Dollhouse Part10

I found myself hating Dr. Sir for so many things these days. I hated him for breaking Jaimies's leg and arm, for hitting him so hard his brain had almost bled out. I hated him for neglecting and abusing Seth for years. I hated him for kicking Seth's ribs into his lung, for beating him so badly he was still unconscious. I hated him for making me scare my boys, for pushing them all to their breaking points and beyond. I hated him for making me almost destroy Mr. Blackbourne, for hurting my boys whenever their touch startled me and I jerked away. I hated him so much for the nightmares and my new fear of being stuck in one position too long. Most of all, I hated him for making me scared, even when I was safe and surrounded by my boys, my family.

As I struggled to push my shaky legs one more step, Kota hovering to my right and North ten feet away coaxing me forward, I found myself hating him all over again for my weakness. I had escaped my capture with relatively few physical issues. The wound in my throat was healing over, I was steadily putting back on the weight I had lost being fed from an IV for so long, and my bruises had faded over the last couple weeks. The only lasting problem I received was the muscle atrophy and lingering minor paralysis from the medication I had been kept on. My left hand was slightly numb along the outside edge and my grip was pathetically weak. My legs could only carry my weight so long before they gave out from under me.

So here I was, slogging through physical therapy, hating that monster with every fiber of my being. I was so tired, my legs hurt, and the rest of me was incredibly achy. A headache had bloomed behind my right eye about twenty minutes ago and it throbbed with every beat of my racing heart. I was sweating at the exertion, hating every minute, but the boys were being so supportive that I just had to keep going. I was so frustrated with my lack of progress the last week. I just wanted to get back to normal, to work at putting this whole thing behind me, but every time my legs faltered or I dropped a cup, I was reminded once again of how much Dr. Sir had done to me.

"That's it Sang, I know it hurts, sweetie, but you're doing great."

Kota's voice was so soothing and gentle, his presence warm and real and just there, that I found myself just soaking it all in. Ever since I had woken up, the boys had been a constant presence in my life and I absolutely couldn't get enough. There had been a time while I had been trapped in my body that I had begun to give up hope that I would ever see any of them again. I had also begun to forget certain quirks that each boy had and I found a deep pleasure at rediscovering them. Like the way Kota's hair curled just slightly at the nape of his neck, or the way his face looked when he was concentrating deeply as he was now. The way he looked at me with such tenderness, it stole my breath and made my heart race.

As I stumbled the last few steps, North's strong arms caught me and brought me to his chest as he twirled me around in celebration. I had only walked about twenty feet, but it might as well have been ten miles for how tired I felt. Still, I had made it completely on my own this time, which was more then I could say last week. I relaxed fully into North's embrace, inhaling his soft musk and smiled at his enthusiastic celebration of my efforts.

"Goddamn Sang baby, you are doing so well! Look at you, booking it across the room. If you keep improving at this rate, I'm going to have to tie a bell or something around your neck so I can keep track of you."

I huffed at his light teasing and claim of my improvement. All of the boys had started saying they would get a bell for me after Luke had mentioned it that first week. I couldn't help but feel that they were really only half teasing. I had really scared them with this entire thing, I knew that. I got my first inclination of how badly I had scared them one night when Luke and Gabriel were set to stay with me. Gabriel had gone out to get some snacks for us and Luke had fallen into a light doze. I had really needed to use the restroom and I couldn't wait for Gabriel to get back, nor did I want to wake Luke up. He looked so fatigued and I couldn't force myself to interrupt his much needed and deserved rest.

So, I had taken it upon myself to handle it and shakily gotten myself out of bed, dragging my IV after me. The trip to the bathroom proved tiring and as soon as I reached the toilet, my legs threatened to give out on me and I gratefully sat down to catch my breath. Even after I had relived my fit to burst bladder and washed my hands, I couldn't find the energy to get back to my bed. So, I sat on the toilet and waited for my strength to return or for someone to come help me. I was so tired, I must've dozed off myself, because the next thing I remember was a frantic looking Nathan throwing open the door and looking at me in relieved disbelief.

He had yelled over his shoulder that I was in here and then I was being crushed against his strong chest and I caught a small sob in my ear as he rocked me gently. I was quickly pulled out of his arms and passed from one boy to another, all looking so completely shaken and afraid that I instantly felt horrible. Luke in particular had looked completely wrecked and had held onto me desperately. I realized then what the whole thing must have seemed like to Luke. I had disappeared under his nose, again, and he was devastated. I apologized profusely and explained that I had had to use the restroom and didn't want to bother him. Through his relived tears and laughter, he chopped me on the head lightly and made a quip about getting me a bell. The others had instantly agreed and it had just kind of stuck since then.

"Are you huffing at me, baby? You don't believe I'll do it do you? I'm damn serious. The second you get out of this hospital, I'm getting you a fucking bell so I know where you are at all times."

"North, we should get a cowbell, just to be extra safe. We'll here Sang coming for miles."

"I'm game for that one. Always need more cowbell."

I giggled as they teased me further, pretending to be frustrated but loving every second of it. North started tickling me in the ribs lightly, making me giggle harder, when the door to the room opened and Gabriel rushed through. His face was flushed and his eyes were bright as he beamed at us all.

"Trouble! Seth's awake. The kid's awake and he's asking about you!"

I kept my position against the wall to allow Sean the space to examine Seth Ayers, watching them very closely. Victor anxiously hovered over Sean's shoulders, desperate to see how the boy was doing. Over the last three weeks, Victor had really taken to the young boy. He had seen him as his charge that night that we found them and he still felt responsible for him, much as Gabriel had with young Jaimie Ayers. I had sent Gabriel to go get Miss Sorenson, Kota, and North. Jaimie was watching excitedly from his bed, bouncing in place but surprisingly quiet and patient. He caught my attention and beamed a giant smile my way before returning to watching his brother intently. I felt my heart warm at his sincere and loving smile. God, that kid was adorable.

It was obvious that Miss Sorenson adored both children completely. The first thing she asked about every morning was their welfare and she always gave them a goodnight kiss on the cheek before she went back to her room. The way she cuddled and played with Jaimie was, frankly, one of the most heartwarming things I had ever seen. She would read stories to Seth and talk to him, begging him almost everyday to wake up. She was always tender and gentle with them, her love for them so clear, a blind man would have seen it. Judging from the way Jaimie's face would completely light up whenever she came in for the day or the way he would track her with his eyes across the room, he adored her just as much, if not more. If Seth felt even a fraction for Miss Sorenson as what Jaimie clearly felt, then it was clear that we would need to figure out what to do with the two small children.

North and Gabriel had really taken to little Jaimie from practically day one and it was obvious that they were not the only ones who had come to care for him. And how could you not? He was an extremely adorable, happy, inquisitive, and bright boy. I had only had the chance to really talk to him once, but I had been immediately impressed by his devotion to his brother and the level of intelligence the child demonstrated in his attempts for survival with his father. He had already undergone a psych evaluation, not that he knew what it was, and the psychiatrist had impressed upon me how surprisingly stable the boy was, considering his upbringing. I strongly suspected that Seth was the major reason for this.

From what Miss Sorenson and Jaimie had said, the older boy was extremely intelligent in his own right and completely devoted to his little brother's safety. He had somehow managed to survive under extremely dire conditions for himself and ensured his brother's safety in the process. He had demonstrated a strong moral fiber in his actions and had almost died to help us find Miss Sorenson. Needless to say, I was intrigued by this child and I owed him for the lives of not only Miss Sorenson, but the lives of my team. So when he had woken up, I had immediately rushed to his room.

A burst of startled laughter from Sean brought me out of my musings and I watched as he grinned at a smirking Seth, a new appreciative gleam in his eyes. Sean grinned back my way and shook his head. "We're going to have to be careful with this one Owen, he's almost as big a smart ass as Pookie is."

