After a long day I decided I wanted to check up on Derek. So I got in my car and drove towards him. I had to park at the beginning of the preserve, not knowing my way around the woods. I got out of my car, heart beating faster then normal. It's not like I'm scared of Derek it's just that Demon wolf, maybe I should ask Derek about it.

I walked in the forest and took the way I went with Scott and Stiles. A branch snapped behind me and I turned around quickly, but saw nothing. I tried to shrug it of and walk further. I came across the place where I found the body of his sister. Looking at the spot where I found her I got chills, I don't like this place. I don't like it one bit.

I carried on walking until I saw Derek's house standing there. I now could clearly see the bad condition. The house is almost completely burned down, now I know why it smelled like fire inside. I walked a bit further until I was stopped by a voice behind me. "What are you doing back?" Derek asked me. I turned around and smiled at him.

"Well, I wanted to know if you're alright?" I asked him. Derek sighed but answered anyway. "I'm fine, you really need to stop asking me that." He told me with his 'I'm serious be afraid' face on. I rolled my eyes at the man. "You're not fine Derek, you just lost your sister. You live here alone in the forest and try to scare people away. You are definitely not fine. And don't lie to me, I can read you like an open book." I told him with my 'I'm serious' face pointed at him.

He raised one eyebrow at me and smirked. "Well okay then tell me, what is going trough me right now?" He asked me smirking. "You're lonely and a bit scared, maybe not of the killer of your sister but of why she had to die. You act scary and broody so I'll back off and can't come to close to you, you can't loose someone else. You just want a friend who understands, but you're to scared to trust one. You live in this house because you can't let go of the past." I told him. He looked surprised and taken back. His venerability showed but he quickly hid it.

"So how did I do?" I asked him. I'm a bit concerned I might have pushed a bit to far. What I said was some personal stuff and I could read it all of off him. He shook his head and sighed. "Come on, let's go inside." He told me and walked back into the house.

Derek is a man full of secrets and mysteries but I'm certain I'll uncover most of them. At least, I hope so. I followed Derek back into the house and sat down on the stairs. I looked up at him as he was standing in front of me. "How did you know?" Derek asked me. I'm not sure what he's talking about. "What part?" I asked him.

He sighed and looked at me, "That I need a friend, someone who'll understand me." He looked down, almost ashamed of admitting that even The Derek Hale, needs someone. I looked him in the eyes and smiled slightly. "Everyone needs someone Derek, even you." He looked at me and smiled nodding a bit.

"Derek if you want, I can be that friend." I told him smiling. He debated something inside his head. I'm sure he has a lot of things he has kept secret and now he's not sure if he can share them with me. But when he looked back at me, I knew his answer. I stood up from the stairs and walked towards Derek, he seemed confused and even a bit… scared? Why would this grown up man be afraid of me, sixteen-year-old Tris.

I gave Derek a hug. Not a weak 'I'm sorry for your loss' no, it was a warm hug a hug to tell him I'm on his side. At first he just stood there, not really sure of what to do. But after ten seconds he hugged back. He put his chin on my head and sighed. I stopped hugging him after a while and looked up at Derek.

"When you're ready, tell me your secret. I'm your friend it doesn't have to be today or tomorrow, when you're ready." I told him. He looked at me confused but nodded anyway. I started walking towards the door before I stopped, I turned around and asked him a question he didn't expect. "I'm gonna grab some dinner, do you want to come?" he looked at me surprised for a minute but then nodded. He grabbed his leather jacket and followed me outside. I was also wearing my black leather jacket so we were matching, I giggled at that. Not in a romantic way, just because it sounded funny.

Derek led me to his car and I stopped. I turned back at Derek and he seemed a bit worried, worried he did something wrong and I would walk away. I smiled at him to reassure him nothings wrong. "I also came with my car so I have to get back here after were done." I told him smiling. He sighed and nodded.

We drove towards a small shop in the centrum of Beacon Hills. We both got out of his black Camaro and walked towards the little shop. Inside it was kind of like the same as a MacDonald's except there is more then junk food. I beamed at Derek, grabbed his hand, and led him to the food.

The cashier was shooting me daggers and I didn't know what for. But then I saw that I was still holding his hand so I quickly let go. "I think your girlfriend is a bit angry with me." I told him with a serious face. He looked at me confused and I giggled. "The cashier over there was checking me out and then saw we were holding hands, guess she didn't like that very much…" I told him, when I saw his horrified face I started laughing at him.

After we good our food and Derek shot the girl some creepy/angry faces, I guess he doesn't like jealous people. We got back in his car and started eating our sandwiches in silence. "Tris you got to understand, I really want to tell you but I'm not good with trusting people." He told me and continued eating. I took another bite and nodded, I swallowed the bread and looked at him. "I understand, whenever your ready I'll be there." I smiled at him. Our friendship might have started out a bit weird but I feel like everything is going to be okay.

Derek drove us back to his house and then led me trough the forest to my car. We walked in silence; it wasn't an awkward silence just peacefully quiet. We arrived at my Mini Cooper and I got in. I waved goodbye to Derek and he smiled slightly at me. I drove away feeling better about myself, I have another friend and he is slowly warming up to me.

When I arrived at home I parked my car in the garage and saw my parents cars still gone. There both Layers so I understand why they would stay out late, but I still like a heads up. I went in the kitchen when I realized what day it was, the night before the full moon. I've always loved the full moon, it's so beautiful. I drank another glass of water and looked in the fridge, I saw a piece of chicken in it. I got it out with some veggies and pasta.

I ate my diner and washed it. I looked at the clock on the wall and saw it's already 10:30 so I decided to just go to bed. Even though I hate to wake up like I do, I love to sleep. I walked upstairs and got in my PJ's and walked towards my bathroom. I washed of my make up and brushed my face.

I went to my room again and shut the door. I went on my computer for a little bit before shutting it of and going to bed. It always takes me a while to really sleep but once I do I sleep very good. That is until I wake up at 3:00 AM with bloody hands and sweat all over. The worst part is that after all this time, I still don't know what it is that makes me do it.

I closed my eyes and, after about thirty minutes, I finally fell asleep.