Walt examined his surroundings. Well, Jesse's surroundings. Modern minimalist décor - there was a large canvas print of a lily on the wall, a double bed, an en-suite. Walt wasn't sure what he had been expecting, it was closer to a luxury hotel than a hospital but - there was still something quite clinical about the place. The bareness, the lack of character. In a way it was not that unlike Jesse's apartment had felt, if you had removed the piled up beer bottles and the bong on the counter.

"Really sorry about Adam not being here, but normally most people check-in before lunch. Think he's at a NA meeting? He's in charge of mental health and well-being." Charlotte walked over to where Jesse had sat down on the bed. "Hey Jess, do you wanna sleep now?"

"He prefers Jesse."

"Ah, okay."

Walt looked at the books on the table. Two stood out; a book on Taoist meditation, and a bible - what a mix. He scrutinised the floor and then the window, everything looked like it had been cleaned recently. The room was on the ground floor- that had pro's and con's. He pushed at the window. It had a lock, but was not currently locked... "Can this be locked?"

"Yes. I think so? I think there's a key somewhere..."

"Can he lock his own room?"

"Yeah. It's really safe here, Mr White. I was nearly gonna work at Hope - they take a lot of people referred by the State, you know - like people that don't wanna be there? So my Dad said I should...hey, I think Jesse wants to sleep?"

"Is there air-conditioning?"

"Yeah the dial is just over there." Charlotte smiled, "You sound exactly my Dad when he looked around my dorm room at UNM, Mr White. He checked EVERYTHING, like the all the air vents and window locks, and he checked to see if there was any rot or whatever. He's like obsessed with rot, hah. He really wanted me to live at home, but my Mom thought it would be better for me if I stayed on campus because..."

Just Shut up. "Thankyou, Can you leave us now? Jesse's really tired."

"Yeah, sure thing."

Yes, he was taking full responsibility for Jesse, it was not unlike a parent- but checking his drug-addicted partner into rehab was not in ANY way comparable to taking his son or daughter to college! There was something too awful about that thought. God, just imagine it; just imagine some kind of farcical ex-junkie graduation ceremony.

Flynn and Holly would never end up in a situation like this, needing constant surveillance and therapy.

Charlotte left. Walt glimpsed Mike through the door when she opened it - he tapped his watch and gestured that he was leaving. Fine, Walt would get a taxi home.

When Walt turned he saw that Jesse had settled in - but he was lying on his back. Absolutely not. Walt grabbed two of the large pillows, "Not on your back Jesse," he reminded him quietly, "sleep on your side." He gently twisted him over.

"Stop." It was the first thing Jesse had said in hours.

Walt hesitated but then decided to ignore the request - he stuffed those pillows firmly behind Jesse's back and pulled off his shoes.

Walt fastened the window, closed the blinds, and then sat on the bed next to him. This was just like last night.

But Jesse didn't know that - he didn't know that Walt had been there at all. He never knew Walt had let himself in through the broken pane, and sat on his bed like this. Walt felt like vomiting just thinking about it.

He rubbed Jesse's shoulder. "You're safe now, just try to sleep."

It was not just like last night. There had been a couple in the bed - and now there was just one. Jesse would wake up alone in the morning, alone. Jesus...

The minutes ticked by, was Jesse asleep? Could he sleep?

"Stop it,"said Jesse sharply.

Stop what? Walt hadn't moved for a few minutes. "What is it Jesse?"

Jesse opened his eyes, and looked right at him.

Although he was in safe surroundings now, Jesse looked no better than he had done on the floor of that crack house. There was no change.

"Go home Mr White," he whispered. "Go back to your family and stuff."

Walt took his hand and squeezed it. "I'm good right here," he said softly.

That made Jesse cry.

This is what pain looks like.

Jesse twisted his hand out of Walt's. Walt had expected him to grip it, like he had in the car...

He remembered everything Jesse had said; "I killed her, it was me. I got her back on it. I loved her. I loved her more than anything."

"Jesse, don't blame yourself."

"Please. I don't wanna talk about it. Not ever. Please. Please, Mr White."

Status: Single


Thankyou for saying that.

"Alright Jesse. If you want that."

Walt realised that he still desperately just wanted Jane to go away. Even dead, she was hurting him.

He watched Jesse for a while longer. He waited for him to stop sniffing, for his breath to become regular -to close his eyes and to finally sleep.

Like he'd waited for her to stop moving and finally 'sleep'...


Walt flipped open his phone.

