All He Needed

Time passed once more and Clark still hadn't found the courage to approach Sakura after his blatant assholery. Despite his desire to be selfish and hold her to him, she was still in town. He took that as a sign that she wasn't going to leave. However, he could admit that part of what Bruce said rang true. Sakura probably did have family that she was eager to see once more.

Her mother…her father…

Even if he wanted to be selfish, it wasn't right. So he was going to talk to her and maybe this time they'd have a mature conversation.

He just had to find her first.

Sakura was still in Gotham. Naruto and Sasuke were still with her. Naruto's plea moved her more than she thought possible and she wasn't quite able to send them home, even though the little apartment she shared with them was cramped. That resulted in Sakura sharing a bed with Kakashi while Naruto and Sasuke shared the guest room. They hadn't been thrilled with that arrangement, but she wasn't about to invite them into her bed because she knew where that would lead, and since she couldn't make them any promises that meant they had to keep their hands to themselves.

The truth that she didn't want to admit to herself was that she was still waiting for her super man to return to her. Kakashi, oh wise one that he claimed to be, figured out what she was doing and called her out on it.

They were, incidentally, in Metropolis. Kakashi asked that she come with him on some sort of errand that she knew nothing about. They were working covertly (genjutsu intact) on some project of his—when Sakura blinked and came to a sudden realization.

"We didn't tell Sasuke and Naruto about Batman and his…nosey tendencies."

"If they kill him it saves me the trouble. At least they know he's an issue."

Sakura looked up at Kakashi, who merely smiled down at her innocently. Sakura smacked her face, exasperated causing Kakashi to chuckle. She lightly punched him in the arm even though he deserved a much harder punch.

She had told Naruto and Sasuke a little about the League and how she had been working with them. Naruto, predictably, loved the concept of the League and Sasuke was rather apathetic about the whole thing. The only thing that caught Sasuke's attention about the League was their abilities.

She had to, somehow explain, they weren't bloodline limits. It had been a doozy of a conversation.

"Well, I'm not cleaning up any blood when we get home."

"We'll make them do it. If they make a mess, they can clean it up. I could have sworn you had them house broken."

Despite herself, Sakura was soon laughing.

"What are we doing in Metropolis, Sensei?"

"We're going to meet someone and then we're going to do something that is considered illegal in this world."

Sakura froze, thinking of the Justice League and their morals. "Seriously?"

"Would I drag you all the way here on a mere whim?"

"Yes." Sakura deadpanned, but Kakashi merely shrugged, not caring if her words had a ring of truth to them. "We aren't really here to—"

"Does it bother you that we are?" Sakura opened her mouth to reply, but Kakashi wasn't finished. "Or does it bother you what your boy in blue would think if he knew?"

Sakura pursed her lips together, unable to reply. Kakashi's voice lowered and he leaned in close to her. Some would have been uncomfortable by how close he was, but Sakura was used to Kakashi in ways that a lot of people just didn't understand.

"We're ninja Sakura. If necessary, we kill, steal, and a host of other things because it's necessary to get the job done. It's necessary for Konoha."

"And what's so important that we have to do this?"

Kakashi eyed her steadily for a while before answering, "I don't understand why Lex Luthor gave you the necklace that he did."

It wasn't an answer, but it did bring up quite a few questions. Why did Luthor give her that necklace? Sure, his note said it was an apology, but she couldn't trust that. Especially now that she knew it was laced with Kryptonite. Did that mean that he knew that she would come in close contact with Superman? Did he know of her connection to Superman? Had he somehow discovered that Clark was Superman?

A thread of fear slid down her spine at the thought. He had already almost killed Clark once. If he knew who Clark was what was to stop him from trying again? There was nothing. She wasn't about to let that happen. Clark was in danger and she'd be damned before she let some rich man with a complex kill the man she loved. Sakura's green eyes darkened in anger.

"Let's go."

"No." Her anger slipped away and was replaced by confusion that was apparent to the Copy Ninja so he continued on. "You've come to the wrong conclusion Sakura." Sakura scowled. He didn't read minds. He didn't know what she was thinking. "You're wondering if Luthor somehow figured out the identity of Superman." Or maybe he did read minds upon occasion. One never knew with Kakashi. It was probably why people said he was a man never to underestimate. "You should be asking whether or not he knows who you are and where we come from because, given what I do know of him, if he does Konoha could possibly be in danger."

