The extra of the ova! This ova brought me many laughs so I want to make one last extra before making the sequel. And I think in the sequel, I'm just putting the disclaimer on the first chapter.

Disclaimer: I, El-Sensei, do NOT own Brothers Conflict!

"Hey, Chi, Yu! What are you two doing?", Juli asked us.

"Resting…", we answer him. Today, Ema-nee and I are cleaning up her room. We've been cleaning it for more than an hour or two and still haven't finished half of the room.

"You two have been resting for a while now."

"It's because we haven't finished cleaning yet…", I said so weakly. Ema-nee was resting on the bed while I sat on the floor, my back against the bed.

"That's what you two get from taking a break all the time." He ran to Ema-nee and got on top of her. "What are you two gonna do?"

"But it's impossible…", Ema-nee said tiredly.

"Don't say it's impossible, break time is over!", Juli ordered us, but my eyes were getting her drowsy.

Ema-nee got up and went to do more cleaning. I saw her stop and say, "Is this… Papa's gift?"

Ema-nee and I were in the dining area looking at the gift Dad sent us. It was a magic lamp. Suba-nii and Yu-nii joined us. "A magic lamp?", Yu-nii asked. Those two were closely observing it, almost believing it wasn't real.

Ema-nee laughed a bit and spoke, "That's what Papa said, but I don't believe it. Do you, Yume-chan?" I just shrugged my shoulders.

"Looks interesting though. Should we rub it and make a genie appear?!", Yu-nii asked enthusiastically.

"What are you talking about? You're stupid. How childish you are.", Fuuto said while coming down the stairs. And he started walking towards us.

"Shut up!", Yu-nii yelled at him.

"Did you just arrived?", Suba-nii asked.

"I had some free time. So I thought I would come eat some of Lil Sis's homemade cooking."

"Surprisingly, I'm not in the mood to cook, but I can make hamburger steak.", I said to him.

"Well, well, well, I think first we should summon the genie, right?", Tsuba-nii said as he and Azu-nii were entering the room.

"Tsuba-nii, Azu-nii.", I said.

"Were you guys in the living room?", Yu-nii asked.

"We were rehearsing a script, and we overheard and interesting conversation.", Azu-nii answered.

Tsuba-nii put his hand on my shoulder and said, "Hey, hey, let's rub the magic lamp!"

"I see your excited.", Azu-nii pointed out.

"It's clear that noting is going to happen, but it's fun, right?", Tsuba-nii asked.

"Well, let's try then.", Yu-nii said.

"We-well…", Ema-nee said and she started rubbing the lamp. "Like this?" I can feel everyone is waiting for something to happen and I'm actually curious as well. She finished and nothing happened.

"It will never come out.", Fuuto complained.

"Be patient.", Tsuba-nii said. We continued staring at the lamp and it got really quiet.

"Hello!", we heard a voice say and we jumped a little. "What are you guys doing?" It was Natsu-nii and he was standing upstairs.

"Oh, it's just you, Natsu-nii.", Yu-nii said disappointed.

"What do you mean by 'just?'", he asked.

Tsuba-nii told him, "In other words, you came along at the right moment."

Natsu-nii sat down with us and noticed the lamp. "What is that thing? I was just around and I was curious."

Azu-nii said, "What a miracle that on this particular day we gather in this way."

"I already feel like my wish has been granted.", Ema-nee said.

I smiled and said, "I feel the same. The two of us always thought it'll be good for everyone to gather together."

"Are you alright with that?" We looked at the tv and saw a person wearing a genie hat.

"Juli?", Ema-nee asked. He could resemble Juli in human form.

"My name isn't Juli. I'm the genie from the lamp.", he said.

"Really?", Yu-nii asked as he came out of his chair.

"Has it really come out?", Tsuba-nii asked.

"Don't tell me…", Azu-nii said.

"There's a hidden camera?", Fuuto said, displeased.

"Well…", was all Suba-nii could say.

"Aren't we surprised…", Natsu-nii said.

"Y-Yes.", Ema-nee and I stuttered.

The genie spoke again, "You have summon me because you want three wishes, right? How about you tell me what they are already."

"This guy is conceited.", Yu-nii said, annoyed.

"How funny!", Tsuba-nii complimented.

"Come on, quickly tell me your wishes.", he said.

Yu-nii for close to the screen and asked, "Seriously, you can grant any wish?"

He told him, "There is no impossible for me."

"Well, for example, can you make a super delicious hamburger steak?", Yu-nii joked. The next thing we heard was the sound of the microwave. We turned our heads and saw the genie in the kitchen opening the microwave. He served it to Yu-nii and Yu-nii said, "Wow, it doesn't look like it was just microwaved. But hey, why didn't you bring me a fork or somethi-" He got shocked when he saw the fork in his hand. "Wow, when did the fork suddenly appear in my hand?!"

The genie scoffed and said, "What a ridiculous wish."

