AN: This is my penguins of Madagascar fanfiction so please be kind! Suggestions are highly appreciated! Please enjoy!

Disclaimer : I OWN NOTHING!

As Skipper regained consciousness, he noticed that his foot was chained to a wall. The cell wasn't that big so he could walk around freely even with the chains on. He noticed that his team were also chained up and were still unconscious. He tried to remember how they got here but he couldn't. He looked around again and a memory surfaced. He has been here before. But as soon as it came, it went.

He looked past the bars and saw machines that he couldn't begin to comprehend their purpose and chemicals stored in various vials and tubes. He made a note to ask Kowalski about that later.

His pulse suddenly quickened and he suddenly felt a hint of claustrophobia, which was weird. He didn't have claustrophobia. This place sent shiver down his spine, fortunately, his team started regaining consciousness.

"Ugh, Where are we?" asked Private.

"Good question, any answers Kowalski?"

"Let's see, it appears that we are inside a holding cell. The chains are solid and so are the bars. Outside it would appear that it is a laboratory."

"A laboratory huh?" it suddenly hit him. "That means this place has…" before he could finish, Rico grabbed his beak and so did Kowalski.

"Yes Skipper I know. Best we keep quiet before our captors figure out that we're awake."

"We need to get out of here! Kowalski options!"

"There are no windows and it appears that we are underground. Hmm, we could blow it up with-"

Before he could finish his sentence Rico shouted "Woohoo! KABOOM!"

He tried to regurgitate a bunch of dynamite but nothing went up. He tried to regurgitate a bazooka but still none came out.

"Huh? Wha oing on?"

"Rico, where are all our weapons?"

" Unh 'noh!"

Before they could further discuss it, the door opened and a voice that sent shivers down Skipper's spine spoke.

"Welcome my new experiments!"

They turned and saw an emperor penguin in a lab coat.

"Experiments?!" Private exclaimed.

"Yes, yes little one. Private is it? Let's see…"

He took a folder from his back and examined its contents.

"Hmm, naïve, gullible, a good fighter though but a tad bit too innocent for your job eh?"

"What?" Private didn't know if he should be insulted, scared or flattered. Maybe all three at the same time?

"Ooh ah you?" Rico asked while scratching his head. This is all so very confusing.

"Ah, I am assuming you are…Rico?"

Without waiting for a response he flipped some of the papers in the folder and read them.

"Hmm, Slight psychopathic behavior, lost the ability to speak properly on a mission and suffers slight separation anxiety."

"Wha are ooh talkin' 'bout?!"

If he had his weapons Rico would have blown him up already and if he was out of this cell, he would have kicked the living daylights out of that smarty-ass penguin.

"the tall one must be Kowalski then, Very smart though not as smart as me, slightly obsessive especially with regards to a special female dolphin and poor at making decisions based on what they call "the gut instinct". Can't say I blame you though, I have the same problem sometimes."

"How do you know so much about us?"

"Now, now be patient! Why Skipper, you've been unusually quiet."

The three penguins noticed their commanding officer was indeed acting a bit weird. He was staring at the odd scientist, his beak slightly open and Kowalski thought that if it were possible for penguins to sweat, Skipper would be drenched in it.

"Skipper, are you alright?" he asked.

Skipper didn't give a response and just continued to stare at the scientist. Forgetting they were possibly engaging an enemy, Kowalski fully faced skipper .

"Skipper, I'm terribly sorry for this."

He slapped his commanding officer, hard. He almost expected to be flipped to his back or slapped back but skipper only looked at the scientist again and took a step back.

"It's you." He whispered.

"I see you remember me, old friend."

"You are anything but my friend you bastard!"

Skipper yelled but maintained his distance. He wanted to get his team and get away from that deranged and utterly evil scientist. He knew his team was staring at him with a mixture of confusion, worry and fear. They had never seen him act like this and it's very self explanatory why they were worried and confused. If it weren't for his pride, he would have ran to the furthest corner and hope he would be seen but his team needed him to get away from the unholy bastard that-

"Come now Skipper, didn't you enjoy your last visit to me? It was rather interesting and slightly surprising."

"Skippah, who is this?" Private's voice shook with fear.

