Noctis Eternum

Chapter one: Treachery

Author's note: I went and cleaned up this chapter. This story is Rated M for disturbing content and dark themes. Don't expect a death parade of main characters, but no one is safe.

This is not a standard bashing fic despite the initial premise. I personally think in part 1 sakura and Sasuke come off rather badly. Kakashi comes off as an asshole who plays favorites and neglects his other two students. This is primarily an evil Konoha fic. There won't be any mindless bashing but some people like the Yondaime will be evil.

This is an alternate Universe and some things will be different. The Sandaime and Yondaime are alive in this story. The how's and whys will be explained as the story progress's.

Warning: If your easily grossed out or disturbed by gore or mature themes don't read this story.

III = Interlude/ character perspective switch.

Bold text = Inner voice/ something important speaking.

The blonde haired boy of around fifteen years wept. Tears ran down his cheeks staining his ragged and torn orange jumpsuit that had long turned brown and saggy. His once golden locks had taken a pale hue and turned a sickly color. His form was covered in ragged gouges that covered his broken form like an ugly wound. His name was Naruto Uzumaki.

Loud voices bellowed from the hall outside his dismal cell. The guards had left lights on this time, allowing him to see the shackles on his wrists. He had been put inside the deepest cell under Konoha's correctional facility for nothing less than high treason.

He shivered in rage. The the traitor had pinned the blame on him. Remembering what happened made him seethe.


Naruto stood over Sasuke. He had chased his best friend down after the last Uchiha had deserted the village to gain power. He had begged, no, pleaded with Sasuke to come back, but the last Uchiha laughed him off saying how their bonds meant nothing, and thus he was forced to attack. One to gain power the other to gain back a friend.

The fight had ended when Naruto overpowered Sasuke's Chidori with a Rasengan and beat the traitor down.

Fists full of anger rained down on Sasuke until he stopped resisting. Naruto's knuckles were split and his hands stained in Sasukes blood.

Soulless orbs looked at the sky as the heavens poured down their sorrow, "Did it really have to come to this, Sasuke?"

Staring at Sasuke's prone and beaten form he frowned, "It's so unfair! You have everything; they catered to your every whim and treated you like royalty while I was treated like trash! You had the perfect life and you threw it away. WELL?!"

Sasuke did not answer him, simply lying unconscious. While the blonde boy raged Yellow eyes peered at them from a tree far away with calculating eyes, taking note of their every move.

Continuing his rant he fumed, "I have done everything for the village but they continue to ignore me for the last Uchiha. I Personally think it was a good thing that Itachi killed all you red eyed bastards."

He started pacing around before stopping, "Did you even know your clan used to beat me when I was young? They had many members who took part in the yearly 'Fox Hunts', but I guess you don't care about that since the only thing that matters to you is those eyes!"

Finishing his rant he huffed, not noticing the Yellow eyed man in the trees disappearing. Naruto was huffing in exhaustion at finally letting his mask disappear and express the emotions he had bottled up for so long. He hated how the Uchiha had the life he always wanted and discarded it without a care.

Falling down he started coughing blood as the hole in his chest ached. Sasuke had slammed a Chidori in his chest when they fought and severally damaged one of his lungs. Feeling his vision become hazy he noticed his Sensei had arrived.

His Sensei was hiding in a tree so he barely noticed him, though something seemed off. Kakashi was eyeing him like he was the most disgusting thing he had ever seen.

Getting to his feet he coughed, "Kakashi Sensei what a relief" he said shakily.

His Sensei did not answer him. Kakashi simply disappeared and before he could ponder it he felt a chop to the back of his neck before everything went dark.

He hadn't seen this coming. Kakashi had written all the reports to show Sasuke as the victim, that he had never done wrong. Naruto was the instigator, the traitor, the idiot who couldn't control his own power. He was dragged before the council of Konoha. The Council looked at him with cold stares and whispers.

