The last place Andy McNally wanted to be was Ontario Police College but there she was, standing outside the OPC's doors.

Walking through the doors she gave herself a pep talk. "You can do this!"

A voice behind her asked, "Somebody tell you ya can't?"

Andy turned to see one of the best looking guys she'd ever seen.

Smiling softly, she answered the stranger, "Honestly, this isn't where I wanna be."

"Then what're you doin' here?"

Andy laughed. "Good question, I get an answer I'll let you know."

A few hours later Andy walked into a class and was shocked to see the guy from earlier.

A name caught Sam's attention during roll call. The voice when he called "McNally," made him pause. Sam made a mental note to talk to his 'student' before giving himself a mental kick in the ass, pointing out the sooner he got the class over the sooner they could have that conversation.

It took a week before they actually had it. It didn't take Sam long to figure out that after she realized he recognized her last name that Andy was avoiding him.

She was sitting on top of a picnic table staring off when Sam said, "You never answered my question."

Andy was jolted away from her thoughts by the voice next to her. "Wh-what?"

Sam smiled. "First day, you said you'd let me know why you're here ... you haven't."

Andy laughed softly. "Would you believe me if I said I still didn't know?"

"Any reason I shouldn't believe you?"

Andy smiled. "Since I'm one of the worst liars in the world, no."

"One of the worst, huh?"

"Uh huh."

Sam smiled. "As a cop, that's good and bad."

Andy looked at him.

"Good 'cause people can ... and will trust you. Bad because there are gonna be situations where you need to sell that you are something or someone you're not. If they don't buy it ..."

"I'm in trouble."

Sam nodded. "If things go sideways, and sometimes they do, your ability to sell it will decide whether you walk out of a situation or not."

Andy laughed. "Remind me to call you when I don't know what I'm doing."

"Don't wait til then to call me," Sam said getting off the table.

Andy waited until he walked away before she broke out in a huge grin, it faded when it dawned on her that she didn't have his number. Sam couldn't help the smile as he walked away but it fell when he realized she didn't actually have his number to call. Smooth Swarek, real smooth he chided himself.

Andy was a bundle of nerves when she walked into class the next day.

Sam was excited to see Andy the next day. He smiled when she walked in, she returned it shyly. She happened to be walking in with Gail and Gail thought Sam was smiling at her. Andy shook her head and rolled her eyes when Gail tried to flirt with Sam.

"Not quite up to Peck standards, is he, Gail?" Dov asked after class was over.

They didn't nickname her the Ice Queen for nothing, and Dov's question got him one of her trademark glares.

"Just because you're crushing on Swarek doesn't mean the rest of the world is!" Gail shot back.

Andy smiled at the shots that went back and forth as they walked out to the parking lot. She watched as her friends got in their respective rides.

"Come on Gail, the least you can do is own that you were flirting," Traci said.

"Even if I was, I'm not dumb enough to act on it," was the last thing Gail said before getting in her car and shutting the door.

"Yeah, because you're risking so much," Dov said under his breath.

"You comin'?" Chris asked.

"Not tonight. I'll see you guys tomorrow," she waved them off, not really in the mood to listen to Gail deny she'd been flirting with Sam.

Sam was surprised to find Andy sitting in the parking lot.

"Miss your ride, McNally?"

Andy looked up to see Sam. Smiling she said, "No. Just had enough Peck for one day."

Sam laughed and held out his hand. "C'mon, lemme give you a ride."

Andy took the outstretched hand and let Sam pull her to her feet. When Sam stopped next to a grey F-150 Andy couldn't help but laugh.

"Sorry, just wasn't expecting a truck."

Sam ran his tongue over his teeth before he asked, "What were you expecting, McNally?"

Andy turned the prettiest shade of pink Sam had ever seen while she looked everywhere but at him. Laughing he unlocked and opened the door. "C'mon."

Once inside Andy wondered if this was a good idea.

They rode in silence for a few minutes until Sam pulled into a little hole in the wall diner. Andy looked at him. "I know it doesn't look like much but I promise, it's good."

"Sir, no, I ..."

"Get your ass outta my truck, McNally," Sam said with a laugh. Andy did as she was told.