"It's a lie, right?", Tsuba-nii asked.

"It's incredible…", Azu-nii complimented.

Ema-nee spoke, "Are… Are you really the genie from the lamp?"

We saw him on the scene again walking towards the middle simply saying, "Of course. I'm the genie from the lamp. Come on, what are the other two wishes?" We were still just staring at him.

Yu-nii broke the silence and said, "Wow! This is too delicious!"

Fuuto lectured him, "And what was that ridiculous wish?"

"Shut up! At least I didn't dare say 'Conquer the world for me.'"

"How childish…", Azu-nii complained.

"Conquer the world, huh?", Suba-nii said. Ema-nee and I looked at him oddly. He continued, "Hey, even if this is just a dream, shouldn't we still ask for the wishes?"

"I'm also thinking the same.", Azu-nii said.

"Then we should ask quickly. Since Yusuke already made his stupid wish, we are left with only two more wishes.", Tsuba-nii said. On the screen, the genie showed a simple equation saying 3-1=2 and he pointed at the two.

"Now I-I'll ask for a serious one.", Yu-nii said.

"But, your stupid wish has already been granted.", Fuuto said.

"I better ask!", Tsuba-nii said.

"Wait, I also have a wish.", Suba-nii said.

"Everyone calm down! We should calm down and think carefully I what wish to ask.", Natsu-nii said.

"Yes, I agree.", Azu-nii said.

"Then, how about everyone gives their proposal on what the wish should be?", I said.

Ema-nee added, "Yes, I think it'll be good if we ask a wish that will make everybody happy."

Natsu-nii started first and said, "Then… How about everyone says what their wish is?"

Everyone started thinking except Ema-nee and me. "What would you wish for, Yume-chan?"

"Obviously, opening up a restaurant everyone can enjoy. But, I want to make that dream come true by myself." Suddenly, the screen turned to a beach scene where I was walking on the beach with a bikini and a thin jacket. "What's this?", I ask and Ema-nee and I were surprised.

"Are you alright?" The screen showed Tsuba-nii on rocks. He asked the me there, "Won't you get a heatstroke? I'll cover you from sunlight." He jumped off the rocks and continued, "And also your lips…" He grabs me and kisses me while I'm blushing crazily.

"W-W-What was that really?!", I asked while stuttering.

"I don't know but, maybe that's Tsubaki-san's wish, perhaps.", Ema-nee said. My mind was still shocked by seeing what was on the screen.

The next thing that happens on the screen is Azu-nii and me are at a beach resort. The two of us were sitting on those pool lounges and staring at the sky which looks like the sun was setting. "Ah! A falling star! Shouldn't you make a wish, Azu-nii?", that me said excitedly.

"Don't worry. My wish has already come true." He stands up from the chair and continues. "It's being able to be together alone; just the two of us, that is my wish…" He leans in and he kisses me.

"Even Azu-nii is thinking this sort of thing! I'm really worried, Ema-nee."

"It can't be that bad, right? But we are siblings."

The next thing on the screen shows Natsu-nii giving Ema-nee a key. "Accept it.", Natsu-nii tells her, "You can use it whenever… When you want to. Forever."

"Natsume-san." It looks like the two are eating dinner somewhere nice and fancy. Ema-nee's hair is even styled fancy. Then, Natsu-nii stands up and kisses her.

"M-Me? Natsume-san is thinking about that sort of thing?", the real Ema-nee says.

"I really don't know what to do…", I said.

Suba-nii's wish comes next. It's not anywhere unexpected. It's just him and Ema-nee out in the backyard and he's practicing shooting baskets. He makes one in, the ball rolls out, and Ema-nee picks it up. Suba-nii tells her, "I think it can be a good career. That's why I came to remind you of my promise." He turns around and continues, "Come with me." He walks up to her and hugs her with the ball rolling out of her hands. It slowly shows them wanting to kiss. Ema-nee covers her eyes and I just kept staring.

"What do I do, Yume-chan? I really don't know what I should say.", she says a little embarrassed.

"For now, let's just continue watching their wishes."

The next wish belonged to Yu-nii. He was running up stairs and he was wearing a white tuxedo. He continues this and runs to Ema-nee who is wearing a wedding dress. She opens up her arms and says, "Yusuke-kun!" He catches her and they hug.

"Since the first moment I saw you, I've always dreamt of this." He looks out to everyone, raises his hand and says, "In this moment, in this place, I swear eternal love to you!" Everyone claps and cheers. He's really flushed with his statement.

Ema-nee snuggles to his chest and says, "Yusuke-kun…"

Back to us, Ema-nee looks really embarrassed. "Even Yusuke-kun is thinking this. This is so conflicting."

"I know it feels hard, but we can only grant two wishes." I realize then that Fuuto's wish hasn't shown yet. It makes me worried.

