Albus Dumbledore was confused.

When he placed Harry Potter with his relatives, he had placed bonds on his magic so he wouldn't hurt his relatives, and tracking charms to keep an eye on his whereabouts. Of course, that was the legal stuff anyways, the not so legal stuff may have included some emotional inhibitors on the family so they would be unable to accept magic, along with a mild compulsiuon charms to spoil their son while buying nothing for Harry.

What was confusing for Dumbledore, was why every enchantment, save for the blood protections on the home, had been obliterated in a matter of seconds. All of his trinkets for monitering Harry shattered almost in unison, causing Dumbledore to choke on a lemon drop he'd just put in his mouth.

The only explanation was Harry Potter's power must have grown so quickly it overloaded the charms, given that the headmaster had keyed the charms to Harrys magical signature. The only explanation for that is that the bonds had been broken, but even Dumbldore could not figure out how it had happened.

And things only seemed to go from bad to worse, as little over half an hour later, the blood protections, the thing keeping Harry safe, were gone. That could only mean two things. Either he or hiis aunt were dead, or he had left the home. Dumbledore was inclined to believe the later, as if he had died, the blood protections would have gone at the same time as the tracking charms.

This was not what he wanted. He eeded Harry to to stay at the Dursleys, he needed to feel neglect, so the headmaster could 'save' him. It was the first step in insuring his destiny.

Those plans were crumbling, but they could be save.

If he could actually find the boy that is.