A/N: So this is the epilogue… thank you so much to each and every reader for sticking by this story when I deleted. I'm always blown away by the amazing reviews and they truly make my day when the class I teach just get a little too much!

Thanks to my lovely beta H T Elia – as always she did a fantastic job :)

Definition of a power couple: A couple who seems to have a fairy tale romance. Both parties involved in the power couple have tremendous influence over people around them because of their devastating good looks and seemingly perfect relationship with their significant other.

'Urban Dictionary' online

Blaine and Kurt became poster boys for equal rights in the gay community and were regularly seen at fund raisers and red carpet charity events where they represented well. They continued to be successful in their musical endeavors. Blaine started writing his own musical when he got the rights to 'The Great Gatsby' story and he met another guy willing to write the book for the possible musical. He was given a lump sum to work on it so he didn't have to give up his day job singing to children. He started playing music at children's wards, too, where some were long-term patients and very sick indeed. Their little faces would light up at hearing him sing and play their favourites, just for once forgetting they were ill. Kurt continued to star in the musical 'Brave' whilst rehearsing for a revival of 'The Phantom of the Opera', an all-time favourite of his.

They had been together for over a year now and knowing there would be no other for Blaine, he went about preparing the best proposal ever. He thought back to the cheesy way James had tried to apologize and he wanted no reminders for Kurt when he did propose, so he enlisted help from friends. Songs were rehearsed and places scouted until Blaine got exasperated.

"This isn't right," he said to Tessa and Sam. "None of these ideas are right."

"Just keep it simple dude," Sam said as Tessa rolled her eyes in annoyance. "Think about the first time you saw him, or your first date."

"No, that isn't dramatic enough," Tessa said with annoyance, but Blaine had stopped, his face caught in a perfect expression that simply said 'Eureka!'

"But of course, it's perfect," Blaine said, the cogs in his mind working overtime.

"See?" Sam said to Tessa in triumph. "Blam will always beat Blessa every day."

Tessa looked horrified. "You did not just make up a ship name…"

Blaine ignored them. He'd thought of the perfect way to propose and he knew just how it would all work out.

Kurt came home after a particularly tiring matinee performance to find the apartment deserted with a simple card on their bed.

This is a treasure hunt. To find the love of your life and all possible answers to every single question you have ever asked, follow these clues. P.T.O.

Kurt laughed, but turned the card over as instructed.

First, go to the place where we first met face to face. Ask for your usual and it will be given unto thee.

Kurt looked around the apartment, wondering if Blaine was secretly hiding and watching it all, but then he grabbed his jacket and walked to the coffee shop. He was greeted with a loud 'Hi' from the barista and his drink was immediately prepared and given to him.

"Do you know what Blaine has planned?" Kurt asked and the girl smiled and gestured that her lips were sealed. "I thought as much," Kurt said and he was given his second card.

Don't bother asking for extra clues, none will be given.

Blaine knew him so well.

Now go to the theatre where you first brought my songs to life. You will be given some treasure.

Kurt was confused, but did as instructed and took the subway to the small theatre off Broadway. Upon arrival, one of the security guards laughed at his surprised face and gave him a small skyscraper statue attached to a little card.

You make me feel tall.

Kurt laughed loudly at this. He had always joked that Blaine was something that came in a small package, but who was very sweet.

Thirdly, go to the department store on the attached map and buy a tiger onesie.

"What?" he said loudly and the security guard put his hands up in defeat.

"I'm only following instructions, dude," he said, "Don't shoot the messenger."

Kurt chuckled. "No, it's just a strange request."

"Well the guy that gave it to me seemed very eager for everything to go smoothly. I'd play along if I were you. I'm sure it'll be worth it."

"Oh, I know so," Kurt said with a grin.

Kurt followed the map and bought the onesie as instructed and was given his last, final instruction from the lady at the till.

Go home and put this on. Play 'Crazy in Love' and twerk that fine ass.

Kurt blushed and looked over his shoulder in case someone could read it, but he nearly ran home to complete the instruction properly. He reached his still silent apartment and put his onesie on, glancing around the apartment every so often in case he might catch Blaine watching. He was finally suited and ready to twerk so he put the music on and bopped. He started off feeling very self-conscious, but after a while, when he realized no one was in the apartment, he lost all inhibitions and twerked like he just didn't care. He laughed and remembered that glorious moment with Blaine the last time he had twerked. Then he realized.

His eyes glanced in the direction of his old apartment, a place that had seen various tenants since he had moved out over a year ago, but he wasn't expecting the sight that greeted him.

In a matching onesie, Blaine was standing by the window preparing to twerk too. He did a few booty-popping moves and then held up something that had been resting on the bed. A sign.

Kurt you are the love of my life.

Kurt came closer to read properly and was transfixed as Blaine held up another sign.

We met nearly two years ago in this very way…

And I have never been more grateful for pieces of card as when they introduced me to you x

Kurt watched, tears filling his eyes as he guessed what might come next.

This apartment now houses a new memory…

This is just another lifetime where we've chosen to come back and find each other…

And fall in love all over again, over and over for all eternity.

Kurt couldn't believe the cards he was reading, was stunned at the expression of pure adoration on Blaine's face as he revealed each and every new card.

All I want to do, all I've ever wanted to do, is spend my life loving you…

So Kurt Hummel…

And to add to the name, Blaine had drawn a fantastic cartoon of Kurt, coiffed hair and gorgeous blue eyes alongside.

my amazing friend, my one true love…

Will you marry me?

There was a single red heart next to the question and Blaine's expectant face. Just trying to take it all in, Kurt eventually realized an answer was necessary but there was really only one he could give. He nodded quickly, to which Blaine's face lit up and he went to rush out the door, the barrier over the apartments, now holding them back. Blaine rushed too and they met on the street, a collision of arms and several kisses.

"Yes, yes, yes, a thousand times yes!" Kurt exclaimed and Blaine kissed his lips so he couldn't say anymore. He deftly removed the little black box from his pocket and held it out invitingly. It was placed on his finger and looked at and admired from a distance, ending in more kisses and hugs and finally all his friends popped out of the doorway next to the apartment and joined the fray.

James hadn't tried to contact Kurt again, seeming to understand that Kurt would never reply. He watched Kurt's rise to fame, noticed the awards he won and the achievements he made. James' own star didn't rise, but he was successful enough at modeling to make it his career.

Blaine and Kurt walked through life hand in hand without looking back. They were fierce together but well aware of life's knocks and possible bruises, but they came out stronger, never beaten down, only standing taller. They were drinking warm milk at the kitchen table after a long day of performances, when Kurt's eyes locked with Blaine's, his thoughts bringing him back to the guy in front of him with the honey-coloured eyes.

"You know, I don't hate James for what he did," Kurt said and although Blaine couldn't say the same he let Kurt finish. "He made me stronger without realizing it, made me fight for what I know to be right. He brought me closer to you and made me realize that you have to strive for what you want and work hard."

Blaine nodded.

"I'll always be thankful that I met you, but I wish you hadn't gone through all that pain."

Kurt smiled sadly and took Blaine's hand.

"That pain only shows what we're capable of, forces you to prove yourself. In the end, nothing will stop us."

A/N: Thanks for reading. I've started a soulmate fic, the first chapter of which should be up next weekend.