King Thranduil sat upon his throne, his right leg crossed over the other and his chin resting on his hand. His cyan eyes distantly looking away from the front of the throne room, awaiting the arrival of his royal advisor. The great King of Mirkwood had lately been troubled by seeing how lonely his son was. It seems as the days go by, Thranduil notices more and more how distant his son is. He would not come back to the palace on some nights, staying in the dangerous woodland on his own. This made the King concerned for the well-being of his son.

The doors of the throne room opened, causing the Elven King to slowly transition his eyes to the front, focusing upon the elven servant who walked forth and knelt on one knee to bow.

"Amin Aran" ("My King")

Thranduil nodded his head once to the servant whom was also his royal advisor. The advisor got to his feet and held his hands behind his back, keeping his chin up and shoulders back.

The Woodland King rose to his feet gracefully, nonchalantly walking down the oak steps that connected to the floor and the throne. He voiced to his advisor with his elven pride.

"Last night, I asked you this... "What am I to do? For my son is growing distant from not only I, but his people also. He chooses to spend his time wandering through the forest alone. My concern grows for him and the future of Mirkwood. What am I to do?" I gave you one day to think of an answer."

The King walked past his advisor, stepping out onto the grand balcony so he may look out into the forest of Mirkwood. From miles away, with his elven eyes, he saw Legolas, the Prince of Mirkwood, sitting alone on a branch of an oak tree.

"What am I to do?"

The royal advisor paused for a mere second before replying to his ruler. He had to make sure the King had finished saying what he wished to say because, the advisor would not dare to clash words with the powerful leader. Severe punishments would follow otherwise. However, his pause could not be too long for it would wreck the King's patience.

"I have found an answer, my King. The answer in which you seek"

Thranduil turned his head to the advisor, raising his dark eyebrow.


Mirkwood's King stepped back inside, edging closer to his servant. His servant closed his eyes and opened them.

"I believe the answer, is for you to remarry, my beloved King"

Thranduil's head whipped to the side so he was facing his servant head on now.


"Allow me to explain, my King"

Thranduil walked back up the steps to his throne, taking his seat once more with his leg crossed over again and resting his chin on his hand.

"Very well."

"As you said, my King, Prince Legolas has been distant from us and you also worry for the future of Mirkwood. If you were to take a she-elf's hand in marriage, you shall have the chance to set new laws upon Mirkwood, unite new woodlands together and perhaps the possible future of another royal child."

The King's voice went bold yet remained in its usual angelic tone.

"Another child? How will this benefit my son?"

"My King," The advisor stepped forward once. "the opportunity for him to be an older brother, a responsible person to a young one shall bloom."

The words in which his servant spoke were correct and very truthful. The King could not have thought up a better answer himself. He saw sense in this advice and was wise enough to act upon it.

"Very well"

"How do you wish to choose your new bride, my King?"

"Send out elves to deliver invitations to every she-elf within Rivendell, Mirkwood and Lothlórien. A ball shall be held within my palace a week from now, for myself to determine which maiden is worthy enough to become my wife."

His royal advisor bowed his head.

"Náto, amin Aran" ("Yes, my King")