(A/N: I do not own Divergent. Nor will I ever. I just own my ideas.)

So on request to continue this story; I present to you, chapter 9.

Tobias POV

I wake up before my alarm for the first time in months. Today is the day Tris and I are announced as a couple. We are spending the day at the Prior's and after the formal dinner with her parents and my dad tonight, we will be presented to the public as a courting couple. We were supposed to come over just for dinner but Mrs. Prior insisted we come earlier when she called me yesterday explaining the dinner.

I get showered and throw on my best looking Abnegation clothes before going down the initiates rooms. I go into the boys first and get them up before going over to the girls. As I open the door, I hear Tris talking to her friend, Susan, I think.

"So you aren't worried at all? Susan asks and I hear Tris take in a breath. "I am a little. I really like Tobias and we are engaged but I don't know how we are going to be able to go about the proper courting rituals. We aren't that kind of couple." Tris says and I choose this time to go in.

"Time to get up guys. Breakfast is in 10 minutes." I say and they look up. Susan nods toward Tris before they both get up and head for the door. I put my hand on Tris' shoulder, signaling her to stop. When Susan is out of sight, I pull Tris into the room and close the door. I look around and see their other roommate must be already up because her bed is empty.

"Are you okay? I heard you outside. Are you really worried that we won't be able to follow protocol?" I ask and she nods. "It's just, we aren't your typical "Abnegation couple" and it worries me. I mean, what makes you think that I can go this entire courting without kissing you?" she says but with a playful smile. I take her face in my hand in and brush a stray piece of hair away from her face. "We'll be fine. We are courting now but we still have our alone time. Trust me, we will be fine." I say and place a gentle kiss to her lips.

"Now, get dressed. We have to leave in 5 minutes for your parent's house." I say before leaving the room. I head down into my bedroom after seeing Tris and go to my desk. Inside is a small box containing my mother's wedding and engagement rings. I am going to present Tris with the engagement ring tonight during dinner.

There is a faint knock at my door and I turn around to see Katelyn striding in. "Hello Tobias," she says trying to sound seductive but she fails. "Good morning Katelyn." I say turning my head away from her and back to my desk. I feel her arms wrap around my neck and I pull away from her immediately.

"What do you think you're doing?" I say, disgust in my voice. "Oh come on Tobias. I know you want me. You're only with Tris because you have to be. I am so much better than her and can make you very happy." She says running her hand down my chest.

I move back, anger beginning to boil. "What the hell Katelyn? I am in love with Tris and I would never leave her, not even for some slut like you." I say bluntly, not regretting a thing I said. She huffs and stomps her foot before leaving and slamming the door. Dang, for a previous Amity, she has a temper.

"Were you telling the truth?" says a voice from my bedroom door. I look over and see Tris poking her head through the door. "What are you talking about?" I ask confused. "Were you telling the truth? When you said you are in love with me?" she asks and I let out a breath. I motion for her toward me and she complies.

I take her in my arms and pull her against me. "I'm in love with you Tris. I know we haven't been together for long but ever since that day you saw me at my worst two years ago, I couldn't stop thinking about you. You saved me, I don't know if I would have survived that day without you. That was the worst Marcus ever was and you saved my life." I say while staring into her eyes.

She looks as if she is about to cry and I am getting worried. "Oh no, it's too early. I just screwed this entire thing up! I'm sorry—" I start to say but Tris cuts me off with her lips. When she pulls away she smiles at me. "I'm just so happy. It wasn't too early, it was perfect." She says and encloses my lips in hers again.


Tris and I walk up the steps to her parents' house. We don't touch knowing that it would be frowned upon but we walk close together. When we make it up the stairs I open the door and let Tris through. "Mom, Dad. Tobias and I are here," she calls out into the house. Not a second later, Mrs. Prior's head pops out from around the corner.

"Beatrice! Tobias! It is so good to see you. How are you?" she asks coming toward us. Although instead of greeting us by bowing she takes both of us in her arms and hugs us. I stiffen at first but then melt into her hug. She will be my mother-in-law in a couple months after all.

She releases us and looks between the two of us. "Oh my god Tris, what happened to your face?" she says and touches Tris' face. Crap, we didn't figure out a way to cover up the lash mark from Marcus yesterday. It's not Abnegation standard to ask questions so none of the initiates have asked questions but Mrs. Prior is different. "I fell and hit my cheek on a table. It split open and that why the scar is there." Tris says flatly. She is a natural liar, no wonder she isn't candor.

She opens her mouth to say something else but Mr. Prior interrupts her. "Beatrice, Tobias. Welcome!" he calls out and I see him descending the stairs. We bow to him and he returns the gesture. "Please come into the living room." Mrs. Prior says and we follow her.

Tris and I sit on the loveseat while Mr. and Mrs. Prior take the couch. I take Tris' hand in mine and she looks at me apprehensively. I nod and smile at her and she seems to relax. Mrs. Prior looks at our hands then to both of our faces before a huge grin breaks out on her face. "Oh, well it looks like our job was done for us." She says to Mr. Prior.

She must notice our confused look because she lets out a chuckle. "We thought we were going to have to fight you two tooth and nail to get you together. But based on the physical affection," she says motioning to our hands, "you are already together. Am I correct in saying this?" I look over at Tris and see her face is red.