He was dropped onto the floor by the Anbu, "Get up traitor or we will make you!" yelled the Anbu as he punched Naruto in his broken ribs. He coughed and hacked as pain flared in his ribs.

The Council was very diverse with the Shinobi side consisting of the major clan heads of Konoha while the civilian side consisted of major bankers or people with political sway. Right now the Shinobi side was looking at him neutrally while two third of the civilian council was murmuring if they could somehow save the child from punishment. The other one third simply looked like all this was a waste of their time. Very few openly hated the boy.

Tsunade stood up, "Enough, I will have order in this room" she said with authority. Everyone instantly stopped talking and silence resumed in the meeting room.

Seeing that she had the Councils attention she began, "Now I'm sure all of you are wondering why we're here?" she asked.

The council nodded making Tsunade frown sadly, "The reason we are here is because my top jounin has claimed the last Uchiha was assaulted and almost killed by none other than Uzumaki Naruto."

The councils eyes widened including his own. Immediately a hail of shouts for the Demon to be executed were heard from some of the more extreme council members before Tsunade raised her Ki making them quiet down. Some of the council members and even civilian council members sent Naruto sympathetic looks.

Naruto shook like a leaf. This couldn't be happening. His baa-chan wouldn't do this to him. This couldn't be real!

Councilman Yakushi looked at everyone, "Gentlemen I believe that here must be a misunderstanding."

Everyone looked at the head of the hospital with surprise. "Naruto Uzumaki would never betray our great village. I mean look at him. He's a ball of bright energy."

Yakushi's words touched some of the members. Tsunade looked at Yakushi with sad eyes, "Unfortunately one of my senior Ninja's has reported the boy committed treason. I wish there was something I could do, but 'he' has informed me that I must take Kakashi's side in this."

Many eyes widened at the mention of 'he' and somber nods were exchanged around the table. Danzo spoke up next, "The 'official' story is Naruto was seen fleeing to Orochimaru for power, while our valiant last Uchiha was injured trying to save him."

If possible Tsunade's frown deepened, "If that is how he wants things played out...The laws state that Naruto must be punished."

Naruto was almost catatonic at his adoptive mothers betrayal, 'Did she pretend to care about me all along? What's real anymore?' He thought depressed.

Danzo continued his speech, "Naruto Uzumaki has committed a grave crime. He has assaulted a clan hair, the last Uchiha mind you. The only outcome unfortunately is execution"

A small portion of the civilian council and even some Shinobi began hooting and shouting in joy with Teuchi looking shocked. Some of the civilians seemed disgusted at their fellow council members. The Shinobi side faces were shocked and aghast.

Tsunade's fists tightened to the point her nails drew blood. For a brief moment fury clouded her judgement before she schooled her features, "Let us not forget that the Yondaime returns in one week from his long absence to resume the Hokage position, and he will want to kill the boy himself."

Many were shocked at that statement including Naruto. Many on the Shinobi side knew the Yondaime was returning, but all the civilians did not, including Naruto.

The Yondaime after sealing the Kyuubi had been mortally injured and sequestered himself along with his wife on the remote and ruined island of Uzushiogakure. Until now it had been assumed the man would never return. Before anyone could follow up that line of thought someone spoke.

Shikaku Nara spoke up, "Tsunade what has gotten into you? Before this you openly supported Naruto. Now you want him executed?" he asked incredulously.

Chouza and Inoichi seconded it while Tsume looked enraged, "Tsunade-Sama my clan owes this boy a debt of honor. He rescued my son Kiba in the past and I refuse to let him be harmed!"

Tsume soon found a hand around her throat constricting her airway. Choking she found the hand belonging to Tsunade.

Tsunade face contorted into a murderous sneer, "I follow the laws of this village like everyone else. Those who cross the Yondaime..." Tsunade's face flashed in fear before returning to a neutral expression, "...Death will be a release compared to what that man will do if you disappoint him."

