"Hmm… I wonder…"

Ollivander looked at the holly wand with a strange expression on his face, could it be that Harry Potter was destined for the sister wand of Lord Voldemort. That was what Dumbledore assumed would happen anyway, something about a prophecy and Harry defeating him again.

Ollivander made his way back to Harry, scholing his expression to what Harry had seen all the time he'd been there.

"Tricky customer, eh? Not to worry, we'll find the perfect match here somewhere- I wonder, now- yes, why not- unusual combination- holly and phoenix feather, eleven inched, nice and supple"

Harry took the wand.

(Harry and the philosopher's stone- page 65)

It was quite the strange reaction to a wand, even Ollivander, who had seen many different reactions- had never seen a young wizard start to convulse as soon the wand touched him. He quickly took the wand away and snapped it. It was the way he'd been taught, if a wand causes a violent reaction, snap it, it wouldn't bond to anyone.

Harry straightened up fairly quickly after the wand left his grip and he felt quite a lot better.

"That was… odd" Harry said, not wanting to dicuss the nauseating feeling he had to the one who'd made the wand.

"Indeed Mr Potter, I am afraid I simply have no idea what wand here could belong to you" as soon as the words left the wandmakers mouth, there was a pulse of raw energy from a cupboard nearby.

Ollivander looked shocked, even his careful face could not hide it. That wand was never meant to be sold. That wand held almost uncontrollable power. That wand would prove young Harry's heritagewhich was not what Dumbledore had wanted. Nevertheless, the wand chose the wizard, and that wand was definitely reaching out for its master.

Not saying a word, Ollivander went to the cupboard and motioned Harry to where the magic was radiating.

"I believe this is yours Mr Potter, I suggest you take it." Harry stared in awe at the jet black wand on the shelf.

It looked to be made of a metal, unlike every wand Harry had seen in his short time in the wizarding world, and had a band of emeralds where the handle met the rest. The gems were glowing with power and it seemed to beckon to Harry, so he touched it.

He almost screamed in ecstasy at the feeling, such euphoria was unknown to Harry. Underneath all the euphoria, he could feel things breaking in him, if he had to envision it, he would say many padlocks were being destroyed, and it was causing the pleasure he felt.

Ollivander, for the second time in less that five minutes, had been rendered speechless. He made that wand over 60 years ago, and Harry Potter had claimed it. Safe to say, many things were about to come to Harry Potter, and he would be one of the most powerful wizards alive, if not the most powerful. With that wand and some training, Ollivander had little doubt that the Boy-Who-Lived might one day completely outstrip even Albus Dumbledore in the power hierarchy, both magical and political, just because of what the wand had proven.

Harry eventually came to his senses but the first intelligable thing he could say was simply "wow". Ollivander ushered him over to a pair of chairs.

When they sat down, Ollivander started "Do you feel any different Harry?" Harry noticed he was not being called 'Mr Potter' anymore, but he gave the answer as if he had not.

"Yes, quite frankly, I've never felt better Sir, I feel as if a hundred weights have been lifted off of me" Harry had a wide smile on his, but Ollivander was as stoic as ever.

"That wand Harry… That wand has just proven many things to me…" Ollivander trailed off, not quite sure how to proceed with the life-changing news, but Harry just gestired for him to continue.

"That wand is, in every sense of the word, unique. Every component save one, has never been used in any wand before or since. I made it as an experiment, but I never thought I would meet its owner. The wand is the only wand made of goblin steel from before the last rebellion, it will never break or wear itself down" Ollivander had just scratched the surface of the wands design, but Harry was riveted, he wanted to know what had caused… whatever it was that had just happened.

"The wand is the only wand I have ever made that has more than one core, three in fact. The first is Thestral blood. A Thestral only have two pints of blood in their bodies, but this Thestral was strange, it had cut itself on a journey, but it didn't try to heal itself. No… it just flew straight here. I swear it, the Thestral was just stood at my doorstep! He had magically conjured a vial, and filled it with its blood, and took off again. I still don't know why… anyway, after that encounter, I looked up everything I could about Thestral blood, and it seems that a wand with Thestral blood will only ever choose a shadow mage as its wizard."

To say Harry was gobsmacked would be an understatement, he was a shadow mage. He may not know what it was yet, but he would, and lets face it, he was eleven years old, it sounded cool!

"The second core is Basilisk venom, which will only ever bond itself to a parselmouth. That is, a person who can talk to snakes. There have only been 12- well, 13 now- parselmouths since Salazar Slytherin himself, and only three, now four had a Basilisk venom wand. You see, the venom unlocks the ability to use what's known as parselmagic, quite possibly the most versatile, and powerful, magic in existence, due to its ease to use. Simply say what you wish to do with your magic in parseltongue and it will happen."

Harry was even more tongue tied now, just how powerful am I?

"The final core is possibly the most interesting, you see, Godric Gryffindor had a phoenix familiar, and on each of its burning days- the days a phoenix dies and is reborn from its ashes Harry- Godric would hide a small amount of ashed in containers. I came across one of said containers during my time at Hogwarts, in a room known as the room of requirement, as I desperately wanted anything to help with a wand creation. In fact, that was where I got most of my wandmaking ingredients back then. Back on track- This core has chosen you because you are the heir to the most ancient and noble house of Gryffindor, but go to Gringotts to find out more about that. The other reason is that you must be what is known as a fire elemental. You can control all fires you can see, if you choose, and even create your own through sheer force of will"

Harry remembered one time when he was being hit by his Uncle and the fire seemed to go out of control, but was it really he who had caused that? To Harry's delight though, Ollivander was yet to finish.

"Finally, you see those emeralds? Yes, they mark you as the heir of yet another founder. Salazar Slytherin. And they hold the knowledge of the founders in them, you simply have to look in your mind when you have need of such knowledge, and it will be there. Again, I suggest going to Gringotts learn about inheritance."

No sooner had Ollivander said his last words that he found his shop empty, with a fat bag of galleons on his table and black haired blur could be seen running towards the white marble bulding.