I quirked a small smile as Sean's quip and Seth's green eyes turned to regard me in curiosity. He openly appraised me and I could see a question in his brilliant eyes. I took the time to appraise him in return. Over the last three weeks, the bruises and swelling had all but disappeared, revealing his symmetrical and delicate looking features. Small cuts still lingered here and there, but for the most part, he appeared outwardly okay. Internally, he was still recovering from his injuries and would have to take it very slowly and lightly for a good month yet. Returning my attention to his gemlike green eyes, I was struck by how similar they appeared to Miss Sorenson's.

"Are you Mr. Blackbourne?"

His question caught me momentarily by surprise, but I quickly recovered and stepped forward to address him. "Yes, my name is Mr. Blackbourne," I answered.

"Owen Blackbourne? That's an unusual name." His button nose crinkled a little as he said this and my mouth twitched in response. He had an almost fearless quality to him and I felt my admiration for the kid increase.

"Well, I am an unusual person," I stated drily.

He eyes crinkled in amusement at my response a moment before he shot a quick glance at his brother who continued to wait excitedly, but patiently across the room. His eyes softened immediately and they shared a soft smile, before he turned his focus back on me.

"Thank you, Mr. Blackbourne. You saved my brother and I when you didn't have to. I mean, we're the kids of the guy who took your family. So...just thank you."

I frowned at his sincere gratitude. Not because he was sincere or thankful, but because he honestly believed we would blame them for their father's actions. Pushing down the deep well of rage that resided within me at the thought of Adam Ayers, I addressed Seth's thanks.

"Seth Ayers, you and your brother have never been, nor will you ever be, responsible for your father's actions. In fact, it is we who owe you our deepest gratitude. Were it not for your brave actions, we might not have been able to locate Miss Sorenson until it was too late. We owe you for her life and we will be forever grateful to you."

He looked down at my response, a small flush of pleasure staining his cheeks. Victor stepped closer and set a gentle hand on Seth's small shoulders, startling the younger boy into looking up in question. Victor crouched down until he was eye to eye with Seth.

"Seth, my name is Victor. You have no idea how happy I am that you are finally awake. I sat with you as we waited for the ambulance and I've been waiting from then to know to tell you this. I am so incredibly grateful to you. You saved our Princess, you saved Sang, and I will never, ever be able to pay you back for that. You're a really brave, awesome kid and it's not your fault that you had such a terrible father. Believe me when I say I understand having terrible fathers. So never fear that we are going to blame you for his actions, okay?"

Tears had gathered in Seth's eyes at Victor's words and they trailed down his cheeks, only to catch on the cannula that ran under his nose. Victor gently reached out and caught another tear, wiping it away. A small sniffle behind me caught my attention and I turned to see a crying Jaimie rubbing at his tear-stained cheeks silently. For such a boisterous child, he was very silent when it came to important things. I stepped towards him and as soon as he saw my approach, he reached out to me and I felt my heart warm instantly as I scooped him up. He wrapped his uninjured arm tightly around my neck and buried his face into the crook of my neck. I felt warm tears soak through my shirt and small hiccupping sobs sounded near my ear.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry Mr. B, I'm sorry!"

"What are you sorry for, Jaimie?"

"I took Sang, Mr. B. It was my fault, I'm sorry!"

Jaimie's pitiful wails had drawn the attention of the others and Seth looked so upset as he reached out for his brother. I shook my head at him, holding up my hand in a wait sign. He frowned in response but settled down as I redirected my attention to the small child in my arms. I pulled him away so I could catch his eyes and the depth of the remorse in his golden eyes broke my heart. Catching his chin in a firm grip, I gently lifted it until I caught his gaze. Making sure to infuse the most authority and sincerity into my voice, I addressed his apology.

"Jaimie Ayers, you are in no way responsible for any of this. You did not "take" Miss Sorenson, neither do any of my teammates blame you for your role in her kidnapping. You are a child whose endured extraordinary circumstances under the hand of a mentally ill and dangerous parent. You and your brother's first priority was your own safety, as it should be. Now stop crying, your brother doesn't like seeing you cry. North will be here any minute and you don't want to see him unhappy either."

"Especially not North, Jaimie boy. He yells when he's scared. And huffs and puffs. Like the big bad wolf!"

Jaimie giggled at Sean's joke before snuggling his head against my chest. I cleared off the last stray tears and noticed that Seth was still watching us intently. Noticing my attention, he reached out for his brother again, his eyes pleading and insistent. I conceded this time and carefully arranged Jaimie so he was lying next to his brother. Seth wrapped an arm around Jaimie and pulled him in tight while Jaimie snuggled into his side. They looked so content in that moment as they reassured one another that they were alive. They were lost in their own little world and the cozy scene seemed so right, I couldn't help but smile at them.

A bump to my shoulder drew my attention to Sean. He smiled softly at me and based on his relaxed stance, I knew he was just as affected by the reunion of the two brothers. His eyes were asking me if I was okay, but I just shrugged off his concern. He only bumped my shoulder once more and turned back to watch the two brothers whisper to one another. I was struck by how alike they looked to one another in that moment and I recalled the photograph of their mother I had seen. They obviously took after her, sharing her fair skin, dimpled cheeks, and beautiful dark hair. Jaimie's was still short from him surgery, his healing scar covered for the most part, by what Gabriel had taken to calling it his baby duck butt fluff. The only thing they differed on were their vibrant eyes, one emerald green, the other a tawny gold.

The door bursting open interrupted my observations of the brother's as Kota, Gabriel, and North walked into the room. North was carrying an excited Miss Sorenson who instantly locked onto the two brothers. At the sight of her beautiful face, so alight with joy, I felt the tiny ball of tension that formed whenever she was out of my sight disappear. Jaimie popped up at the new arrivals and Seth's face lit up as he began to struggle to get up. Victor gently held him down to protect his healing chest, so Seth just reached a hand out for Miss Sorenson instead.

"Sang! You're okay! I knew you were, Dr. Green said you were, but I wanted to see you."

North settled Miss Sorenson on the other side of Seth, which wasn't difficult on the wide Academy hospital beds.

"Seth, oh I'm so glad you are awake! I've been so worried." Sang's sobs of joy were bittersweet to me. Bitter, because she was crying and I hated it when she cried, and sweet because she sounded so incredibly relieved. She gently hugged the boy to her chest, raining small kisses to the crown of his head and the kid just ate it up with a loopy grin. The rest of the arrivals grinned down at the scene and as we let our girl reassure herself that Seth was alright.

"Owen, Sean, I hate to interrupt, but can I talk to you both for a moment."

Dr. Roberts stood in the doorway, a carefully neutral and pleasant expression giving zero indication on what he wanted to discuss. Catching Kota's attention, I silently commanded him to take over and watch over the three. He nodded back his understanding and refocused on the happy reunion. I followed Sean out into the hallway, making sure to close the door behind me. Turning to face Dr. Roberts, I noticed the indecision in his eyes for the first time and I was instantly on the alert. A quick glance at Sean showed that he was uncertain as to what this was about either. As one, we straightened and on instinct, turned to face Dr. Roberts in a united front. We had Sang back, safe and mostly sound, and now both of the Ayers brothers were now awake and on the mend. We could handle anything else thrown our way, knowing those three were safe.

"Gentlemen, why don't we take this conversation to my office? This isn't the kind I want to have here."

That didn't sound particularly good. Frowning, I followed after the older man in silence, Sean to my right. We were able to reach his office in only a few short minutes and he closed the door behind us. He indicated for us to sit in the chairs set in front of his desk and it was only out of respect to him that I complied. Dr. Roberts settled into his own chair with a hefty sigh and I felt my confusion increase exponentially. Whatever this was, it had him concerned, that much was clear.