Tsume gurgled as the color left her face. Tsunade loosed her grip before glaring, "I will not tolerate disobedience from you of all people, bitch."

Tsunade dropped Tsume on the ground, who by then was unconscious. Stepping over the body she walked towards him. Tensing he struggled to move. Flailing around he only sent shocks of pain racing through his broken ribs.

Tsunade leaned close to his ear, "I'm so sorry Naruto, but you don't know the things the Yondaime can do...Kami have mercy on your soul" she whispered with sorrow.

Naruto's eyes widened, "I'm sorry I can't help you. I'm a coward at heart and I failed you, just like Dan and Nawaki..." A tear dripped down Tsunades eye before her features hardened. "The truth is everything you know is a lie, Jiraiya never cared for you and simply taught you to keep you loyal to the village. I'm sorry you had to learn the truth like this."

Tears slid down his face at the revelation his godfather never loved him. He couldn't help it. He cried. Images of his Jiji flashed, was it all a lie? The kindly third had been everything to him. Was it an act? Was anything real?

She started crying finally seeing him break. Deep inside she hated herself. Seeing the pain she brought to someone so close caused something inside her to break. It almost made her put a stop to this, almost.

The Shinobi council looked sickened, even the ones that did not like him, except Danzo who looked like he couldn't care less. The minority who hated Naruto were almost aroused with how badly the object of their hatred was being tormented, with Sayako Haruno actually looking like she might have an orgasm any second.

Sayako was a Vain woman often indulging in any desire she had, men, woman even children, she indulged herself. Sometimes people could be fickle but with enough money they caved, and Sayako had plenty. She always encouraged her daughter to have sex with the last Uchiha so that they could finally become Nobility, not that she explained that to her airhead daughter. All she had to do was indulge her daughters delusions and she had a willing slave to gain her status and prestige.

Most of the other civilians were less noteworthy. Teuchi, the clan heads, and even half of the civilian council vouching for Naruto. Unfortunately even their combined support could not save Naruto. Konohagakure was a dictatorship and the council was merely there to advise the Hokage. The second Hokage had made certain when he created the council that while they had some power that they could never overrule the Hokage, even in a majority vote.

All the talking in the room died down once again as Jiraiya the legendary Toad Sennin stepped in, "Hello Hime."

Walking into the room he glanced at his errant godson and shook his head, "Oh Naruto If I knew you would let me down like this I would never have trained you." he said with disappointment.

Naruto's rage grew to new proportions with that flippant comment. Naruto drew out a hidden Kunai he had managed to hide before he was dragged in. He lunged at Jiraiya with intent to kill. He didn't get far because Tsunade punched him so hard he felt all his bones creak. Spinning in midair he crashed into the table at the center of the room while Jiraiya looked at him like he was a mere pest. Feeling consciousness fade the last thing he saw was the faces of people he once thought he knew.

Slowly waking up he looked at his surroundings "uuuuhhhh what hit me?" he wondered.

He didn't need to wait long because he began to realize where he was. Looking at his cell there were seven steel bars across the entrance. There was a small door through them which allowed the guards in. After looking over the barren cell he came to a startling realization. All his dreams were shattered; shuddering Naruto decided that he would not die here.

Alone and waiting to die was not acceptable so he decided to start looking for an escape, though he found none. He started checking himself and found his chakra was sealed off.

Looking around in panic he checked for anything that he could use to escape. He found only a ratty old orange shirt with the word "DEMON" painted in blood on the back, his blood...

His rage did not diminish and he only felt hate, "I sacrificed everything to keep my home safe and they repay me with betrayal" he whispered

Flashback end

On the fifth hour in his cell, Ibiki Morino and his Torture and Interrogation squad had entered the cell and set to work on him. Tsunade had decided to break him mentally since the villagers would be doing most of the beatings tomorrow. He was put in a Genjutsu, stabbed and tortured in every way imaginable by the sadistic Morino. By the time they left, many hours later, his mind was in complete turmoil.