Sakura paled. He was right. It was a conclusion that hadn't even come to her mind. Although, she didn't know what Lex would possibly want with Konoha or her for that matter. Compared to the world he lived in, there was little to offer in hers.

"So before we go any further, I need to know and so do you, where do your loyalties lie?"

It was a smack in the face that she felt was undeserved. Sakura's brow furrowed as Kakashi stared at her intently.

"Kakashi-sensei you know I'm a loyal ninja of Konoha."

"For how long? Because we both know you're waiting for him to come back to you."

Sakura felt a surge of anger rush threw her veins. "I'm not—"

"Sakura, you and I both know that you don't love Naruto and Sasuke anymore—not like that at least."

She had no idea how the conversation turned to this, but in actuality it was preferable to the one they were on the precipice of having. Still, it made her angry that he was assuming so many things about her. It made her angry that he was looking at her feelings closer than she was. So she raised her chin and looked at him defiantly.

"You don't know how I feel, so don't presume to tell me about what's in my heart. After all, what do you know about love anyway?"

Kakashi's countenance darkened and Sakura knew she had crossed all different kinds of lines, but she didn't care. Not right that second at least.

"It's not about knowing love. It's about knowing you. And I know you Sakura." Sakura couldn't come up with a reply to that. Maybe she could have when she was younger, but now that she knew Kakashi better, now that they were closer than they ever had been in her youth she couldn't deny his words. She could, though, feel regret, but it would be too little too late.

Kakashi ran a hand over his face. "Look, this is coming out wrong. Sakura, you should know that if you decide to stay here I can't stay with you."

"What? Why not? Sensei, if I did something to offend you then—"

"It's not that Sakura."

"Then what is it? You can't just accuse of me having shifty loyalties to my village for no reason and then tell me you're leaving me behind! I've already lost so much and now you're telling me I'm going to lose you too!"

Kakashi didn't reply, but continued to look at her silently. "I'm all alone here! The League doesn't trust me. My relationship with Diana is shaky. Clark left me, and I have to send Naruto and Sasuke home. What am I supposed to do without you?"

Kakashi reached out and wiped away the tears that streamed down Sakura's cheeks unbeknownst to her. "Tsunade is going to retire soon. I have to go back and take her place."

"But Naruto—"

"Isn't ready yet. As much as I dislike the idea, the next Hokage is going to be me." Sakura bit her bottom lip as she had nothing she could think of to say. "I won't be able to stay here much longer to protect you."


"These people, this League, may eventually accept you Sakura, but they won't ever understand you. I'm not telling you not to stay, or not to do what you feel is best. I'm telling you that if you stay here, if you give them your loyalty you will have to completely change the way you think. You will have to change the woman you've become."

And that was the crux of the matter. He didn't want them to change her. He loved the woman she had become and he didn't want her to lose herself again because of some man. Sakura's bottom lip trembled.

"Go home, Sakura. Figure out what you're going to do."


"That's an order."

Kakashi turned and walked away and Sakura didn't know what hurt more, Clark walking away from her or Kakashi.

Still, she turned and walked away, but it was probably to prove that despite what he may think she was a loyal shinobi of Konoha. She would follow orders.

A few days prior:

Kakashi Hatake was alone. Sakura was out somewhere doing something with Sasuke and Naruto. He hadn't been paying too much attention when she told him where she was going. Perhaps he should have since Naruto and Sasuke were prone to trouble in the most inappropriate of places. Kakashi turned his head towards the door once the sound of knocking reached his ears. He glanced at the door quizzically as he and Sakura didn't received visitors that weren't of the Bat persuasion, which was just fine by him. He wasn't much of a people person anyway. Still, there was no denying they had a visitor, and while it was tempting to just ignore the door his curiosity got the best of him.

Although they did say curiosity killed the Copy Cat he was confident enough to know that even if it did take him out he wouldn't go down alone.

He snapped his book shut and rose to his feet striding cautiously and silently to the door. He didn't dare glance out of the peephole, because for some reason he thought those things were just as dangerous and swinging the door open with no clue as to who was on the other side.

His fingers effortlessly made a clone which called out, "who is it?" while he went to his bedroom to retrieve a few more possibly necessary weapons.

"Hi, it's your neighbor Selina."

He had no idea who that was and yet he allowed his clone to answer the door anyway while he waited in the shadows.

The door swung open, revealing a woman who was stunning and he vaguely recalled seeing her before, but where he couldn't exactly remember. His clone gazed at her, his brow arched, waiting for her to identify herself further.