Of course, his shows next and last. It shows me in a night-gown walking towards a door. The door opens up and shows Fuuto in a night robe. I look surprised and the door shuts behind me. He says, "Lil Sis… Are you feeling something that you haven't felt before? It's not a performance, it's me." He pulls me to the bed and sits on top of me.

The me there is in a daze and says, "Fuuto." as he is leaning in to kiss me.

"No! I don't want to see it! I do not want to see this!", I yell, "This is way too embarrassing, Ema-nee! I want to stop this!" I get up from my seat and walk away from everyone who is still in a daze about their wishes.

"Here, I'll help you, Yume-chan." She stands up and finds the remote and presses the off button and the screen is back to the place where the genie is. "What are we going to do?"

"Well, for one thing, they're not aware of what happened on the screen. It's good to know they won't start arguing whose wish should be granted." We look at everyone and they're still daydreaming about the two of us.

"Um, everyone.", Ema-nee calls to them and they come back to their senses.

"L-Listen. Have you decided what your wish will be?", Natsu-nii asks. Everyone says yes while Suba-nii stills seems to be in a daze. "How about you, Subaru?"

"Well…" He stares at Ema-nee and turns his face away to hide his flushed face. "Before that, I want water." The genie gives him a glass of water and we all realize he wasted the second wish.

"Hey! You idiot!", Tsuba-nii says. Fuuto lays his head on the table with a groan of disappointment.

The genie has his arms crossed and he says, "What a ridiculous wish." Now, the screen shows the equation 3-2=1.

Yu-nii complains, "You wasted our precious wish on water!"

Natsu-nii states, "You wasted one on a hamburger steak."

Fuuto stands up and says, "How about you two go to a restaurant?"

Azu-nii says, "Either way, we are left with only one wish."

Everyone starts to climb up the table begging for their wish to come true. The genie scoots himself away from them. Ema-nee and I try to find a way to stop all this. We look back at the screen and saw he's there again.

Ema-nee pleads, "This, calm this down… Please, stop this fighting!"

The genie looks at her and asks, "Are you really okay with that?"

She yells at him, "I feel a pain in my chest!"

My eyes open and I see I'm in Ema-nee's room again. I look back at her and she looks at me. We notice Juli sleeping on Ema-nee's chest. She says, "Oh, Juli, where did that dream come from…? A magic lamp doesn't exist."

I continued to look at her and ask, "Did you have a weird dream about a magic lamp, Ema-nee? Because I had one about that. Everyone was fighting to see whose wish would come true.

"Really?! I had the same dream!" We just kept staring and we laughed. Then, Ema-nee looked around to find the real gift Dad went us. It wasn't like the one in the dream but it was a lamp, a different kind they use for camping.

We brought it downstairs and Yu-nii and Suba-nii were the first to gather. Just like in the dream. "A magic lamp", Yu-nii asks.

Ema-nee laughs and says, "That's what Papa said, but I don't believe it. Do you, Yume-chan?" I shook my head.

"Looks interesting though.", Yu-nii says.

"What is your wish, Yusuke-kun?", Ema-nee asks.

"Eh? That would be…" We wouldn't end like this. Never…

"And you, Subaru-san?"

"Well…", he lets out.

"Hey, should we rub it? We should ask for the wish after the genie comes out from the lamp!", Yu-nii says. For now, I just want us to continue being a family. If I ever have to worry about their feelings again, maybe next time, I'll try opening up my heart a bit more.

I truly did love the ova. I think my favorite wish was Azusa's because he never got to kiss Ema. But, it's still a wish so it never actually happened between them. Anyways, I'll be brainstorming minor ideas for the sequel but it won't take too long for the first chapter to come out. Till next time! Favorite, Follow, or Review!


thefrozencherryblossom chapter 22 . May 7
I loved this fic! I can't wait for the sequel! _

I'm glad you stayed with me until the end! It's nice to know you'll be tuning in for the sequel.

Guest chapter 22 . May 7
Hey! It's Cinderella. My last review says guest, at first I didn't know why but I somehow got logged out of my account and now it won't let me log back on! This is so frustrating :/ I will have this figured out by hopefully tonight :( Ok, so onto this chapter. Loved loved loved it! It just made me even more excited for the sequel! Jumping in my chair! CAN'T WAIT! This story has been one of the best stories I have ever seen, you never disappointed me. It had everything! Not one thing was wrong with it! Can't wait for the sequel, I know you will do greatness!

When I read your last review I was thinking, this person feels like Cinderella and I was totally right! It makes me feel wonderful inside to know I never disappointed my fans/followers. So, thank you and you're welcome!

Momochan77 chapter 22 . May 7
Squeeeeee! The last official chapter till the extra and sequel! It was awesome and I loved every bit of it. I can't wait to see what you do for the sequel. ;) I know it'll be awesome.

Yep it will be awesome! I'm still sorting out ideas for the story like who I should let Ema end up with or if I should make another love rival between Yume and Fuuto. And other stuff! Anyways, hope to hear from you again!