets full and causes the computer to run slower."

"And in English that means?" Adam prodded.

Mr. Davenport rolled his eyes. "The upgrades make his bionics more powerful, but they make his physical performance weaker. While it's true that Douglas built in room for upgrades, I never gave you any because they make you weaker and slower. It makes it very easy to overload your chip. I didn't want that to happen."

"Thank you Mr. Davenport," Chase said. "And I'm still sorry. About everything. But at least we have Douglas trapped now."

"Speaking of which," I said, "what are we going to do with frozen Uncle Dougie?"

"I don't know," Mr. Davenport said. "We could probably ship him off to one of my off-shore facilities, or we could get some rock salt and make the evilest batch of ice cream ever!"

"Mmm!" Adam exclaimed. We all chuckled.

"Speaking of freezing people, this whole thing started because you needed something," Chase said. His pulled a small bag out of his pocket and handed it to Mr. Davenport. "Here's your cytanium."

"Money! Money, money, money, money, money!" Mr. Davenport repeated, dancing around. We all gave him strange looks. "Uh, I mean, thank you," he said, putting a hand on Chase's shoulder.

Adam practically tackled Chase and started rubbing his hair. "I'm so happy you're not evil anymore, little bro!" he said.

"Yeah, good to have you back, man," Leo said in agreement.

"Yes, I'm glad you're on our side again," Mr. Davenport said.

"Thanks," Chase replied.

"But you're not off the hook," our father assured him. Chase groaned. "Hey, you might be good again, but what you did is still wrong. You're grounded."

"I turned evil and all I got was a grounding? Woohoo!" Chase cheered.

"Nope." Chase froze. Mr. Davenport continued, "You're also going to train until you drop. You're going to work with just your abilities. Also, you're going to be helping me with anything I need while my leg heals."

"Alright, anything to let you know how sorry I am," Chase said.

"Thanks for coming back to us," I said, deciding to throw my two cents into the conversation. Chase smiled at me and nodded.

"I hope you learned a valuable lesson," Mr. Davenport said seriously.

"Oh, I did," Chase said solemnly. "Never trust a Davenport to make an effective snowsuit. I got frostbite after only three hours." Mr. Davenport glared at him and we all burst out laughing.

"Kidding," Chase said with a chuckle. "Teams should never quit on each other. And family is the best team of all. Even when they don't always treat you right." He muttered the last part, but we still heard it.

"Yes, and I hope you guys learned something as well," our father said to Adam and I.

"Uh huh," Adam said. "Wait, what were we supposed to learn?" I suppressed a laugh.

"Chase," I said, "you're just as important to this team as we are. We . . . I am sorry for putting you down and making you feel less important."

"Yeah," Adam said. "You might be small and weak . . ." Chase glared at his brother. ". . . but you're still our leader. And just as important as hustle and muscle."

"Thank you guys. I really love you," Chase said.

"We love you too," I said. We all pulled in for a hug. I smiled, happy to have my family back in one piece again.

* * * THE END * * *


Well, that was Death of a Team! Did you guys like it? I know it probably didn't turn out how some of you had expected. I just decided to end it essentially the same way as Avalanche. With more family stuff, of course. What did you think of my explanation for Chase being so weak? I got the idea a few weeks back when my computer was running really slow because my hard drive was almost full. And it made sense to me that Chase's chip might work the same way.

So, how'd you guys like it? What was your favorite part of the story? Thank you all so much for reading it and I'll see you again soon!