Uchiha Uzumaki Naruto

BY: NamikazeNarutok12

AN:*This is a story where Fugaku and Mikoto adopt Naruto. This story will mostly follow Naruto's plotline but as an AU. This is also a Naruto Harem and Sasuke Harem story as well as a Naruto bloodline Dojutsu story (He will have Bijugan (tailed beast eye)). * * This is my second attempt at Fan fiction and I really want reviews I don't care if you follow or favorite (though it would be great if you did) but I do want feedback. * *Thank you.*

Hiruzen looked out as those around him. He saw the faces of the people he was now charged to lead. The people who he must lead through the darkness. He had only seen such darkness in the eyes of Shinobi during one of the wars, but then what they had just been through had been worse than war. War occurs far away this attack penetrated the heart of Konoha. The Fox had taken so much, so many were dead, so much destroyed and their hero was gone…Minato Namikaze was gone. Even from the civilian side, whose eyes were usually filled with bliss from their ignorance from the real world, had pain in their eyes and cheeks that had stained their tears.

Hiruzen looked down and saw eyes that were filled with innocence. He held a baby in his hands the boy's name was Naruto… Naruto Namikaze-Uzumaki. The son of the hero of the leaf. 'Minato I'm so sorry you'll never get to see him grow up' was all Hiruzen could think. Hiruzen never realized when he said this that the baby he looked at now would one day become a hero greater than his father.

"Let us begin" came Hiruzen's voice it was sharp and empty. He had retaken his place as the third Hokage, but he didn't want to, this want his place anymore this was Minato's. The people of the council listened to him and everyone quieted. The room had already been silent, dead silent. It was a loud silence though, he could almost hear the tears of Konoha itself crying with its people.

"I need a full damage report including death tolls and damage to property from all the clans, regular ninja and civilians, also for the time being D-rank missions will be suspended. Also Tsunade, Jiraiya and myself will be taking full control of the academy by creating a new curriculum. Which will focus on Fuinjutsu, Medical Ninjutsu, Ninjutsu, Genjutsu and more advanced Taijutsu. This is necessary for the next generations must be strong, we can't and won't appear weak "Finished the Hokage. He saw nods from around the table, but no one listened they were more concerned with the child that was currently being supported by their Hokage. Their thoughts were suddenly given a voice.

"Hokage-Sama, who is the child you are holding?" Mebuki Haruno asked. She was the given her seat, it was a hereditary seat, she inherited it from her recently deceased mother who was widely considered a bitch.

"This is the one who saved the village hidden in the leaves. This is boy, on the day of his birth has sacrificed more than any almost any Shinobi has ever given for his village. He is who the fourth sealed the Kyubbi into" with this the civilians looked terrified while the Shinobi clan heads who knew that the Kyubbi could not be killed, and had no fantasies of its death, nodded in understanding "This is the heir to the Uzumaki and Namikaze, He is also the boy who sealed the negotiations with Suna, he is to marry the Kazekage's eldest child. He is the Savior of the Leaves."

"We must kill the boy now before he kills us all and destroys the v…" many civilians began, but they could not finish their sentence as they as the room was engulfed in killer intent by the two men that were usually the calmest… Fugaku Uchiha and Hiashi Hyuga the newest clan heads of Konoha's most powerful and prominent clans and the Minato's teammates.

"You threaten to kill the son of my former teammate again and there will be one more on the civilian death toll." Fugaku said.

"I concur" stated Hiashi. They both spoke with no emotion making the threat feel impersonal and all the more deadly.

"Now, now everyone relax. The boy will not be killed and no one who does not have my special permission will speak of it outside of this room, it is an S-rank secret. Whoever speaks of it without my permission will die and their family exiled. I ask the civilian council to leave, which includes Danzo, Homaru and Koharu. The civilians departed the room many sneering including the elders.

"Minato left a letter for all of you. Here it goes

'Dear Friends,

I have sealed half of the Kyubbi into Naruto, the seal I have used will slowly filter its chakra into Naruto. Now I would like for someone to take him in, but please let him when he becomes a Shinobi let him rebuild his clan, and let him keep the Uzumaki name at least adding yours. Also Kushina wants whoever adopts him to let him play with Mikoto and Hitomi's kids, she said they always talked about it as Team Tsunade. I have instructed Jairaya to give him my Jutsu scrolls when he is 8, but those are for him not the clan that adopts him. Lastly as per are agreement with Suna he will spend 3 months there and Temari will spend 3 months here until she is 9. When he becomes a Genin of Konoha make him aware of the marriage, he will have to have CRA and the Kazekage understands this. 360000 ryo will be given to Naruto adoptive parents every year.

Thank you,


So is anyone interested?" The third asked.

"I can't…Hitomi is pregnant and is having difficulties it would be too hard for us and the stress would not be good for her body." Hiashi said. He looked solemn and saddened at this like he was unable to help the man who had become his friend.

"I will do it, Mikoto and I already have Sasuke so it will be difficult raising them both, but since Hiashi understandably can't I will." Spoke Fugaku who was internally moved knowing that his friend and teammate wrote that letter knowing that the he was going to die, sacrificing his life for the village.

"I know Minato would have been happy with you as a guardian, you were his close friend. All of you, know this Naruto may know of Kushina but not of Minato, at least not until he is made a Jounin because of Minato's enemies. Iwa would have an army here yesterday if they knew. He may know of the Kyubbi only when it is necessary and I will leave that decision for Fugaku. So if you would sign here as his guardian Fugaku and you here as his alternate guardian Hiashi. He will be known as Naruto Uzumaki-Uchiha. You may both be able to tell your clans but warn them of the consequences of telling others" They both signed and the meeting was dismissed as Fugaku left to tell the news to his clan, he hoped they would take it well.

At the Uchiha compound (8 pm)

The Uchiha compound was more of a village within the village. They were surrounded by a forest, only the front of it touched the village. They had shops and restaurants as well as homes. They even had a private training ground. The Uchiha Clan compound was the envy of all Konoha's clans.

Fugaku had told the clan to be waiting for him at the center of the village, in the hall of meetings. He saw the child in his arms and knew that his life would be hard but he promised himself the Uchiha would support him. He proceeded to walk into the meeting hall everyone stood at attention, he let them sit their fatigue was obvious. It wasn't even fatigue of body, but of spirit. He put aside his thought and began to speak.

