It's been such a long time, I wonder if anyone stuck around to see how this would end. And damn, didn't I get some nice reviews, even with my massive block? Because I did have a massive block. If you follow my activities, you must have seen that I posted all kinds of fics for different shows, but nothing her. I totally lost my hand here, I know. It took me too long to finish. And it's been what? An year and a half since I started writing it? E. Just TERRIBLE.

I know, I know. And I can only bame me. I couldn't write. I just couldn't. Perhaps I didn't want this to end. But it did. And I knew for a loooong time that this would be the last chapter, that there was only this one missing, but I kept postponing it.

Somehow, today, I was able to write it. And it's got a different vibe than what I first imagined, it opens up for new plots, but I'm gonna be honest, I don't thing I will continue it, write a sequel. Even if you ask - nicely or not - it's very unlikely that it'll happen.

I AM, though, writing a filling-the-gaps fic about season 5A called "The silence of wolves", if you'd like to check out, and I'll post a new fic, probably when 5A ends that will be called "Running from wolves" and it's a bit of an AU/role reversal thing inspired by the third prompt I wrote for the Stalia Week last year and you can find in "Wrapped with a ribbon on it".

Other than that, all I can do is thank you all for staying and not forgeting and reviewing. All the love and support you sent me, I'll keep it in my heart and will be forever grateful. You have no idea how important it is for me as an author to have this support and the nice words. You guys are awesome! Thank you for the bottom of my heart.

And enough, or this note gets longer than the chapter!

20. It's over too soon

The run ended where it started, inside a circle of mountain ash and a spiral of wolfsbane, a dead werewolf cut in half unable to change back buried near his old home and his relative – his daughter - standing just outside the circle, her round belly shadowing her feet, looking down the body with a frown, as if something doesn't make sense anymore.

"It's not right." Malia said under her breath and two pairs of feet approached. Her cousins, Cora and Derek stood one by each of her sides, all three looking down. Across from them, there was a hunter.

"Something happened and he escaped, but he had enemies everywhere." Chris Argent told them, the worry making his voice even deeper.

"He shouldn't be able to turn into full wolf form, mom always said he couldn't." Derek tried. The three werecreatures in that room seemed to have a hard time catching that wolf's scent and it was just enough to be similar to the men they hated so much, for many the only family they thought they had in different times.

They all were thinking the same thing.

It can't be him.

"When he came across us, he already used the Anubis form." Chris explained. "It was a matter of time until he could completely turn."

"This is against all rules of the supernatural." A voice behind them said and they all turned around, just to face Deaton and Scott. The veterinarian came closer, his human status allowing him to cross the mountain ash with no harm. "Have you uncovered yet?"

The cousins shook their heads, but the hunter had a different answer.

"It's him." Chris assured and the baby inside Malia moved uncomfortable. None of them believed it. It had been too easy, it couldn't be that easy. There was no way that they had spent months on the run just to have her father killed in their own hometown. Just no single way.

"I gotta uncover anyway." Deaton said and Chris nodded. "I have questions, lots of them. I bet we all do."

Without waiting for any orders, he found the point of the wolfsbane and while he was at it, Malia looked at Scott, who gave her a positive nod. She wanted to say something, but there was a familiar scent coming towards them and she'd have time for the others soon.

Turning her back to the wolf, Malia waited to see Stiles approach. He was followed by Lydia, Kira and Isaac and he didn't stop, even when he saw her. So long had passed that there was a numbness between them that was only overclouded by the profound homesickness they felt, that need to be with the other once again.

So she walked towards him, her light, her mate, the only person she truly missed, the only guy she loved and he ran towards her, because it was her and she was there and he waited for so long, just so long, it was desperate and maddening and overwhelming and the world stopped when they were only one foot apart, as if they couldn't believe they were there, finally. Finally.

Malia reached out and touched Stiles' cheek, her fingers caressing the lines of his moles and his eyes went down, for that baby bump that was everything he feared and everything waited for, and he reached for it, placing his hand on top of her round belly ever so lightly.

The baby kicked. And behind them, people gasped. When Stiles tried to sneak a peek at what surprised them, Malia finally spoke. She didn't need to look to know.

"It's not him." She said and he looked in her eyes, she realized, for the first time. He let go of a shaky breath and she offered him the smallest of the smiles. "It's not him, but I'm here. I'm not going anywhere anymore."

a/n: Thank you again, guys! Can you leave me one last review? ILY! DFTBA.
