Hi! I have returned! See, I actually started to write this around 2 months ago, but then this thing called life got in the way. But alas, I have managed to get 3 chapters written amidst my chaotic life, and should be writing more soon :-) My plan is to have at least 7 chapters, but we'll see how that goes...for now, I present the first chapter of "In Which!" Enjoy!

Chapter One- In Which There is a Rude Awakening

In a spacious apartment at 500 Republica, Anakin Skywalker gazed lovingly at his beautiful wife. She looked so peaceful as the morning sun cast its rays upon her sleeping face.

It wasn't often that the Jedi and the Senator were both on Coruscant…..and let's just say that they had spent the last night making the most of their time.

He frowned as he remembered his initial reason for waking up. His blasted comlink had gone off, forcing him to jump out of bed and hit ignore. Luckily, the Senator slept on.

The Jedi Knight smiled, luxuriating in the presence of his wife. He closed his eyes, prepared to fall back into blissful slumber.

The serene silence was suddenly interrupted by a beeping noise. Anakin swore under his breath and forced the comlink over, hoping to silence it before his angel awakened. As he hit the button, however, he turned to see Padme Amidala Skywalker blinking sleepily at him.

"I thought you'd be back at the Temple by now," she said, pleasantly surprised that her husband was still there. He shrugged lazily and lay back down, pulling Padme into a hug. "It's still early, and the Council can wait. I am spending some much needed time with my wife."

She smiled, liking the sound of that. They laid in silence, Padme's head resting on Anakin's shoulder. "I wish it could always be like this," she whispered.

The moment, however, was short-lived. The silence was once again interrupted by Anakin's comlink beeping. He groaned. "What is so important? This is the third time!" Padme frowned. "You should probably answer."

Anakin sighed, raising the comlink to his lips. "Skywalker here," he growled, allowing annoyance to leak into his voice.

"Where the heck are you?" an equally annoyed, feminine tone burst out.

"Snips?" Anakin asked in surprise. "Since when do you comm me this early?"

An exasperated huff could be heard from the other side. "Since you disappear for 14 hours without contact, and I am suddenly bombarded by every Jedi on Coruscant wanting to know where you are!"

The Padawan took a deep breath before continuing. "Master Kenobi wants to lecture you, Master Che says that you missed your checkup, Master Luminara says that your hair gel is missing, Master Fisto wants to see you smile, and the Council has a mission for us. And early? Skyguy, it's almost midday!"

The couple looked at each other in surprise. "We really slept in," Padme whispered. There was a knock at the door. "Mistress Padme?" C-3PO's voice sounded, "Senator Bail Organa has arrived."

"Is that Threepio I hear?" Ahsoka's voice crackled through. "Master, where are you?!"

Anakin's eyebrows shot up. "No! That's not Threepio! That is just….a droid. That I fixed. Last night. For a guy. Uh, yeah."

"Is that seriously the best you can do?" Padme hissed.

C-3PO stuck his head through the door. "And Mistress Padme? He says it's urgent."

Meanwhile, Ahsoka was still talking to Anakin. "AAAH! Master! Now Windu wants to kill you! And he thinks that I'm hiding you, so he wants to kill me!"

Padme flung her arms frantically, trying to make the dense droid understand that it needed to get out, now.

On the comlink, there was the sound of crashing. "Master! WHY THE HECK DID YOU PAINT WINDU'S SPEEDER PINK?! You better get your butt over here, or I'll-" the connection crackled before cutting off. Anakin looked at the comlink in shock, hoping his Padawan was okay.

Meanwhile, C-3PO finally took the hint and shut the door, his voice drifting off. "I'll just show him in. I will never understand human hand gestures…" Anakin and Padme looked at each other in panic before jumping out of bed. They started to hurriedly dress, searching the room frantically for different articles of clothing and accessories.

"Yours, mine, yours…."

"Yours, mine….."

"Yours, mine, mine…why are you in your 'investigation outfit?'"

"Hey, that's mine! And because when Bail shows up unexpectedly, something's always wrong."

"And then I always end up rescuing you! You can't keep putting yourself—Bail? Wait! Since when is he 'Bail?!' His first name is 'Senator'…."

"We are not having this conversation right now. That's yours, mine….."

"You are merely postponing the inevitable, you know...…yours, yours, yours…..why do girls have so many clothes?"

Within 2 minutes, the couple was fully, albeit messily, dressed. They heard footsteps getting closer. Anakin tossed Padme a hairbrush before giving her a quick kiss.

He then ran onto the balcony and jumped off, just as the door opened.

Padme hurriedly ran her fingers through her hair and put on her Senator face, trying to act as though her secret, forbidden husband hadn't just jumped out the window.

Senator Organa walked in. "Bail! So nice to see you," Padme began. Bail looked around the room furtively. "Do you have a place more private? I bring grave news."

Amidala's eyebrows shot up. When she had said that Organa always brought unexpected bad news, she hadn't meant it literally! She quickly ushered him into her sitting room, which doubled as her secret meeting room when the time required.

"Now Bail," she said frankly, sitting down, "what could you have possibly found this morning?"

The Senator from Alderaan leaned in. "Senator Chuchi is missing."

Padme gasped. "What?"

He nodded, continuing. "I was supposed to meet her for tea this morning. We were going to discuss the new bill, but she never showed up."

Amidala gazed at him skeptically. "She could've just forgot. Not everything is a Separatist conspiracy, you know."

Bail shook his head. "Let me finish. After waiting for about an hour, I decided to stop by her apartment. I found the door unlocked, so I poked my head in." He lowered his voice further. "Padme, the room was trashed. There were signs of struggle, and I saw purple splotches on the floor."

"Purple?" Padme asked, raising an eyebrow.

Organa nodded. "Pantoran blood is purple." Amidala was beginning to look worried. "Be frank with me, Bail. What are you implying?" He looked her in the eye. "Senator Chuchi was kidnapped."

Padme rapidly paled. "By whom?"

Bail shook his head. "I have no idea."

"What are we going to do?"

"I have no idea."

Organa took one look at his colleague's face and knew where this was going. "Padme, no," he started.

She looked at him in anger. "No? What do you mean no?"

He looked her in the eyes. "I mean no. You are not going to play detective on this one. I have already contacted the authorities, and-"

"They never get anything done!" Amidala interrupted. "By the time they even get over there, Riyo could be halfway across the galaxy! We know her, we have a better chance of finding her."

"Yes, but-"

"She would do the same for us."

"I understand that, Padme, however-"

"Don't you try and Organa-ize your way out of this one! You were the one who woke me up in the first place! So, now you have to deal with my investigating."

Bail sighed, knowing that there was no stopping the headstrong Senator now. "Fine, we do it your way."

Padme looked at him in confusion. "We?"

"If I can't stop you, I have to accompany you. That was the deal."

"Deal? Who in the galaxy did you make that deal with?"

"Anakin Skywalker, strangely enough. I guess he is tired of rescuing you."

Amidala flashed a nervous smile as her cheeks flushed. "Yeah, I guess," she answered. Really Ani? You have got to be kidding me! That man, I swear…

Organa stood up. Despite his earlier protests, Padme recognized the adventurous gleam in his eyes. "So, where do we start?"

Any constructive tips are more than welcome! I expect the next chapter will be up sometime next week. Please review!

Ps. Is it normal for the Doc Manager to not transfer your format? I had to go through the entire chapter and add line breaks, italics, etc.