"Sean, Owen, I hate to bring this up at this time, but I need to know what you intend to do with those two children. We've managed to delay Child Protective Services and keep them out of this case so far, but they are getting antsy. With a dead mother and their father, well, incarcerated, there's been concern over what to do next. CPS is talking foster care as soon as the two are recovered."

I felt as if I had been punched in the gut. Our team had been focusing so much on just getting the two brothers awake and healthy these last few weeks, I hadn't even considered what came next. I immediately dismissed putting the children into the foster care system. It literally made me feel sick to my stomach imagining the two bright brothers subjected to that. I knew my team would be vehemently opposed to the even mention of letting Seth and Jaimie get taken into the state's system.

"There's no way in hell we're letting those two kids get sucked into the state's foster system. Fuck no."

Sean's agitated response mirrored my own reaction and I knew with just one look that we were on the same page. Losing those two kids would completely destroy Sang and we would never forgive ourselves for letting that happen. Just remembering the sheer joy that had lit up her face when she had been reunited with Seth cemented my decision.

"We will be taking them, of course. We will adopt them."

Sean grinned at me in response, his eyes sparkling suddenly in hope, before nodding his agreement. Dr. Roberts did not appear very surprised at my response, as if he had expected me to say just that, but he only appeared apologetic as he looked back at us. I felt dread rise within me at his expression, suddenly sure I wasn't going to like what I was about to hear.

"I know your team has become remarkably attached to the Ayers brothers, but I'm afraid your request to adopt them will most likely be denied. You are a very capable and strong team, but I'm afraid you are all very young still. Between the nature of your team's work, your team dynamics, and your adoption of Miss Sorenson, it would not be very likely that you would get the approval to take these two on. Nor do you have the necessary favors, I'm afraid."

My heart sunk at these words and I knew that what he was saying was most likely true, though I wanted to deny it vehemently. We were a young team and we did tend to take very extreme jobs, sometimes taking up our time for weeks at a time. That wasn't a very stable or safe environment to raise two young boys in, which was exactly what they needed right now. Add on to the fact that we were still trying to keep our intentions for Miss Sorenson under wraps from the Academy and that we were collectively low on favors and the entire endeavor seemed hopeless. All I could think was that Sang was going to be completely crushed, as would Seth and Jaimie.

"However, I might have a solution to our predicament. One of the nurses who has been assigned to monitoring the two brothers has become awfully attached to Jaimie and Seth. She is part of a couple's team and has recently found out that she is unable to give birth. She and her husband had been looking into adopting when the boys came to the hospital. She instantly fell in love with the both of them. She would like to adopt the boys. She has since been taken off their case to make this process easier, should it progress forward."

I found my hope rising the more he spoke. Couple's teams were relatively unique set ups for the Academy and tended to be fairly stable. Especially with one of them working at the hospital. That type of work required you to be in town more often then not. A couple's team would also provide a more normal family dynamic. Of course, there were important factors to consider before going along with this. I'd have to meet them first, ensure that they were a good fit with Seth and Jaimie. They'd have to spend time bonding with the boys before they left the hospital. I'd have to make sure this was a good thing for everyone. And of course, I'd have to inform my team.

I grimaced a little at the thought of the reactions I knew I would receive. North would be livid, Gabriel outraged, Victor would demand a perfect explanation. Silas would disprove, Kota would be upset, Nathan would be angry, and Luke would go quiet in rage. And Miss Sorenson, Sang? She'd cry, I just knew it. Overall, it would be a very emotional and unpleasant meeting for everyone. But if this couple was indeed sincere in their intentions and made the two boys happy, I knew my team would eventually accept the decision. Sean beat me to the punch in asking questions about the interested couple.

"She's a nurse, I understand, but what does he do?"

"He's an engineer, works from his home office so he'd be able to watch over the boys while she's working."

"Where do they live?" I joined in.

"They live about twenty minutes south of here, so relatively close."

"How old are they?"

"He's 32, she's 28. They've been in the Academy for over ten years."

Back and forth, we grilled Dr. Roberts about the interested couple and the more he answered the more hopeful I became. They sounded like a good fit and being Academy assured me of their character. The Academy did not accept just anyone, after all. Despite how nice they seemed, however, I knew I'd have to meet them in person to feel comfortable handing the two children over. I also needed to inform my team immediately.

"I'll let them know that you are considering their request and would like to meet up. I'll have them contact you soon for a meeting. If all goes well, they'd both like to start visiting the two boys soon. "

"Thank you Dr. Roberts, I appreciate your help in this matter and for holding off CPS."

"Of course Owen, you know I'd do anything to help. Please, call me Phil,"

I ignored his request as I always did and shook his hand before leaving the office. Sean was quick on my heels and began walking abreast with me. We remained silent for most of our walk back, each lost in our own heads. I knew that we were extremely fortunate to have another Academy team interested in the welfare of Seth and Jaimie. I shuddered to imagine what would happen if this fell through. I had a feeling my team would insist on adopting, Academy be damned at that point and I might just agree.

Just as we reached the hospital room of the two small children, Sean reached out and snagged my arm, halting my movement forward. Turning to face him, I could see his troubled expression. Raising my eyebrow in question, I waited for him to speak first.

"Owen, I think we should wait until after tonight to tell the guys. It will be hard enough on all of them as it is, especially since you and I both know this will be emotional for Sang. I think we can at least give them the happiness of today, don't you? I mean, the kid just woke up after for so long a-"

I cut off off his rambling plea with a swipe of my hand. While I wanted to let my team know what was being considered for the two small kids they had all grown so attached to, I agreed they needed this today. And if I was being honest, I wanted to enjoy today as well.

"We will wait to inform them after we have a chance to meet with the couple team and see for themselves. No point in needlessly stressing them out over something that may not happen. If we deem them a good fit for taking the two, then we will inform them all, our family and the two kids at the same time. If they don't work out, we will push through with the adoption. Taking on debt at this point hardly matters for any of us and I know the team would not care either. For now, let's just take it a step at a time."

Sean sighed in relief and relaxed his shoulders. Nodding at me once, he turned and opened to door to a packed room full of my family and two giggling children. My entire team lined the room, looking more relaxed and happy then they had in months. And at the heart of it all, an adorably flushed and giggling little girl. My crazy, beautiful, little girl. Sang. As we walked in, she looked up and caught my gaze, her face flushed with laughter as she cradled the two children to her. Her eyes lit up at the sight of us and she grinned widely.

"Dr. Sean, Mr. Blackbourne, you're back! The others got here awhile ago. What took you so long?"

I felt myself smile just a little at her, giving her my "millimeter" smile as she told me she had come to call it, as Sean made some silly quip about saving lives with our dashing good looks. I rolled my eyes at Sang as she giggled in response and the rest of my team chuckled. Taking up my spot against the wall, I basked in the way my family felt complete for the first time in so long. Telling them about the couple team could wait.

A week later found Sean and I waiting in an obscure coffee shop in downtown Charleston. We had arrived a little early to do a sweep and get our nerves settled. I was equal parts relieved that this meeting was finally happening and anxious to have it over with. I wanted to make sure they were serious about taking in Jaimie and Seth and I needed to know if they would be taken care of, that they were worth breaking our little girl's heart over. Sean shot me a quick glance, his own anxiety carefully masked under a bland, pleasant expression. But I knew Sean like the back of my hand and vice versa, so we were more than aware of how we were both feeling. A well dressed couple walked through the doors and I knew this was our couple team.

Carol and Thomas Richardson were a very attractive, successful looking pair. Carol was a thin, willowy women, standing no taller than 5 foot 4. Her hair was a pretty auburn that fell in soft curls down to just past her shoulders, her eyes a soft blue as she scanned the crowded shop. He husband was really tall, easily 6'2" with short dark brown hair and hazel eyes. He caught sight of us first and got her attention. The second she saw us as well, a large smile graced her lovely face and I knew without even talking to either of them that they were dead serious. Sean and I shared a glance that was equal parts dismay and relief. As soon they reached our table, Sean and I stood up to greet them, shaking both of their hands.

