Disclaimer: I do not own Dragonball Z or any of its characters. If I did I'd be a whole lot richer. The only thing I own is my Oc Alaric and possible other Oc's appearing in this story.




Chapter 60

Main DBZ timeline with Vegeta, Goku and Akari...

After a hyper space like journey, Goku, Vegeta, Akari, Shin and Kibito reappeared in the middle of a vast, barren desert surrounded by tall, dusty and solid mountains and a few cliffs and ditches. It didn't look like a place where an evil villain would plan to summon a great terror of the universe but after what the Z-fighters had been through, they didn't complain.

The storm system here was even fiercer then ever, the pitch black skies filled with the smoking black clouds above them moving around at a faster rate and, following the trail of clouds and bolts of lightning, the Saiyan's/Solorian and their companions made out the eye of the storm. Beneath this massive cyclonic formation, the Z-fighters soon found out who was behind it all.

There were two figures standing around the giant ball. One of which was a very tall, pink demon wearing a white cape, white boots and a mainly blue attire with a high ki level. And the final member of this sinister group was a short, scaly creature wearing orange and blue robes. He had toad like eyes and yellow, oil colored skin. He stood out from the crowd quite a bit and by sensing his energy, Shin knew exactly who he was.

Because they were standing at least 5 meters away from the group standing around the giant pink ball emitting the large energy source they failed to notice the Z-fighters standing behind them leaving the Z fighters with some questions.

Turning to Shin standing behind him, Goku could see just how nervous the Supreme Kai was. But instead of worrying about how the Supreme Kai was taking this, Goku just went on asking his questions. "Hey Shin, that short one on the left, is that Babidi?" asked Goku, expecting any surprises.

Shin nodded. "Yes, but be weary of him. Remember, it's not his size that you should be concerned with, it's his magic. Kill him if you will but do it quickly because he will do worse to you then what his minions would do," said Shin. Goku frowned and glanced over at the taller one of the two.

"And that demon over there, who is he?" asked Goku. Babidi focused his glare on the taller one.

"That Goku is Dabura, the King of the demon world. You can handle that guy easily but be warned, he is a really powerful entity and he is just as cold hearted as his master," said Shin. Goku nodded and he stepped forward, a smirk plastered on his face.

"Well, you two can stand back, I'll take them on myself," said Goku.

Before Goku could take a step forward, he felt Piccolo's ki flaring to its peak which caused Goku to be slightly concerned since Piccolo was quickly approaching their current location. Piccolo landed, not gaining the attention of the two fiends as he dragged Goku over to the group, "Goku, do you sense that?"

Goku stretched his ki senses to all over the planet, but he didn't notice anything peculiar. "No, why? Am I suppose to sense something?"

"That's the problem, neither you or I can sense the children's energy. It's as if they disappeared off the face of the planet," said Piccolo who was sweating profusely causing concern within Goku and Akari while gaining the attention of Shin and Kabito.

"My apologies but I sense that you are the Earth's Guardian correct?" asked Shin to Piccolo. Piccolo nodded, "I was and you are the Supreme Kai, and forgive my rudeness I would have welcomed you at a better time but we have a situation of our own."

"Yes, your problem with the being known as 'Terios'. I maybe able to help you with your problem but only if you help me with mine," bargained Shin.

Taking a few steps forward, Goku stopped and glared at the two standing around the giant, pink ball before transforming into a Super Saiyan. "Hey! OVER HERE!"

Immediately, the two shadowed figures wheeled around, seeing Goku standing before them with a group of people standing in the background. Though shocked at the Saiyan's sudden appearance, smirks grew on their faces and they all turned around fully, the little alien wizard Babidi stepping forward with his arms behind his back.

"Ahh… excellent, the Supreme Kai is here. How nice of you to join us, and you've brought company too! Good! What a great opportunity to use my father's creation against you," said Babidi. Goku growled through bared teeth and jabbed a finger up at the short wizard.

"Listen you twerp! We're not here as guests we're here to stop you! So you can do this the easy way and allow me to annihilate you or you can do this the much easier way and fight me!" yelled Goku, demanding a fight from either of them. Babidi chuckled.

"Dear me, it appears our guests need a little tending too," said Babidi. His eyes turned to his left and locking onto Dabura. "Dabura, would you please kill him?" asked Babidi. The alien smiled and nodded.

