Zero's pov

I'm finally off the airplane, I swear I threw up more than four times thank god everyone thought I was had motion sickness. It looks like I am almost at my house and the cab driver is slowing down. As I step out of the cab I closed my eyes and breathe in, it is just as I remembered the rich earthy smell of one of my family's summer home. Opening my eyes I set my eyes on my home where I had all of my most memorable memories with my family during the blazing hot summers of my innocent childhood… that was too short lived.

3rd person pov

The house was a big manor with seven rooms and ten bathrooms. It had an overgrowth of vegetation surrounding it but that only added to its beauty. The cream colored walls contrasted with the plants and made a picturesque setting. The inside had a color scheme of different shades of violet, silver, white, and grey. With just a thin layer of dust on every surface that is dulling the affect of the colors.

Zero being the clean freak that he is started to clean. He cleaned, and cleaned until the bottom floor was sparkling and only noticed that it was night time because his stomach started making noises.

Back to Zero

"Good thing I bought groceries before coming here", zero said to no one with his voice echoing back at him. Feeling lonely he then directed his attention to his tummy where his child is, "welcome home" he whispered, feeling better that he will not be lonely for very long.

Hi, to all of my readers!~ Here is a little preview of the next chapter!

I apologize that I have gone for so long; I am back for Christmas break! =)