Hey guys, so I though it time that I address something. A while ago, I posted on my bio that I wouldn't be continuing any of my stories on here. I have fully moved over to ao3. All of my stories are there, and I should be posting another chapter of one of my stories soon. For those of you who don't know what ao3 is, it's another fanfiction database, arguably way better than this one. If you haven't noticed, this website has been dying for a few years now, soI suggest you also move over there. Since the website is a beta, it doesn't exactly operate like this one. You have to be invited to get an account there. To do so, you click on Log In, and at the bottom of the pop up, there's a link that says Get an Invitation. After clicking there, you can enter your email to wait for an invitation. They are pretty good about admitting people quickly, but expect to wait at least a day. On that screen you can also check to see how close you are to being accepted. If you aren't totally sure, it's fine. You can still view all stories on there, and leave likes (called kudos) and comments. Following an author or story is only something you can do with an account, but like I said, they are pretty good about admitting people. I highly suggest figuring out how to navigate before applying for an account, though. Anyway, you can find me and my stuff there, under the username americant. All of my stories are under the same names as they are here. Sorry to notify you so late. Hope to see you there!

Edit: Just to recap, since I'm still getting emails of people following and favoriting my stories, I will not be updating these stories here. No new chapters will be posted here. They will go up on Archive of Our Own.