A message from Skyler.

"Come Home."

Jesse was asleep.

Walt switched off the light, and closed the door softly behind him.

Third day in

"He is as well as can be expected. He's very quiet, very sweet. The staff like him."

Quiet. Sweet. A few days ago Walt would have thought they were discussing the wrong person.

"He's normally pretty high energy," Walt explained, "When he's normal. I'd describe as quite energetic, normally." Please get him like that again.

Adam nodded. "I understand. We are doing everything we can to try and help him get better."

"Is he walking around yet? He didn't want to leave his room, yesterday."

"Yes, he is walking around today, a little...he even walked right out of here this morning."


"He didn't get further than the end of the car park. I went and asked him to come back, and he did."

"Where was he going?"

"He said he just felt like walking around." Adam shook his head. "They just want to walk around sometimes - same as you or me. No real plan in mind. It's alright though, we check they don't go too far."

They just want to walk around sometimes. Jesse was a 'they' . One of 'those'. Walt didn't like it.

"He left during a group meeting - it was his first, just an introduction. We put him with other young people, but I don't think Jesse really felt much like talking. Or listening."

"So...other than that, is he uh, more alert? Does he understand what's going on?" Please tell me he hasn't lost his mind.

"Jesse still doesn't seem confused, which is very good. But he just doesn't care. We have to prompt him to remember to do anything - to eat, to wash, to shave. He does what he is told, though. He's very easy."

"He wont eat?"

"He does, we just have to remind him. He doesn't have much appetite but that is not unusual at this stage."

"What about ..." Walt wanted to ask, but didn't want to ask. "Uh, has he..tried to..?"

"Tried to what?"

Walt decided to just come out with it, "Hurt himself? It's just that we were very concerned for him, he was terrible the other day. Just awful."

"He hasn't done anything like that. He is very upset of course, very shocked and grief-stricken. One step at a time."


"Waking up to find his girlfriend like that, it must have been a terrible shock as well as a loss."

Walt's heart skipped a beat.

"He told you about that?"

"No, Charlotte did. Jesse must have told her. I actually wanted to ask you if you could provide any more details about that - anything that can help Jesse is extremely useful."

"Mike! Mike? Did you tell them about Jane?" Walt found somewhere private to take the call-back he had requested from Saul.

"Hello Walter, good afternoon. Did I tell who about who?"

"Did you tell the people at Serenity Rehabilitation about my partners girlfriend?"

There was a long pause. Walt could faintly hear a television in the background. Mike seemed to be at home.

"Ummmm...Yeah?" Mike took his sweet time answering.

You stupid Bastard!

Walt controlled himself, took a deep breath and decided not to scream down the phone that Mike was a stupid bastard, "When was that?"

Another long and tedious pause followed. It sounded like an old western movie Mike was watching.

"I think it was when I was talking to one of the girls who worked there. Little blonde? She'd just left his room? Real sweet kid. You and Pinkman were busy."

"Why would you do that?"

"Just a second." The background noise stopped, Mike had switched off the televison. "Why'd I do what? Tell a girl at the centre about Pinkman's girlfriend?"

"He's supposed to be keeping a low profile!"

"I'm not quite following you, Walt. Sitting around in a rehab centre, not doing crime - that's about as low profile as you can get. What's going on in there? He do something stupid?"

"They can't find out!"

"They? Rehab? Find out about the girlfriend overdosing? Is that what you mean?"

"Yes!" Walt was angry. Saul had told him Mike was a professional. He had paid for a professional.

It was silent from Mike's end for a while, before he spoke again. "We discussed this. The police know already." There was a flicking sound as if Mike had pulled out a sheet of paper. "I removed all undesirable objects from the house. Pinkman gave the police a statement, using his real name, he did not get in any trouble. The police know about it, so, no - it doesn't matter if his rehab place know."

"But what if they find out about what really happened?"

"So Pinkman might tell a therapist in rehab that he took some heroin too, so what? Majority of the junkies in there would have used it - that's what makes them junkies, Walt. I already told you about the disclosure laws, it's all kept private. And if he's not in possession, they have nothing. I removed all trace from the house, remember?"

"No, not that! That doesn't matter. What if they start asking about her, and it reopens an investigation or something; my fingerprints are in there! Yours too! You went in there and touched everything... And then what if it all comes out about the business? The business and everything connected with it? What if it all comes out about me, her, him, you, the money...the meth, and me."

"My God Walt, shush. There is no investigation to re-open, it was an OD. And you said he wasn't a talker- YOU said that."