Later the same day Kakashi entered. He walked right up to Naruto, watching him coolly. "Well, Naruto," he said, "Anything to say?"

Naruto stared back impassively. Kakashi sighed and leant against the nearby wall.

"I didn't want to do it. I have orders and couldn't refuse. I don't hate you despite what you may think." he looked back up at him sharply and leaned in close.

"I wish I could tell you everything. I know I'm a hypocrite and lower than scum." he said quietly.

Naruto remained obstinately silent, glaring at the ground. Kakashi sighed and walked away with slouched shoulders.

"I'm sorry."

He watched Kakashi slowly walk away, seething.

His 'friends' came that day.

Rock Lee, Shino, Shikamaru, Choji, tenten, Ino, Hinata and the rest of the rookie nine were silent, standing in the background in shock as the others sneered and gloated.

Sakura insulted him and spat on him, declaring the hate she had felt since they first met. She kicked him in his already abused ribs and told him that he was a piece of crap for hurting her Sasuke-Kun. Neji closed almost all of his tenketsu points after declaring how fate was real and the orphan had been wrong that there was no such thing as fate. The fact that Naruto was inside a cage of his own only made the arrogant Hyuuga more eager to prove his point.

He still wished he had killed the smug bastard in the chunnin exams.

Some of the rookie nine tried to talk to him and offer supporting words, but the guards refused them entrance. Rock Lee had tried fighting his way in but had been knocked out and carted off by the guards. Hinata had sent him a pleading glance before being shooed away by her escort Ko. Finally they all left, Naruto as silent as ever.


"Hello, dobe."

Naruto looked up, staring straight into the Sharingan, the red light shining sinisterly in the dark cell. He could barely discern Sasuke, only as a dark shape in the pitch blackness.

He was mildly surprised to realize they had let him into the cell. Sasuke sneered as Naruto struggled to raise his head, his eyes filled with venomous hate. He forced himself to stand upright, but the chains restricted his movements, and he could feel his damaged body click and snap in some places. If a gaze could melt holes Sasuke would be a puddle.

"Now, now, Naruto. That's no way to look at the new Uchiha Clan Head" Sasuke smirked.

Sasuke punched him clean in the stomach, his eyes livid. Naruto snarled at the pain. His former friend had gotten stronger. His sealed chakra meant that it hurt all the more.

"So Sasuke why did you do it...?" he whispered.

Sasuke understanding started laughing.

"Dobe...Do you know how it feels to be surpassed no matter how hard you train? This village was holding me back. You brought me back thinking I would thank you? I would have been put inside the very cell you're rotting in!" Sasuke exclaimed.

"Sasuke...doesn't our friendship mean anything? You can tell them I'm innocent!" Naruto yelled in anger.

"What, so they can put me in that cell?" Said a disbelieving Uchiha.

Naruto's fingers dug into his palms drawing blood. "I still consider you my friend, no matter what."

A fire lit inside the Uchiha's black eyes and the boy barreled into the chained Naruto."SHUT UP YOU DON'T HAVE ANY RIGHT TO CALL ME THAT!" Sasuke's fists rained down on Naruto until the boy bled. Sasuke huffed looking at Naruto with a mix of guilt and spite.

Naruto struggled for words, "But... Why?"

Sasuke trembled but pursed his lips. The Uchiha simply walked away sparing him a glance; soon enough he was alone again.

He couldn't help it. He screamed. Blood boiled as he heaved himself against his chains. The spiked chains dug into his flesh, but he did not care. He screamed like a man possessed, his voice rising, roaring, screaming, and crying. He heard the guards and Sasuke stop still as they listened to the screams of a broken man.

The next few hours were silent and still. As the sun set and the moon rose, a storm struck the village. Freezing rain struck the outside of the prison and seeped through the wall, the cold chilling his blood.