"Mr. and Mrs Richardson, so happy you could meet with us."

"Oh, no, please Mr. Blackbourne, Dr. Green, the pleasure is all ours. When Phil told us you were willing to meet with us, oh Tom and I were pleased as punch."

"What my wife is trying to say is we are very grateful you took the time away from your family to oblige us."

Damn, they even sounded perfectly pleasant. They both shared the soft drawl that pointed them out as locals, but her voice was extra sweet and thick, like melted caramel. Sean took the initiative and indicated they should sit so that we may begin our meet up, truly. I decided to not beat around the bush and hit the subject that worried me the most.

"Mr. and Mrs. Richardson, as I'm sure you are aware, you are asking to take on two young kids who have been through not only a traumatic experiences, but a life of neglect and abuse. Do you understand what this means?"

My question wiped the smile right off of their faces and I felt Sean give me a small kick under the table, which I ignored. It was a legitimate question and I needed to know these people not only understood what this meant, but would be able to handle the reality of living with abused children. Carol's mouth drew down into a frown after a moment and her eyes looked incredibly sad for a second or two before she drew herself up tall and I saw anger flash in her eyes. So sweet Southern comfort here had a spine of steel. I shouldn't be surprised, most Academy women did.

"I understand why you ask that, Mr. Blackbourne, and let me assure you, we are perfectly aware of what we are asking for in taking these boys."

I glanced at her husband and saw an all too familiar haunted look in his eyes. He knew exactly what abuse was like, I realized sadly. He was just like our team, broken in some way by the ones who were supposed to protect him. I wondered if someone in the Academy had saved him too, or if he had just been lucky to turn out as he had and the Academy approached him later in life. Or maybe it had been his wife, I don't know. It really didn't matter. What did matter was that they were going to be prepared to handle the aftermath of Seth and Jaimie's lives, especially of that fateful night we rescued them. Thomas locked eyes and I knew he recognized the direction of my thoughts, because he relaxed and gave me a small smile.

The rest of the meeting passed in a surprisingly pleasant manner as we grilled the two over many different aspects of their lives. The only other thing I cared about in that moment was to make sure they were willing to allow our team to keep in contact with them both. Carol and Thomas were quick to reassure us that they would never try to keep them away from my team, especially from Miss Sorenson.

"It was so obvious to me how much she adored those two precious babes, and that Jaimie just simply thought the world of her. I would be crazier than a loon to try to keep her away from them!"

After they enthusiastically made us promise to let them know when they could meet the two children together, they shook our hands and were out the door. The moment they were gone, Sean dropped his pleasant expression and sighed loudly, bringing a hand and rubbing at his neck. Looking up at me, we shared a grimace and I knew we were totally on the same page. The Richardsons had surpassed any and all expectations I had had of them. They were sincere, gentle people who would provide Seth and Jaimie with the loving home they desperately deserved and needed.

"Owen, this fucking sucks."

"Sucks is one way to put it. Text everyone and make sure they're waiting for us at the hospital. We need to finally have that family meeting."

It had been one week since Seth had finally woken up and he was improving at a rapid rate. He was still taking it easy and being mindful of his injuries, but sometimes his enthusiasm got away with him and he'd push himself too hard. The boys were always so observant and usually Victor or North or Kota would realize that he was pushing himself and make him take a nap or relax. Every time one of the boys gently reprimanded him or took care of him, he would get this bewildered expression, as if he wasn't sure how to take their concern. It made my heart hurt to realize that aside from Jaimie, no one had really cared for Seth in years.

It was obviously that he enjoyed their attention, however, for he'd flush in pleasure after the shock wore off and grin at their teasing. It was frankly adorable to watch the way my boys would interact with Seth and Jaimie. They were infinitely patient and gentle with them and appeared to take great pleasure in making them laugh. Seeing gruff North or giant Silas carry around little Jaimie or help prop up Seth with such tenderness melted my heart by a lot. I loved watching Gabriel and Luke tease and make the two brothers laugh. Victor was so attentive to Seth's needs that he tended to know when the kid needed some more medications or when he was running ragged. Nathan would drift between being playful with the two kids and playing momma bear. Of all of the interactions, the one that warmed my heart the most was watching Kota and Seth interact.

It was of no surprise to me that Kota and Seth had clicked instantly that very first day. Seth had reminded me of a little Kota in so many ways during my capture, with his quick intelligence, gentle smile, and protective instinct. It was like they two had instantly recognized a kindred spirit in the other and they just worked. Seth's curiosity was insatiable and Kota was more than willing to answer any questions he had. Seth looked at Kota with such blatant awe and admiration that Gabriel and Luke had begun to tease Kota about it when they were alone.

Today, North was laying on Seth's bed, a tiny child snuggled into each side, reading the two Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone. Earlier in the week, Nathan had made a reference to the series and the two children had been instantly fascinated. So, Kota had brought a copy of the first book and they had all begun to alternate on reading it. I had never read the books myself, so I found myself instantly entranced as well. Luke had me cradled in his lap as we listened, with Gabriel holding my feet in his hands, on Jaimie's bed. It was just the three boys today and it had been a nice lazy morning. I didn't have physical therapy today and was taking advantage of the rest.

North's bass voice was smooth and steady as he read through the first Quidditch game. I felt as if I was in the book, watching as Harry struggled with his misbehaving broom. Luke chuckled at my enraptured expression and I only smacked him lightly on the chest in response. Luke just chuckled harder and shared a smirk with Gabriel, which I just ignored. Jaimie and Seth looked equally as entranced in the chapter of the book, fear and excitement clear on their beautiful little faces. Seth gave a small whoop in victory and Jaimie gigged hard when Harry managed to win the game by accidentally swallowing the Snitch. North smirked in amusement at the clearly entertained boys when a knock on the door drew all of our attentions.

Mr. Blackbourne stood in the doorway, with Dr. Green, Kota, Silas, Nathan, and Victor close behind. Jaimie perked up in excitement as he always did whenever Mr. Blackbourne or Dr. Green were around. I was convinced that Jaimie thought they were superhero's or something. Part of it was because he thought Dr. Green had saved his brother's life, which was probably true. The other part was because you could not see Mr. Blackbourne and not think he was cool. I had overheard Jaimie ask Gabriel once if Mr. Blackbourne was a spy, because he seemed like one. After Gabriel had stopped his peals of laughter, he had only winked at Jaimie in response and told him he wasn't that far off. I'm pretty sure that only served to convince Jaimie that he was right.

"Dr. Sean, Mr. B! Where have you been all day?"

I felt Luke chuckle while Gabriel snickered at Jaimie's exuberant greeting. He had taken to calling Mr. Blackbourne Mr. B and after hearing me call Dr. Green my nickname for him, he had started mimicking me. The boys seemed to find it hysterical, because the first time Jaimie had called Mr. Blackbourne by his nickname, his expression had been priceless. Since then, Mr. Blackbourne had just learned to take it in stride and no longer bat an eye at his greeting.

"Well, hello to you too, Jaimie boy! Hate to interrupt this cozy little reading party, but I'm afraid we need to have an important family meeting and we need you boys there. Is that okay?"

I felt Luke stiffen under me while Gabriel straightened to the side. North popped up at the same time, a frown on his face. He gently extricated himself from the two small children, mindful of their IV lines, and stood up to face Mr. Blackbourne and Dr. Green. I turned to look on at the others who had just arrived and I could tell from their confused expressions that they were just as much in the dark as I was. Jaimie and Seth picked up on our anxiety quickly and looked suddenly more unsure then they had all week. Jaimie shared a look with his brother, before giving a tiny nod to Dr. Green.

