So wow, I uploaded this fast- I have kind of stole my dad's laptop since he has gone to work and left it at home for once. I just want to thank everyone who has read this story and favourite and left reviews and followed it because it means so much to me! I love you all.

After two of the nurses checked my pulse, my temperature and my blood pressure I was finally allowed back into my cabin. Of course I wasn't allowed to walk alone, so Jace volunteered to walk me home- how thought full. I thanked the nurses and left as quick as I could. I can't wait to just get on with my daily life.
"So how are you feeling?" Jace asks me as we leave the hospital and walk down the path towards the cabins.
I have to stop and think how am I feeling?
"I'm good I guess, considering I have fallen off a wall, left here by my family, my best friend and roommate hate each other and I still have no idea what I am doing here." I told him, I didn't want to tell Jace all of this but as soon as I opened my mouth it just all came rushing out. I now regret telling Jace this because his face goes stone cold.
"You are here because your parents want you to be safe, or something was happening- it's only for the summer though." He tells me.
So my home life wasn't the best but I mean I don't know why Jocelyn would kick me out for the summer. Maybe Luke was violent? This made me angry all of a sudden. I wanted to scream and hit something. I clenched my fists.
"Jace?" I asked my voice strained.
"What's up Clary?" He must have heard the tension in my voice.
"Can I punch you?" It was worth a shot and the tension was building and building inside me.
"QUICK" I screamed, I couldn't control it I was shaking now.
"Clary, I have something better for you okay." Jace said as he grabs my wrist since my fists were clenched so tight, I could feel my nails cut into my palms.
"Can you run?" I he looked at me. I haven't ran in a long time but I could give it a shot.
"Yes, just get me there as fast as you can." I pleaded.

"Here it is." Jace opened a door and he didn't even seem out of breath. He must run a lot. As Jace opened the door he found the light switch quick- he must come here often. I look around and there is a huge boxing ring at the left had side and about 10 punching bags next to it. Then I noticed all the gym equipment around.
"What is this place?" I ask.
"Questions later- first you need to get all your anger out." He walked up to punch bag and gave it a huge punch.
I felt really self-conscious with Jace watching me, but then I thought about Luke even trying to hurt my mother. I know I am annoyed at her but she is still my mother.
I let out a scream and started punching the bag. I imagined it was Luke. I punched till my knuckles bled. Till my knuckles where sore and bruised. I didn't stop, until Jace dragged me away. Then I started crying. I was too tired to stop the tears, so they just started coming down. Jace came over to me.
"Clary, what's up?" Jace asks.
"I have no idea, I want my Mom, and I want my normal life back. I don't want to be here" I tell him. I have no idea why I am telling him this, I just wish I was never mean to Jocelyn or I told her I love her, because then maybe I wouldn't be stuck here.
"You can either cry about this or live with it, and adjust. We are humans we are able to adapt to the situation around us. I know you are scared but I swear you can get over it. I will be here for you." Jace tells me.
I don't know why but this makes me cry more. Not because he is hot, but because he cares for me- or so he says.
"Thank you Jace." I tell him, and honestly I mean it. I am thankful that someone cares for me. He comes over to me and gives me a hug.
I really hope he never lets go, he is the string that is keeping me up. I really want to just stay like that forever. I need the embrace, I need the support. I need comfort. I need someone. Then as quick as the hug started he let go.
"Let's get you back to your cabin, you must be tired" Jace doesn't grab my hand or my wrist. He walks in front of me; great I must have done something to annoy him. Good one Clary. Once again I am alone.

"No, it wasn't like that" I hear someone shout.
Jace and I walk up to my cabin and outside I see Izzy shouting to Camille- The women who gave us rule book.
"Did you read the rule book?" Camille asked her voice a scary calm.
"Yes." Izzy sounded frustrated.
"And do you agree that one of the rules was not go into a boys room?" Camille's voice still calm. So Izzy has been in a boy's room. How Scandalous.
"I should leave." Jace whispered into my ear. Great so now he is going to leave me.
"Fine, Bye." I now put my guard back up. He will not break through it again.
"Sorry if I have been upset and the only person who will offer to make me feel better is a boy- and no not in that way." Izzy seemed deflated now. She had admitted that she was sad. I wonder why she didn't come to me. I go to ask Jace but he has gone. So I decided to walk over towards Izzy and Camille. I still have no idea which boy Izzy had been with. I hope to God that it wasn't Jorden because I really wanted Maia and Izzy to be friends, yes I know that is selfish of me but I can't handle arguments at the moment.
"What has happened?" I ask as I come out from behind the bushes.
"Where have you been Clary?" Izzy runs over and hugs me.
"I have been at the hospital beca…" I was cut off by Camille.
"It is nearly curfew please get inside before you get detention like your room mate Izzy, will be." Camille interrupted. I felt annoyed by this and I wanted to stay, since I didn't want Izzy to have detention on her own.
"No Clary, please go inside I don't mind getting detention." She told me.
I gave a short nod and went inside. I knew I should have stayed and defended her but in reality I was too tired to do anything. I would have to make it up to her.

When I opened the cabin I saw Maia on the edge of her bed. She looked please to see me, since she ran over and gave me a big hug.
"Clary, girl, are you okay?" She asked as she squeezes me to death.
"Can't- Breathe." I tell her, she realises what she is doing and drops her arms to her sides awkwardly.
"So… Who was Izzy seeing?" I ask, hoping it wouldn't make Maia, upset.
"I don't know but I certainly know it wasn't Jorden because I was with him." She gives a sad smile when she says that.
"Maybe Jace?" she suggests after a moment of thinking.
Before I could respond the door opened.
"Guess I have to help out cleaning the dishes for 2 days- I came off lucky" she said the last bit imitating Camille's voice which set me and Maia in a fit of giggles.
"So who were you out seeing?" I asked. Because I knew it wasn't Jace.
"Well, erm… Simon" Izzy told us.
Maia and I looked at each other mouths open. I couldn't believe Izzy, one of the most gorgeous girls, Izzy the cheerleader. Would go for Simon, the geekiest boy I have ever met.
"What… Spill the beans?" Maia said as she plopped onto her bed. I started getting changed into my pjs too tired to care if they saw me getting changed. I went into the bathroom to clean my teeth.
"Well it all happened when Simon asked me... Clary are you even listening?" She calls to me.
"Yeah, one sec" I shout back, putting my tooth brush down and walking back into the room.
"Wait so are you and Maia friend again?" I ask as I climb into my bed.
"Yeah!" They said in unison.
"Keep up with the times babe." Izzy laughed.
"Can you tell me the story tomorrow?" I asked Izzy, closing my eyes.
Before I even got to hear her reply I fell asleep.

Wow, So next chapter you will FINALLY Get your Sizzy! Everyone has been asking for Sizzy and it is coming, The Sizzy train is about to leave the station.
I have a question for you guys though: Are my chapters too long? Bearing in mind this chapter around 1,600 words long. If you want me to make it shorter or longer or whatever please tell me in the reviews. Thank you.