During the night things had become eerily quiet, but the rage inside of Naruto's heart had yet to abate. The silence would be disconcerting for some but for one Naruto Uzumaki he couldn't care, everything was gone, dreams, ambitions, his love for the village, everything.

The silence became routine during that night, hearing nothing but his own breathing and the occasional guard checking on him to make sure that he was sufficiently subdued. The cold concrete comforted him. Hearing the next guard shift approaching his cell he found he almost couldn't care, having seen their sneers far too much.

He was broken from his thoughts by the sound of bodies hitting the floor. He began to wonder if someone had come to finish him off and prepared to fight off whoever had decided to pay him a visit. He couldn't prepare himself for what happened next.

He heard the tramp of feet approaching the cell. what he saw next he almost couldn't comprehend. Walking up to his cell was a man 5,7 feet tall wearing a black robe with red clouds adorned with a orange swirl mask.

The man walked right through the cage bars and stood in front of him, "Naruto Uzumaki, I'm here to free you."

Tobi was waiting inside the Akatsuki main base in Amegakure for Zetsu's report. Tobi was feeling quite bored. Nothing of interest had happened in the elemental nations recently and everything was peaceful. Peace, what a baneful word to him; peace was a lie, yet people still strived for 'this thing called peace.'

His mood darkened when he thought of all the peons in Konoha, who dared to stand against him years earlier, and that infernal Namikaze who thwarted his plans. 'That damned Namikaze will pay one day, him and that damned village.'

He lounged in his base thinking back to that day. He had the Namikaze and the Uzumaki bitch on the ropes with his Space-Time Jutsu until Minato defeated him. Tobi laid in defeat on the verge of death. The next thing he knew the Yondaime had sealed his puppet away.

Still, all his plans were coming to maturity. Akatsuki was more powerful than ever and soon he would start collecting the Bijuu. He had recently gained a new member named Deidara. He was an artistic bomber from Iwagakure. Deidara had been partnered with Sasori and seemed to be settling in fine.

Zetsu rose out of the ground nearby sporting an uncharacteristic frown. Looking toward his subordinate Tobi let out a rare smile at his only friend, "Zetsu, report" he said jovially.

Zetsu had a grim expression on his face, which Tobi was quick to pick up on; after all the two had been friends ever since the third Shinobi war. The war had taken everything from him, and Zetsu, his closest friend, was one of the only things keeping his sanity in check these days.

Zetsu's grim expression worsened, "I was surveying Konoha like usual when I noticed that the villagers were celebrating something. Naturally I investigated under a Henge, and to my shock I discovered that the village's Jinchuuriki 'Naruto Uzumaki' is being held for execution."

Tobi's Sharingan swirled angrily, "What!"

Tobi was furious, "This jeopardizes all our plans; If konoha executes the Kyuubi Jinchuuriki then all our plans are null."

Zetsu looked at his master with a thoughtful expression, "Perhaps, but there is another way..."

Tobi looked at him expectantly while black zetsu decided to explain, "We can always make a play on his loyalty by freeing him, and it will also free us the hassle of hunting him down once the time comes to seal the kyuubi"

Thinking it over Tobi actually found the ideal to have merit, "Not only do I gain the loyalty of the Kyuubi Jinchuuriki, but I can get an enormous boost in firepower."

"Alright, I'm going with black zetsu's plan. I will be going myself since I need the Jinchuriki's loyalty." Tobi looked at Zetsu, "I want you to get me the guard patrols and any schematics on the facility the Jinchuuriki is housed at, I want no delays" Tobi ordered.

"Hai Tobi-Sama," with that Zetsu merged back into the ground leaving the Uchiha to himself.

Civilians cheered as fireworks flew and celebrations began.

Events like this were happening all over the village as the civilian population was celebrating the Demons capture by the Last Uchiha. After Naruto had been brought before the council word had been spread by the civilian council that the last Uchiha had brought the traitor back, after he had attempted to join Orochimaru for power.

