Tsuna hated driving in the dark. He didn't like the night, he never has. But being in the outskirts of town where almost nobody comes was the fuel to his fear.

His car had broken down so he was almost 10 Km away from the nearest convenience store and Namimori. He was also stuck in the dark. He debated whether he should walk home or just sleep in his car for the remainder of the night. He quickly mad up his mind as a twig snapped in the woods.

Tsuna jumped and started rooting through his jacket pockets for his phone. The rustling of the trees had him hurrying to find his phone. He idly wondered why he was so jumpy at night. He growled lightly when he realized he forgot his phone at home when he as rushing to get out of the door. He hated driving alone in the dark. If he was with somebody it was bearable but if not he didn't want to go there.

Tsuna looked around as he let his hands slump to his sides. He saw a man walking down street a few hundred meters away and Tsuna offered a little wave as he opened the car door to sit inside it. The man started jogging the remaining way between the two so Tsuna straightened out and leaned against the car door as he waited for the man to catch up.

"Hello," he said, "I was walking but I wasn't paying attention to where I was going. Can you point me to the nearest convenience store so I know where I'm going?"

The man was taller than Tsuna so he had to look up, it was harder to see his face as it was dark out and he had a hat on. "Sure, but can I have a name first?"

The man smirked. "My name's Reborn. Mind telling me yours?"

Tsuna shrugged as he pushed away form the car and faced Reborn. He heard a slight Italian accent in Reborn's voice. "My name's Tsunayoshi, call me Tsuna for short. I was going to go to a convenience store myself so maybe we could walk together?"

"That's be great. Nice to meet you Tsuna. Hopefully you don't turn out to be an axe murderer." Reborn said as he turned around and started walking. Tsuna easily kept pace beside him.

"There's always that possibility." Tsuna commented. Reborn chuckled as he brushed hair out of his face and stuffed it back into the fedora he was wearing.

"I think that anybody has the potential to be a murderer. Some people just choose act on it."

Tsuna nodded in agreement. "Everyone has endless possibilities but some people act on them more than other people."

"Or we could all be heroes, we just need a reason to be one."

"That's why people go to war. They want to serve their country and become war heroes. But it's a lose-lose situation as most come back with Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder or die."

Reborn smiled in agreement.

They didn't say any more as they lapsed into a comfortable silence. Reborn broke it a few moments later as he asked a question. "Why don't you tell me about yourself, Tsuna?"

Tsuna blinked as he didn't expect the question. He then smiled softly and nodded. "Sure, what do you want to know?"

"How about your age?" Reborn had a glint in his eye. Tsuna didn't know what it was.

"I'm 16, almost 17. My birthday's on October 14th." Tsuna pulled hair out of his face as the wind ruffled it. Reborn stiffened when it came in his direction and Tsuna gave him an odd look but didn't say anything. They passed a crossroads and Tsuna was too distracted to notice.

"Next question: What's your favourite past time?" The two rounded a bend in the road and Tsuna idly remembered they went the wrong way at the cross roads.

"I think it would be...Maybe reading? I'm not very good at Japanese though."

"So you like reading but you aren't good at it in Japanese?"

"Yeah, I'm better at English than Japanese. I know a little Italian from my father but I'm not fluent enough to speak it in a conversation."

Reborn was surprised to hear that Tsuna knew English and smirked. "Do you know any other languages?"

"A little of French. It was easier to learn since I also knew some Italian but the accents were hard. My father isn't a very good teacher so most of what I learn is self-taught. Oh god, I sound like I'm gloating, I'm sorry."

Reborn smirked reassuringly as he tugged on Tsuna's arm. "We should probably stop walking in the middle of the road. It's dangerous, even if nobody comes here often."

Tsuna nodded and let Reborn pull him along to the other side of the road.

"My house is just up ahead. I could give you a room to stay in if you want. My house is only a couple hundred meters ahead."

Tsuna pursed his lips and shook his head. "No, I'll be imposing. I don't want you to do anything unnecessary. There's a convenience store up the road so I'll be fine. I can call for help there."

"It's dangerous to go alone. You never know what's out there or who you can trust. I promise that you won't be killed by me so there's nothing to worry about."

Tsuna shook his head again but gave a crooked smile. "You sound like something out of a video game. But I don't think I'll be very good company. You'll be bored real quick with me around."

Reborn scoffed. "Yet I'm still talking to you now. I think you're good company so that problem's solved. As for you imposing, it's far from that. I have a big house and it's quite lonely from time to time."

Tsuna had a light pink on his cheeks. "Fine, since you were so nice about it. I'll stay with you for tonight. I don't want to impose so I'll sleep on a couch or something."

"Excellent." Reborn said with a devilish grin.