"Is this gonna get you in trouble?" Andy asked as Sam held the door.

"It would if we were doing anything wrong ... we're not."

Andy smiled as she slid into a booth.

"You still haven't answered my question," Sam said as he slid in across from her.

"Oh, so you don't just teach you're a career counsellor?" Andy teased.


The waitress came by with menus and took their drink orders, when she walked away Sam said, "You gonna keep me waiting?"

"What was the question?"

Sam just raised his eyebrows. Andy sighed in response.

"First day, during roll call, you recognized my last name," she made it a statement but Sam answered as if it had been a question, "I did."

"So you either knew my dad or you know ..."

"I was a rookie."

"So you know ..."

"I wasn't one of his rookies, I came outta a different division ..."

"Great! So he's gonna cast a shadow no matter what division I get placed with," she said quietly.

"So that's what your little pep talk was about."

Andy looked at him.

"You were afraid somebody would recognize you and say something."

Andy couldn't deny it.

A few pots of coffee later Andy looked at her watch. "Oh! My God! I am so sorry!"


"Taking up so much of your time ..."

Sam smiled. "Nowhere else I'd rather be."

Andy couldn't help the blush.

Sam laid enough money on the table to cover their bill before holding out his hand. They both felt the jolt when their hands touched again.

Sam got directions to her apartment and drove her home. She was just about to get out of the truck when Sam asked for her phone.

When Sam handed it back she put it in her pocket without even looking at it and got out. Before she shut the door she thanked him and ran up the steps. Sam didn't leave until she turned and waved after she opened the door.

Once in her apartment Andy checked her phone. The face splitting grin when she saw the new entry in her contact list made Andy grateful she'd waited to check her phone.

She sent Next coffee's on me before she got ready for bed.

Sam grabbed his phone and smiled when he saw the message. He sent back Look forward to it

A few days later Andy walked in on Sam as he slammed his fist against the wall. She laughed softly. "Hope that isn't part of the next class."

Sam turned prepared to yell at whoever it was but instead he smiled. "No. I don't think the shirts would be too impressed."

"White shirts? What do they have to do with what you teach?"

"Not what, how long."

Andy didn't get a chance to ask any more questions because people started coming in. Taking her seat she pulled out her phone. Coffee?

Sam heard his phone and checked it quickly while the cadets were still filing in. He smiled when he saw her message but sent back Maybe another time

That's too bad. I hear it AND conversation can be very therapeutic

Sam laughed. So what? Now YOU'RE the counsellor?

Andy smiled as she sent back No, just somebody willing to listen

When the day was over Sam couldn't wait to get outta there. He walked out to the lot to find a brunette leaning against his truck. Running his tongue over his teeth he tried not to smile as he unlocked the truck. "Waitin' for somebody, McNally?"


"Somethin' I can do for you?"

"You can let me buy you a coffee," Andy grinned.

Sam couldn't help the smile as he opened the door. "Let's go."

Andy smiled as she got in. Sam drove them to the same diner. As soon as the waitress brought their coffees Andy smiled softly as she said, "You have my undivided attention ..."

Sam laughed as he took a sip of his coffee. "Aren't you tired of listening to me for one day?"

"Nope, but if it makes you feel better, you can think of this as a one on one lesson in whatever you think I need to learn."

Sam laughed and shook his head. "As cops our lives depend on knowing how to read people and situations ..."

"So I'll sit here and observe you as you talk."

Sam couldn't help the smile. "Thought you were training to be a cop not a therapist?"

Andy grinned. "Whatever gets you to talk ..."

"I've had my share of mandatory visits to the department shrink, McNally," Sam said softly.

Sam answered Andy's unspoken question with, "They're mandatory after you've been undercover."

"Is that what today was about? You're undercover and need to see the shrink?" she teased.

"Funny. No."

"Well, it looked like something ... you don't have to give me details but I'll listen, if you wanna talk."

Sam couldn't remember ever having a woman in his life like the one across from him. He wasn't used to sitting for hours and talking to someone but with her it was easy.

A couple pots of coffee later they laughed when they looked at their watches.

"This is becoming a habit," Andy said as she pulled out her wallet.

"I can think of worse ones to pick up," was Sam's tongue in cheek response as he held out his hand.