Babidi blinked a few times then his shocked expression turned confident and a evil smirk crossed his lips. His toad eyes continued staring at the Saiyan as he spoke. "What a ridiculous transformation. You've changed your hair so what!"

Goku frowned and stepped forward. "You dare underestimate my power, so be it. Lets play a little game, if any of you can land a punch on me then you have proven me wrong, come on, lets go!" demanded Goku. Babidi smirked.

Akari smiled. "Way to go my mate," she cheered.

Goku, clearing the cloud of purple smoke away from him with his energy smirked up at the two evil beings standing around the pink ball. Unbeknown to Goku, steam was whizzing out from the crease circulating around the ball. No one even noticed the giant pink ball start to glow a bright pink in the background as all attention was focused on Goku.

The Saiyan smirked and stood up again, his energy still warping around him with currents of electricity still flickering in his aura. "Bring it on," said Goku in a mocking tone of voice.

Dabura, reacting on his instincts shot forward at the third class Saiyan. He trailed along the ground at break neck speeds, faster then the Saiyan was counting on, still at speeds the Saiyan could consider slow. Dabura cranked back his right fist and sent it at Goku's face.

Goku's expression had turned serious when Dabura attacked and, avoiding the demon's punch, Goku spun around and nailed Dabura across the face with a right elbow. The demon staggered sideways from the blow but recovered quickly and attacked again, this time sending a knee up at Goku's chest. Goku responded by attacking Dabura with his own knees. From left to right, Goku's knee connected with Dabura's, each block and attack was followed by a shock wave that rang out all around, shaking the desert surroundings.

As soon as Goku had blocked all of Dabura's knee's, the Saiyan spun through the air and sent a neck breaking kick at Dabura's head, smacking him sideward's and knocking the demon unconscious. From there, the Saiyan finished his attack by powering up a small ki blast and chucking it at the still falling demon. Dabura was struck head long with the blast, his body disintegrating in the explosion that followed, a ball of fire forming a massive crater on the ground where the demon used to be floating over.

Babidi screamed in shock when he saw his only body guard vanish in the ball of fire and, when the smoke and dust had died down, a smirking Goku emerged from the blackness, his auras still glowing around him. The Z-fighters were still standing behind Goku and watching him in interest and astonishment.

The Saiyan grinned cockily at the short wizard standing before him with a look of utter fear plastered on his face. The Saiyan turned his body fully towards the wizard and his eyes sharpened their glare's. "Sorry, you lose!"

Babidi took a step back and was about to run for it when suddenly, the giant pink ball behind him split open, a bellowing light bursting forth from within the giant sphere. Babidi turned and glanced over his shoulder in surprise at the sounds of electricity and whirring energy at the same time the Z-fighters turned their attention towards the giant pink ball on the platform.

Turning around and stepping back, Babidi stared in shock and awe at the egg containing Majin Buu, the shell splitting and spilling forth a powerful energy source he had never seen in his entire life before. Goku was also staring at the giant ball in shock, the full blast of the energy level emitting from it hitting him head long.

Supreme Kai was shocked and frightened, the purple Kai stepping back, away from the glowing ball that was now, expelling the being that had been lying dormant within it for all these years.

After taking a few steps back away from the group in front of him, the Kai fell to his knees, his arms falling by his sides, useless. "It… it's over, we're done for," whispered the Supreme Kai.

At those words, a bellowing wind picked up from underneath the giant ball and a golden bolt of lightning shot down from the centre of the cyclone above the ball, striking it and illuminating the entire surrounding desert with a powerful energy source. The striking of the lightning bolt resulted in the ground splitting beneath the silver base platform holding the ball as well as the hurling of dust into the air.

In a shattering of cataclysmic events, the pink ball, now glowing a bright gold split open completely and in a flash of light, exploded. Babidi and the group of Z-fighters had to shield their eyes to block out the blinding light escaping from the shattering of the pink shell containing Buu as well as keep their footing to prevent being blown over by the shock wave and the burst of wind that followed the exploding of the ball.

This even continued for a few long seconds until it all ended with the dying of the winds and the clearing of the light. Looking back and unveiling their eyes, the Z-fighters gasped in shock at what they saw standing in place of the giant pink ball. Yes a crater had been created from the explosion of the ball but something else was sitting within that crater.

Sitting, innocently in a large crater sat a fat, large and pink creature with a tentacle prodding out the back of its head. This creature had a high power level but nothing the Z-fighters had expected and his appearance didn't suit the power level it possessed. The creature, aside from having a pink, bloated body with a few air holes dotting over its skin wore black, tight spandex pants, yellow boots, a white diaper thingy, a black vest with yellow lining, a purple cape and yellow boxing gloves.