"Everyone is here so I will begin. Today I…we" he corrected himself looking at his wife and their two children. "Have adopted a child…Naruto Uzumaki-Namikaze-Uchiha he is to be the new head of the Uzumaki-Namikaze clan at 16, but until then he is the son of the head of the Uchiha clan. He was the son of the Fourth and is the Jinchuriki of the Kyubbi. I expect you all to treat him as you would Sasuke or Itachi or face the consequences and know this I will not simply allow an Uchiha to be banished. Now you may not speak a word of this to anyone outside of the Hyuga Clan or our own and never mention the name Namikaze or Kyubbi in his presence. Is this understood?" The crowd said "Hai". Fugaku nodded and allowed them to return to their homes to sleep. They knew their leader would never put them in harm's way. Fugaku had already sent a clan member to add another crib for the nursery. He and Itachi walked home, Mikoto had left earlier to feed Sasuke. They were silent in their short walk and when they arrived at the house Fugaku gave the baby to Mikoto and went to shower.

"Oka-san can I hold him?" said a 6 year old Itachi, who had just enrolled at the Ninja academy.

"Of course Itachi-Chan, he is your Otōto after all" said Mikoto as he handed Naruto to him "Just be careful" she said as he went to his room leaving Itachi sitting in the Nursery with just Sasuke in the other crib.

Naruto began to cry but Itachi hushed him and said just as he said to Sasuke on the day of Naruto's birth "Hush Naru-Chan I will protect you and Sasuke no matter what." And with that he put Naruto into his crib and went to bed.

Itachi placed Naruto in his crib, turned off the lights and said goodnight.

That night in Konoha, with all the fires put out and the lights of every home off, the village hidden in the leaves was hidden to all but the moon.

The Next Week

Itachi had finally started school again. The academy had been on the priority list of building to be rebuilt, they also had a new instructor Shitume, a former jonin. However as his eyes wondered Konoha's busy streets he was only focusing on helping his mother with Naruto and Sasuke, and the second was training so he could graduate before his seventh birthday…he would be the first since Hatake Kakashi. He made his way to his home as he was now inside his family compound.

He walked in the front door and heard loud crying, both from Naruto and Sasuke. He rushed to the children's room as he didn't hear his mother's customary greeting. He immediately entered attack mode, as his eyes looked through the doors entry way he saw a ninja in all black, in the man's arms was the boy he had already thought of as his brother. Itachi had never felt such pure fury. He would not let this man escape with his brother…he would keep the promise he had made just a week ago.

Itachi ran at the man, he was limited with his attacks as he wouldn't risk injuring Naruto. The enemy ninja didn't have the same limits and went for a blow at Itachi's stomach. The boy was pushed back several feet. He know felt fear, not for himself but for his small brother, that's when it happened his vision became much clearer and his body felt full of power. He had one word come to mind.


'So this is what the Sharingan does. I don't have time to worry about getting the Sharingan now. I must keep my promise. I must save Naruto.' Thought Itachi, he steeled his glaze and looked the man in the eyes.

"You have no idea what you have done. Nobody will harm my brother" said Itachi. "Demonic Illusion: Crow's attack" he said speaking calmly he had already known the C- rank Genjutsu and knew the Sharingan would make it stronger. He caught Naruto and knocked out the man who was hopefully still dreaming of crows attacking him and pecking him apart.

He then put a Genjutsu on Naruto Heavenly Illusions: Butterfly dreams. After putting Naruto in his crib Itachi tied up the man and got one of the Chakra seals his father had gotten him and put it on the man's back. He picked up his mom and put her on the couch. He hadn't wanted to worry the other members of the clan so he decided to wait for his Tou-San. About 20 minutes later than man woke up but he couldn't move because of the way Itachi tied and taped the man up. Fugaku came home and Itachi told him what happened. Fugaku called in two guards and told them to guard Itachi, Sasuke, Naruto and the still sleeping Mikoto he also asked Hiashi if he could send over a guard because the Byakugan was great for long range surveillance so if anything happened the Hyuga guard could get backup without being noticed. He then took the man who tried to kidnap his son to the Third.

"Fugaku I am sorry for what happened and I will assign an Anbu guard to trail Itachi and another to watch Sasuke and Naruto. I believe Kakashi and another Anbu will watch the boys but will also do missions so they'll be on rotation and Yamato should do to trail Itachi since I don't want him to leave the village just yet. But if this man has a certain seal on his tongue I believe I may actually be able to end the man responsible for this." Said the Third and Fugaku nodded un-taping the man's mouth and telling him to stick out his tongue which he did, the third saw the seal. "Hexagram Curse: Concealment revealed" the Third said removing the mark "Who gave you this mission?"

"Danzo" was all the man said. Hiruzen used restrained himself from using his famed bloodless killing technique as he would use this man as evidence and then told Fugaku there would be a complete council meeting tomorrow. With that Fugaku went home checking on Itachi and told him he was very proud of him for protecting his brother and activating his Sharingan.

"Tou-san I promised Naruto and Sasuke I would protect them all I did was keep my promise." Said Itachi. His father smiled never being more proud of anything his son said and told him to rest.

Next Morning

"Hokage-Sama if I may ask why you have called this council meeting?" asked Shikaku he thought that these council meetings were troublesome especially ones at 6 in the morning.

"Well Nara-san a leaf Shinobi attempted to attack Naruto." Replied the third "but the boy's elder brother was able to stop him"

"Was the man caught?" asked Danzo in a slightly disappointed manner. He was rather upset that a 7 year old stopped a member of his root even with a Sharingan.

"Unfortunately no Danzo-san" replied Fugaku with that Danzo gave the slightest smirk. At least the man wasn't foolish enough to be caught, but then again the seal would stop him from talking if he was. No one could break my seal.

The meeting was called to order when Koharu arrived.

"For the first order of business…" said Hiruzen before he paused. Several Anbu walked into the room. The one leading the group of four spoke.

"Danzo Shimura you are under arrest for ordering the kidnapping of Naruto Uzumaki-Uchiha. This council is your judge and jury. If you attempt to escape we have been given authority to use lethal force." Danzo was more the shocked, 'how could this be? There is no way they removed the seal'.

"You can't do that he is an elder of the village" shrieked the local harpy known as Mebuki Haruno "Especially not for some Demon brat."

"This is a ninja village civilian, and you hold no power only the Hokage does so never tell him what he can and can't do. Know this if you ever calls Naruto a demon again I am not against assassination missions." Said Hiashi, he couldn't stand the Haruno scum.

"Bring him in" Hiruzen said then another Anbu brought the kidnapper in. "Also Hiashi if you would please use your Byakugan to see if he is telling the truth."

