Chapter 1: Gold on The Ceiling

Gold on The Ceiling - The Black Keys

"Down in the waves
She screams again
Roar at the door
My mind can't take much more
I could never drown in
They wanna get my…
They wanna get my
Gold on the ceiling"

Fitzgerald Thomas Grant III pulled himself a cold beer from the fridge, twisted open the cap and indulged in a well needed sip. He joined his best friends on the large leather couch in the living room of the house which would host what would be his greatest summer ever.

"This is going to be great." Harrison smiled. Due to the fact his parents decided to vacation in the south of France for the entire summer, they left him keys to the vacation house in Sarasota. So Harrison invited his two best friends from college, Stephen Finch and Fitzgerald Grant, down to enjoy the house with him. Harrison Wright couldn't have pictured a better way to spend his 25th summer than with his two best friends in a massive 6 bedroom, 6 bathroom vacation house with a large pool, a water slide and 2 hot tubs.

"Definitely the way to start the summer." Fitz concurred. The three of them had begun to map out their entire summer, with multiple trips down to Miami. All of them could agree, this had lots and lots of potential; with an empty mansion, a black card for unlimited booze and food and with a trunk full of condoms.

"I seriously can't believe you talked your rents' into giving us this place for the entire summer." Stephen shook his head in disbelief. They'd talked since first year of undergrad at NYU, renting Harrison's beach house, and now they'd finally accomplished it. That alone was a cause for celebration, plus the fact that each of them had managed to finish 3 years of graduate school— Stephen and Harrison at law school, while Fitz pursued a PhD in English.

"Me either.", Harrison admitted. "It was a tough sell, but I think the fact that Liv agreed to go with them to France made it a bit smoother."

"Well thank god for Liv." Stephen chuckled at the expense of Harrison's younger sister, whom of which he and Fitz had failed to meet as they'd all become college buddies.

"Yes thank god." Fitz smirked. "Now what exactly are we doing tonight?"

"I was thinking since we have a solid month and a half before the girls get here, we should go to as many strip clubs as possible." Stephen suggested to the liking of the group.

"So it's settled then, but I'm jet lagged so the clubs will have to wait for a day or two." Harrison said.

"I couldn't agree more." Fitz took another swig of his beer and the three of them began to chat about ways to make this summer the best one yet. Harrison offered them a tour, showing them the many rooms and bathrooms the house had to offer before heading outside to show the pool and hot tubs. They imagined the amazing parties to be thrown and none could decide who were more excited.

They headed back inside at the perfect time as a yellow cab pulled into the driveway leaving them all confused. "Who the fuck's that?" Stephen frowned.

It was only when Harrison registered the face in the passenger seat that it clocked what exactly was going on. There was a knock at the door a few moments later and he flew over there like a mad man; puffing and huffing, flailing his arms around in anguish. "NO!" He yelled at the top of his lungs as the door flung open. "NO! NO! NO! NO!"

With her duffle bag and suitcase in hand, she rolled her eyes at Harrison as he stood in the doorway "move."

"What the hell are you doing here?!" Harrison's voice sounding as if he were to break into a fit of tears at any moment.

"Take a wild guess.", she hissed, pushing past him and into the house, dragging her large suitcase behind her.

Stephen and Fitz raised their eyebrows in equal confusion as an unknown female stepped into the house, extremely attractive; but nonetheless unknown. "Who are you?", Stephen asked bluntly.

The girl scoffed at him, rolling her eyes yet again before storming upstairs and ushering no response.

"Harrison?" Fitz chuckled humourlessly. "Who's that?"

Harrison slammed the door shut, he hadn't even been given a few hours of happiness before everything around them had come crashing down. Everything he'd hoped this summer would be was now completely and totally ruined at the sight of her.

"Harrison..." Stephen furrowed his eyebrows and folded his arms. "Who is that?"

"My sister," Harrison growled with venom.


