This was another idea that has been bugging me…

I really should be finishing my other stories instead of starting another one…oh well..

Disclaimer: I don't own anything except my imagination!


Alfred and Matthew were arguing in Arthur's very old library. It was filled to the brim with old books new books. Romances, horrors and religious books.

Basically it had about every kind of book you could think of. As long as it has been written.

Matthew dragged Alfred there to help him find a few books for Francis, who would be coming later with Arthur. They had been there, maybe five minutes before Alfred gave up and started playing on his phone.

"Alfred get off your phone and help me!"

"But Mattie we have no idea where this book is!"

"If you helped me look we could find it sooner!"


"If you don't hurry," Mattie pulled out a hockey stick, "I will make you."

Alfred ran to the nearest book of shelves he could find and kept going until he was tired. When he was sure he was safe he looked around. He had no idea where he was. The farthest he had ever gone into Arthur's ancient library was maybe three rows in. He had no idea how many there actually were but there was at least a 100, ten shelf high rows of books.

Looking around Alfred couldn't see anything but books. Behind him it was pitch black and in front of him there was a glowing light, like a firefly. Walking towards it Alfred felt his eyes go wide as he walked towards it and saw a book sitting on a pedestal under a glass case. Alfred removed the glass carefully and reached out to touch the book.

When his hand was over the book it flew open and chains leapt out, a manacle forming round his wrist. Alfred gasped and tried to pull his hand away but the more he pulled the tighter the manacle became.


The chain started pulling and before Alfred knew it he was being sucked into the book.


Alfred looked over to see Mattie standing at the end of the aisle, eye wide with horror.

"MATTIE RUN! GET IGGY AND TELL HIM-" Alfred stopped. The chain burned for a second and then his vision went black.


Kiku was sensing the sexual tension between Arthur and Francis when Gilbert and Feliciano cut in. Ludwig tried to calm everyone down, Roman started cussing the German out while Antonio tried to cuddle him. Behind the group was Russia and China, watching everyone creepily.

Kiku sighed. He hadn't wanted to come but Feliciano begged and then dragged him here. He didn't know how the others got dragged along and quite frankly he didn't want to know. He took a deep breath.

"Kiku! Let me guess you let weak Italy bully you into coming didn't you, aru?"

"That's none of your business Yao!" Kiku snapped.

"Someone's in a bad mood, da?"

Kiku shivered. "S-sorry for my rudeness but I was just finishing one of my most popular manga's when I was dragged here so I'm not that happy to be here."

Just as they were reaching the double doors inside Arthur's mansion that led to the library the doors flew open.

"Matthieu! Are you feeling unwell?"

Matthew looked at them with a pale face. His whole body was shaking.

"B-Book-Alfred-sucking in- gone-"

"Take a deep breath lad. You aren't making sense."

"A-A book just swallowed Alfred!"


This was short but it's just the prologue.

Anywho tell me what you think! ;)

Thanks for reading!