"Of course Hokage-sama" said Hiashi

"Were you involved in an attempt to kidnap Naruto Uzumaki-Uchiha?" asked Hiruzen.

"Yes" responded the man.

"Did you act on orders from a superior" asked Hiruzen again

"Yes" said the man again. He had the emotion trained out of him but you could still hear a tinge of disgust.

"Who was your superior?" He asked for the last time.

"Danzo Shimura" answered the man.

"All the statements made were truthful" said Hiashi.

"As the Sandaime Hokage of Konohagakure, your judge and jury…I hereby sentence these two men to death for treasonous activity that undermined the authority of the Hokage. Their sentence is to be carried out immediately." The Hokage said. Then the two Anbu quickly snapped their necks and severed their cervical spines. The men died and that was the last time anyone said the name Danzo in the council room.

"The meeting is dismissed" uttered the third. No one spoke and the room was left silent as the Anbu removed the bodies. They would later be burned. They would have no graves, and their names would not go on any monuments. For no matter your station or past glories the crime of treason during peace or war time was inexcusable. The only exceptions were cases like the White Fang, where the treason was only technical in nature and their behavior exemplified the will of fire. And while the White fang had no name plate on any memorials he was honored with a grave.

Five Years Later

"Sasuke-kun, Naruto-kun come here please." called Mikoto, she now sat in the living room. Her two youngest children were now five years old. This age of five meant a large change Naruto and thus Sasuke. The contract with Suna would began to take effect. Right now she was planning to explain to her two sons that the three children of the Kazekage would begin visiting and that Naruto would begin spending time in Suna.

"Yes Kaa-san." Both boys said in unison as they entered the room. Their mother signaled for them to sit down, the boys did as they were told.

"Naruto-kun, Sasuke-kun…I need to talk to you both." Mikoto said smiling, she knew that all children had a natural paranoia when their parents said that, so she decided to have a bit a fun with them.

"Yes Kaa-san" said Naruto, he was unsure and a bit scared their mother was mad at them; but ever the outspoken child it was his duty to speak.

"Well Naruto-Kun, before you were born there was a final treaty made with Suna, so they would remain our allies. You see, you are a child of noble birth, and the Kazekage wanted to have some influence over Konoha so they wouldn't turn against Suna. So the leadership of Konoha in agreement with Suna decided that Naruto would marry the Kazekage's daughter Temari." Mikoto paused to give the boy's growing minds time to process what she had just said.

"Mommy when do I have to marry her and when do I get to meet her?" Naruto said shyly, for the first time in his life.

'Aww' thought Mikoto mentally, she had never seen Naruto shy before. If there was one thing Mikoto knew about Naruto is that he had gained his mother's personality.

"Don't worry Naruto-kun, you won't be married until one of you becomes a Chunin. And the reason I'm telling you this is that you'll be meeting them very soon. One part of the treaty is that Temari will be spending the first three months of each year here and then you will be spending the following three months in Suna." she said this very sadly, she would be missing her son for three months. Fugaku had also suggested that Sasuke go with him sometimes.

"Three months, that's a long time for nii-san to be gone Kaa-san." Said Sasuke quietly.

"I know Sasuke-kun, but it's just one way we must serve our village. Ok both of you?" she asked, knowing they really didn't have any choice in the matter.

"Yes Kaa-san." Said both boys.

"Now both of you go to bed the group is arriving tomorrow and both of you need to be well rested so you can be on their best behavior." Said Mikoto smiling at the two boys, she was a proud mother today, just like every other day.

Next Day

The dawn in the forests of Konoha was a beautiful thing, singular beams of light streamed through the leaves of the tree. The ladybugs and birds moved around the latter sung songs that could put a smile on anyone's face, well almost anyone.

A group of around nine people walked in the forest on their way to Konoha. Only one of the non-bodyguards wore a smile. The Kazekage, he was a man of slightly less than average height, but he was extremely powerful. That wasn't why he smiled though. He smiled because today was the beginning of the treaty that would save Suna from economic depression. He was slightly upset though for his daughter was currently upset. She would grow out of it he decided, this Naruto boy will be a nice lad, they'll be happily married and if not well the sacrifice had been made for the village.

The Kazekage, his daughter, and their guards made their way to the entrance of Konoha. Temari didn't like the reason she had to come here, but she did like the trip, all the birds and trees were beautiful in her opinion.

The group of people walked until the sun was at the center of the sky and they could make out the gates of Konoha.

At the gates of Konoha waited eight people…The Third Fire Shadow, Hiruzen Sarutobi; the Konoha council of elders, consisting of Homaru, and Koharu; as well as the Uchiha head family, Fugaku, Mikoto, Itachi, Sasuke, and the all-important Naruto.

The Kazekage and company arrived at the gate and so began the ritual of receiving an honored ally to your village.

"Hokage-Dono, may we gain entrance to your village?" asked the Kazekage, he was never one for such irrelevant formalities and he knew none of the Kage were. He know pondered why the five most powerful people in the ninja world allowed such silly trivialities to continue on, annoying the next generation. Then he remembered as he was received his welcoming…village elders the conservatives of the ninja world and sticklers for traditions.

"Hokage-Sama, Kazekage-Sama asks for permission to enter the village." Said the two village elders in unison, as was their role.

"Let Kazekage-dono and his party enter the village hidden in leaves." Said the Hokage, as he did he hoped to Kami-sama that the Kazekage wouldn't be personally delivering his daughter every time…the Hokage would kill somebody.

"Kazekage-Same, It is the will of the Hokage that you be allowed entrance." Replied the elders in unison once again. The Kazekage and his party then entered the village, thus allowing for a direct line of conversation between the heads of state.

While this was going on five different sets of eyes analyzed the Kazekage's daughter, she returned only Naruto's stare. She had seen his picture and thus new her fiancé's face. For the two Uchiha parents the girl appeared head strong, and well taken care of; exactly what one would expect of a girl of such high station. Itachi thought it was funny that both children had blonde hair, and decided to get to know the girl before making judgments. Sasuke thought she was pretty but decided that she better be nice to his Nii-san. Naruto felt the same way and simply hoped she was a kind person.

Temari, on the other hand, analyzed Naruto. She was less accepting of the arrangement but wasn't successful finding fault with the boy. His eyes and hair she quickly decided were his best features, not that she really knew what features were. She also decided that he could be strong since he had good posture and stood up perfectly straight. He smiled at her and she decided it would be a good idea to smile back. In fact she was so taken up with the analysis of this boy that she almost missed her father's direction.