"I met your roommate Sakura awhile back."

"Hmm." Kakashi muttered, waiting for her to get to the point. She was one of Sakura's acquaintances, although he was certain she hadn't mentioned anyone by the name of Selina to him.

"May I come in?"

Since she hadn't made any moves signaling she was of any danger to him, he shrugged and stepped aside allowing her entrance. If necessary, he could always knock her out and leave her lying outside the door. Although that probably wouldn't go over well...

"Not a man of many words, I see." Selina crossed the threshold and glanced around while Kakashi shut the door behind her. "I suppose you're wondering why I'm here."

"It would be foolish if I didn't."

"Are we going to stand here in the entryway all day or are you going to allow me to come in and sit down?"

Kakashi's eye creased. "The entryway is fine with me."

Her eyes widened in what he assumed to be surprise before they narrowed at him. "Your roommate is a lot more pleasant. I wonder why that is."

Kakashi didn't reply to her statement. He saw no need to especially since she seemed to be fishing for information. He had no desire to take the bait.

"Ready to cut to the chase?" Kakashi inquired. She studied him carefully, obviously trying to gauge whether or not he was serious. She wasn't aware that his mask awarded him with a great poker face.

"If that's the way you want it. I want to know how it is that you managed to break into LexCorp without bringing the wrath of Lex Luthor down on your head."

Kakashi smiled pleasantly. "I have no idea what you're talking about." Selina pushed past him and into the apartment he shared with his former student. "Oh, you know. Every thief around knows that there's a new player in the game. Very few have the intelligence to track him down."

"And you have this supposed intelligence?"

Ire flashed in her eyes and he was certain she was about to strike him, but she restrained herself.

"I do, and you are well aware of it."

Kakashi had no idea how she managed to find out about his breaking and entering into LexCorp, but he was reluctantly intrigued. He had broken into LexCorp a while back when Sakura was staying with her Super boyfriend.

What he had found was a can of worms that shouldn't have been opened. Lex Luthor, while being a brilliant businessman was nevertheless obsessed with Superman, or more accurately, he was obsessed with finding a way to beat him if not outright kill him. It was during his explorations in LexCorp that he found out about Kryptonite and Red Kryptonite the objects that nearly killed the Superman.

It had taken an inordinate about of wit and skill to break into Lex Luthor's office and search through his belongings and he had been glad that since the man had lured Sakura into his plans in the first place. It went without saying that the Sharingan was a useful tool.

"You took something from LexCorp, something of value and anyone who knows Lex Luthor knows that if you take what is his he will hunt you down to the ends of the Earth until he finds you takes back what is his and kills you for it. Why didn't he?"

Because Kakashi was a man who knew how to cover his tracks. Luthor hadn't come for him because he didn't know who to come for. There was no way in hell he would waltz into his place of business without a suitable disguise and he used very little genjutsu to create it.

"You do realize you sound like a raving lunatic? Perhaps you should leave."

"Fine. Keep your secrets. However, I was hoping to offer a trade."

Kakashi's clone raised a brow. "Oh?"

She passed him a flyer that he just noticed was in her hand. He wondered where she pulled it from when he wasn't paying attention. It was possible that she had a trick or two up her own sleeve.

"Am I to assume that your opportunity is of the criminal persuasion?"

She smiled. "In three days Lex Luthor is going to be here in Metropolis at the Museum of Natural Arts at 6 o'clock." Kakashi stared at the paper intensely. "I have it on good authority that while you did break into Luthor's office and took something, you didn't get to make as thorough of a search as you would have liked. Help me with this opportunity and I can get you through the security measures he's added since your little visit." The original Kakashi closed his eyes and swore internally. He missed someone. Someone had slipped past him and now he had to pay the consequences. His mind flitted through all the different scenarios that his mistake could cost him. He didn't like the answers he was coming up with.

"And what makes you think that I need you?"

Her lips stretched into a Cheshire-like grin, and Kakashi could feel himself starting to frown. "You don't know who I am do you?" Was he supposed to? If so, he didn't get the memo on that one.

With that, she walked out the door, but most certainly not out of his life. Kakashi's clone closed the door behind her and he thereafter dispelled it. The paper she had given him floated to the ground. Kakashi walked over and picked it up.

On it was the picture of a necklace encased in black diamonds, but as the centerpiece was a Cat's Eye gemstone. Kakashi smiled grimly. He was definitely intrigued. It was a good thing he regularly destroyed the Batman's spyware otherwise he could be in a messy situation.

