Sorry for the way too long wait, school, y'know?

Phantom opened one eye before he moved from his position on the couch. He sat up and blinked at the now empty room and the blanked he was sure should not be there. Since he was feeling much better he stood up from the couch and folded the blanket up neatly, placing it at the end of the couch. The white-haired ghost-boy cautiously exited the room and somehow managed to find his way to the courtyard. Looking around he spotted the sun slowly setting.

Ok, time out, how long did I sleep? Danny thought as the sun finally dipped below the horizon.

He hoped he'd get answers from the Gargoyles as he heard their stone skin cracking, then their waking roars. Phantom looked up at the tower where the Gargoyles nested and debated going there. He was just about to move when he got thrown to the ground and was pinned there by a heavy thing that started licking his face.

Well, this is familiar. Phantom thought as he pinched his eyes and mouth shut so that he wouldn't get drool in them and also held his breath. Thankfully he didn't need to breath in ghost form.

"Bronx, get off the lad, ye great lump." he heard the old gargoyle say before the clawed weight was lifted off of him.

Phantom twitched before sitting up and turning intangible, letting the drool fall through him. He then floated away form the spot before becoming solid again. Once he was standing upright on solid ground he turned and looked at the Gargoyle dog with narrowed eyes.

A beat of silence passed before he said "I can't believe I'm saying this, but you're worse than Cujo."

Bronx only panted happily, making Phantom sigh.

"You're not supposed to be proud of that fact." he deadpanned, hands on his hips, before looking at the Wyvern Clan "Hi."

"How are you feeling? You didn't seem to be doing well the last time we saw you." Goliath asked, giving the glowing boy a once-over.

Phantom floated absently, rotating his arms and torso "Better. A lot better. Let it never be said that Spectra doesn't affect me, because she always does." he finished with a shiver and hugged himself.

"So that's the name of the specter. Owen gave us a brief explanation of what he knew, but perhaps you know more." Goliath said, implying that he wanted Phantom to explain what had happened.

Phantom tilted his head from side to side before nodding "Alright, though I really only want to explain things once, so we might as well find the rest of the people involved."

"No need."

At the sound of Xanatos' voice, the gargoyles turned their heads while Phantom turned completely to face the man of the house, eyes zeroing on him to make sure there was no lasting damage from Spectra's latest stunt. Fortunately, he found none except the faint black spots under his eyes, which was perfectly normal.

They went inside the castle, obviously due to the feeling of coldness that followed Spectra's use of her powers that probably would make Xanatos uncomfortable for a while. Danny could remember very well how he acted after the first time. Upon reaching the same room he'd slept in, Phantom once again acted like a non-human and flew up and sat on top of the backrest of a plush leather chair in the vicinity of the couch. He secretly grinned from under his hood at the eyebrow twitch he caused both Owen and Xanatos to have and waited for everyone to sit. The only ones to sit were Lexington, Broadway and Brooklyn, while Goliath and Hudson stood behind the couch the three sat on and Bronx sat by the chair Phantom had claimed the top half of.

David stood for a moment before sighing and taking the chair facing Phantom, Owen standing behind the man "Let's get this over with, you weren't that informative before you passed out on my couch... and since when do ghosts need to sleep?"

Phantom bristled "Hey! Sleep is a perfectly good way to create energy, of course ghosts can feed off of it! Hell, Nocturne feeds off of the energy of other people while they sleep!" at the silence that followed, Phantom coughed "aaaanyway, that's actually a pretty good example, ghosts feed off of either their obsession or the energy humans produce either from emotions or state of being. Spectra feeds off of misery and usually targets teenagers. She does this to not only stay alive but to appear youthful, but unfortunately if she gets really really really weak she can pass under the radar. Unfortunately for her, the shield can detect her once she's fed off enough misery and thus shock her on command." Phantom explained with a random flail thrown in once in a while, he was slightly skittish from having been in his ghost form for such a long time but as he couldn't change back without making his condition worse he had to bear with it.

Brooklyn was the next one to speak after the lengthy explanation "Why were you even here?"

It appeared like the question had been on everyone's mind and so Phantom decided to try and dispel some of the confusion and/or suspicion "I was visiting my friend Frostbite. He's the leader of the Far Frozen and-"

"Did you say Far Frozen?" Xanatos immediately interrupted.

Inwardly glad but outwarldy annoyed, Phantom let out a long-suffering sigh "Yes. Now, When I got there Frostbite received a patient. The Far Frozen is the place to be if you're injured or sick, even if you're human, but Frostbite taking on a case personally means he either holds you in high regard or it's serious. Well, this time it was both. The stuff they found in his lungs was disturbing and he couldn't even talk when he woke the first time." Phantom explained calmly.

"Is he alright?"

"Hm?" he turned to look at Goliath, who'd spoken.

"The boy, Daniel, is he alright?"

"He was lucid last time I saw him. It took three days for him to even wake up and I don't blame him. Blood Blossom vapour, iron and some pretty questionable sedatives were found in his lungs, Frostbite said it was a wonder his lungs and throat weren't damaged further. Since he was out of the danger zone, I decided to come and check things out. Danny wanted to make sure the frootloop that took him didn't get his hands on anything important and that the kid was doing fine. Long story short, I'm doing him a favour."

Xanatos eyed the ghost dubiously "Why would you do him a favour?"

Phantom was silent for a moment, before "It's... complicated... but let's just say we're connected in a rather... permanent way." Phantom shifted, sitting up straighter "He left, I followed. There is a lot more to it than that, but I don't feel like telling you." he continued, tossing his head from side to side "Of course, I've only recently started moving around freely, since I am much more noticeable than a human, what with all the glowing and floating and... stuff." he ended with a vague hand-motion.

He then grinned gleefully "So guess what, you're kiiiinda stuck with me for a while. I'll stay away, physically, as much as you want, but the castle is my temporary haunt for the foreseeable future. Sorry-not-sorry, take it up with your nanny!"

Phantom was not cackling inwardly at the shocked and perturbed faces the company was making. He was not.

Ok, maybe just a little.

Skittish Danny in Phantom form is a troll xD