"Come Temari-Chan we are going to have lunch with the Hokage and the Uchiha so we can discuss something's and you and Naruto can begin to speak with each other. With that the elders took their leave and the rest of the group made their way to the Hokage's Dining Hall.

The Next Year

"Good-bye Temari-Chan, Kankuro-Kun and Garra-Kun." Chorused the three heirs as their friends left. Temari had continued coming to Konoha as per the treaty, but this was one of the times her brothers came along. The little group had become close friends much to their parent's pleasure and had even begun to correspond with letters. This also did wonders for Garra who found two good friends in Naruto and Sasuke. He had noticed that Naruto received the same looks as him, but refrained from speaking on the matter.

Hinata had become good friends with Sasuke and Naruto. They had begun playing with each other when they could barely talk. Naruto drove Sasuke and Hinata to be more outspoken, the parents were happy with this as well.

Right now Fugaku walked them as they dropped Hinata off, the Hyuga compound was relatively close to the Uchiha compound. They said their good byes as Hinata walked inside the safety of her compound, or at least it was safe now.

Around six or seven months ago, during the "peace negotiations", a man had broken into her room and attempted to kidnap her. She wasn't so nervous or scared when the man kidnapped her so she had screamed at the Kumo-nin that had attacked her. Hiziashi heard the scream first and came to her rescue, luckily for the Hyuga instead of killing the man he simply knocked him unconscious. This helped the relationship between Hiashi and Hiziashi allowing Neji and Hinata to become closer as cousins. This was evident when either of them went through trying times like when Neji had comforted Hinata when her mother passed away.

At the Uchiha compound

"Boys go inside and put on your gear. Today we start Ninjutsu and weapons training in addition to Taijutsu, strength, endurance and speed" said their father, he was extremely proud of his two young sons/students. They were progressing awfully well with their training.

"Yes that's so cool Tou-san. Sasuke now we can be as strong as Niisan!" Naruto yelled excitedly.

"Yea Naruto, let's go." Said Sasuke.

Naruto came outside first he wore the clothes his uncle, Ero-Sennin, had given him. He absolutely adored his ninja uniform as if there was one thing Naruto it was gifts from people he cared about.

He wore black ninja shorts and he also wore a black long sleeve shirt. On top of that he wore a ripped short sleeved hooded coat with a thick black trim on it on the left was the Uchiha clan symbol and the right was Uzumaki clan symbol and in the middle was the symbol of Konoha. Sasuke followed wearing grey pants and a grey shirt with the Uchiha symbol on the front and the back was Konoha's symbol. The two boys looked like himself and Naruto's father when they were that age thought Fugaku.

"Both of you are already prodigies based on your chakra reserves, Taijutsu, endurance, speed and strength. Now we'll see how you do with Ninjutsu. Here use these pieces of paper and channel your chakra into them." Said a curious Fugaku, he wondered if the Kyubbi had in some way affected Naruto's nature affinity's.

"Yes Oto-san" said Naruto and Sasuke in unison as they both did as they were told.

The result of this test surprised Fugaku more than when Mikoto told him she was pregnant with Sasuke. Naruto and Sasuke both had the same thing occurred, which the adoptive brothers found in their own words "awesome". Their pieces of paper sliced into four, the first piece caught on fire, the second turned to mud, and the third became wet and the fourth crumpled.

"Impossible" was all Fugaku could say. To have 5 natural affinities wasn't prodigious it was the stuff of legends. "Naruto have you and Sasuke ever made a blood pact." It sounded simple and foolish but it was the only thing that Hiashi could see allowing the Kyubbi to also alter Sasuke's genes as well

"Yes about trying to be as strong as Itachi-Onisan" Naruto responded in a confused way, he wasn't sure what a blood pact had to do with Ninjutsu…which was all he was really concerned with right now.

"Both of you, we need to talk" said Fugaku as they went inside.

"Naruto the day you were born a demon fox, that we call Kyubbi attacked the village. To protect the village your father sealed it inside of you. I want you both to know son you're not evil and anyone who says that will answer to me." He said this in an attempt to reassure Naruto, this would be a lot to take in.

"You can't tell anyone outside the clan we talked about this ok." Both boys nodded. "Now we're going to try and talk to the Kyubbi so Sasuke hold Naruto's hand." The boys did as they were told and then Fugaku said "Viewing Seal: Mirror to Glass". This jutsu, which Jiraiya had taught him allowed a group of people to enter Naruto's seal.

The three of them appeared in a large forest that was extremely dark. There was only one source of light at its center. Fugaku could see the boy's fear so he made two water clones and had them put the boys on their shoulders. They made their way through the forest in silence, then they came upon a clearing in the center of which was a tradition Japanese building with a dojo sign on the top. The clones put the boys down and like water seeped down into the ground. So here the three of them stood outside a Dojo unsure of what to do.

A women stepped to the door of this dojo and began speaking.

"Hello Fugaku-san, Sasuke-kun, Naruto-kun. It seems you have all finally come to visit me, there are some important things we must discuss I'm sure you know." Even as she finished speaking Fugaku had still not gotten over one devastating truth.

"You're a woman "said Fugaku. Now, Fugaku Uchiha was by no means a sexist, but he was still in shock that a female fox had been the force behind the destruction and death of a third of his village.

"Yes, I am. Will that be a problem?" she growled, she hated when men assumed that the Kyubbi no Kitsune was a male. Fugaku gave a quick response that took the form of a head shake. "Good. My name isn't Kyubbi, first of all. It is Kurama, I would appreciate it if you addressed me as such. Now I will explain how I came to attack Konoha and the answers you seek in regards to the changes I made to the children. It was the tenth of October…" she began, she continued explaining how the masked man had put her under his control after she was ripped from Kushina's seal. She then paused to give herself a brake, but alas a question came.

"I remember you saying something about changing the children, what was that about?" Fugaku asked. The Kyubbi groaned on the inside but continued nonetheless.

"That is simple. You see I knew this masked man would one day rise again, and their currently aren't powerful enough ninja to stop them and so I changed the natural affinities of Sasuke and Naruto. I also created a Dojutsu for Naruto as well as altering the existing Dojutsus of Hinata and Sasuke. I call the enhanced version of Hinata's Byakugan the Byakugan no Kitsune it enhances the user by allowing them to control chakra flow by using the style on these scroll. Also it allows complete 360 vision and it is always on once you activate it for the first time it is always on though the depth and x-ray vision can be adjusted, it also costs you no chakra when you use it." She paused here giving Fugaku time to synthesize the information, but seeing his anxiousness grow she began anew.

