Hi guys! It's my first story ever! Please tell me what I can do to make it better.

Sadly I do not on Divergent. I only own my characters. The idea isn't mine


Chapter One- Disappointment to the Kind

I refuse to eat the bread. I will not touch it. It smells weird and tastes funny. After everyone eats it they are all happy. Maybe that's why I'm different. Because I don't eat the bread.

But that can't be it, can it? I can't blame my differences on some old bread. I just am different.

I sit in this tree right now flipping my butter knife in my hand. My mother doesn't know I have it. While I was cleaning the dishes this morning I snuck it out. I will have to put it back later or she will find it again. My last butter knife was found stuck in the tree across the field. I threw it so hard that I couldn't get it out. Good thing my mother didn't figure out I did it.

As I twirled the metallic plastic in my hand I stared at the orchard in the distance. Red and yellow clothed people picked apples out of the short pink and brown colored trees. They smiled and talked about pleasant things. I saw a group of girls playing Concentration. A game where you have to clap hands with the other person and try to come up with a different word that fits in the category the leader gives. I really sucked at that game. One time, when I was 12, I yelled at my sister for cheating and I had to sit in my room, thinking about what I did. Honestly, I just stretched the entire time. At that time I was working on becoming flexible. Now I can do back bends and splits. My friends think it's "magical".

A group of teenagers walked by the tree I was in. They laughed and joked, apologizing whenever they hurt someone's feelings. People are wimps here. They will cry if you say that their shirt has a stain on it. Even the guys. It is kinda sad.

I stare at my knife now. There is a swirly design that runs along the handle. It is thicker at the bottom. On the top half is the blade. I run my finger along it. It is a little jagged but not enough to hurt me. The silver reflects and light bounces through the green leaves of the oak tree I'm sitting in. Knives have always fascinated me. They can kill someone or they can save someone's life. They can be a weapon or a very useful tool. To be honest, I don't think we could survive without knives. They had them way before the war that divided us into factions. I remember from school that something called Indians used them.

"Emma! Emma! Where are you?" I heard my mother scream. A woman in a yellow dress and red high heels walks up past my tree. Her golden hair hung past her shoulders. My mother was beautiful. A nice kind of beautiful, a sweet kind. Unlike me. I was a fierce kind of beautiful. Everything about me was noticeable. My fiery red hair that I got from my grandmother. My extremely bright green eyes. No matter how hard I try to blend in, I stick out.

"Mom! Up here!" I yelled to her. I noticed the knife in my hands. I breathed in and I as I breathed out I threw the knife into a branch 2 trees over. As always it landed dead center. I know what you are thinking. She shouldn't even be touching a knife! Well I perfected knife throwing when I was 10. As I told you before, knives fascinate me.

My mother came running back to the tree. She looked up and frowned. I guess I see why. I was sitting in a tall tree. Only Dauntless did something that stupid. My red hair was up in a high ponytail and my mother said Amity wear their hair down. I wasn't wearing a dress like all the other girls. I was wearing my red tank top and yellow shorts. I was also wearing my tennis shoes that my mother tried to throw out last week. My hands were covered in cuts that I couldn't even feel.

My mother tore her eyes from me and looked around nervously.

"Get down here this instant! How many times do I have to tell you not to climb trees? You are not acting like the Amity girl I raised you to be! I am so disappointed!" my mother whispered. Now that stung. My mother was never disappointed in me. I hopped down and she yelped. "Oh my gosh! You are going to hurt yourself!" she squealed. I smiled. There is my mother, always worried about everybody but herself. She came from Abnegation. She told me that when I asked why she cares about everyone else.

"Mom I'm okay. Let's go eat breakfast." I smiled. She looked very nervous and sad. "What's wrong mom?"

"I swear you have some sort of short term memory loss thing. You forgot again didn't you." she whispered. My eyebrows scrunched together and I thought hard. What is she talking about? What did I forget now? "Aptitude tests are today." she sighed and my heart dropped to my stomach.

"Oh." I whispered. I know I'm not Amity. It is kinda obvious but I don't want to hurt my mom. Maybe if I tried I could learn to be Amity. Then I could live with Alyson and my mother. They had already lost my dad, they don't need to lose me too.

But it doesn't work like that. You can't change the way you are. I wasn't born to be nice to every person I pass. I can't smile at everyone. I can't play hand games with other girls my age. I can't play bongos in the back of a van. I can't think only positive things. I can't wear these dreadful colors everyday (I'm sorry but red and yellow don't look good together). I want to be free of this overly cheerful cage.

I'm sorry but I don't fit in at Amity. But the question is, where do I fit in?

Hope you guys enjoyed! Next chapter will be the school day and the aptitude test!