A/N I do not own Teen Wolf but i do own my own characters.

I woke up feeling scared, I've woken up with this feeling for almost eight years and it still freaks me out. I sat up straight and looked at my hands, they were bloody. I sighed, knowing I did this to myself in my sleep but not knowing why.

Every time I woke up, I had my hands balled into fist with my fingernails pressing into my flesh. I carefully got the bed cover of me and sat at the end of my bed, why. That's all that ever goes trough my mind when I wake up, why.

I stood up not feeling so tired anymore and walked to the bathroom. It's cold inside. It always is. I stood in front of the mirror, looking at myself. I look tired and quit frankly, disgusting. I have so cold sweat on my forehead and on my shoulders. Then there is the blood, the brown dried up blood.

After washing most of the blood of in hot water, I stepped in the shower. The shower always made me calm down and warm inside. But the shower also made me think. Thinking of possible reasons why I woke up like this, but of course I never found the answer.

After I couldn't think straight anymore, I stepped out of the shower. I dried myself of and got dressed in some sport clothes to go outside and blow of some more steam and frustration. With my brown hair in a high ponytail and white Nikes on my feet, I stepped outside in the night.

I started running, loving the way it feels, loving how it sounds and how it smells outside. I didn't check the time but I'm pretty sure it's early. After running for maybe twenty minutes, maybe less, I found the side of the forest. On some days when I hate everything and everyone, I go in there. Screaming always helped me calm down, and I do know that sound strange. When I scream I feel like me, because I can fake emotions very good, or at least I like to think so, but when I scream I can't fake anything.

Inside my head I'm debating if I should go in. if I do go in I can't go around screaming like a mad woman at, perhaps, three in the morning. But I do love the woods; I love the trees and the smell and how everything is peaceful. I nodded my head, agreeing with myself, I should go in there.

So I did. I started to walk around for a bit, not really knowing where to go. After a little while I got bored, knowing it wasn't a good idea but don't really caring, I started running. And for a while it went fine, I ran and I dogged the trees. But that was until I fell over something, something big.

My heart started pounding, afraid of what it could be. It could be anything really, maybe a dead animal or a soft piece of wood. I know deep down I shouldn't look at what it was and just stand up, shrug it of and start running again. But I just couldn't. So I slowly stood up again and grabbed my phone, I tapped on the screen so it would light up and started looking on the ground for something big and soft.

I found it, even though I now wish I didn't. What I saw was one of the most disgusting things I have ever seen. It was the upper half of a female body. She was cut in half and bloody with wide eyes and white skin. I wanted to scream, I really did but I heard something or someone walking towards me.

I looked around me and found a large, climbable tree, and started climbing it. Ones I sat high enough for my liking I sat on a think branch. About two minutes after I settled down I saw a teenage boy, maybe a year older then me, looking around confused. He did not notice the body and started to shake something, but as he was about to puff it in his mouth a herd of deer came running towards him. He dropped the thing he was holding and fell down.

Ones the deer passed he stood up again looking around confused. He seemed to remember he dropped something so he started looking for it with his phone, just like I did. I saw him walking towards the body and looking around it when he shone over it. He seemed a bit slow because he just went on searching before it clicked. He shone over her again and quickly walked back. He fell over a little hill and tumbled down.

What happened next I couldn't really see but I could hear it. He was attacked by something, an animal of some kind. The boy then quickly ran away from the body and me. I looked around, not seeing an animal or the boy and jumped down form the branch. I then remembered the body and walked towards her.

I felt really bad, no one should die like that. I looked around, hopping to find someone wandering around the woods at three in the morning like me and that boy, to help me with this body. I saw a big wolf standing there, growling at her. It had red eyes and black fur, kind of like the typical demon wolf in fantasy stories. But then I saw something, those eyes don't seem animal.

"What are you?" I mumbled to myself. Clearly this caught the demon wolf of guard because it quickly ran away from the body and me. I sighed knowing I couldn't move the body because then they would fine fingerprints and DNA all over her and I would be accused of murdering her.

I started to look around again, trying to get the picture of this place in my head. And walked away in a direction I don't know, but I hope to find something. After a short ten minute walk I came across this big house, it's still dark outside but I could still tell this house wasn't in it's best condition.

I walked towards it anyways, maybe it's not as bad as it seems and there live people inside. Ones I reached the door, I knocked on it. There was no response so I knocked again, still nothing. When I knocked a third time someone did open up.

It was a man, from what I could tell. He was tall and muscular but that was all I could see. "What are you doing here?" He asked in a deep voice. Right, get to the point Tris. "Well, uum. This is gonna sound crazy but you have to believe me, okay?" I spoke quietly as if not to wake anyone up. He nodded, or at least it looked like he nodded, so I continued. "Okay, so I was just blowing of steam and started running when I came across this place in the forest where I fell over something so I stood up and got my phone for some light, but now it seems like I've kind of fallen over a dead body…" I told him and then waited.

I don't even really know what I'm expecting him to say but what he said, I didn't expect. "Okay, I believe you. Can you take me there?" he asked me.

I nodded my head slowly, still confused to why he would trust a stranger knocking on his door telling him a story about how the stranger fell over a dead body. Now that I've come to think about it, how stupid am I to go back deeper into the woods with some guy I don't even know the age or name of, to go and find a dead woman's body.

Apparently I'm really stupid because I did walk back into the woods with some guy I don't know the age or name of.