Mein Engel Chapter 3

Last time on Mein engel

"Welp, Gilbert I have had a fun time but, it's time for me to go and for you to go to sleep."

Whaaaaa? What does Birdie mean by that?

Suddenly I'm unconsiuous.


^~Matteo's POV~^

Today's the day. The day I get reassigned to Heaven and Hells Special Unit and get my first assignment. Today is already excieting! Even though it's only-

Woah it's 4:30 Man I woke up early!

Can't go back to sleep now might as well get ready. So, I go about getting ready. Makeing pankakes, doing dishes blah blah blah. Untill it's time to leave at 7:30. I travel down the path to the central center, where everything super important is held. I eventually arrive at my destination, HHSU Head quarters.

"Pryvit Matvey! It's good to see you!" Katshuya said with the all but not suddle boob bounce sound. Kat and I have been friends for years and we both started angeling around the same time.

"H-hi Kat." I still cannot belive that those are real.

"Are you ready for your wings and first assigment?" Kat asked. Kat's been here for a while so she is basicly now my boss. I also have to change wings which is a painful prosess but it's nothing comapred to what I'm going to be seeing from now on. From now on I'll have two different wings one angel and one demon, signifing I am not loyal to one or the other. My first assignment will probably be an easy one to ease me into my work, possibly picking up a dangerous soul that could go eaither way ( Angel or Demon) or protecting a human.

"Since always." Responding to Kat's earlier question. Suddenly I was in ineffable* pain. My whole body hurt alot. My back was the worst like it was on fire, extreamly cold, and exploding all at the same moment. Then it stopped, leaving a calm feeling almost zen.

Then I realized I was no longer inside the HHSU, in fact I was no longer in heaven. I am in hell. Literally.

"Hallo there! Are you ready for your first assignment?" Said the man that I assume is Lusifer, the devil, that is sitting upon a throne. The throne was made of bones, which I can only assume were the remains of foes that were dumb enough to take on the devil. The room he and I are in has black walls, white marble floors and the ceiling was made of glass, showing the dull red sky of hell. The man had long blond hair with a braid to the side and peirceing blue eyes. He wore a deep red tunic and a maroon pants. I decided it was best to answer him.

"Yes sir"I found that short respectable answers were the way to go in this.

"Okay then, you will be protecting my son. He is my first born and knows nothing of our races. It recently came to my attention that he may be in a speck of danger soon. You see he is an Undecided, and I need him to be safe untill I can finally bring him to our side. You will pose as a human and become close to my son. You may take small side jobs as you protect him, but don't take one to big or long where as you might get hurt. I will give you a weapon that will subside into your body and will reapear when my son or you are in imidiate danger. Your needs of food and shelter will be taken care of once you get there. I expect that you will be able to handle this. Will you?" Straight forward and serious this guy.

"Yes, of course sir."

"Time for you to go~"

Suddenly I was in the middle of the street, with a car coming my way.

Writer's note!

Hey everyone! It Rame here and I call upon Iggy!

Iggy: WHAT?

Aww Iggy why so upset? Alfredo do something stupid again? Maybe you were in the middle of some times?

Iggy:N-No How dare you even suggest that git!

Hahahaha! Can you do the Disclamer?

Iggy: Ugh fine. Ramengrl does not own Hetalia. That all?

Yep! Thanks for reading all of you out there! Please reveiw and I swear you will get an answer! Hope you enjoyed, untill next time with Giberts POV!