Chapter one: Watching the sky above

12 years ago, In the hospital, Gilbert's mother, Gillian, lies on her death bed.

"Gilly, My son, My time has come, and I would like to say my final words to you. Do you remember when I used to stare at the sky?"

"Of course" Gilbert choked out between the sweat that comes from your eyes.

"Well, I found that if you watch the sky for long enough you'll see what no one else will be able to. So,as my last wish, when the day comes and something awesome does happen, I want you to see it. Your life will change once your Birdie falls from the sky."She suddenly paled and there was a low steady beep from the monitor beside her.

Gilbert understood what had happened and knew that even if he called out to her she wouldn't come back. His brother was outside to young to know what had happened. There was only one place to go now that his mother was gone, his grandfather's. He thought that his father had taken off long ago, just a bit after Ludwig was born.

~Epicly Awesome Line Break~

^~Gilly's POV~^

Yet another unawesome day at Hel- I mean school. Ugh, why do I have to have science fricking first? I'm glad today's a half-day then a break. Yay, hanging out alone in my basement while West makes out with his boyfriend. At least through all this I have a window seat in science, means I get to watch the sky.

The teachers blabbing on about something boring so I tune her out.

The sky looks so pretty today, with low hanging clouds and birds and stuff. The sky's color always seems so crisp around here, loads better than where I was before. Suddenly I find my self recalling an old memory.

"Your life will change once your Birdie falls from the sky."

Then I saw him, falling from the sky, even with the blur of falling I could see the wings, Birdie.

^~Moment's before in The Sky, Mattie's POV~^

"ALFRED!"Brittania angel shouted at the Alfred look-a-like.

"I'm s-" Matthew mumbled.

"No, time for excuses Alfred get this down to the lower levels NOW!"

Obviously someone hasn't eaten there pankakes today.

"Sir I'm n-" Cut off yet again...


Wow I hate Fridays sometimes. How come Brittania is in such a freaking twist today? Is it because of Francis again? Why did I become one of the messenger angel's any way? And WHY THE FREAK AM I GOING TO THE LOWER LEVELS?

Let me explain, The lower levels are where the clouds are thinner,and if an angel trips, falls or is pushed, then end up on earth(It's happened before), that's why only skilled fliers like my brother go, not me. I barely can fly ten feet without crash landing. I really hope I'm lucky and don't fall.

Of course this message just happens to be going to Carlos, a special human, that has a hatred for my brother, and is very blind in the way's of looks. So often I'm the one that get's beat up. He always apologies though but I stopped accepting them after a while knowing that the punches would come again sooner or later.

I knock at his door. Making it this far was lucky, hopefully I'll be able to get back.

The door opens and there stands Carlos... with a gun in hand .

"What are you doing here Piggy*?" He growled.

"D-d-d-delivering, h-h-h-h-here." I stumble for the right words.

"Thanks for the message, I'll go a little easier on you this time but you not going away unscathed." He put the gun down only to bring up a fist. After the third or forth hit I lost all will to stand up. He kicked me pretty hard though, enough to send my falling to my demise. That's when I lost consciousness.

Writer's note!

Hey everypony! Hope you enjoy the first chapter of this new fanfic! Hopefully I'll actually be able to focus and finish this unlike my other story's. Tell me if it was okay or not, if not I understand, if it suck I'm pretty sure I would hate it too! If the are any mistakes, which I know there are, just tell me and a way to fix it and it will be fixed! So Please review and this all for now so BYE

WAIT! Disclaimer! I always forget about you! Would you like to read yourself to the readers?

disclaimer: Sure, Why not? Ramengrl does not own Hetalia or any of it characters.

I'm fairly sure if I did I would make it centered around Canada and Prussia, PruCan and CanPru, Is my OTP!

And yes Pankakes are spelled like this!