Author's note: This is the final chapter and I hope you enjoy it. I may post a sequel/ some oneshots about them later on. Thanks for reading!


"Hello Klaus. Feeling threatened?" Hayley asked mockingly as her pack surrounded the Originals.

"Little wolf. I should have guessed it was you. What do you want with Caroline?" Klaus replied as he cradled an unconscious Caroline in his arms whilst Rebekah gave them death glares.

Hayley and her pack merely strutted out of the way to reveal the witches, in particular one witch: Esther.

"Mother!" Klaus and Rebekah exclaimed in unison with anger pulsing through their veins.

"Don't act so surprised children. I thought it was time for a family reunion. Leave us Hayley" Esther proclaimed.

"What do you want? If you have hurt Elijah, Marcel or Caroline irreparably I will not hesitate to kill you again" Klaus threatened. Esther merely laughed and summoned Elijah and Marcel. They were bound and being held captive by the one who had chased them out of town all those years again.

"Mikael! Your quarrel is with me as the bastard of your family" Klaus shouted as he attempted an attack on Mikael after placing Caroline on the nearest sofa. Mikael threw him across the room as Rebekah watched him.

"You think you can hurt me boy? I am the vampire who hunts vampires. Nothing you do hurts me" Mikael said carelessly as he thought he was truly immortal. His life had once gain been restored and he would not lose it easily. He would kill Klaus, the bastard, before making reparations with Elijah and Rebekah. They were not tainted like Klaus.

"Elijah will live and I will spare Rebekah too if you agree to your imminent death Niklaus. They are decent vampires with some humanity remaining unlike you. Your death is inevitable'' Esther reasoned as Klaus stood up, standing protectively in front of Caroline.

"But Mother Nik's humanity has been restored in Caroline. She is his love and brings out the best in him. The best in us all. We are family" Rebekah implored as she thought of how they had joined together and became a family.

"Then you all die. If one will not sacrifice himself then the others too shall be slain" Esther gave them an ultimatum as she was determined to wipe out her mistake, the mistake that had troubled her for 1000 years.

"How can you say that Mother? He's our brother and I will not let him die" Rebekah insists as she stands in front of Niklaus.

"Bekah I cannot sacrifice you all to save myself. I'll embrace my death but I will kill myself only after Elijah and Marcel are set free and awakened." Niklaus valiantly says as he prepares to face his death. He cannot allow his family, Caroline to be killed or even hurt. He must do this to save them.

Elijah and Marcel were set free immediately with a flick of Esther's hand and they both ran towards Klaus. They couldn't let Klaus sacrifice himself.

"No Nikalus. We stand united as one and live or we die as one but you will not sacrifice yourself" Elijah commanded. The brothers exchanged a glance before launching into action. Elijah and Klaus both pinned Mikael against the wall and threw punches at him till he bled bloody whilst Rebekah took Esther and shoved her on the floor.

"You can injure us but you can't kill us!" Esther cackled maniacally. "You haven't got a witch or a white oak stake." She proceeded to attempt a spell but felt her magic blocked by something. Something more powerful than she.

"They can't but I can. And I'm sick and tired of you trying to manipulate my town, hurt my friends and attempt to kill the closest thing I have to a dad" Davina let out her feelings emotionally using her magic to block Esther so Rebekah could kill her in the most painful manner possible.

"Goodbye Mother" Rebekah said as she drove her high heeled spike down into her mother's forehead causing her to bleed out. At the same time Klaus and Elijah were battling with Mikael who was injured but not dead. They needed a white oak stake. She had a white oak stake but wouldn't be able to stake him. She looked over at Marcel, the reason she came, and subtly passed it to him. She had only come to save Marcel but would end up saving them all.

"Yeah I'm tired of him too D but I think my sire oughta do the honours given that it's his damned dad who has been tryin to kill him for a while." Marcel took over from Klaus and handed him the stake, relishing the chance to kill the man that ruined his life in more ways than one.

"Now the end is near father. Say your prayers for I am certain that I will join you in Hell but not yet. Not for a long time yet" Klaus said, certain he was damned too. He took the stake and plunged it deep into his father's heart. The battle was won. Now it was time to mourn and then rejoice.

"Nik, what happened?" Caroline asked as she woke up with a throbbing headache and a sensation of being alive. Klaus looked over her and realised something. She was alive and well. He hugged her so tightly and began to tell her the story of their win. They had defeated all enemies and the time for happy ever after was now.


It was the day of the funeral. Klaus stood in his window, unsure as to whether he should attend. Rebekah and Elijah had both gone of course; after all they did still have some feelings towards their parents. Hr himself was confused.

"Nik. Shall we go?" Caroline walked over and took his arm and began walking. She was dressed in black for him. She hated his parents but she loved him. That was why she is choosing to go to the funeral with him. "They were your parents and they cared for you to some extent. The least we can do is see them off properly" she explained as they left the mansion.

They approached the graveyard where his parents were to be buried. Elijah, solemn whilst Rebekah, she was hunched as if trying to hold in tears. They were all that remained. They were a family at last.

A/N Thanks for reading! Kaira xx