The only people not celebrating were a quarter of the population who actually did not blindly follow their leaders. Most of them were Shinobi.

Soon after, celebrations had begun with the civilian council using their wealth and political clout to spread word as quickly as possible. Villagers were in the street and a parade had quickly been arranged. The festive aura had engulfed the entire village leaving most of it's forces relaxed and drunk.

Hours later, during the late night, Tobi silently entered Konoha. The villagers were extremely inebriated by now as the late night celebrations began. It was the perfect setting for the mission.. Silently approaching the guards at the village entrance he phased right through the outer wall and slit their throats, 'Too easy' Tobi thought.

He moved into the market district and grinned. A bloodthirsty look of insanity was on his face, though it couldn't be seen beneath his mask. Hundreds of people were celebrating in the streets. By now everyone from the simple chakraless villager to the most elite jonin was piss ass drunk.

A villager touched him on the arm, "Hey man why doon't yoooouuu joun us for sem fun?"

He chuckled at the drunk man as he pointed at his pals flirting with a few Kunoichi. "Hey man what's wrong" Another asked.

Tobi grinned. Rearing back his hand in a knife like motion Tobi plunged his hand into the man's chest and ripped his still beating heart out. Sickening pleasure filled him.

Tobi crushed the heart spraying viscera and life blood all over the crowd. The villagers screamed in terror and the surrounding Shinobi drunkenly tried to grasp their weapons. Tobi grinned beneath his mask. "Useless"

A lone jounin ran to the alarm bell to signal for help, but all he found when he turned was a Kunai ramming into his jugular.

Tobi took the Kunai he had plunged into the nameless Nins neck and gave a sharp twist beheading the man. Letting out a bloodthirsty grin he dropped the body and continued his rampage.

The next street boasted a squad of fifty ninja's all looking to be Chunin level. The street lead into the main market square and was about the size of 10 doju's. A savage grin appeared on his face and he welcomed the chance to kill more Konoha nin. The street was full of ninja's and civilians alike. Most were enjoying drunken partying or asleep as it was now 3 A.M and the heavy rain had drove most inside. Probably celebrating the Jinchuuriki's supposed death sentence. The street was mostly deserted by now.

The west side of the market square boasted a small open air bar in the form of a hastily set up stand. Groups of Ninja were enjoying drunken bar drinking and all sorts of debauchery.

Tobi spotted a group of fifteen Chunnin in a drinking contest. Taking turns to see who could ingest the most liquor.


"Hey Araki I'm on my thirteenth beer. Think you can beat that? " His greasy black haired friend looked towards him with a snicker.

The redhead scowled, "For the last time Doki I'm not an Akimichi like you."

Suddenly the sound of screams and panic loudly interrupted them. Everyone turned towards the western entrance to the market square. Tobi stood alone at the arched entrance. The shadows cast an eerie light on him.

"Who the hell is that?" Asked one of the nameless chunin.

Another looked towards Tobi with a lazy attitude, "Uro, that's obviously an Anbu."

A more serious looking man who might have been the senior squad leader looked at him with suspicion, "Shut up! This man should not be here."

Tobi looked towards the men drinking at the bar and the tables with distain. 'Konoha Filth'

One of the Chunin who was drinking a pint suddenly had his head slide off. Silence filled the area.

"The fuck?!" Araki yelled.

Tobi took out a Kunai and sprinted forward. With speeds matching the yellow flash he was upon the first group in an instant. His first target was a group of wide eyed drunks sitting at a table. He jumped on the first victim and grabbed him by his beard.

He pulled and ripped the burly man's beard out. Blood burst forth and the man screamed in pain. Sadistic glee filled him at hearing the tough guy squeal. Tobi brought his Kunai down across the man's Jugular and watched the frightened faces of the dead man's friends.

Smiling Tobi leapt onto the man's two friends, with not even half a second having passed. Like a wraith he plunged two Kunai into their bellies, leaving them to bleed out slowly. In near comical fashion the men around him were trying to get up from their tables.