"Yes, Mrs. Prior, that is correct. We are together." I say and she smiles. "Please Tobias, call me Natalie and I am happy for you." Natalie replies and I nod to her.

Mr. Prior speaks up, "So I have been talking to Marcus and we were discussing the marriage. He says we should do it right after initiation. It will give you two the appropriate amount of time to court and then you will be married the week after initiation. Is there any problems with that?" A big smile stretches across my face.

"No problem dad," Tris says and I nod in correspondence with her answer. "Very well then. We will let Marcus know during dinner of the acceptance of the plans and then we will introduce you as an engaged couple to the faction at the meeting on Tuesday." Mr. Prior then gets up and leaves the room.


We have been talking with Natalie about different topics and I think Tris enjoys the idea that she can now freely speak with her mom. It's getting close to dinner time when we hear the doorbell ring. Tris gets up to answer it and when she is around the corner Natalie turns to me. "Do you have a ring?" she asks me and I nod. I take the little ring box out of my pocket and hand it to her.

"It's beautiful Tobias. It is simple like all Abnegation wedding bands but it is perfect. Tris is going to love it." She says before handing it back to me. Little did she know that was not the ring I am presenting Tris with tonight. I only showed her the wedding band. The engagement ring is in a separate box that is settled in the corner of my pants pocket.

Tris comes back around the corner with Marcus in tow. She looks very stiff and I would understand why. The fact that she got whipped by Marcus yesterday explains everything. "Son, how are you?" I am snapped out of my thoughts by Marcus. "I am good sir, and you?" I reply. "I am doing well. And you Beatrice?" he asks turning to Tris. "I'm good thank you." She replies and looks toward me pleadingly.

I walk over to her and take her hand in mine. "Mrs. Prior, is there anything you need help with?" I ask and she turns to me. "No but thank you Tobias. Dinner will be ready soon, why don't you and Beatrice take a walk?" I nod to her and pull Tris out the front door.

We walk a couple houses away before I stop Tris and turn toward her. "Are you okay with Marcus being there? I know you don't feel safe and I totally understand. We can leave and just tell them you aren't feeling well." I suggest but she shakes her head. "I'll be okay. Just don't leave my side." She says and I nod to her before turning her around and heading back toward her parents' house.

When we arrive back, Natalie is setting the peas on the table and she looks up. "Oh good, you're back. Please sit down; we are getting ready to eat." She says and we follow her instructions. I pull out Tris' seat for her and take the seat next to her. Marcus and Mr. Prior enter a moment later and take their seats.

When dinner is about half way done I stand up and everyone looks toward me. I take Tris' hand and pull her up so that she is standing next to me. I reach in my pocket and wrap my hand around the ring box before pulling it out and opening it. I take one of her hands and get down on one knee.

"Beatrice Prior, I love you with all my heart and I would love it if you agreed to spend the rest of your life with me. Will you marry me?" I ask and she smiles. "Yes, Tobias. I would love to spend the rest of my life with you." I stand up and take the ring out of the box and slip it on her finger. She is beaming at me and Natalie is holding her husband's hand with tears in her eyes. We sit back down and I lace my fingers with hers under the table.

"Congratulations, you two." Mr. Prior says and I nod toward him. "Thank you sir," I say before turning back to my food and finishing it.

Soon we are all cleaning up and getting ready to go. Tris hugs her parents and I bow to them both before turning to Marcus. "A word?" he asks and I nod. Tris gives my hand a squeeze and follow Marcus into the hallway.

"You will never deserve her. You are horrible and she will have to put up with you for the rest of her life. You will turn out exactly like me and she will leave you. I feel so sorry for her!" he says in a quiet voice. I try to block out what he is saying but I can't help but think that maybe some of what he said is true. Maybe I am too messed up for Tris and I will turn into Marcus. Beating his kids and wife.

"You're right. I feel bad that she is stuck with me." I say before walking away from my father who is currently dumbstruck. I head back into the living room to see Tris and her parents talking quietly. "Tris, are you ready to go?" I ask keeping my head down. "Yes Tobias, I am. Thank you again Mom and Dad for dinner." She says before heading toward the door. "Good to see you again Marcus," she says bitterly when she passes him.

Once we are outside I continue to keep my distance from Tris by ignoring her attempts to take my hand. We get back to the house but before Tris has the chance to go up the front stairs I touch her shoulder gently before turning and heading around the side of the house. I stop once I am out of sight and wait until she comes around. When she does, she comes close to me.

"Tobias, what is going on? Why are you acting this way?" she asks and I have to feign off the awful feeling I am having right now. "Tris, I don't think I am good for you. I'm going to hurt you." I say while avoiding eye contact with her. She takes a step closer to me and moves my head so I have to look at her. "Tobias, where is this coming from? Did Marcus say something to you while you were talking?" she looks desperate and I let out a sigh.

"He told me that I don't deserve you, that I am going to turn into him." I say and look away again. "Oh Tobias," I hear Tris say before taking me in her arms. "It is me who doesn't deserve you. You are never going to turn into him because there is one big difference between you and him." As she says this, I look down at her. "You are capable of giving and accepting love. He isn't." and with that she crashes her lips to mine. I don't hesitate to reciprocate the same passion. He lips move against mine effortlessly and she makes me feel at home.

I know this is truly the person I want to spend the rest of my life with.