Who is That?

It had been years since Beth had seen anyone she loved, any of her family. The night she'd been taken from Daryl had been the worst. She'd found out a month later that she was pregnant. She'd somehow survived the winter, and had the baby. She had a beautiful little girl and Beth had gotten tough quick. As soon as she could, she broke away from the group she'd been staying with. She had to find her family, find him. She looked behind her as Billie followed her closely, looking all around, a small knife in her hands. Usually Beth would never give a five year old a knife, but she'd taught Billie well, and she wanted her to be protected.

She sighed as they walked through the woods. Beth could smell a camp fire. She didn't know who it could be, for all she knew it could be people who would just kill them for what they had. As they neared the tree line she stopped and bent down, pulling Billie close. "Billie, sweetheart, stay here until mommy calls you, okay?" she asked. Billie nodded her head. "That's my girl." She kissed her head and slowly walked out of the cover of the trees, her knife in hand as she walked towards the camp. Billie was smart, she wouldn't go anywhere. Beth eyed the trucks with supplies in the back and the tents. Whoever it was, they were well provisioned.

She stopped dead in her tracks when she heard that familiar voice. Her heart melted, tears formed in her eyes as she turned around and waved Billie over. These people wouldn't hurt them. She quickly ran towards her and took her hand. "These are good people," Beth told her as she walked through the tents. She saw them all around the fire, eating, talking, laughing. God it had been so long. "Rick," she called out.

They all stopped, looked over at her, mouths dropping, eyes going wide. Maggie dropped her plate to the ground as they slowly stood up. Daryl stared at her, frozen to the spot as Rick slowly walked over to her. "Beth…" He pulled her into a hug as emotions swamped all of them. Beth smiled through her tears as she hugged Rick, Maggie was next.

Daryl slowly walked over and looked at her. He was the first one to notice the little brown haired blue eyed girl hiding behind her. "Beth, who…"

"Mommy, who is that?" Billie asked, looking up at Daryl.

Beth picked her up, holding her close and kissing her head. "Billie, this is your daddy." Daryl stared wide eyed at the girl in Beth's arms. Billie reached for him, knowing him better than Daryl thought she did. Beth made sure her daughter knew everything about her daddy. Daryl kissed her head, holding her close. They were together again. Beth kissed Daryl as he led her over to the fire. He didn't let either one of them go the rest of the night.