"As for Sasuke's Sharingan it is known as the Universal Mangekyo Sharingan it is the perfect Sharingan with the powers of Ems with the ability to create things out of thin air and less chakra cost and it will activate in a couple years when the DNA is finished modifying. As for Naruto he has the Bijugan he will be able to seal things without having to contact them, a look and shoot kind of thing. Also use of yin and yang chakra. Lastly he can awaken blood lines as well as copy them but he can only use one at a time. I will also note that these new bloodlines will be recessively passed down to their children."

"This means Hinata and Sasuke will become the most powerful individuals their respective clans have ever seen. It means that Naruto will be one of the greatest Shinobi since the original God of Shinobi, if he doesn't surpass him." Fugaku said with a high level of awe…these children would have the power to save or destroy the world. He decided there that he would make sure it was the previous.

At that they left un-expectantly and Fugaku alerted the Hokage and Hiashi.

2 years later

Naruto, Hinata and Sasuke trained hard with Fugaku Hiruzen Hiashi and Jairaya their new abilities remained a secret from everyone else though.

As the two years passed the skills of the three eight year olds had grown exponentially. Now though there would be a lull in the rate of growth. Why? The Konoha ninja academy. It didn't matter to the three blossoming Shinobi, they were excited to meet new and interesting friends.

The sun rose and its light mad its way into the bedroom of Naruto and Sasuke's bedroom. They were extremely excited for this day, first day at the academy. They really wanted to be their early so as soon as they realized that today was "the day", they shot out of bed. They then proceeded to run to the kitchen and take a seat at the dining table. Their mother had waffles ready for them, and laughed quietly as she saw her sons dig in, the boys weren't concerned though. You see the boys were only focused on their older brother who had walked into the kitchen shortly after them.

"Itachi-Onisan" the boys yelled. Itachi had been going on two or three missions every week. As an Anbu at 13 he was hardly ever around to see his brothers, or family. In a rare moment like this where he did, he was extremely happy.

"What? Did you two think I would miss my brothers before their first day at the academy?" Itachi said ruffling both of the boy's hair, he loved his two little brothers more than his clan, even more than the village he was sworn to protect.

"Thanks Itachi-Ni we have to go now" Naruto said. He was dejected that he would have to leave his older brother.

"I'll walk you two there." Itachi said. At that both of them were happy, they would look cooler than everyone else if Itachi walked them there

"Yes" Sasuke and Naruto spoke in unison.

The boys made their ways to the academy walking together ahead of their brother. Most of the civilians knew by know not to bother Naruto when he walked with his mother, father or older brother. Today though some of them decided to glare at him anyway. These glares were met by Itachi who had his three tomoe Sharingan activated. The civilians rushed away inn fear. If there was one thing a person shouldn't do it was a bother Naruto in front of his overprotective older brother.

The boys walked into the academy after Itachi waved them goodbye. Iruka introduced himself and began his lecture.

"Today we're learning about Konoha's clans it just so happens that we have someone from almost all major clan so I'll allow them to introduce their clans to the class." Iruka said "well go in this Alphabetical order."

"I am Aburame Shino" said a boy of normal height, he wore shorts and a coat with a hood he kept down at all times "I am of the Aburame clan we are known for our use of chakra devouring kikaichū bugs in battle. We breed our bugs and they live in our bodies." Shino finished.

The civilians of the class had a disgusted look on their face, those of clans knew of the Aburame prowess and were undisturbed.

"I am Akimichi Choji" said the boy with spiky, brown hair, and swirl marks on his cheeks, he had a more robust physique like his other members of his clan. "We use techniques that enlarge parts of our bodies to attack, my clan is also famous for my father's inclusion in the formation of INO-SHIKA-CHO." Choji then looked away sadly as a couple of the civilian girls commented on his size.

"I am Hyuga Hinata a member of the Hyuga clan we are one of the strongest clans of Konoha known for the Byakugan. We along with the Uchiha hold the only bloodline as well as Dojutsu in Konoha" Hinata said in her tight white and purple jacket she wasn't self-conscious of her development and so she wore a simple jacket with her clan logo on the back.

"I am Kiba of the Inuzuka we are known for our tracking abilities as well as our dog companions." Said the boy who smelled like dogs. He had marks of teethes and a puppy on his head. Some of the civilians talked about how cute the dogs.

"We use shadows and my dad was in INO-SHIKA-CHO." Said the Nara boy. He didn't say it in a mysterious way that what take too much energy he said it in a much more lazy way that's all he was lazy.

"We are of the Uchiha we are a clan of both Shinobi and civilians. We have the Dojutsu known as Sharingan." Said Sasuke in the ninja garbs he had worn since he was 5.

"Our clan also helped the Senju found Konoha." Naruto finished for Sasuke also wearing the same ninja garb.

"You're not a real Uchiha you baka" yelled the harpy-in training known as Sakura.

"Shut up and that's my last name you clan less civilian" Naruto didn't usually get mad and he definitely didn't hate people who didn't have clans. For example he loved Teuchi and Ayame from the Ramen stand he frequented, but he hated when people said he wasn't a real Uchiha.

"Hah and why should I my mom said I don't have to respect you my mom said I don't have to" screamed Haruno.

"Then listen to me and silence yourself while we continue our lesson Sakura." Said Iruka. Sakura knew better than to argue with her sensei so she just shut up. Ino finished the lesson and since it was the first day they Iruka dismissed them after lunch.

The two boys walked Hinata home and turned toward the compound. They ran to the compound, wanting to tell their mother how their first day of school had gone.

The boys just stood at the gate staring out, they were in shock everyone was dead. They saw Itachi on the floor and ran toward him.

"Onisan what happened?" asked Naruto sniveling he and Sasuke had lost all their family.

"Madara is alive… he came back to kill us… don't avenge us my brothers… break the curse of hatred love don't hate…Sasuke…Naruto" said Itachi before he died.

That was the moment Naruto unlocked his Bijugan it was the first time he had really lost someone he and Sasuke knelt over their older brother crying and when Naruto put his arm over his brother he had accidentally activated his brothers Sharingan. The boys cried until they passed out from grief.

The next day the boy found themselves in the Hyuga compound. They came out of the room they were in and went to the dining room, they had spent a lot of time in Hiashi's house with Hinata. They found Hinata Hiashi and Hanabi in the dining room.

"Hiashi-Ojisan why are we here" asked Naruto sad about what happened yesterday but also remembering what his brother had said about not hating, Sasuke had felt the same sadness, but also remembered what their brother had said.