In slow motion the men around Tobi were reacting. (Think the matrix, but 5X slower.)

His eyes and movements were so fast that time had slowed to him. He looked to his right. A barmaid was two feet away. He grabbed a beer from the barmaids tray and broke it on her head. He stabbed it in the back of her skull and shanked a man trying to draw his Kunai.

"THE FUC-ARGH!" Tobi shanked the man in the stomach, spleen, and liver in less than two thirds of a second. He then formed hand seals, "Doton: Domu," Large earthen spikes grew out of the ground and impaled twenty nine Ninja attempting to attack him. The men gurgled as blood dripped down the earthen spikes.

A Jounin attempted to strike him from behind with a sword slash. Spinning around Tobi grabbed the man's sword in his palm. The man gaped before Tobi grabbed the man's throat. He closed his fist with his enhanced strength and the man's head popped off with a squirt.

"Who are you!" A chunin yelled frantically. He attempted to form hand signs only for Tobi to teleport behind him.

Tobi's eye swirled and a large Shuriken the size of a kitchen table spewed out. The Shuriken plunged into the terrified mans left eye before the momentum carried it through his head and into a group of Ninjas preparing Katon Jutsu. Brains and organs splattered over the terrified ninja.

Tobi seemingly teleported from one place to another killing everyone in sight with brutal efficiency. Appearing in front of a whimpering man he grinned. He grabbed the man by the head and appeared in front of a Chunin. "LETS PLAY SMASH A MOLE TOBI STYLE!"

Tobi used the villagers head as a battering ram and literally smashed the man's head into the chunin's face with enough force to make them explode. Blood and brain matter sprayed him.

"He's a monster!" yelled one of the villagers.

"Mommy save us from the demon" screamed a crying toddler, as her mother drowned in her own blood.

"HAHHAHAHHAH" Tobi cut down the terrified villagers like cattle. He appeared before a squad of Jounin who had come to investigate the commotion. They made the mistake of looking him in the eyes. The Sharingan appeared in their eyes as they lost free will. The men's faces all had shit-eating grins and perverted glee in their eyes.

"Yes, go! Rape and slaughter those left!" Tobi hissed.

Like good drones they obeyed and went to finish off the few dozen survivors. Tobi looked around eyeing his massacre with smug satisfaction. He had placed a mass silencing genjutsu that concealed the massacre. It wouldn't hold for long but it would do.

Now it was time to implement the plan.

The rain pelted hard washing away the blood.


Silently approaching two Chunin exiting a bar Tobi phased out of the ground behind them, and sunk two kunai into their heads, instantly killing them. Blood poured onto the ground staining it red, until their twitching bodies went still. The rain dripped down his orange mask and he smiled wickedly. Killing Konoha Nin always gave him joy.

'This should keep them busy if things go south,' he thought to himself.

He grabbed the two bodies and teleported outside the Hokage tower. He used a rope to hang the bodies from the Hokage tower and wrote "THE DEMON WAS HERE" in large letters using their blood.

Tobi's plan was to gain the Jinchuuriki's loyalty, and to do that he had to make sure that there was no possibility of them accepting him back. This act of barbarism by his perceived supporters would destroy any support he had left.

'This will make sure that this pathetic village stays in chaos long enough to void any suspicion of Akatsuki's involvement. My master always taught me the ends justify the means after all,' Tobi thought.

Finally finishing the knots he jumped down to the street right in front of the Hokage tower, and activated Kamui, spewing out all two hundred and twenty nine of the civilians and Shinobi he had killed in the last hour.

The massive pile of bodies were pouring forth a literal wave of blood, making the streets run red. An insane gleam entered his eye, so with great mirth he set about arranging his grisly work; he took some of the bodies and went up and down the street crucifying bodies at random. The clones hoisted hundreds of bodies and impaled them onto stakes creating a gruesome forest of corpses in the central market square.

