Chapter 1: Prologue

September 1st, 1990

Poppy Wood was extremely nervous. This was, of course, an understatement as she'd spent the last three weeks waking up in the middle of the night, same time every night, and almost not being able to breathe. There she was standing in front of a huge hall full of people, most of them watching closely at what was happening around her. This was what she'd been waiting for half her life and what she'd been dreading ever since her letter arrived. Her first year at Hogwarts was about to begin and the sorting ceremony was already in full swing. The Great Hall looked grand, exactly as Poppy's brother had described. Candles were floating in mid-air, casting a beautiful glow on to the faces of terrified yet excited first year students. They were all eager to get sorted into their houses and Poppy definitely was, too, she was just worried of what was to come after the sorting. Having never had many friends, the idea of getting to know complete strangers, not to mention living with them, made her a bit uneasy.

Names were being called and one by one, all the first years had to go up, sit on a creaking old chair and let a musty old hat decide where they would spend the next seven years. Poppy wasn't sure how a hat was supposed to be the best judge of character but if there was one thing she'd learned of witches and wizards, it was that they were sometimes a bit unusual. On the train from London, her brother Oliver had been telling all his friends how Poppy would surely be a Gryffindor. To Oliver, his house was naturally the best and Poppy hoped she would be sorted there, so she'd have at least one friend right from the start.

Poppy fiddled with her blonde hair. She had braided it on two sides and tied the ends with black ribbon. Oliver had said black was morbid and Poppy should wear red and gold, for good luck. "Black goes with everything," she had replied. The sorting ceremony had been going on for a century already, or so it felt. Some students barely even had the hat on, when it already had the answer and for some it took so long even Professor McGonagall looked as if she'd fall asleep any minute. Poppy was not paying much attention into who was sorted where, there was plenty of time for such things later. A loud voice brought her back to reality, interrupting her thoughts.

"Poppy Wood," Professor McGonagall bellowed, now for the third time. "Do we have a Poppy Wood here?"

"Oh, yes, right here!" Poppy answered in surprise and hurried towards Professor McGonagall. Some students were snickering. Poppy felt ashamed, she had wanted to make a good first impression, especially on the teachers, and not come across as uninterested or aloof. Poppy sat on the stool while McGonagall placed the Sorting Hat on her head. The hat began speaking inside her head.

"Ahh," The Hat said, "I see you're clever and resourceful. You'll do well in your subjects but you're not quite fit for Ravenclaw."

Poppy breathed a sigh of relief. Ravenclaw had just never sounded like the place for her. Highly intelligent people were not her cup of tea, she thought they could be irritating.

"You're friendly and don't pass judgement on others... Brave, certainly, but not fit for Gryffindor. You'd make a wonderful Hufflepuff, but I wonder..."

Poppy wasn't pleased with where this was going. Hufflepuff would be great for her. She was certain she'd fit in well there, at least better than the last option. The Hat couldn't have been possibly suggesting Slytherin, Oliver had told Poppy all about the house. He always said every Slytherin was ruthless and just out for their own good. Evil, he had once said.

"You have a lot of ambition and determination, and Slytherin would help you fulfill your potential."

This hat had no idea what it was talking about and she didn't like it implying she wasn't a good person. There was no way it would place her in Slytherin, it couldn't. She wasn't evil.

"You are hard working and would be a fit for Hufflepuff, however I'm sure you'll reach greatness in Slytherin!" The Hat bellowed the last word out loud. Poppy was shocked but made her way towards her new house table. She looked over her shoulder and saw Oliver sitting at his table, his jaw practically hitting the floor.

Poppy sat down. Two more students were sorted after her and food began appearing on the table. Everybody dug right in and a lot of the first year Slytherins were talking to each other excitedly, it seemed a lot of them already knew one another. Pureblood families, surely. Nobody said a word to Poppy. She wanted to cry but held back the tears, not wanting anyone to see. Glancing over at Oliver again, she caught a glimpse of his face, it had gone completely pale. His eyes were wide open and staring straight ahead, not focused on anything. Poppy didn't know if she was seeing disappointment or disbelief.