Sakura was rather bewildered. She was also confused and hurt. The Kunoichi had never gotten into an argument with Kakashi before and she didn't know how to take it. He had been here, protecting her? Had Tsunade put him up to that? Or was it something he decided to do on his own?

He was going to be the next Kage? It was too much information for her brain. She couldn't quite accept it all so she pushed it all to the back of her mind and opened the door to her apartment once she made it home only for a familiar smell to hit her nose.


Sakura trudged to the kitchen to see what mess Naruto had made only to be pleasantly surprised. The kitchen was impeccable and Naruto was sitting at a table eating his food. She was flabbergasted and when Naruto looked up and smiled at her, she was certain he knew why.

"I had to make a few changes…since you left." Sakura sighed and moved and sat across from him. He didn't outright say he had taken her for granted, but she knew what he meant. She was guilty taking him for granted as well just in different ways. "Why are you back so soon? Sensei said the two of you would be gone for a while."

"He sent me home. We had a disagreement."

Naruto looked at her curiously, but she didn't elaborate. Naruto continued eating and Sakura strained her ears listening for Sasuke's presence, but was unable to find it. Maybe it was because Naruto knew her so well or maybe she was obvious, but he knew what she was doing and decided to put her out of her misery.

"He's out."

"You let him go out on his own here?"

"If we went together we would be liable to destroy something."

His point was well taken. "What do you think of this place?"


That was Naruto showing a bit of diplomacy. He didn't like it. Not even a little. She was surprised he wasn't a bit antsy about wanting to go home.

"You and Sasuke should go home."

"…is that what you really want?"

With Kakashi leaving as well? No. She wanted them to stay, but if she told them to stay that would mean, to them at least, that she wanted more than she was willing to give.

"Naruto, you know I can't be with the two of you anymore. It's over between us."

"I wish I could believe you Sakura, but when you look at me…even Sasuke sometimes it doesn't feel over." Sakura didn't know what to say to that. What looks had she been giving the two of them? Had she been leading them on? Guilt flooded her senses. No wonder Kakashi was angry at her. "I know you have feelings for that guy."

"I love him, Naruto."

Naruto flinched and looked down. "Does he love you? Because I do and Sasuke does as well. Are you wishing for something that will never happen?"

Sakura's mind immediately glossed over Sasuke's supposed love for her. She didn't believe that in the slightest. Naruto's second question was something she couldn't answer. She didn't know. Naruto reached across the table and took her hand in his. This time he met her eyes boldly. "Let us love you. This time we'll be better. This time we'll make it work."

"You can't speak for Sasuke. We both know that Sasuke and I are like oil and vinegar. We don't mix."

"And we're all to blame for that. We have these grudges against each other that we have to let go."

"I don't have a grudge against—"

"Sakura, you hate Sasuke because he loves me more than he loves you." Sakura gasped. She couldn't believe he stated it so openly and plainly. "I hate Sasuke because you love him and you don't love me, and Sasuke hates you because I love you more than I love him. So we all just basically fucked this whole thing up."

A voice interrupted them all and Sakura turned her head to see Sasuke staring at them both intently. "So we're here to start over and fix it." She hadn't heard him come in yet now that she knew he was there she couldn't take her eyes off him. His eyes were full of intent and determination. It made her nervous, so she shifted in her chair in a vain effort to hide how discombobulated she was.

Sasuke walked over and took a seat at the table with them. Naruto pulled his hand away from hers and, Sasuke to her everlasting astonishment, grabbed both of their hands. "We're broken. No…I was broken and the two of you tried to help fix me, but in the end I broke you both. Let me fix what I have broken." Sakura unknowingly began to squeeze Sasuke's hand tightly. He squeezed back just as hard. Naruto reached over and grabbed her hand once more causing the three of them to form a circle. "Don't make me beg." It was a plea…from Sasuke. It was in that second that Sakura started to believe that maybe Naruto was right. Maybe Sasuke did love her.

Sasuke fell silent and they all simply clutched at each other's hands as if they would disappear the moment they let go.

A tear slid down Sakura's face, and the decision her heart had made wavered.

Ninjas were the bane of Batman's existence. Perhaps that was a slight exaggeration. A part of him was amused by Kakashi Hatake's ability to thwart him at every turn. The man Sakura called the Copy Ninja was brilliant and he was man enough to acknowledge that. However, he wasn't lacking in the brains department either and it seemed that he had gotten one over on the older ninja.

