It's on in the amazon

Deleted scene

Hey everyone, Assassin's Creed Master here. As you can see by the title, this is a deleted scene that did not make it into the story, but nevertheless, I thought I would bring it here for you fellow authors. A little late, I know, but here it is.

Aside from that, I noticed about a lot of haters lately leaving guest reviews just to tell people their stories were bad, the movie was bad, or the characters were bad, etcetera, etcetera. Me personally, these so-called haters don't bother me, they make my laugh with their pathetic attempts with nothing to back-up their arguments.

To you fellow authors reading this: ignore them. Don't retaliate to them because that's just what they want. These haters are more than likely just some geeks who think they're all tough behind a computer screen. Don't let them bother you, be a better person and show them you're better than them. And lastly, don't let them be the reason to stop writing what you enjoy, because here's a warning: if you all quit now, you're doing to quit for life.

I appreciate you all reading this. And aside from that, here's the deleted scene. Until next time, ciao.

With their tracker and his skills of hunting, Blu, Diego with the company of Nico made their way through the amazon of Rio de Janeiro, hunting down for Eduardo's attacker. The only lead they had so far was a giant talon print, but now it was down to Diego to find out who he/she was. Jewel, Pedro and the kids decided to stay with the clan for a while to avoid running into danger.

After taking a short rest for a couple of minutes, Diego leaned around the corner of a tree and a grin raised across his beak when he realized he was on the right track. "All right, guys, we're doing good." he turned back around to face the duo. "Okay, first thing's first: Nico, did you leave the X mark when I told you to put it?"

"Yep." Nico nodded with a thumbs up, or the best a canary could give a thumb's up anyway.

"Okay, let's just keep following this trail, but first where exactly did you place the X?" Diego inquired, scanning the area for a moment to find its locations.

"Right there." Nico pointed towards a nearby tree.

Diego followed to where he was pointing and approached the tree to investigate where he placed the X, but instead, he frowned and an annoyed expression rose across his face. Instead of drawing an X, he drew a circle. "What is this?"

"What, I. Uh..." Nico was lost in words.

Blu decided to stay out of this as both birds argued with each other, but at the same time, he knew Diego was right about that so-called X being a circle.

"I said X!"

"I'm sorry!"

"A circle?! This ain't Pacman!"

"Okay, okay!"

"How did you end up drawing a circle!? They look nothing alike!"

"I don't know, just chill!"

"You know what, forget it!" Diego turned around and stormed off towards the trailer he was following before taking flight into the air.

Blu and Nico followed with Blu giving Nico a look like he was saying "A circle? Really?"

A little while later, the trio eventually made it to another area of the amazon and was glad to see he was on the right track so far. If they kept up this up, then they would find Eduardo's tracker in no time. It could take a while, but regardless of how long it too, Blu was determined to bring this mysterious attacker to justice.

"Okay, we're doing well so far." Diego announced, dropping down a speck of dust that he picked up in his talon. He turned towards Nico to inquire on his job and hoped he got it right this time. "Nico, did you place the X where I told you to put the X?"

"Yeah, yeah, I got it." Nico nodded in agreement.

"All right, but show me real quick because you messed up last time." Diego requested with his wings folded together across his chest.

"Oh, uh, right there." Nico pointed towards another nearby tree where he had been instructed to draw an X.

Diego followed and approached the nearby tree, expecting to see an X, but instead, he met another one of Nico's ridiculous shapes. Instead of an X, his eyes met a square. He sighed in frustration and turned back around to face the canary. "What is this?! WHAT is this!?"

"Oh, jeez." Blu mumbled as he placed his wing to his face and shook his head. Like before, he decided to keep out of it.

"What, I, I, uh, oh." Nico rubbed the back of his neck nervously.

"A square! Are you being serious!?"

"Oh, come on, I didn't mean to!"

"A square! This is ain't SpongeBob!"

"Calm down, man!"

"Did you learn shapes?!"


"How, what, urgh! I give up with you." Diego sighed and stormed off towards the direction they were heading in for a second time. He was extremely annoyed that the canary got the shape wrong a second time. He was going to give him one last chance, and if he messed up again, Diego would just ask Blu to do it or do it himself.

Making their way to yet another area of the amazon, Diego perched down on a branch and carefully rubbed his wing against the tree as part of his investigation skills. Blu landed by whilst Nico flew over towards the tree with some mud to in his wing to draw another shape on the tree, and hopefully he got it right this time. No-one could be stupid enough to draw the wrong shape three times, could they?

"All right, Nico, for the final time, did you draw the X where I told you to draw the X?" Diego inquired, turning towards the said canary that had just finished drawing the shape and joined them on the same branch.

"Yep, I got it right this time." Nico assured with a supportive smile across his beak.

"Are you sure?" Diego inquired, wanting to make certain this time.

"I'm sure." Nico reassured.

Diego jumped over towards the next tree and approached the part of the tree where Nico claimed to have drawn it. He carefully examined the drawn shape, and from a distance he thought Nico got it right this time, but instead, he messed up for a third time. Diego growled and jumped around to face Nico, who was standing nearby with a somewhat fearful face. "Really?! A triangle!?"

"Not again." Blu sighed and shook his head in disappointment.

For a third time, Diego and Nico began to argue about the drawn shape. It was one thing to mess up twice, but a third time? That saying about third time's a charm was obviously not true at this point.

"Triangle!? A triangle?!"

"Look, Diego-"

"Are you doing this on purpose?!"

"No, no!"

"Is this a joke to you!?"

"No, of course not!"

"A triangle!? This ain't a box of Toblerone!"

"I didn't mean to!"

"An X, Nico! An X. It's two lines drawn across each other in a diagonal shape! You never heard of X marks the spot?"

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry!"

"You know what, I give up!" Diego admitted and proceeded to give the job to someone else. "Blu, you draw the shapes from now on." he turned towards Nico for a second time and sighed in disappointment. "Unbelievable."

Blu sighed as he extended his wings and took flight after Diego and Nico who both continued to argue about the whole X situation. Blu didn't know which was worse: finding out who injured Eduardo or listen to these two argue all day. Nevertheless, he was going to have to put up with it, one way or another.

And that, folks was the deleted scene. And that was Nico messing up on every task he was given. This was suppose to be a funny chapter as you can tell with Diego giving references to things in reality. Hope you all enjoyed reading, and any questions, just send me a Private Messaging.