Olivia Pope laid on her bed, headphones on as she bobbed her head to the beat of Drake whilst her brother stormed into the room like a man deranged. "CAN YOU KNOCK?!", she growled at him. "YOU DON'T JUST STORM IN MY ROOM!"

"What the FUCK are you doing here Olivia?!" Harrison was so angry the veins in his neck were popping out on both sides. "You're supposed to be in France..."

"Well I fucked up and Mom and Dad forbid me from France." Olivia shrugged, "so now I'm stuck here with you and your loser friends."

Harrison inhaled deeply, trying his best to remain calm. "This has to be a joke. Olivia you had ONE JOB! ONE DAMN JOB! GET YOUR ASS ON THE PLANE TO FRANCE WITHOUT STARTING ANY PROBLEMS! I LEFT THIS MORNING AND EVERYTHING WAS FINE AND NOW..."

Olivia rolled her eyes, unappreciative of the tone her brother was using with her. "Lower your voice or get the hell out of my face.", she hissed.

"I'm calling Mom." Harrison whipped out his iPhone 5 and dialled his mother immediately. Olivia scoffed, Harrison always had a tendency to behave like such drama queen when he didn't get his way."Mom! What's going on?!", he whined like the spoiled brat he was— pouting his lips and folding his arms.

"Your sister hasn't earned the privilege of France this summer. So she will be spending the summer with you and your friends." Elizabeth Pope said firmly, she'd finally had enough of Olivia and her bullshit.

Within the last few years, Olivia's behaviour had progressively gotten out of control; Elizabeth and Denzel were constantly being called down to her prep school. Whether it was for smoking on school premises, destruction of school property, or back chatting a teacher, Olivia had earned herself a seat in the principals office. Only due to the fact that Denzel donated thousands of dollars to the school, was Olivia allowed to keep her place at the academy, and due to his friends in high places, Denzel was able to get Olivia into Columbia University starting in September. Olivia had always been a bright student, but it seemed she'd become stuck in a rebellious teenage phase and wasn't ready to change any time soon. Denzel and Elizabeth had pinpointed it down to two new friends in her life, Huck and Quinn, but Olivia remained tight-lipped and insisted she knew nothing of the sort.

"You do realize that her being here has totally just screwed up my entire summer...", he tried not to growl but the anger in his voice was not hidden; Harrison Wright was furious.

"I apologize, but I need you to keep an eye on her. I'm sure your friends will understand." Elizabeth said sipping a class of champagne as she and her husband Denzel Wright waited in their private jet for their plane to take off. "She will stay with you as I've taken the house keys. We'll be calling each and every night to check in with her."


"Is there going to be a problem Harrison? Do I need to hand the phone to your father?" Elizabeth asked.

"No." Harrison sighed with defeat.

"Perfect, we'll talk when we land. Love you!" Elizabeth smiled and ended the call.

Harrison was pissed and he tossed his phone onto the bed. His entire summer completely and totally ruined in the flash of an eye all down to the spawn of the devil sitting in front of him. "You've completely just fucked me over.", he growled. If my parents can control her how the hell can I?

"Do you think I want to be here? I'd rather be dead then hang out here for this sausage fest." Olivia snapped at him; having both her father's temper and sharp tongue. Denzel identified with Olivia well, as she was currently behaving as he did throughout his teenage years.

"You will stay in your room for the entire summer, and if you try to screw anything up—"

"I'll do whatever the hell I want." She challenged. "You don't tell me what to do Harrison. I'm 18 now, meaning I'm an adult, meaning you poke me I'll poke you right back."

"Olivia I'm about the last person you want to piss off. I'll make this summer absolute hell for you."

"Correction, I'm the last person you want to piss off." Olivia spat, hopping off her bed to growl directly in his face. "One word of what you're really using this house to do, and Mom and Dad are on the first flight back. I could care less how many parties you throw, how many strip clubs you visit, or how many whores you invite over, but there is no way you're going to boss me around. I'll do what I want, when I want, whenever I want."