"Computer, amplify sound."

Kakashi Hatake's voice filled the Bat cave.

"Sasuke, Naruto pack all Sakura's belongings. Seal her things in scrolls if you have them."

Batman listened to shuffling sounds as neither man replied, but jumped to do his bidding. Sakura's voice filled the room.

"Sensei, what's going on? Why-?"

"You're not staying here a second longer."

Batman could hear irritation creep into Sakura's voice. "I am on a sabbatical. You can't just—"

"When it comes to your safety I can and I will."

"What is going on?"

"Lex Luthor is obsessed with all things Superman."

"We knew that already."

"Yes, but you're included in all things Superman."


"He's figured out how much you mean to your boy in blue. He's figured out your connection to him. That's why he gave you that necklace."

"Are you telling me he knows Clark is Superman?"

"No, I'm telling you he knows who you are."

"No. That's not possible. I'm always careful. My genjutsu has always been in place."

"And I'm telling you he sees through it somehow."

"That's not possible."

"He's made it possible. So you're not staying here."


"He has files on you Sakura. He's been studying you. You fascinate him. There's no telling what he has planned for you if you stay here. Being left in the dark is dangerous."

Silence stretched on for a moment before Sakura said, "I can't leave Clark behind."

"You staying will endanger you both. Is that what you want?"

"Can I at least tell him why I'm leaving? Can I tell him goodbye?"

"The best thing is for us to just disappear Sakura."


"Sakura I'm not saying you can't come back. It's just best right now to leave and we can take better precautions. Or…are you not planning on coming back?"

Sakura didn't reply.

"Kakashi-sensei, we're ready to go." Said the voice that Batman had come to associate with the one called Naruto.

"Good. Sakura you go with Naruto. Sasuke, you come with me. We leave unnoticed by anyone. Sakura and Naruto you leave first. Is that understood?"

A chorus of, "yes sir" met Batman's ears.

The room fell silent and Batman was about to move on to other things when he heard a voice other than that of Kakashi Hatake fill the room.

"We know you're listening, and the truth is we don't really care as long as you and your people pose no threat to Sakura. However, if you prove in any way, for any reason to want to harm her, I will find you Batman, and I will end you. There will be no place in any world that you will be able to hide from me."

Batman heard a throat clear and narrowed his eyes.

"What my dear friend is trying to say, Batman, is that we protect our own. It's our nindo. So be safe and don't make us your enemy."

As the room quieted once more Batman realized that he had no idea what to make of Kakashi Hatake…and his friends. They were definitely dangerous. As such, he intended to find out everything he could about them, because being unarmed would be a foolish undertaking.

Maybe he hadn't gotten over on the man after all.

Clark Kent entered Sakura's apartment easily. The door wasn't locked. This caused Clark to frown. Clark was never really worried about robbers, and he knew Sakura wasn't either, but neither were willing to leave an open invitation to thieves.


Silence answered his unspoken question. He wondered whether or not it would be rude to sit and wait for her. If he did there was certain to be an unpleasant confrontation with the…men in her life. Was she worth it?

Several hours later, Clark was still certain that she was, however, his curiosity got the best of him and he started to roam her apartment only to find…nothing.

No trace of Sakura remained. She had disappeared on him, for the second time, and this time he was certain that she had gone home. Pain of the unimaginable variety pierced his chest as he slowly began backing out of the apartment.

Bitterly, he had to admit to himself that maybe all he needed was her, but the reverse wasn't true.

To be continued in the Red Series. A Young Justice/Naruto Crossover.


The shadows moved. Sakura didn't freeze, although the temptation was great to do so, but she didn't want her intruder to know she was aware of their presence. Sakura reached into the crib and picked the infant inside of it up and held it close to her bosom, kissing the child lightly on the forehead and making small soothing sounds hiding the fact that she now had a shuriken in her hand.

When the shadow moved once more Sakura didn't hesitate to throw the shuriken and jump backward. She heard a clang letting her know her blow hadn't hit what she intended and she opened her mouth to yell for Naruto and Sasuke, but the voice that called out to her stopped her from doing so.

"Sakura, I didn't come here to hurt you."

Sakura blinked several times as recognition soon dawned on her.

"Batman?! How did you get here? What are you doing here?"

"How I got here is irrelevant. I came to bring you back. Although, I didn't expect you to have…complications."

Sakura and Batman both looked down at the infant in Sakura's arms.