"This is Aeron Cain. Traitor to the PENGUINS and our whole species. He joined the LEOPARD SEALS when he was denied to experiment on live penguins and other species. "

"Well now Skipper, that's just some text book reference from the academy, have you forgotten how I tried to annihilate a whole flock of penguins? How I experimented on some and instilled the fear of needles-"

"Shut up Cain!"

The other three penguins trembled at Skipper's voice. they never heard him that loud and so full of hate before. They unconsciously huddled together and took several steps back.

"Why Skipper? Afraid your team will know how I tortured you, experimented on you and your family. How you were so frightened of the mere sight of needles when I wasn't even half way through with you?"

"you bastard! What do you want with us?"

"Information and while I'm at it, experiments. The LEOPARD SEALS up stairs want to know every Black Ops mission you know, every penguin base in the globe and the codes needed to access top secret files."

"What if I say my team has no knowledge of what you are saying right now?"

"I would believe you if you say your team has no knowledge whatsoever"

The three wanted to sigh with relief when the emperor spoke once again.

"However I know for a fact that being a high ranking officer for such a long time, you would know a lot of information."

He looked at Skipper in the eyes. "And I know you wouldn't want to relive the long torturous hour we spent playing together years ago would you?"

He smiled wickedly before leaving.

"I'll think about it if I were you."

With those words out of his beak, they heard the door close followed by a click indicating a lock.

Skipper sighed and sat down on the cold ground while leaning on a wall.

"Are you alright?" Kowalski asked placing his flipper on his commanding officer's shoulder.

"I guess so. We have to get out of here Kowalski. The things that deranged penguin did was so cruel Blowhole would make blowhole a saint."

"What did he do Skippah?"

"What I'm about to tell you is classified and is not to be relayed to other ears understood?"

"Yes sir!" the three penguins said in perfect unison.

"Years before I hatched, there was a penguin called Aeron Cain that was so intelligent, he could beat any professor in any debate in the university. Nobody really didn't knew when his madness surfaced but one day in the academy, Cain tried to experiment on his roommate. Due to how efficient he was and their utter fear of his genius turning against them, the head penguin sent him to central HQ. "

He paused to look at his team, unsure if he should go on. Their faces told him to go on so he did.

"For awhile, he was the prized scientist. He built weapons, armor, you name it, he built it. He was allowed to experiment on some prisoners-traitors and enemies alike- but only to some degree, to find weakness in them and how to access that weakness that fear which could decide who lives and dies. He was happy and content in his own twisted way.

If he was mad before, he completely snapped now. he secretly experimented on soldiers, agents, and some didn't even knew it. They say it went on for months until he wanted more."

He paused here, it was painful but he had to let them know their enemy.

"He attacked flocks and abducted some penguins. He tried to cover his tracks and killed all the other penguins who were left behind. He was found out so he went into hiding, taking some abducted penguins with him. He experimented on them for months till they died. He called it operation: Fear. He wanted to find out how much fear can a penguin take and if it was possible to erase that fear and put it back at will. That is only a theory though, who knows what goes on in his sick, twisted mi9nd. We don't really know exactly when he joined LEOPARD SEALS but for a fact, he became traitor the moment he experimented on his comrade."

"You're still not telling us everything are you?" it wasn't meant to accuse merely stating an honest fact.

"I can't"

Three penguins nodded.

"Classified." Said private, the others agreeing.

"No" Skipper said. "Personal."

They nodded in understanding.

"Go hide here sweety, I'll be back."

His mother's soothing voice calmed him and was able to cancel out the shooting and yelling outside. It was colder than usual and his gut was churning.

"Your daddy and I will be right back."

"Please don't go!"

"Get away from our son!"

"Run son! Run and hide!"

"Hello my little experiment!"

"Don't worry Skipper, We'll get out of here sooner or later."

"No matter what happens, we will never leave you Skippah!"

" Ne'er Leavin Kipah!"

"Thanks guys." 'I know you will never leave me, I'm just afraid that I may leave you'

AN: Hey guys! That wasn't much of a cliffie huh? I would really want to hear back from you, I'm not much of a writer and English is not my mother tongue so please forgive some errors you may find. I'll try to update as soon as I can, I promise! Kudos to anyone that could get what Aeron Cain's name means!

Your Obedient Servant,