

"Harry Potter?" asked the bored looking delivery boy as he juggled with his clipboard at the same time as a legal sized envelope, managing to not let either fall to the ground. His brown eyes almost looked lifeless under the afternoon sun and his scrawny shoulders hunched in on itself as if they were being weighed down by some invisible force. He looked tired and frustrated with the world and was most likely only doing this job to get through school. He probably didn't even care if Harry was indeed the intended recipient of the package as long as someone signs for it so he can get on to his next delivery.

While he waited impatiently for Harry's confirmation so he can hand over the letter, his sneaker clad feet shuffled restlessly beneath him, making a mark on aunt Petunia's otherwise pristine doorstep. Harry had half the mind to tell him off but decided against. He had bigger fish to fry at the moment.

"Yeah it's me," he replied, cursing inwardly at how high and squeaky his own voice sounded. Nerves has truly a terrible effect on him.

The teenager's mouth quirked a little before his expression returned to its neutral form.

"I have a letter for you," he said, handing over the manila envelope Harry had seen him extract from his bag, "You need to sign for it and I can be on my way."

A clipboard and pen followed the envelope and Harry took the bundle with trembling hands. He quickly signed the chicken scratch that he called signature on the dotted line before returning it to the awaiting delivery boy. The latter took it with a nod of thanks before saying robotically: "Thank you and have a good day."

He left without another word and Harry watched a little bit lightheadedly as he made his way down the stairs and back in to his car. When the vehicle had finally turned around the curb and disappeared from sight, the young wizard closed the house door softly, heart pounding, his free arm clutched around his new acquisition. With no one around, his legs finally gave up on him and he sank soundlessly to the floor.

The envelope was really nice, Harry decided a moment later when he had regained enough of his composure to examine the thing. It was delicate white color with the logo of Starform Labs printed on the top right corner along with the return address and telephone number. Harry's own name was right in the middle of the surface and just beneath it, a big red CONFIDENTIAL was stamped, warning everyone to whom the letter was not addressed to, to not take a was no danger there because for once in a very long time, Harry was alone in the house. The Dursleys won't be home from their vacation in the south until Sunday and they had deemed him old enough not to have to hire a babysitter. Harry was grateful for the small mercies because if he had a babysitter he wouldn't have been able to go through all this without being caught.

This whole debacle had started a few days ago when Harry had been working in the kitchen one morning when aunt Petunia came in. For a moment, the boy had thought she had some other chore for him to complete but that thought was shot down when she had sat in one of the chairs without saying anything. It had been so out of character that Harry's hands actually paused in the sink before resuming their scrubbing motion. He couldn't remember just how long the silence had lasted but it must have been pretty long because when Petunia had finally spoken up, the dishes were almost all washed and were waiting to be dried.

"Lily was a good girl," she said apropos of nothing, surprising Harry so much that the teen actually had to scramble to prevent the plate he was rinsing from slipping. "But she had her faults. Despite everything, she is still my sister so telling you this isn't something I really want to do. She's dead now and although I hated that good-for-nothing husband of hers, Lily was family and for my parents' sake, I want to at least preserve her memory."

To say that Harry had been taken aback by her admission was an understatement but he hadn't responded, waiting to see what she has to say.

"Lily…cheated on her fiancée just before her wedding night," Petunia admitted reluctantly, gaze still fixed on the table. She didn't even berate Harry when the plate did end up slipping and impacting with the sink with a sharp sound. "No one knows about it and I only found out because she was unable to keep such a big secret to herself. I hadn't really cared because it was her life so I respected her request. However, when she informed the family that she was pregnant a few days later, I knew that there was a big chance that the baby wasn't going to be her husband's."

"Why…" Harry started before clearing his throat, "Why are you telling me this?"

"Because I am now convinced that James Potter wasn't your father. I have seen pictures of James at your age and frankly you look nothing like him."

She looked up then, eyes boring in to his.

"I thought you might want to know," she had finished softly, "It's up to you what you want to do with the information."

That was it. Two minutes that had changed Harry's entire perspective of life. Truthfully, Harry hadn't wanted to believe Petunia; hadn't wanted anything to sully the perfect image he had of his parents, but something inside him had refused to let this information die. So since Harry was Gryffindor and tends to do things based on instinct more than anything else, he went and passed a DNA test.

The Lab he had found was luckily near the house and was easily accessible by bus. After paying with muggle money he had converted, the doctors took a sample of his saliva and had explained that testing would take about two days. They would send him the results by mail once they were in.

The procedure was simple. According to them, anyone who has ever gone to the hospital will have a profile in the system. They would compare Harry's genetic makeup with their records and then they would tell Harry his closest match. Harry knew that if James was indeed his father, the place next to "Match:" would be blank.

And after two days of agonizing waiting, the results were finally here, cue Harry's nervousness and racing heart.

Ever quick to believe the best in people, Harry hadn't want to give too much credence to the niggling doubt that was slowly driving him insane ever since that conversation. But since he was human, his hands were still sweaty and his heart was still beating erratically as he slowly tore open the envelope to extract its contact.

After a deep breath, Harry turned over the page and stopped short.

For a moment, he thought he was about to faint or most likely about to throw up because there in front of him was the proof that everything he had believed up to now was a lie. Because there was a match for Harry according to the lab; a match so close that the man can only be the one who has contributed to Harry's birth.

One name, printed in bloc black letters.

One name that would change Harry's life forever.

Anthony Edward Stark.


This is my first HarryxLoki fic, please tell me what you think and if I should continue. I should warn people that this will be underage, since Harry is almost 16 and will have sexual relations with a man older than him (not sure how old Loki is). There will possibly be mpreg.

If the reaction is good, the next chapter will be up soon. Harry will be deciding what to do with the news. And Tony Stark will make an appearance.