"Alright boys, Miss Sorenson, I need you all to listen up. CPS has been trying to get a hold of Jaimie and Seth for a couple weeks now. We've been able to delay them so far, but unfortunately that will not work for much longer. And I do not need to inform you that should they do so, both boys are set to join the state's system."

Loud protests from all of the guys in the room erupted after Mr. Blackbounre finished talking. My heart dropped in despair at the thought of losing the two boys now and I locked eyes with a suddenly scared Jaimie and Seth. I rushed over to their trembling frames and scooped Jaimie up as I settled myself into Seth's side. Seth instantly leaned into my side, his face frighteningly pale. Jaimie trembled as he burrowed into my embrace, his breathing already hitching as he fought back sobs. Gabriel took one look at us before he was leaping up and hollering at Mr. Blackbourne.

"Fuck that shit! We're not letting them do that, are we Mr. Blackbourne? I mean, fucking hell, we can't do that!"

"No, Mr. Coleman, we can not. Instead, we have received a request from a couple's team. The woman, Carol Richardson, was one of the first nurses to help Jaimie and Seth when they arrived here. Needless to say, she was smitten. She would like to adopt them."

Silenced reigned for a few stunned moments as we all processed this last bombshell. Someone wanted to adopt the boys? My small boys? I tightened my hold around the two precious children and I felt my own body start to tremble as my heart broke. Tears tracked slowly down my face and I couldn't hold back the small sob that burst out from my lips. I heard the boys start to protest and ask questions about the couple team, but I tuned them all out. I didn't want anyone to take these two boys. They were mine. We were a family, forged through fear and blood. Family was a choice, right? That was what Mr. Blackbourne had said so many times, hadn't he?

"I don't want to give them to anyone else Mr. Blackbourne. They're mine, they're ours. Why can't we take them?"

My question broke through the frenzy of questions that had been going over our heads and silence fell down around us. Gentle fingers grasped at my chin and forced me to look up into compassionate steel gray eyes. Mr. Blackbourne's expression was kind, but I could see already that I wouldn't be getting what I wanted.

"Miss Sorenson, Seth and Jaimie need a loving home in which they are free to grow and live in safety with people who will guide them."

"But we love them, we can do that! I know you love them too! You said family is a choice and I choose them!"

"Can you promise that you'll be able to give up everything to be there for them Miss Sorenson? That we will be the best place for them? You know in your heart that you can't promise that. You know that the jobs our team, our family, handle, are very demanding on is. We can be off doing jobs for weeks at a time. How fair would that be for Seth and Jaimie to bring them along with us in situations that are inappropriate for small children at the best of times and down right dangerous at others? This isn't about loving them or not. Of course we all do. What we need to do is make sure that we place them where they will be the safest. And I honestly believe it is with Carol and Thomas Richardson."

I wanted to deny everything he was saying, to rage against the unfairness of life, but I trusted Mr. Blackbourne completely. If he said it was for the best, it was for the best. That didn't mean I had to like it, which I didn't at all. Seeing my acquiescence, Mr. Blackbourne nodded once at me before releasing my chin. I looked around at all my boys and I saw my own anger and heartbreak reflected back at me. The only thing I could do at that moment was hold Seth and Jaimie to me tighter and cry in earnest.

The first time I met Carol and Thomas Richardson, I really wanted to hate them for wanting to take Seth and Jaimie away from me. If only they weren't so completely and utterly nice. Jaimie and Seth had been quiet all day, no matter how much the guys tried to get them to talk. They stuck close to my side and that was just fine with me. As soon as the Richardsons had entered the room, Jaimie had buried his face into my chest and Seth had stiffened, his face suspicious and uncertain. I might have been glaring just a little bit.

Despite our less than welcoming greeting, Carol and Thomas were very understanding. They introduced themselves first and addressed me before they talked to the boys. They were extremely friendly, but not overly so, and allowed Jaimie and Seth to make the first move. After a little bit, Jaimie's natural friendliness and Seth's curiosity pulled them into conversation. I watched how the couple interacted with the two brother's and I liked how they didn't treat them like they were stupid little kids. After maybe twenty minutes, they decided to take their leave, asking Seth and Jaimie if they may visit again soon. Seth was still cautious, as was his way whenever his brother was involved, but he still gave his permission.

After they had left, I asked the boys what they thought. Jaimie had said she was really pretty and I agreed. Seth said Thomas seemed really nice. They had then turned to the guys and asked what they thought. I could see the strain in all of their faces, knowing that this was just as hard on them as it was on me, but they put forth a smile for Jaimie and Seth's sakes. North and Victor were taking this whole thing the hardest I felt, and they remained quiet. As much as I wanted there to be something wrong with the Richardsons, I had to be honest with myself. They seemed like perfectly sincere and genuine people and I could see the love in their eyes for my boys already.

Over the next month, Carol and Thomas regularly visited Seth and Jaimie, taking the time to get to know them. I tried not to be saddened when Jaimie started to look forward to their visits and when Seth would brighten just a little whenever they walked through the door. It was just me being petty, I knew, and I totally understood why Mr. Blackbourne had thought they were what was best for Seth and Jaimie. In a private conversation between the two of us, Mr. Blackbourne had revealed that Thomas was from an abusive home as well and he'd be able to help the boys with the short and long term affects of living with Dr. Sir. Carol was also extremely tender with them and patient. Between the two of them, I knew that Jaimie and Seth would be in good hands.

A week before the boys were set to be released from the hospital, Carol had requested to speak with me alone. I had agreed to speak with her and we ended up going to the hospital cafeteria to get some coffee and pie. I had tried to stay as cordial as possible to her and her husband, but I still felt as if they were taking Seth and Jaimie away from me. I'm sure my feelings had not gone unnoticed and I waited for Carol to call me out on it. Instead, she told me a story that broke my heart.

"Tommy and I have been together for over twelve years. We met in my sophomore year of high school. He was in the local college and tutored in his spare time. I knew instantly that he was the one for me. We waited until I turned 18 to start dating, and we were married a year later. We were approached by the Academy not long after wards and for a long time, we were very happy. About three years ago, we decided to try to start a family. Tommy's engineer business was doing well and I had finished my residency at the hospital. It seemed like the perfect time. After the third miscarriage, I begun to suspect something was wrong. After the fifth almost killed me, Tommy wanted to stop trying. I was completely devastated. All I could think was there was something very wrong with me and it was my fault that I had lost all of those babies."

"Tommy insisted that I couldn't control how my body was, but I still fell into a deep depression. That man loved and cared for me all throughout that really dark time in my life, thank the heavens. He is the most patient and loving man I have ever met. I knew that he would be the best father ever and it just broke my heart knowing that I couldn't give him a child. Slowly, I started coming out of that really dark time, forcing myself to go to work and going through the motions. I started making myself smile and after some time, it was a little more sincere. I wasn't over what had happened, but I was able to start accepting the reality. Then Tommy came home going on and on about how we could adopt."

"It wasn't the same, not really, but the more I thought about it, the more I fell in love with the idea. It didn't matter so much anymore that the child wasn't of my or Tommy's blood. They would be the most adored and spoiled children this side of the Mississippi and they would be our family in all the ways that mattered. Then came the day that you three were brought to the hospital. Jaimie and Seth fell under my care and hearing their story just killed me. How could anyone who had been blessed with such precious babies do that? I was so angry at their father and I felt how unfair it was that someone who wanted a child so desperately could never have one, but someone who had been blessed with two would almost kill them. As soon as Jaimie woke up, I was a goner. I fell in love totally and helplessly."

At this point, she fell silent, emotion clogging her throat and she stared into her coffee. Tears flowed unhindered down my cheek at her story. It was completely and totally unfair, I agreed. I had wondered more times then I can count within the last two months since waking up about how a monster like Dr. Sir managed to help create two beautiful and amazing children like Seth and Jaimie. Seeing the very real pain in Carol's eyes over her inability to carry a child and her righteous indignation over Seth and Jaimie's abuse finally thawed me out to the women. She and her husband deserved to have a family and be happy. There were no two better kids around then Seth and Jaimie, in my opinion. They would be a good family together.