Harrison clenched his fists, his sister knowing exactly how to push his buttons and trigger his short fuse. "I swear to god—"

"The only way this is going to work Harrison, is if we work together. Meaning, you stay out of my way and I'll stay out of yours. I can drive so I won't be needed you for rides, just your car, money and a few other incidentals...", her voice trailed off with a sly smile.

Harrison sighed, at this moment in time he was literally making a deal with the devil. "Out of my way and I'll stay out of yours."

"And when the rents call, you scratch my back, I'll scratch yours." Olivia spat on her hand and held it out, "deal?"

"Deal.", he spat on his hand on consummated the spit shake. "Pleasure doing with you."

"Like always," she grinned "now get the hell out of my room. And if you ever dare to barge in here again like that, I'll rock your world, and not in a good way."

Harrison growled, grabbed his phone, turned around swiftly and slammed her door so hard behind him momentarily Olivia thought he might have broken it. She smirked to herself, Harrison was always such a pleasure to torment.


Harrison sat Fitz and Stephen down outside to share the bad news, "so my sister's staying with us."

"What?!", they said in perfect unison.

"It's okay.", he assured them. "We talked, she's doing her own thing and promised to stay out of our business or to interfere with our plans. She can drive and everything, so we really don't have to bother with her, trust me."

"Does she care about girls coming over?" Stephen asked frantically, his sole and main concern.

Harrison shook his head firmly, "trust me, she'll stay out of our way as long as we leave her alone. Speaking of which, neither of you should speak or associate with her."

Fitz let out a light chuckle at Harrison's serious tone. "Why? Isn't she like 18? You're acting like she's the devil."

"I'm not acting." Harrison warned. "She's manipulative and crazy and it's in both of your best interests to say no more than a good morning, goodnight to her, if that." He knew he wouldn't have to explain to his friends that Olivia was completely and totally off limits in every way, that went without saying; after all she was his baby sister.

Stephen nodded, "if you say she's crazy, I believe you." Stephen had unfortunately endured his fair share of crazy females throughout college, and wasn't looking to extend the list.

"Good morning and goodnight." Fitz nodded obediently. "Got it."

"Good." Harrison smiled, "just stay out of her way and there's no reason this summer won't go as planned." They all agreed, clinked their beers in a cheers and took a swig of their second Corona of the day.


"So Fitz, how's Mellie?" Stephen snickered causing Harrison to howl with laughter.

"Fine, I assume." Fitz rolled his eyes and shrugged his shoulders. Stephen and Harrison constantly berated him for his drunken decision to hook up with his ex-girlfriend Millicent Doyle. Ever since that fateful night, Mellie had concluded that she and Fitz were practically back together, but in his mind, it was a stupid drunken mistake and nothing more. However that didn't stop the constant phone calls, snapchats and text messages on her end.

"Where is she now?" Harrison asked. "England right?"

"Visiting family I think, but I really don't care what she does.", he replied coldly. "I regret even saying hello to that girl."

"Did you invite her to come down here with Claire and Georgia in June?"

"I didn't invite her, she invited herself." Fitz growled angrily. To say Mellie had selective hearing which only served to suit what she wished to hear, was accurate.

"I feel bad for her." Stephen laughed, stretching out his arms. "She's so deluded."

"Don't feel bad for her." Fitz shook his head. "I've told her a million and one times that whatever she thinks is going on, needs to stop."

The sound of the screen door opening caught each of their attentions as Olivia stood in the threshold. "Where's the credit card?", she hissed at Harrison, interrupting the on-going conversation without a care in the world.

"On the kitchen counter, why?"

"I'm going grocery shopping because I don't want to starve.", she held out the grocery list which the three of them had written down. Harrison nodded and turned his attention back to his friends to her displeasure. "Aren't you going to introduce me to your friends?", she retorted.

Harrison let out a deep sigh, turning back to her once again, "Olivia this is Stephen, Stephen this is Olivia. Olivia this is Fitz, Fitz this is Olivia.", he gestured toward them.