Appraising the bloody mess with an approving eye he decided to put the final nail on the coffin, and dumped an orange jumpsuit in the middle of the corpse forest. He had acquired it at the Jinchuuriki's apartment to make sure that things would go accordingly.

Doing some last minute checks he used his space time abilities to instantly teleport to the chamber that the forbidden scroll was housed, and casually snatched it from the wall.

He almost expected alarms to start blaring. After a minute of quiet disbelief he almost hoped he would get caught.

Looking around the small room he searched and checked for every manner of Genjutsu and seal work, and found none. 'I was expecting to trip the alarms. I suppose that the village has been slacking with security.'

Tobi looked at the scroll, 'Humph, no wonder the jinchuuriki was able to steal it. I suppose that the Hokage would usually be around to make sure nobody stole it, but luckily she got drunk celebrating at the Hokage mansion ' He teleported back outside and continued his dark work.

Around this time Zetsu should be completing his tasks that he had been assigned. Zetsu had been ordered to steal any clan scrolls and the bodies of famous Shinobi if possible, however if the items in question were under heavy guard he was to abort and steal anything of value from the commercial district.

'Now it is time to extract the Jinchuuriki from his prison and put my plans into motion' Tobi thought.

Zetsu was an elite spy. Everyone in Akatsuki knew this, but so few even knew he existed. Of the Akatsuki only Tobi knew of his origins. Zetsu was assigned to steal any secrets he could while Tobi freed Naruto, and Zetsu intended to do just that.

Right now he was in one of Danzo's root complexes. The complex was directly beneath Konoha's central Library. Root was a secret Anbu force that had been officially disbanded decades ago by the Sandaime Hokage. The organization was disbanded because the training was so brutal it turned the members into emotionless drones. Unfortunately Danzo had kept his organization running without the Hokage's approval and resorted to kidnapping to keep his forces numbers growing.

He was traveling underground looking for any useful information while his clones raided the clan houses. Black Zetsu was robbing the Konoha graveyard for any useful bodies.

He was slowly moving down a hallway when he heard someone approaching, "I hear that there is a possible resistance movement brewing, Snake?" Came a clipped and hard tone.

Danzo and a snake masked ANBU were walking down the long hallway passing Zetsu.

Zetsu perked at that. He knew gold when he spotted it, "Yes Lord Danzo. Asuma Sarutobi has been seen gathering support for a rebellion," Snake said without emotion.

Danzo had a dark look on his face, "That brat dares to take the sword against Konoha." He gripped his Cane hard, "why is the Sarutobi brat turning against us? Is this Hiruzens doing?" Danzo asked angrily.

Snake shrugged his shoulders, "From the reports the former Sandaime is furious at the villages treatment of the Jinchuuriki. "

Danzo's eye twitched at that, "Hiruzen was always too weak to lead the village. It is only fortunate he was forced to retire after that disastrous invasion by his former student." Danzo took carefully measured steps when he walked past Zetsu, then stopped.

Snake looked at his leader with his mask giving nothing away, "Lord Danzo?"

Zetsu was sweating that he might have been discovered. Danzo looked straight towards Zetsu and smiled. He started walking towards Zetsu's location and took out a kunai.

Knowing he was compromised he jumped out of the ground and went through quick hand seals, "Katon: Double suicide Burial," Zetsu quickly bloated to three times his original size right as Danzo was within striking distance.

Danzo's one eye widened in shock, then Zetsu exploded. Danzo barely had time to form a hand seal before he was obliterated and his body turned to ash. The explosion engulfed both Danzo and Snake leaving nothing behind.

Hundreds of Root ninja immediately came running to the source of the explosion, not noticing a single root ninja calmly walking towards the exit.

Thank you guys so much for the support. I couldn't have gotten this rewrite done without you. Remember to Hit that review and subscribe button if you liked the story. Peace out!