"Naruto…Sasuke after what happened yesterday they didn't want you two to stay by yourselves. I decided to take you in until you are Genin and then you can move back into the Uchiha compound."

The boys nodded in understanding and went to school with Hinata. While Hiashi went to the council meeting.

In the council room everyone had arrived and they were quiet. "Let us begin. Sasuke will now also have the CRA in acted upon him. We have selected to put Sasuke and Naruto in the care of Hiashi…"

Naruto and Sasuke didn't talk to anybody at the academy that day. Eventually they lightened up in the academy and later on they began talking to people in the coming weeks. They had a normal academy and home life in the next years the Dojutsu trio were at the top of the academy.


Naruto woke up a little before his brother, he decided to try what Hinata had shown him yesterday and make boiled eggs, Hinata was trying to show the boys how to cook since they would be living on their own . You could say he succeeded in his attempt to make them that is if you don't mid pieces of eggshell stuck onto your egg. His brother woke up and choked down the breakfast his brother had made. Naruto and Sasuke both prepared for their last official day of school and then waited for Hinata just outside of the gates. Hinata came out and greeted the boys as they made their way to school. As they walked they ignored the stares and glares of the ignorant villagers. When they reached the class room they entered and took their seats.

"Ok class, today you will be taking the final part of your exam: Ninjutsu. The class rankings are as such, so far: one: Sasuke Uchiha, one: Naruto Uchiha, one: Hinata Hyuga, one: Shino Aburame, three: Sakura Haruno, four: Kiba Inuzuka, five: Choji Akimichi, six: Nara Shikamaru, seven: Ino Yamanaka …. We will go in that order for the exam. The exams were finished by three o'clock that day, and the class rankings remained the same. (Ino is not dead last some random civilian is.)

"Wow we all made first place." Said Naruto with his usual happy nature.

"Yeah but I mean we were trained by a Sannin, so it really wasn't fair not to mention our eyes." Replied Sasuke.

"Well we all agreed not to use our eyes." Said Hinata "Anyway you guys want to go get something to eat."

"Ok" the two boys responded in unison.

The group went on to eat at Korean Barbeque much to the displeasure of a certain blonde haired boy, not that the other two hadn't grown to like ramen it was just that you had to eat other foods once in a while.

The group sat down for their mid-day meal talking about their classmates. When suddenly an Anbu appeared stating that the Hokage requested the boys presence in his office. The boys nodded and the Anbu left, the boys paid for the bill. Telling Hinata good-bye the boys went on into the village towards the Hokage tower.

"Hi, we have a meeting with the Hokage." Naruto told the receptionist.

"Go on in." the receptionist responded uncaringly.

"Thanks" both boys responded simultaneously as they went into the room.

"Hi Hokage-Ojisan" Naruto said as the boys came into the Hokage's view.

"Oh Naruto-kun, Sasuke-kun I'm glad to see the both of you. Now that you are Genin there are certain things that you must learn of." The Hokage told the two boys.

"But don't we still have to take the second test?" Sasuke asked.

"You do, but I have confidence in the both of you. So I will tell you today." The Hokage replied smiling. "Now have either of you heard of the CRA?" asked the elderly but still incredibly powerful man.

"No" replied them both.

"The CRA is something that the council imposed, it stands for Clan Restoration Act. Its main purpose is to ensure the continuity of bloodlines like the Sharingan or the Bijugan…" said the Hokage before he was interrupted.

"What does this have to do with us?" Asked a certain blonde impatient ninja.

"If you would let me continue." The boy nodded hearing the slight agitation in the old man's voice. "The CRA is in acted when someone is the last wielder of a bloodline. The CRA has three parts to it, the first is forced polygamy or having multiple wives in the CRA the person has 4 wives. The second part is the lowering of the marrying age to 14 or whenever the person makes Chunin. The last part is accommodation which basically means the village provides you with a compound. Now there are rules to the CRA as well such as having to be married to 4 people by sixteen or having people selected for you. The next rule is that each wife must have 1 child or be pregnant by her eighteenth birthday. This and the clan must start or have a Taijutsu style associated with it. Now the reason I am telling the both of you this is because you both have had the CRA enacted on you."

"WHHAAAAATT?" yelled a shocked Naruto. He couldn't believe not only would he have 4 wives by 16 he would have 4 kids by 18, he was slightly happy though…this meant he could be with Hinata and Temari. Temari. I wonder if she knows about this, she's going to be pretty pissed off is she doesn't know she'll be forced to share me.

"Naruto you already have two engagements." Said the Hokage. Naruto was in utter shock, he knew about Temari since he was five but now another woman was also promised to him. Did he know her? Would he love her?

"Who?" asked Naruto.

"Temari Sabuku, of course and also Hinata Hyuga." The Hokage responded he understood the boys hysteria, this was a lot to take in. 'I am marrying Hinata-Chan, I wonder if she knows', Naruto thought 'No she probably doesn't and Temari-Chan, I haven't seen her in about 5 years I wonder how she has changed.'

"Hokage-Ojisan I was wondering, where will Naruto be living for his clan compound." Asked the raven haired boy. He was worried about his brother moving, he was all he had left.

"Well Sasuke I have decided to split the Uchiha compound between the new Uchiha clan and the Uzumaki clan." Said Hiruzen smiling he didn't want to split the boys to far apart.

"Awesome our clans will be next to each other." Naruto exclaimed it was comforting to know he and his brother would go through this together. 'Well looks like he will always be right next door' thought Sasuke in relief he wasn't losing his brother.

"Oh I forgot, congratulations to both of you for passing your test and also I made a few changes to the compound so I hope you'll be happy now go get some dinner and go home I had your stuff moved this morning and decorated both of the main houses already." The Hokage continued "That will be all".

The boys left and had dinner with the Hyuga one more time. They agreed not to discuss anything with Hinata just yet. After dinner the boys walked to the place where their lives had changed. Neither of them ever visited the place it would be to sad. Naruto swiped his blood over the gate activating the blood seals Hiruzen had placed. The boys were shocked there was one road in the middle the long lines of interconnected homes in the back were two meeting houses, one for each clan. At the front were two houses in front of each row of homes they were the clan heads houses. The left was the Uzumaki and the right was the Uchiha. It was so different, and both of the boys were glad of that, it did not remind them of that event. The boys moved to their separate homes getting ready for the team assignments the next mornings.

In the council room.