This creature, this… Buu was not the villainous figure the Z-fighters had expected to see. In fact, he looked quite cute then fearsome.

Looking from left to right at his new surroundings, the fat Buu looked up at the edge of the crater to see Babidi and a few other figures standing in front of him, all sporting shocked and odd faces. Titling his head in curiosity, the pink creature spoke in a high pitched voice.

"Where is Buu?" he asked.

Vegeta blinked. "This is the creature that the Supreme Kai was talking about," asked Vegeta, looking at Babidi. "Don't tell me your baka father created this thing!"

Babidi had the same expression of disbelief on his face as everyone else in the area. "I… don't… know…"

Goku stood straight up and scratched his head. "This is Majin Buu?! He doesn't look like much," said the hero. Akari shook her head and stood up straight as well while placing her hands on her hips. Though it took him longer, Piccolo finally managed to snap out of his stupor and stand up straight, joining his friends in a questionable conversation.

"Don't underestimate him you guys, he may look innocent but the Supreme Kai said he was deadly," said Piccolo.

Kibito and the Supreme Kai, who had recently gotten back to his feet were standing behind the four Z-fighter's and staring at the fat Buu over their shoulders. They may have been surprised at its appearance but were a little bit confused. Kibito, being the one who didn't know much about his master's history looked down at the Supreme Kai and shrugged.

"Master Shin, didn't you say that the monster Buu absorbed the other Kai's?" said Kibito. Supreme Kai nodded.

"Yes but when he did he didn't have a ki signature reading like this. In fact, he seems to be reading a more pure ki level, just like the Head kaioshin. Strange, he seems more good now then ever," said Supreme Kai. Suddenly, Shin noticed something. Looking up at the sky, he saw that there was still a circulating cyclonic storm system but there weren't any lightning bolts or thunder to be heard. This was quite a puzzling and unexpected result.

Babidi stepped forward towards the fat creature who was now walking up the crater and towards the short wizard. "M-Majin Buu?! I-Is that you?" asked Babidi. The fat creature stopped in front of Babidi and nodded.

"Yes, me Buu," the creature said, smiling. "But me not evil Buu, me good Buu!"

Babidi blinked a few times. "Not… evil?!" The wizard placed a finger to his chin and tapped it a couple of times. "Strange, I must have gone wrong somewhere!"

Vegeta, who had been watching this smirked and stepped forward, holding his index finger and aimed it at Babidi. "Well, what a pity, the short wizard created a dude! Oh well, I need to kill something anyway, and I think you shrimpy sums it up," said Vegeta. Turning around, Babidi was about to ask what the prince meant by that when he was suddenly blown away by a ki blast exploding on contact with his face, his entire body vanishing in a cloud of smoke and ash.

Vegeta grunted in satisfaction. "There, one wizard dead, the universe is a better place," said Vegeta.

Amongst the crowd of confused and surprised Z-fighters, the Supreme Kai ran forward and stopped a few meters in front of Vegeta, shouting. "WAIT! Vegeta! We need him to seal Buu back in his ball!" yelled Supreme Kai.

Vegeta and Fat Buu turned towards the purple Kai in surprise. "What are you talking about Kai!? We don't need to seal up Buu, he's a wimp, we can beat him easily now if we wanted to," said Vegeta. "Besides I need to find my daughter since apparently she disappeared from the face of the Earth!"

Supreme Kai shook his head, sweat pouring down his nervous expression. "NO! Not that Buu!" shouted Kai, pointing up at the sky above Vegeta. "THAT BUU!"

The Z-fighters gasped and looked up at the sky above Vegeta at the same time Vegeta and Fat Buu spun around and turned their attention towards the cyclonic system above. Suddenly, out from the centre of the wild storm, a giant pink form fell from the center of the cyclone and came plummeting down towards Vegeta and Buu.

Gasping, Vegeta leapt out of the way at the same time Fat Buu leapt out of the way too, the giant form landed in the centre of the giant crater with a loud crash, cracks forming around the crater from where the thing had landed. Vegeta rolled on the ground a couple of times then skidded to a stop, turning his attention towards the creature lying in the crater.

Stepping backwards, the Z-fighters stared in shock as a giant hand came up from out of the bottom of the crater and slam itself onto the desert soil at the edge of the crater. From there, the hand and armed pulled up with it a body attached to it and that body resembled something to Perfect Cell.