After the feast, Oliver pulled Poppy aside as all the other first year students followed their Prefects into their new common rooms. He dragged her over to Professor McGonagall and demanded she put Poppy in Gryffindor. McGonagall did not look too pleased, if her pursed lips and crossed arms were any indication of her feelings. Oliver and Poppy followed her into an empty classroom where Professor Snape soon joined them.

"My sister is not a bloody Slytherin!" Oliver said. It was clear he was going to make a speech, he had a habit of doing so. Poppy hoped he wouldn't completely humiliate her, not in front of her new Head of House. During the feast, Poppy had had a lot of time to process The Sorting Hats decision and she had almost come to terms with it, though she was worried how the other students would react to her. Slytherin did have a great Quidditch team, Oliver had ranted about them so much. Maybe it wouldn't be so bad.

"The Sorting Hat made its decision, Mr. Wood," McGonagall cut Oliver off before he even got started. "And may I remind you, you are the one insisting we go against its decision and not Poppy herself."

"Well, she's just a child," Oliver said.

"Not a child, Ollie, just a first year Slytherin," Poppy answered, annoyed. She didn't necessarily want to be in Slytherin but it couldn't be the worst thing in the world, at least she'd get some time off from her overprotective brother. He was only three years older than her and sometimes Poppy felt Oliver should try relaxing once in a while. The world wouldn't stop spinning if he let go. She'd never tell him, though, not after everything he'd done for her.

"Slytherin is a house with the some of the finest students in Hogwarts," Professor Snape said to Oliver, who didn't look too pleased. "Your sister is clearly ambitious, goal-oriented, determined and resourceful. All of which are traits that apply to you, too, Mr. Wood. End of discussion."

And that was it. Professor McGonagall sent Oliver to his common room and Professor Snape escorted Poppy to hers. The dungeons were cold and sent shivers down Poppy's spine. The extra blanket in her luggage would come in handy. Entering the common room, Poppy looked around her, there were skulls and snakes everywhere along with green and silver. The green leather armchairs didn't look too comfortable but they did fit the whole dark and mysterious scene. Poppy didn't see any first years around, it was already quite late, but a few older students were still lounging by the fireplace. The feast had gone on for a few hours, most students were probably sleeping or catching up with their friends down in the dormitories. Some of the students were eyeing Poppy and whispering. She walked towards her dormitory, when someone spoke up.

"So, how's it feel being stuck down here with us monsters instead of the all-mighty lions up in the tower?" A muscular, tan boy with black hair asked. He was sitting in one of the leather armchairs. Some of his teeth were crooked and he had a black eye. He definitely looked a bit worse for wear.

"Oh, it's fine. I've seen worse under my bed," Poppy replied. The boy chuckled a little.

"You're Wood's sister, then?" he asked.

"Yes. I suppose you're Marcus Flint?" Poppy said, realising who the boy was. Oliver had spoken of him.

"I am. So, he talks about me? All scared and shivering, right?" Flint asked with a grin.

"Not really, I think he's mentioned you once. It was in a letter I got, right after Gryffindor beat Slytherin last year. He wrote that you were quite upset and there was something about breaking a chair? You just seemed the type," Poppy answered. Of course Oliver had talked about Flint. They were both favorite to be the next captain of their respective Quidditch teams and there was quite a fierce rivalry between them.

"You're funny," Flint said dryly. "Run along now and go to bed, before the monsters get you."

Arriving in her dormitory, Poppy saw the other girls had already changed into their pyjamas and were happily chatting away, one bed to another. She didn't bother introducing herself, they probably all knew who she was and, judging by the looks on their faces, didn't care to know more. Poppy brushed her teeth, changed and went to bed. Tomorrow would be a whole new day, maybe she'd actually have a conversation with someone other than Marcus Flint. Seven years is a long time, Poppy thought, and it feels even longer if nobody likes you.