"Hey." Stephen and Fitz nodded at her.

Olivia stared at them for a few moments trying to figure them both out, her eyes running over both of them. Then just as suddenly as she appeared Olivia left without a response, closing the door behind her.

"I don't think she likes either of you." Harrison laughed at the confused looks on his friends faces. "I told you she's crazy, so stay away."

"Fine by me." Stephen put up his hands playfully.

"Me too." Fitz said, "Good morning and goodnight."

The next morning, Fitz sat at the island in the kitchen, ready to tuck into the delicious breakfast he'd cooked for himself; a cheese omelette with a side of bacon and brown toast. He woke up early, much earlier than everyone else in the house, in order to get a decent start on the day. Last night he'd slept well however his room was quite hot, so he removed his shirt and slept shirtless. He'd woke up at 6:45 and decided to cook himself a healthy breakfast before a morning workout. He hadn't expected anyone to be up for at least a few hours, so he was shocked when he heard one of the bedroom doors open.

In a black T-shirt which read F*** you and hot pink cotton shorts which left little to be revealed, Olivia Pope came trotting down the stairs. Fitz swallowed and took a sip of orange juice, her hair was in a messy bun on top of her head and the thick line of black eyeliner on her eyes was slightly smudged. As she entered the kitchen and he was allowed a better look at her, Fitz had to admit, this girl was beautiful; high cheekbones, pouty lips and big eyes— 3 features he'd always found himself attracted to.

"Good morning." He said to her.

"Morning.", she replied with a yawn. Olivia turned to the cabinet to retrieve herself a bowl, a spoon from the drawer and cereal on top of the fridge. With her back to him, Fitz had a view of her perfectly shaped and round ass, he allowed himself to stare for the entirety of 2 seconds before dropping his eyes to his plate. Her skin looked smooth and soft and her legs were long and toned. Fitz knew himself well enough to know if he didn't stop staring soon, he'd get caught.

He shook his head and pretended to examine his food, Why on earth am I checking out Harrison's little sister? Am I that deprived?, he tried to rationalize with the fact that it pained him to take his eyes off of her. Fitz watched as she fixed herself a bowl of cereal, "Lucky charms huh?", he said making friendly conversation with a smile.

Olivia waited until she'd finished pouring the milk into her bowl before responding. "You're over the limit."

Fitz raised his eyebrow, "limit? What limit?"

"One good morning and one goodnight.", she said mocking her brother's tone. "You're over the limit." Olivia stood against the fridge in order to get a good look at him.

"I guess I am.", he chuckled.

"Fitz right?", she asked despite the fact that she very well remembered his name when Harrison introduced them yesterday, the other friend's name escaped her however.


"Are we going to have a problem Fitz?", she asked in a snarky tone. Olivia allowed her eyes to glaze over him, he was handsome, scarily handsome; nice and thick head of brown curls, striking blue eyes, big arms, broad shoulders, a toned chest and a deep rich voice which had Olivia on edge. It'd been a while since she'd seen a man this attractive, in fact Olivia couldn't pinpoint anyone more attractive right now. Her eyes were stuck to his adonis-like body.

Fitz muttered underneath his breath, perhaps Harrison's warning was accurate, maybe this girl was crazy. However Fitz had tried to give her the benefit of the doubt, "nope, no problem.", he replied dryly.

She visibly scanned him up and down once more with a smirk, "good.", Olivia smiled sarcastically at him, taking her bowl of lucky charms up the stairs before slamming the door shut behind her.

So Liv is firecracker! I've always wanted to toy with a rebellious Olivia. You'll learn more about her in upcoming chapters. For those of you who are wondering, Olivia and Harrison are full siblings just with different last names. I didn't want to make Harrison a Pope nor Olivia a Wright. So just bare with me on that haha. This story may seem light but there will definitely be angst, but Olitz is end game as always.

For those who are wondering about the WIV sequel, I'm working on it! :) patience haha x

Until next time! x