"Thanks," Andy laughed as she took the offered hand.

Once a week for the next couple weeks they got together for coffee.

They were sitting there talking about nothing in particular when Andy addressed him as 'Sir'.

"You ever not gonna call me that?"

"Sir?" Andy was confused.

"That. The name's Swarek, McNally or Sam."

Andy blushed slightly. "Sorry Sir."

Sam raised his eyebrows and she giggled softly.

"McNally, you keep calling me Sir you're gonna be lookin' for a new coffee buddy."

Andy didn't bother trying to hide her smile. "No, I kinda like the one I've got."


Andy shrugged making Sam laugh. "Thanks."

When he dropped her off before she shut the door she smiled and said, "Thanks for the coffee." Sam smiled and nodded. As she was closing the door he heard, "Night Sam."

Sam waited until he knew she was in her apartment to text her 'Bout time. Night McNally.

Andy couldn't help the grin as she got ready for bed.

A couple days later she was sitting in the parking lot waiting for the others to show up when she got a text Can't make Friday, How about Saturday?

Saturday was usually her night out with the others but she would tell them she couldn't make it this week. Meet you there? What time?

Pick you up at your place, Same time

Andy laughed. She just sent OK when she heard, "Hey Andy!" and turned to find Dov and the others coming toward her. Getting to her feet she pocketed her phone. She got pulled into their conversations and didn't get a chance to tell them about Saturday. They went their separate ways meeting up again at Sam's class.

End of class everybody cleared out but Andy hung back.

"You comin' Andy?" her friends called.

"You guys go ahead."

Sam looked up. "Somethin' I can do for you, McNally?"

Andy shifted her weight, she needed Sam's advice. "If you've got a minute, Sir ..."

Sam sat on the corner of his desk and motioned for Andy to go ahead. Leaning against the desk Andy stood there silently.

Sam looked at her. "Something happen?"

She shifted her weight and wouldn't meet Sam's eye. "Andy, talk to me. What happened?"

"Nothing. Just thinking, weighing my options."

"This sounds like it can't wait til Saturday," Sam said getting off the desk.

20 minutes later they walked into the diner.

"Hey guys, didn't expect to see you til Friday."

They smiled at Kim and took their booth as she set 2 coffees on the table. As soon as she walked away Sam looked at Andy. "Go."

Andy sighed as she looked at her cup and was about to start talking when they heard a knock on the window. She looked up to see Dov, Chris and Gail ... and Gail didn't look too impressed.

"Shit!" Andy hissed. The last person she wanted to see her with Sam was Gail Peck. She was pretty sure that what she was going to talk to Sam about might not matter if Gail opened her mouth.

"Andy, ignore them and talk to me," Sam said casting a glance at the window.

"Do you know who she is?!" Andy asked.

"Hard not to know who she is. You afraid she'll take this ..."

"To Mommy and Daddy or the Director? Hell yes! She opens her mouth I won't have to worry about whether I've got what it takes to be a cop or why I'm even here because I'll get bounced on my ass!"

"Screw Peck,"

"She's not my type, thanks," Andy said tongue in cheek making Sam laugh before he finished, "Forget Peck, what do you mean you don't have what it takes? Of course you do! Don't tell me you're still worried about your old man's shadow?"

"I used to be so proud of what my dad did, the way he helped people ..."

"That you wanted to be like him?"

"Yeah, but now ..."

"Don't. Don't let your dad change how you feel."

"Speaking from experience?"

When Sam looked away Andy touched his hand bringing his eyes back to her. "You don't have to tell me."

Sam swallowed before he squeezed her hand. "Thanks."

They sat there for awhile longer talking. When they got ready to go Kim said, "Guess this means we won't see you Friday?"

"We'll be here, well, a day late, but we'll be here, this was last minute."

Kim laughed. "Glad to hear it. Have a great rest of the week guys. See ya Saturday."

They left and Sam drove her home. "Thanks Sam, you didn't have to ..."

Sam flashed a smile. "Was happy to do it."

Andy returned the smile. "I appreciate it. Thank you."

"You're welcome. See ya tomorrow?"

"See ya tomorrow."

Andy wasn't looking forward to seeing Gail the next day. It didn't take Gail long.