"Sang, I want you to know two very important things. First, I promise you that I will love and protect Seth and Jaimie as if they were my very own. I will make them cookies and hug them when they are scared. I will read them stories and play games. I will encourage their every dreams and catch them for whenever they fail. They will be Tommy and I's entire world. Second, I will never ever keep them away from you or your family. It is obvious to me that you all adore those two little boys and that they think the sun and the moon and the stars of all of you. You are always welcome in our home and I wouldn't have it any other way."

I really started crying in earnest at that second promise. It was what I had been most afraid of this entire time. I was afraid that the second Carol and Thomas took Seth and Jaimie into their home, I would never see them again or they would somehow forget about me. Hearing how sincere she was and seeing the promise in her lovely blue eyes was exactly what I needed to hear to assuage my fears. She let me cry my relief, only gently taking one of my hands and giving it a firm squeeze. After I had recovered myself, we made it back to our hospital room. Carol joined her husband and listened as Jaimie began telling her about his day, adoration clear on her face.

Concerned glances flew my way from the assembled guys in the room and I gave them a small smile to allay their concern. Instead I went up to Silas, who opened his arms instantly and gave me one of his perfect hugs. After a moment, I pulled away and gave him the first real smile I'd had in a month. He beamed back at me and I noticed the others relax around the room. Turning my attention to the small start of a family in the center of the room, I felt complete and utter happiness. Jaimie and Seth would be alright and so would I. We had gone through hell and found one another and we weren't finished with each other yet. Not by a long mile.

The sound of children, both young and old, screaming in delight greeted my ears as I exited my car in the driveway of the large house. Located in a quiet cul-de-sac in suburbian paradise, Carol and Thomas Richardson had a lovely home. Balancing the fruit platter I had been requested to bring in one hand, I stepped out of the way as Sean reached for the bags of soda in the back of my car. Even before we reached the back yard, I could hear Miss Sorenson's giggles in the melee of chaos we were about to enter.

"Sounds like the party's started without us, Owen! I'm not sure this is the type of shindig you should show up fashionably late to."

I rolled my eyes at Sean's teasing and opened the back gate in time to catch Silas tackling North into the deep end of the pool. Laughter and giggles erupted throughout the back yard at the antics of the two friends and then a squeal of delight reached my ears.

"Mr. B! Dr. Sean! You're here!"

That was the only warning I got before the ball of energy that was Jaimie Ayers launched itself at our legs. "Hey Jaimie boy, what type of mayhem and destruction have we been up to today?"

Jaimie giggled at Sean's greeting, beaming up at the both of us in delight. It still surprised me at how quickly the small boy had latched onto Sean and I, but it never ceased to melt my heart. I rubbed a hand gently through his long, wet curls which only served to earn me a larger grin in turn. A breathless Seth rushed up to us next, his face flushed with exertion. I took the time to appraise them both in that moment and felt immensely pleased to see the weight gain they had both received under Carol's doting hand. They were both small for their age, but they were blooming within their new environment. Seth reached out and took the fruit platter from me and the bag of soda from Sean, ever helpful.

"I got that Mr. Blackbourne, Dr. Green. Carol and Tom are in the kitchen making lunch. Do you want to come join us in the pool?"

"Thanks Seth, maybe later. I need to talk to Carol and Tom for a moment. Maybe you can show Dr. Green how it's done?"

Seth and Jaimie both perked up at my words and turned to face Sean, who merely shook his head at me as Jaimie dragged him towards the pool. As I reached the open sliding glass door, I softly knocked to get the rooms occupant's attention. Carol and Thomas looked up at the knock and they both brightened and smiled at me. Carol wiped her hands on a towel before offering me her hand. Thomas was making hamburger patties by hand and lifted his dirty hands in apology.

"Mr. Blackbourne, so glad you could make it. Did you have a chance to see the boys? They've been getting up to no good with Sang and your team all afternoon, I'll tell you what!"

"Thank you Mrs. Richardson, Mr. Richardson, for having us. I did get a chance to see the Seth and Jaimie. They've managed to wrangle the good doctor into their play by now. "

"Those boys do just adore you two. I'm surprised they didn't drag you into the pool as well. And for heaven's sake, please, call me Carol."

"You might want to just give in on that point by now, Mr. Blackbourne. She'll hound you about that until the day you die if you don't concede. I've learned that the hard way."

Carol swatted her towel playfully at her husband, amusement clear on their faces. "Oh hush up, you. Don't go giving away all my secrets now. A girls entitled to one or two in her life."

"I have to say, Seth and Jaimie looked like they're doing well. They look as if they've really settled in. How have they been doing?"

"Oh, they are both just dolls. I have never met two well behaved boys in my life. We are still working on some things, of course. We're still dealing with Jaimie's night terrors and Seth sometimes get's really quiet and stuck in his head, you know? But North has been very helpful with the dreams. Every time, Jaimie gives him a call and every time that boy manages to calm him right down. Tommy and Seth have started talking a little bit about the things his father has done to him. It will take them a lot longer to trust us enough with everything, but it's a start at least. It's just so painful to hear about everything they suffered with and just makes me angry all over again at that...that man!"

I had noticed that neither Carol or Thomas ever said Adam Ayers name. Not that I didn't understand their reasoning. They absolutely detested everything he had done to Jaimie and Seth and I couldn't agree more. As I always did whenever the bastard was mentioned, I forced my anger down deep. Now was neither the time or place. Soon, I reminded myself. Instead, I turned my focus back onto the original topic.

"That is to be expected, I suppose. Still, considering everything, they look like they are doing remarkably well."

Tom pitched in at this point, his voice sincere and soft. "They are remarkable little kids...Mr. Blackbourne, we need your advice on something."

"What is it, Mr. Richardson?"

"Seth has displayed some interest in joining the Academy. I think after everything he and Jaimie experienced with Sang and your team have influenced his decision. Jaimie's starting to ask questions as well. Carol and I...we want to know what you think about this. After all, you and Sean have been in the Academy from a very young age and have trained your team from a young age. You have a unique perspective on it. Should we let them pursue this interest or should we stop it now before they get too involved?"

I could honestly say I wasn't very surprised to hear this. Seth had impressed me right from the beginning with how intelligent, moral, and kind he was. His brother, while younger, had taken on many of these desirable traits as well. They were both curious children who loved to learn new things. Seth also had a very analytical mind and he loved to find new challenges and over come them. He reminded me of a very young Kota. I honestly thought they would do very well in the Academy. But that was not what Thomas was asking for. He wanted to know if the Academy would be a healthy lifestyle for such young children who had been through so much.

"Honestly, Mr. Richardson, I think those two would do extremely well in the Academy. I also feel like it would benefit them a lot. It will provide extra structure and security that will help them as they deal with their upbringing for years to come. But that is not my call. That's yours to make at this point."

Thomas and Carol shared a glance and I knew that my words had had an affect on them, but I wasn't yet sure in what way. Before I could say anything further, I felt small arms wrap around my stomach and a wet frame pressed up against my back. Turning my head slightly, I met the sparkling green eyes of Miss Sorenson, the laughter clear in their depths. She grinned up at me as she got me completely wet on the back before she stopped and leaned in to give me a small sniff. I kept my smile on face as I noticed her take in my new scent.

Gabriel had been working with different colognes for months now, trying to find something that still "fit" me as he claimed, but wouldn't trigger any of Sang's PTSD from her time under Dr. Ayers. It still galled me that he had used the same type of soap as me. Since that horrible night in the hospital in which I felt as if my heart had shattered within my chest and that Sang had rejected me, I had taken to using the scentless soap that Sean had given me that day. After months of playing around with it, Gabriel had finally given me a new one that he thought nailed it. It was similar to my old scent in someways, but different enough, I hoped. It had a slight spicy scent underneath the overtones of spring soap, so I held my breath as she carefully inhaled, her face thoughtful as she took it in. After a moment, she relaxed and smiled up at me.