"As you all know we'll be assigning teams today know who wants to give their suggestions first?" the aging Kage asked. A medium sized man with wild but slightly spiky hair moved forward, the man wore his headband down over left eye and a mask over the bottom of his face. The Cyclops ninja was none other Kakashi Hatake or Kakashi of the Sharingan he was now the only person to still have the normal Sharingan.

"Hokage-Sama I have an idea for a team, one that I believe will one day surpass even the Sannin. I propose a team of myself Naruto Uzumaki-Uchiha, Sasuke Uchiha, and Hyuga Hinata."

"Hokage-Sama with all due respect that would create a power vacuum among the teams." Said the tall beautiful woman with the piercing red eyes who was a first time Jounin sensei."

"I agree Kurenei, what do you have to say to that Kakashi." The Hokage said. He was sure that Kakashi would have a reason, but he wanted to hear it.

"They already have perfect teamwork not to mention that Hinata's new juuken would be wasted on the tracking team Kurenei wants to form. Also we would have a close range a close to mid-range and a mid to long range. It is the perfect team…"

At the Uchiha and Uzumaki compound…

"Are you ready?" Naruto questioned his brother before they made the last of their daily trips to the academy. So much had changed from the first one. They had lost…They had gained…They had grown.

"You know I am, I can't wait to see what team I am on and what sensei I have. Let's go." Replied Sasuke eagerly awaiting his future as a ninja. The boys walked to the academy they were beyond exited. They took their seats and saved the chair at the end of the row for Hinata. She walked into the room and took her seat next to Naruto. Then in the midst of all the yelling going on around them the most unexpected thing that could have happened, happened.

"Hinata-Chan I was wondering well I like you so I was wondering if you wanted to go on a date with me?" asked the nervous Naruto. He was worried because even if they were going to get married what if she didn't really like him. The girl paused not because she had to think of the answer she would give him but because she was in shock, she liked Naruto but she never believed the boy would reciprocate.

"…. Yes Naruto, I would love to." Responded to Naruto and also Sasuke who knew he would have to listen to his brother's sorrow if she said no, it would also have added a certain awkwardness to their friendship.

"Well I'll pick you up around seven-thirty tonight at the compounded" said Naruto smiling at the blushing girl. Just as Hinata was going to respond Iruka walked into the room.

"Hello class or should I say future Shinobi of Konohagakure, Today you will be assigned to teams. That Hokage-Sama assigned himself based on your strengths and weaknesses. Team one…Team Seven Jounin sensei will be Kakashi Hatake and the Genin will be Sasuke Uchiha Naruto Uzumaki-Uchiha and…"

At that moment all the girls began praying to be selected to this team, Naruto and Sasuke fan girls alike. Hinata desperately wanted to be on a team with her two friends and she didn't want someone to steal Naruto from her. A certain girl of Konoha's harpy clan thought that she would put up with the fake Uchiha who her mother said was a demon if it meant she could be with her Sasuke-kun.

"Sak-Hinata Hyuga." Iruka chided to himself if there was one student he couldn't stand it was Haruno Sakura he prayed for Kiba and Shino.

"Liar I must be on the team with Sasuke-kun" said the pink haired girl.

"Sorry but these are the teams chosen by Hokage-Sama" the Chunin said. The girl cried tears of hatred she thought the establishment was attempting to remove her from her true love. She decided that she would be with Sasuke if it meant she had to kill someone.

"Team eight Kiba Inuzuka, Aburame Shino and Haruno Sakura and your sensei will be Yuhi Kurenei." 'Just my luck bug boy and dog breath' thought Sakura. Iruka went on "Team ten Ino Yamanaka, Nara Shikamaru and Akimichi Choji and your sensei will be Sarutobi Asuma. Those are all the teams so I'll be leaving your sensei should arrive soon." Iruka finished and left the room.

Jounin sensei entered the room leaving with their students one by one until just team seven was left. They sat as the hands on the clock turned at what seemed like half speed. then Naruto decided that now would be a good time to test his Byakugan fighting style against the juuken, Naruto wanted to learn the juuken but the Hyuga elders would never allow it, so instead he began working with some of his mother's Taijutsu scrolls of the Uzumaki fighting style he tried turning the art known as Uzu no Mai or Dance of the Vortex he managed to change it slightly to fit his Byakugan no Kitsune better. He had also learned how to improve his clan's native Kenjutsu style (Kisetsufū no ha) by hitting the points of the body with the lowest amount of Chakra so even a small cut would be more painful, and also take longer to heal. The other two told him that they should just wait for his sensei and Naruto agreed so he used his Bijugan to place a little electric pulse seal that would shock the next person who touched.

Soon the cycloptic man touched the knob being zapped, he just brushed it off and walked on into the room. Naruto was angry the man didn't even looked surprised. Than the Jounin walked.

"You see there were two old ladies who needed help crossing the road so…" Kakashi used one of his top ten favorite trademarked excuses. "Now meet me up stairs." Before the Genin knew it their sensei had Shunshined out of the room.

The three heirs walked up the stairs to the roof of the academy and then sat of the bench in front of their sensei who was leaning on the railing.

"Well now that you are here how about we get to know each other better by telling each other our names, likes, dislikes and your dreams." Started Kakashi wondering about the trio that would be his students, well that was if they passed the test….

"Why don't you go first sensei" Sasuke told Kakashi, trying to get to know more about the man.

"Fine, my name is Kakashi Hatake. My likes…well they really of your concern, my dislikes…again not really your concern either. As for my dreams well I don't want to share them with you." Finished Kakashi. The ninja in front of him just stared as their sweat dropped.

"Well that what informative. Anyway my name is Uchiha-Uzumaki Naruto and my likes are ramen, training, my friends and my brother. My dislikes are those that harm others and the innocent as well as bullies. My dreams are to become Hokage so I can protect everyone, my other dream is to rebuild my clan and learn who my birth father was." Spoke an exuberant Naruto. 'Wow he didn't show any anger towards the man who killed his family I wonder how his brother feels though.' Kakashi thought.

"My name is Uchiha Sasuke and my likes are training, my brother and my friends. My dislikes are who take things from others and hurt them as well as those who say my brother isn't a real Uchiha and glare at him. My dream is to rebuild my clan and take my brothers former position as Anbu captain and then father's former position as chief of the Military police." Sasuke finished. 'He only wants to honor his family not avenge them.' Kakashi thought again.

"I am Hyuga Hinata I like spending time with my two best friends as well as my other friends as well as my sister and cousin. I dislike the separation within my family and people who see kindness as weakness. My dream is for the caged bird seal to be eradicated." Hinata said.