"I know, and he's not, but,"

"My God Walt, shush. There is no investigation to re-open, it was an OD. And you said he wasn't a talker- YOU said that."

"I know, and he's not, but,"

"He's not talking to anyone about the business? Cause if he is, that is something I will take care of-"

"No, he's not talking!" God! 'take care of'? Walt had suspected that there might be something more to Mike, "But-"

"I checked the house already, but - anything else went on in there that I don't know about?"


"NO, listen..." Mike wasn't letting Walt get a word in.

"No, you listen. You are paranoid Walt. I don't really see how this does have anything to do with the business. Or even with you. It was a personal matter - they took some heroin and got shot up and she died, that's generally what happens. Scrawny kids like them taking that stuff; it would have happened to him soon too."


"I mentioned about it to that girl who works there, because I thought it would be helpful for Pinkman if she knew, alright? Thought maybe he'd get some extra understanding if they knew he was grieving. Because he was sad. Extra sympathy hugs or whatever. He seemed too shaken up to tell them anything about it himself. I just mentioned it. A personal favour from me. Alright? That explain it for you?"

"You've made a problem Mike. This is a problem. It just is. I guess it can't be taken back now, but you should have talked to me about it first!"

"I knew that girl couldn't know already because she was so chipper. And it made sense you wouldn't talk about it in front of Pinkman. But this amazes me Walt - I really assumed that you'd tell them later about Pinkman's girlfriend yourself. I thought you'd tell it to the person in charge, or to his doctor - I mean it's pretty important - or don't you think so?"

"So you just assumed I told them about her? Why the hell would you assume I'd tell them about her!?"

"'Her',' Her', you keep saying 'Her'." Mike's tone changed completely,"Why are you obsessing over HIS girlfriend like this? What the hell is really going down between you and Pinkman - this is disturbing Walt! I am really starting to wonder about you. She's dead! What about him? I don't get you. You took good care of your partner, I respect that. You want him to get better right? What do you think rehab is? It's therapy. And he's not really in there for drugs, is he? - Like you said, Pinkman's real problem is losing her, so, let HIM talk about losing her. Let him get treatment that he actually needs, if you really care about him."

"That is unfair! Of course I care about Jesse, you don't know half the things I've done for him-"

"Oh there it is, you remember his name now."

"How dare you!"

"Goodbye Walter. And my fingerprints aren't in his house, I'm not some amateur like you."

Mike hung up on him.

Walt flicked his phone shut and left. He couldn't even slam the door on his way out of the building because it had some sort of damper on it. Fucking thing.

"No, Jesse hasn't talked to me, at all. That man outside told me - your friend who came in with you?"

"Mike told you about Jane?"

"Was Jane her name? Oh my God. But yeah, he told me that when Jesse woke up, she was dead right next to him. That same morning, the same day he came here. I couldn't believe it, that's the saddest ever. And then he hid somewhere and tried to overdose too? So horrible. I told Adam, and he said Jesse would need special counselling, and everyone's being extra kind. Though, he said that we shouldn't talk to Jesse about her, unless Jesse starts first.

I had to go, but Adam said, that the night staff said, that Jesse cried all night on the first night. I just feel so stupid - Adam told me before that I should try not to act so happy all the time, 'cause loads of people in here have tried to kill themselves and everything. And I've been doing that, I really have, because everyone in here is so hurt. But I was excited to see you and you seemed so happy, so I just thought it would be OK? Like I thought maybe he couldn't be that bad because you brought him in and you were happy.

I mean, oh my God, I know you're really kind and everything; but you could have at least stopped me, Mr White - when I started jumping up and down about the baby. I mean, it all happened to him just that morning.

I mean, Mr White, weren't you sad too? "

Author Notes:

I'm not sure what the overall plan is with this, I'm just compelled to keep going, I was up till 4am (I'm so obsessed with BB right now I could explode ahhh!) I thought it would be interesting if Walt had a huge paranoid reaction to anyone talking about Jane, because of his guilt. Is Charlotte okay? I don't usually write OC's (ok, I don't usually write at all) she's not of importance but I just thought it would be horribly awkward for Walt if someone at the rehab centre knew him to create friction and just irritate him. Some Jesse POV in the next one.

I'm really curious what people think? I get nervous whenever I upload! Ahhh, and I started two more BB fics even though I have two to finish. I can't stop, I've gone nuts. I don't want to go to work I want to write my fics, wah. Thanks for listening.