The two walked into Reborn's house a few minutes later. Tsuna looked around nervously but stopped to take his shoes off.

"You don't have to take your shoes off. It's probably be better if you didn't." Reborn said as he walked past Tsuna's bent form.

"It's called courtesy. I'm used to wearing no shoes inside of a house anyways, sue me." Tsuna said as he walked forward in sock feet. Reborn rolled his eyes as he let Tsuna walk past him.

"Go to the bedroom on your second left. It's the one with the better bedding in the house." Reborn pointed down the hall and Tsuna nodded his thanks.

"How am I supposed to repay you? It doesn't feel right to not do something for you." Tsuna said as he turned back to look to Reborn.

"I'll tell you about it later." Reborn said as he smirked, walking to the bathroom as he talked.

Tsuna felt apprehension pool in his abdomen as he nodded. He wasn't sure what Reborn wanted, he had a feeling what but it was embarrassing to think about. Tsuna walked forward to the bedroom regardless. There was no need to dwell on what might or might not happen.

"Sleep already. You're going to collapse if you don't." Reborn called from where he was in the bathroom, a little to the right of the bedroom.

"Fine! Don't wake me up if I do then." Tsuna yelled back. He heard the chuckle coming from Reborn and made a face toward his direction.

He opened the door and almost took a step back in surprise. The room was simple yet had an air of elegance. The double bed had a beige fitted sheet that complimented the light grey on the walls. The brown comforter and white pillows added even more of a good image.

Tsuna sighed as he walked forward and peeled back the covers. He slipped underneath them and was hit with smell of heavy cologne and something like iron. He couldn't place the iron smell as it was heavily masked by cologne and laundry soap.

The opening of the door a few minutes later alerted him that Reborn had walked in. Tsuna moved so that he would take up the least amount of space possible in case Reborn slept next to him. Tsuna pulled the covers over his head and made himself comfortable.

He felt the bed shift and dip from the weight of Reborn sitting down. The covers lifted and cold air rushed in making Tsuna shiver. The cold was soon replaced with warmth as he felt Reborn wrap his arms around his waist.

Heat rushed to Tsuna's face as he was pulled against Reborn's chest. His heartbeat sped up and he was sure this was a dream. Reborn would never do something like this. But he had never had a relationship before. It was nice since he only had a couple of friends, who were together, that willingly slept beside him. But Tsuna often felt like the third wheel between them so he didn't sleep over much anymore. But Tsuna had never slept so close as he was to Reborn like this. He smiled as he felt content.

Tsuna unconsciously moved closer to Reborn, shifting enough that the sky blue sweater Tsuna had on fell away and left his neck exposed. Reborn smirked against Tsuna's hair and moved his head to Tsuna's neck.

He licked it, making sure Tsuna was to his liking, and hugged Tsuna tighter against himself when Tsuna started to struggle. Reborn felt the two incisors grow and grazed them lightly over Tsuna's juncture vein.

Wasting no more time, Reborn sank his teeth into Tsuna's neck and started sucking. Tsuna gasped as he gripped the bedsheets underneath him. Tsuna knew that there was no escape anymore from the thing behind him.

Soon, Tsuna started panting as a minute turned into two, then three, then four. Reborn heard the panting start and he reluctantly slowed down, stopping gradually. He carefully removed his fangs from Tsuna's neck and licked the spot where the teeth marks now stood out on the pale and sweaty skin. Tsuna whimpered in pain as his neck now seared where Reborn licked it.

Reborn smirked against Tsuna's skin and flipped Tsuna on to his back. Tsuna was flushed, panting from the minor blood loss, startled that Reborn was now sitting on his thighs, and astonished that Reborn was smirking down with an air of amusement.

"W-What the hell are you?" Tsuna managed to gasp out, grimacing in pain when he moved his neck.

"That's a good question. I'm people's worst nightmare, sometimes their biggest dream. l know covering my tracks is too easy as you humans are easily fooled. I eat whoever I like and you happened to catch my fancy. Feel special." Reborn's smirk turned predatory as he leaned forward and put his face mere millimeters from Tsuna's.

"That still doesn't answer my question." Tsuna said heatedly as his cheeks turned a dark pink in embarrassment. Their faces were perfectly aligned, if he just leaned forward they would be kissing. He didn't like it.

But Reborn leaned forward regardless of personal space. Tsuna felt Reborn's breath ghost over his face as he spoke,"I'll answer your question then. I'm a vampire and I'm keeping you for the rest of your life."

Well, I'm back and have done this story for a request for lovelydragonfly. I'll be making it five chapters. I got the idea from an Avenged Sevenfold song, Sidewinder. Listen to the song if you want, I highly recommend it.