"Hello, Miss Sorenson."

"Hello, Mr Blackbourne. I like your new scent. It's very similar to what you usually smell like, but just different enough. Somehow, it seems more...well more you, if that makes sense. Did Gabriel make it?"

"He did indeed. It took him long enough, I suppose. He figured that if he could make it a little different, you wouldn't have a negative reaction."

She beamed up at me in a beautiful smile and I felt my breath catch in the back of my throat. She was so beautiful and there were times where I was caught unaware of how much, like today. Forgetting our audience, I placed a gentle kiss to her forehead and she leaned into it. A clamor at the doorway broke us out of our moment as Seth ran into the kitchen being chased by a laughing Gabriel and Luke. Seeing us standing there, Seth slid to a stop. Taking advantage of the situation Gabriel scooped up a laughing Seth and saluted us before walking back out without a single word to either of us. Luke merely nodded at me before picking up Sang and throwing her over his shoulder as she started giggling and beating at his back.

Carol and Thomas waved me on outside and I followed after my team in time to watch both guys toss their captives in the pool. They both popped up moments later, giggling and spluttering helplessly. Sean indicated I should join him at the side of the pool and I sat down at his side, dropping my feet into the pool. We watched as North and Silas started a game of chicken with Jaimie and Seth, the rest of the team cheering from the sides. In that moment, I felt Sean nudge me with his shoulders and I saw my own feelings of content and peace reflected back. It had been a long six months. Our team had gone through two months of hell, two months of healing, and now two months later, we were stronger and happier than ever. I allowed myself to just sit back and enjoy the moment. We had earned it after all.

*Warning: The next part contains scenes of extreme violence and torture. If that is not for you, then feel free to not go any further.

Carol and Thomas had offered to let us stay with the rest of our team in the sleepover they had planned out, but Sean and I declined. We would have normally agreed, for we enjoyed spending time with Seth and Jaimie when we could, but today we had some unfinished business to take care of. Kota, observant person that he was, had caught onto the fact that something odd was going on. After a small shake of my head, however, he let it go instantly. After issuing a command for the others to ensure they were the perfect guests and getting promises all around, Sean and I made to take our leave, but not before we got goodbye hugs from Jaimie and Seth.

The second we got into the car, we both instantly dropped our smiles. We shared a look and I felt my own face school into a blank mask, Sean's mirroring mine. We said nothing as we stopped at Sean's condo and got dressed into our regular attire, putting our swimsuits away. The methodical nature of getting dressed helped calm my mind as I began to mentally prepare myself for the coming evening. I met Sean in his living room and he noticed a small carrier bag slung over my shoulder. He shot an inquisitive glance at the small bag, but quickly shrugged it off. He was dressed in his typical slacks and button up shirt, an unusual black. His tie was a bright red. It was appropriate for the occasion I supposed. I had worn a dark blue shirt myself, nearly black, and my tie was a silver-gray. I'd probably have to throw it away after tonight, I absently noted.

Seeing that I was ready, Sean merely nodded at me once before walking at the door. We decided to take Sean's car tonight, so I silently slid into the passenger seat as Sean started up the car. The entire two hour drive was spent in complete and utter silence, each of us stewing in our own thoughts, feeding the rage we had been repressing for four months straight. Well, six, if I was being totally honest with myself. From the very moment I found out that someone had had the balls to take Miss Sorenson, our girl of all girls, I had begun to plan out this day in great detail.

After a couple of hours spent in silence, Sean turned off the highway and passed through the small town within a few short minutes. The area we were heading to was remote and mostly kept tightly under wraps. Even the people living nearby had no clue that they lived so close to a high security facility for the criminally insane. It was probably for the best, as most people hated to have their sense of safety and well being destroyed. Sean turned into the gated driveway and stopped as security ran our IDs. Within a few short moments, we were let through. The long driveway up to the building seemed to stretch on forever and the closer we got, them more my heart began to pound.

Sean quickly located an empty parking spot in the small lot and we both exited the car at the same time. Already, our thoughts were syncing up as they tended to do when we were in a high stakes situation. You couldn't work together as long as we had doing the kind of work we did without cementing a strong bond. We knew each other so well at this point, we didn't even need to look at one another to be in agreement. We just entered the facility and passed through the numerous levels of high tech security before coming face to face with the director of the facility.

"Thank you for allowing us to stop by this evening, Mr. Bath."

"Oh, you stop with that Mr. Bath nonsense. It's Anthony, as you well know Owen, Sean. And no thanks necessary. I owe you boys something big for helping save my wife and daughter all those years ago."

"Anthony, is everything set up according to our instructions?"

"Don't you worry about a thing, Sean. The patient has been set up in the room down the hall. The boys have been instructed to...take a walk for the next hour, if you catch my drift. Just don't kill him is all I have to ask. The paperwork is just killer."

I nodded grimly at his attempt at humor and Sean gave a poor excuse for a smile, turning into more of a grimace than anything. Anthony Bath merely clapped us both of a shoulder and walked out of this floor, taking the guards with him. It was very generous of him and we intended to take full advantage of this little gift. Sharing a long look, we reassessed how this was going to play out. Again, we were on the same page instantly, so we marched down the hall together with renewed determination. The door opened easily under my grip and I found myself within a small, well lit room.

Sean stepped in around me and quickly closed the door behind us. As soon as I got my first look at the rooms only occupant I felt myself stiffen at the blinding rage that swept through me. I felt Sean tense up beside me and I knew that he was just as enraged at the site of Adam Ayers as I was. I took a moment to beat back the anger that threatened to choke me and spent the time assessing the man before me. He was restrained to a large chair and he was currently not looking in our direction. I was struck again by how boring and normal he looked.

His hair was a medium brown, dull and almost mousy in appearance. His eyes were an unremarkable brown and his features were rather bland. His skin was not significantly pale, nor was it very tan. His height was average, I remembered vaguely, and his build was neither slight, nor muscular. All and all, completely and totally boring. Forgettable almost. If I didn't know any better, I would have thought him a fairly harmless and normal man. But I did know better, didn't I? This was the man responsible for killing his own wife and three other women. For destroying their families and futures.

This was the man responsible for stealing one of the most precious things in my life and almost single handedly destroying everything I had worked for. He was the man who had caused not one, not two, but three of my family members to be pushed to the very brink of the edge of their sanity. He was responsible for almost extinguishing the lives of two of the brightest, most loving kids I had ever had the pleasure of knowing. He was responsible for putting a hole in Miss Sorenson's neck, which only happened because he had injected her with a drug that she was highly allergic to. And he had almost ruined my relationship with her, his mere existence a taint on something that we had shared and derived comfort from.

He had a lot to answer for and I had told Kota all those months ago that I would take care to make sure he did. It was high time for me to finally collect my due. Sometime in the midst of my dark, vengeful thoughts, Ayers had finally glanced our way and at the sight of me, he froze. His shock gave way almost instantly to complete and utter rage and then he was howling at me for stealing his wife, much as he had on the night we had apprehended him.

I was content to just let him drain himself, but Sean appeared to not be in the mood. He strode forward with in quick strides and grabbed onto Ayers' right pinky and yanked it ruthlessly back, a snap audible in the small room. The howls of anger quickly turned to a yelp of pain and Ayers froze.

"You listen to me, you motherfucker. You will shut your damn fucking mouth, or I swear I will cut this off and shove it down you throat, do you understand me?"