"Well we will see if you guys make Genin tomorrow. Meet me tomorrow at the training ground at 7, Oh and don't eat breakfast or you will throw up. Said the Jounin nonchalantly 'well let's see if these so called prodigies follow orders blindly or not' though the Jounin who caught himself smirking before he Shunshined away.

"That was interesting" Naruto said.

"You can say that again" concurred Sasuke as they walked on.

The trio now known as team 7 ate lunch after running into team 10. The boys then dropped Hinata off, reminding her to eat breakfast. Naruto told Hinata he would pick her up at seven-thirty. The boys then left to train at their compound.

Naruto was genuinely concerned about his first date, He took a shower having just trained. He then selected some of his more fancy civilian attire. He thought about where he was going to take her realizing that he hadn't even considered it, he decided on a new sushi place.

Naruto stood and gulped just outside of where he could be seen from the Hyuga compound, which was pretty far considering the range of the Byakugan. He then continued finally making it to the gate. When he approached the gate he found a single guard.

"Naruto-Sama" the branch member said, they began calling him that after he moved in with the main family. "Lord Hiashi wanted to speak to you before your date with Hinata-Sama." Naruto nodded not trusting his voice, if there was one person that scared him it was Hiashi, in his time with the Hyuga he had seen the man go from kind to terrifying and now he wanted to meet with him. The boy slowly walked to the man's office anyone could read the fear coming off of him he was like an open book. He walked into the office and in front of him sat Hiashi Hyuga.

"Ah Naruto-kun I see you got my message, there are some things we need to discuss about dating my daughter. First although you will marry her she will remain a virgin until marriage and the second is that even though I have treated you like a son for the last four years if you ever hurt her let me just say Bijugan or not your line will not continue. Do I make myself clear?"

"Of course Hiashi-Ojisan." Said Naruto. "But know this if I hurt Hinata you won't be able to hurt me because I would already be dead." Hiashi smiled at the nobleness of the boy's words. "Does she know of the engagement?" Naruto asked and as he did a thought that scared him to death came upon him, 'two of my in laws are a clan head and a Kage, just great.'

"No she doesn't and I ask you to let me tell you" stated Hiashi.

"Of course Ojisan." Naruto replied and with that he turned out of the office he walked out and saw, at the gate was Hinata facing his way. The Hyuga girl was wearing a light grey Kimono that highlighted the light lavender shade in her eyes. He walked toward her with butterflies in his stomach, little did he know that Hinata also had butterflies. The thought of her being nervous would never even enter his mind.

"Hello Hinata-Chan, are you ready?" the boy asked worried about his voice the whole time. The girl nodded in response not quite as confident in her voice. "Well let's go, I thought we could have dinner at this new sushi place and then go for a walk. The girl smiled and nodded again.

The two preteens walked hand and hand through the city, both of them smiling. They came to their table in the restaurant. They ate and just talked.

"Naruto…I'm enjoying this very much but something concerns me. You are um…engaged to Temari. How could we ever be together?" Hinata asked, she really hoped his answer wouldn't be "we can't". She also didn't want to let down a path of heartbreak. As for Naruto he hadn't thought of a way to explain this so he was really nervous about that. He went into this date hoping she wouldn't have remembered his nuptials.

"Well Hinata-chan, you know how Sasuke and I are the last of our clans. Well after the era of the warring clans the Shodaime, in order to preserve the power of Konoha enacted a law. The law is known as the Clan Restoration Act. It involves me having to take at least four wives.

After that the dinner continued with much lighter conversation until they had finished eating. The food there was exceptional and both decided they would be dining there again. They had shared a tray of fatty tuna sashimi with each of them having an array of sauces and an individual bowl or rice. Naruto paid when they finished. They then walked up to the Hokage Mountain Naruto showed her how beautiful Konoha was when you saw it from far up. The new couple sat there, Hinata leaned into Naruto's shoulder. Realizing it was close to ten-thirty. Naruto walked her home and gave her a small chaste kiss goodnight, they both blushed.

Naruto walked home wondering what Hinata thought of their date, he then went to sleep, and he did after all have a very important day tomorrow.

The next day all members of the Genin team ate breakfast and the Genin made it to the training ground, their Jounin sensei however stood in front of a stone for two hours lost in thought.

When Kakashi arrived he found his team talking, apparently not caring he was hours late. "Alright" Kakashi said trying to get their attention "today you will each try to get these three bells from me whoever doesn't gets tied to a post while we all eat lunch." 'There is no point trying to break their teamwork so let's just see what they got, and looks like they all ate breakfast considering none of them looked fazed when I talked about lunch.' The Jounin thought. "Begin" he finally said.

With that a series of unfortunate event began for Kakashi.

"Mass shadow clone Jutsu" yelled Naruto. About 100 clones surrounded Kakashi, he didn't know that both Hinata and Sasuke were both hidden among the clones and that cost him. After about fifty of the clones got extremely close to Kakashi Sasuke shouted.

"Doton: Earth dome" with that a small dome concealed the clones and what happened next shocked (you will see the pun later) Kakashi. Several clones threw out storage scrolls that held water that ended up filling the dome, then In front of Kakashi were three Naruto who formed a seal and then mouthed "Raiton: Paralyzing shock"(yes the pun was intended) Kakashi quickly switched with a piece of wood, but he didn't realize a Naruto clone had already taken the bells. Kakashi realized this as he exited.

"Well you got me congratulations you all pass but next time I want to see more out of Hinata" Kakashi said then he realized that she was right next to him ready to fight him had he said anything different "errrr… never mind, here's your lunch. "

The group ate and went to Hinata's house.

Kakashi went to the meeting with the Hokage.

"Team one fail" said a Jounin obviously not happy this trend continued until it was Kakashi.

"Team seven passed the improvised bell test by taking the bell test" Kakashi sounded ashamed at the fact he had been beaten.

"Team eight pass" said Kurenei.

"Team 10 pass "said Asuma, who actually didn't give his team a test.

The next four months went by quickly for teams 7, they completed 15 D ranks and 5 C ranks that was until… the day they got the wave mission. Hinata and Naruto grew closer they know kissed in the open and went to dinner often Sasuke and Ino started a relationship, that was once Ino got out of her fan girlness.

*And if anyone wants to Beta please let me know. Give me your thoughts on the chapter along with problems you see…Also check out my other story THE SIXTH EVIL, NINE TAILS, and NARUTO: LEGEND OF KUMO.*

*ALSO PLEASE FAVORITE AND REVIEW, I worked extremely hard on this re-write…*