The creature stood at its full stature of 9 feet tall, towering over everything in sight. It had red armor with a purplish-pink body and green gems sprouted on its knuckles, chest and taking a majority of its head. And it had glowing yellow, pupiless eyes that shone brightly.

Immediately after seeing the eyes shoot up and glare in their direction, the Z-fighters felt the full brunt of the creature's power level and they were shocked beyond belief. They just weren't confronting a monster, but a nightmare far worst then expected.

The Supreme Kai gulped and stepped backwards. "W-What i-is that?…"

Fat Buu, who was standing away from both groups and to the right of the giant beast pulling itself out of the crater whimpered as it stared up at the towering creature. For years he had been lying dormant and now...

"Destroy Saiyans…"

The giant creature let out a low growl and looked towards the Fat Buu standing beside it, its eyes glowing a bright yellow before it lifted its right fist and sent a punch at Vegeta.

Immediately, the Z-fighters scattered, the Supreme Kai and Kibito taking to the air while Goku, Akari and Piccolo leapt backwards, avoiding the giant palm plummeting from above from the creature standing over them. The palm struck the ground, forming a large crater and cracking the ground. The earth shook violently at the palm impacting against the ground.

Goku and Akari back flipped a few times, Goku stopping a 20 meters away from the giant fist still embedded in the ground while Akari and Piccolo continued back flipping and stopped 10 meters behind Goku. The three of them watched as the creature pulled its fist out of the ground and stomp towards them, its fists balled and eyes glaring down at them.

"Follow me!" yelled Goku, leaping from the ground and flying straight up at the beast in front of them, going Ssj2. Piccolo and Akari followed, flying through the air straight at the giant monster. However, they were to find that attacking this towering beast wasn't going to be easy.

Goku was the first to reach the monster and as soon as he sent his first two punches aimed at the monster's chest, punches that had resulted in no damage.

Startled the Saiyan spun around cracked his left arm back, powering up a ki blast. At the same time, a Super Saiyan 2 Vegeta appeared beside him, his right arm cracked back, also preparing a ki blast. At the same time, both Saiyan's threw their hands forward and fired two identical beams at the beasts. The golden ki blasts soared through the air like missiles, trailing golden energy behind them. As planned, the two beams struck he monster in the back, both of them exploding but to their dismay, the attacks had no effect on the beast.

Goku and Vegeta were shocked. "What the hell is this thing?" asked Vegeta.

Akari and Piccolo had stopped just in front of the monster and were staring in shock up at it. Before either of them could react, the monster attacked them, throwing its right fist up above it before throwing it down, bring the enormous fist down at Akari.

The Queen of Solorians yelled in surprise but was too slow to react as the fist smacked her into the ground. Akari hit the ground hard but not hard enough to form a crater, her teeth bared and eyes clenched shut to bite back the pain. Piccolo had watched Akari fall and was too distracted to notice the monster making a move on him. The Namek turned around just in time to see the monster's left fist flying straight for him, the enormous fist making contact and smashing Piccolo flying through the air, sending him into the distance.

Kai and Kibito, who were still floating in the air and watching the fight so far had to break away as Piccolo flew straight past them and into the distance. Both of them were shocked and they both turned around and stared at the monster.

"What is this thing master? It's not like the monster you had described that terrorized the universe in your time," said Kibito. Supreme Kai shrugged.

"I don't know Kibito, but I'm sure it has something to do with its purpose of destroying the Saiyans," replied Shin. Kibito turned to the Supreme Kai in surprise.

"What do you mean?" asked Kibito. Shin gulped.

"Well, to put it simply: if these Saiyans and Solorian are killed by this creature, then our only hope of destroying Majin Buu are none," said Supreme Kai.

Kibito nodded in affirmation as he listened in to his master, only to look back onto the field at the sound of an explosion. Both Supreme Kai and Kibito watched on helplessly as the giant monster began making short work of the valiant Z-fighters.


Power levels


Base: 480 million

Super Saiyan 2: 48 billion


Base: 475 million

Super Solorian 2: 47.5 billion


Base: 485 million

Super Saiyan 2: 48.5 billion


29 billion (trained with Goku, Gohan, and Alaric during the 7 year gap)


85 billion

A/N: The next possible 2-3 chapters will revolve around Goku and his team vs Hatchiyak and Buu.