So...I tried to translate my story. I'm spanish, so i would like to know my mistakes, please. So if you write them in the reviews I will fix it.

Thank you very much!

Please, enjoy

The ambulance's ride was not long but Yelina felt like it took years. Horatio sailed between states of consciousness and unconsciousness , although he was still holding his sister-in-law's hand . Everything seemed blurry for him and he could not form a coherent thought . His mind jumped from one thing to another and sometimes he heard Yelina in the distance saying his name and single words that he could not connect .

Someone he thought dead had come to Miami and had organized a painful and humiliating kidnapping for Horatio . In a way, in all the panic he had felt , the cruelty didn't surprised him. That was his father's way.

- " Horatio ... Horatio , it's over We're taking you to the hospital you 'll be fine " Yelina repeated close to his ear . - " Hold on, please ..." - a wave of emotion swept her , so she put his hand to her face and gave it a kiss.

The ambulance came into the small road that led to the emergency room and stopped. When the doors opened, Alexx was waiting with her team. Her face showed stress and worry. Shee had received a few minutes ago a call from Frank Tripp informing her that Horatio was in an ambulance on his way to the hospital. As soon as Horatio was loaded, she questioned Yelina .

- " What happened ? " - she asked starting to work on him

- " He was kidnapped and has suffered several beatings. He was hung from an arm for an hour and later they let him to drop dead on his weight. No shots" - she answered in a few seconds.

- " How do you know all this information? " - Alexx asked in surprise

- " The bastard did a closed television circuit and we saw it " - she said, wiping the tears that threatened to fall - " we have seen it all until the SWAT has managed to come to the rescue "