"What were you doing with Swarek last night?"

"Having coffee."

"He's your instructor."

"Yeah, and we were talking about school."

"So he takes all his students out for coffee? Why haven't I got an invitation?"

"Probably because he doesn't need the hassle," Dov said softly. Chris covered his laugh with a cough.

"Careful manboy or you won't see graduation," Traci said softly.

"Yeah, he's cute in an unrefined kinda way."

"Not your thing, Gail?" Traci teased.


"Said it before, he's not exactly up to Peck standards," Dov commented.

"Look Andy, you don't know where you're gonna get placed after graduation ..."

"Gail, you're not the only one that knows how this works, my dad was a cop too! Maybe I don't come from a family of white shirts and walk around with a chip on my shoulder acting like the world owes me something when it doesn't but do me a favor? Go lecture somebody else 'cause I'm not interested!" Andy snapped before she grabbed her bag and walked away.

Andy was not interested in being around any of her friends the rest of the day. Sam saw her sitting on the picnic table by herself. He sat next to her. "McNally?"


"If we weren't on campus, McNally ..." Sam said quietly making her laugh.

"You ok?"

"I told Gail off."

Sam laughed. "Bet that doesn't happen every day."

"Not seriously like I did."

"We still on for Saturday or ..."

"Absolutely. Unless you ..."

"Wouldn't've asked you to change nights, McNally ..."

Andy couldn't help the face splitting grin. Seeing Andy's smile made Sam's dimples pop in a smile of his own. Getting off the table Sam said, "See ya later," before he walked away.

Andy was still smiling when she walked into class later that day.

Gail glared daggers at him the entire class but if she thought she was gonna scare him, she was shit outta luck.

Friday came and for the first time in weeks Andy wasn't looking forward to end of day.

Sam climbed into his truck and for the first time in weeks he wasn't looking forward to his night.

He pulled into the restaurant and locking the truck went inside. He was escorted to a table. He begrudgingly shook hands with the man at the table.

"It's good to see you, Sam."

"Can't say the same."

"How's class going?"

"Let's just get this over with so I can get back to my life, shall we? Why'm I here?"

"And what life is that? Undercover? Uniform? Or your personal life?"

Sam didn't let the man in front of him bait him. "Since when is the TPS interested in my personal life?"

"Sam ..."

"Unless you have an assignment for me, we're done," Sam said getting to his feet.

"It's up to you when and the type of assignment you get."

Sam scoffed. "Yeah, because teaching at Police College is every cops dream," he said sarcastically. He didn't wait for a response.

At his apartment Sam couldn't help but think of the earlier conversation with his superior officer. As he thought of this "assignment" the image of a brunette came to mind. He couldn't resent his time as a faculty member of the Ontario Police College because it introduced him to a woman he may not have met otherwise. The ringing of his phone drew his attention. He saw the name and cursed. "What d'you want, Boyd?"

"Sammy, man, is that any way to greet the man who's got your get out of jail free card?"

Sam sat up. "What the hell are you talkin' about?"

"Got a job if you're interested and before you ask it's already been cleared by the brass. If you're in, you'd be lifted when I get the green light."

"How long do I get to think about it?"

"Since when do you think about it?"

"I always think about jobs that could get me killed jackass! You gonna tell me what I'd be getting into if I went?"

A little over an hour later Sam finally hung up. Checking the time he sent a quick text Still on for tomorrow?

Andy smiled when she saw the message from Sam. Absolutely. You ok?

Yeah. Just need coffee ;-) See ya tomorrow. Sleep well McNally.

Night Sam

Sam had a restless night and was glad the next day was Saturday so he could shut the alarm off and go back to sleep.

Andy did her usual Saturday stuff. She hadn't really spoke to the gang since Gail's lecture and she hadn't told them she wouldn't be there. She couldn't find it in her to care.

She didn't usually dress up, they usually went straight from campus, but tonight she put a little extra effort into her appearance.

Sam wasn't one for dressing up unless the occasion warranted it like court or a wedding or ... funerals and in the case of funerals, most of those required his dress uniform from the TPS. But tonight, it wasn't a "date" but Sam thought she deserved more than a T-shirt for allowing him to change their routine.