I merely watched at Sean hissed down at the restrained man and he frantically nodded in response. Maybe it was wrong that I got a not so small rush of pleasure at Sean's brutal silencing of the bastard, but after remembering how Sang had looked as she bled out with a hole in her neck, I squashed my lingering doubts. Today was about revenge, pure and simple. Sean released the now broken finger with a rough push, which resulted in a second howl of pain. He backed away to give me room as I stepped in front of the panting man. I carefully set down the small bag I had been carrying. It was not yet time to use it's contents. I needed to get some things out first.

"Dr. Ayers, my name is Mr. Blackbourne. That one over there is Dr. Green. You are responsible for harming a lot of people that we care about and we're not too happy about that. You see, Sean and I take our responsibility over our family very seriously. And you made the very grave error of taking someone who belongs to us and that we hold very dear. That was your first mistake."

At this, I delivered a sharp punch to his kidneys. He yelped as he arched away from the hit and I continued my lecture. "Your next mistake was going after your sons. Our team has zero tolerance for the type of cowards who beat the shit out of helpless children."

I delivered a second punch, harder this time, to the same exact spot. He screamed this time and I knew that he would be peeing blood tonight. Before I could continue my lesson, he started hollering once again.

"They're not my sons, they're not! My sons are dead, those monsters killed them! They're monsters and I put them down. They needed to die, Satan's spawn, the whole lot of them! I felt the ribs cave as I kic- ahhhhhhhhhhhh!"

Sean's patience had reached it's limit again as he reached forward and snagged two of Ayers' fingers this time. They snapped one right after another and the man started howling like a stuck pig.

"I thought I told you to shut your goddamn mouth? I don't like repeating myself. And as to those "monsters", they're both alive, no thanks to you. Speaking of ribs caving, I owe you for that, don't I?"

I remained silent as Sean delivered a series of blows to Ayers' ribs, each precise and brutally vicious. After a series of audible snaps, Sean back up again, his face cold and blank. Before he stepped away completely, he delivered a particularly harsh blow to Ayers groin, earning an inhuman shriek in response. I placed a hand on his stiff shoulder and he allowed me to take control once again. Dispassionately, I grabbed onto Ayers' sweaty hair and yank his head back to an uncomfortable angle. The fear and pain in his eyes was a heady sight but I kept my face carefully blank. Tears streamed from his eyes as I coldly stared down into his pale, upturned face.

"As I was saying before you so rudely interrupted, going after your sons was mistake number two. Mistake number three was injecting Miss Sorenson with that last compound. It nearly killed her and the only reason you are not dying at my hands tonight is it didn't succeed."

I pulled one arm back at this point and punched him straight in the center of his face. I felt the cartilage and bones in his nose crunch under my blow and he cried out as blood gushed down from his nose. I released his hair and he flopped pitifully forward. I continued on with my diatribe, intent on making the man suffer as much as possible.

"Your fourth mistake was putting a hole in Miss Sorenson's neck." I pressed down on the nearest pressure point in his own neck and was rewarded by a shriek of pain and held it for a few agonizing seconds. Unhindered, I got to my final point.

"Your final major mistake was attempting to slit one of my brother's throats. If you had succeeded in that endeavor, I can assure you would have died that night, and not by my hands."

At this last point I grabbed his hand with the broken fingers and snapped the wrist in one brutal twist. The howl of pain was almost deafening in it's volume. I released him in a moment as I turned to pick up the small bag I had brought in with me. Sean watched me intently as I brought out a small vial of liquid, a pale yellow in the bright lighting. I brought out a syringe and stuck it into the top, drawing a small amount of the contents. As I flicked it and made sure to eliminate any bubbles, I began to address the sobbing man in front of me.

"Dr. Ayers, have you ever heard of the Tarantula Hawk? No? Well let me inform you about this little gem of the natural world. As the name implies, the Tarantula Hawk's main source of prey is the tarantula spider. However, it's a misnomer. It is in fact not a hawk at all, but rather a wasp. It is also known as the Pepsis wasp and it carried the second most painful venom in the insect world, after the bullet ant. The venom needs to be strong enough to instantly neutralize their pray, after pain has been described to me as instant, electric, and all consuming. While I trust my source is telling the truth, I am a curious man and want to know for sure. How about we test this and you can let me know afterward, hmmm?"

Sean's face had gone from intrigued to startled to wicked the second he had heard the name of the venom I had in my possession. His eyes burned with an icey fire as I approached the now struggling man. It did Ayers no good as I jammed the syringe and depressed the plunger into his neck. I only had to wait a few short moments before the man completely tensed and then threw his head back and started screaming bloody murder. I walked back to stand beside Sean and we both watched as the man in front of us turned practically purple in the throes of agony. The tendons in his neck and arms stood out in stark contrast and his entire body shook.

It was morbidly fascinating to watch the entire experience play out, but just as I had been instructed, the pain only lasted for a few short minutes. Slowly, the muscles in his body relaxed and he took in huge gulps of air as he struggled to recover. A soft whistle from my side drew my attention back to Sean. A grim smile covered his face as his cold eyes locked onto my own. I could tell he was impressed and I wasn't sure if I should feel good about that or not. Instead, I watched in silence as Sean drew something out of his pocket. I realized it was a vial similar to the one I help, though its contents were clear. He also pulled out a small syringe and giving me a humorless chuckle he turned back to face Ayers.

"They say great minds think alike. If I knew you were going to bring that little beauty, I would have used this earlier, Owen. How did that feel, you son of a bitch? I bet that hurt just a tad. Do you recognize what this is Ayers? This? This is doxacurium chloride. Ah, I see you recognize that. You would, wouldn't you? Being how you used this to kidnap and kill four women with it. Now as a doctor, I typically take my oath to do no harm very seriously, but when a fucker like you comes along who preys on women and children, especially those I care about, well, let's just say I'm willing to make an exception. Then I kinda turn into an eye for an eye type of guy. So I figured, why the fuck not give you a taste of your own medicine, cheesy puns aside?"

At this Sean injected Ayers with a healthy does of the neuro-muscular inhibitor and I watched in muted curiosity as his entire body started going completely lax. The twitches of pain stopped completely, his mouth went limp, and I suspected that if he weren't restrained, he would completely collapse on the floor. The horror in his eyes made me think of how scared Miss Sorenson must have been when she first found herself in that basement, trapped in an unfamiliar place and in her own body. I felt a rush of gratitude at Sean for thinking up this perfect revenge. I turned to regard him and asked the question I had lingering in my head.

"Now what do we do?"

"Now, my dear Owen, we make good use of the time we have remaining. I say forty minutes and that handy vial of venom you have will make for a memorable time, don't you?"

I should have felt disturbed at the malicious gleam in Sean's eyes. I should have stopped this before it even began. I sure as hell shouldn't be enjoying this so much, but I was. This was not about right or wrong, after all. This was about revenge, pure and simple. So I nodded my head at Sean and stuck another load of the venom in Ayers' neck, watching as the silent screams lit up his eyes. It wasn't enough for everything this monster had done, not nearly enough, but it sure as hell made me feel better.

After Anthony Bath had returned, he has just taken one look at Ayers and raised an eyebrow in question. Sean explained that the medication would wear off eventually and that he would be paralyzed until then. He didn't even bat an eye at the obviously broken fingers or nose. He had only nodded his understanding and that was that. Leaving the facility, I felt myself begin to shake off the events that had just occurred. Sean appeared to be doing the same thing and just before we got into his car, he stood and looked back at the building we had just left.

"What is it Sean?" I asked him as the seconds dragged on.

He merely shook his head and glanced back at me. "Nothing Owen, let's get back home to our family, what do you say? We can stop by the store and grab some ice cream and root beer. Jaimie told me he had never tried that before."

"Sounds like a good plan to me. We should get vanilla and chocolate."

And so we left, leaving behind the horror and rage that had haunted my every waking moment since this whole nightmare began. That was the last time I ever gave Adam Ayers the time of day again. After all, what did he matter to me? I threw him from my mind like the piece of garbage he was. And that was that.