Family Issues!

Alright here is another story for everyone! I hope you like this story, I will say not that some ideas came from different stories that I read. I don't remember the names but the ideas are switched a bit. Not everything is the same.

I sighed as I was getting dressed for my first day of school. I was excited to finally do something other then work and clean the house. I smiled at the outfit I chose for the first day. Blue jean shorts, a pink tank top with a white off the shoulder shirt with white flip flops.

I ran down stairs and then started on breakfast for my dad and my brother if he was even home this morning. As I work on the eggs I got the toast in the toaster and then heard both my dad and my brother. I set the table and then got apple juice out and poured some for all of us and then went back to the eggs. I plated the food and buttered the toast and handed it out.

"Morning." I said with my usual smile. Neither male said a word to me and that was normal. I gave them their food and then sat down. "Rin you start school today correct?" My dad asked me. I nodded. "Yep. Kagome is picking me up." I said to him. My dad nodded and continued to eat. "Rin do you need any new clothes or anything?" He asked me. I shook my head and then paused. "Well I think the only thing I need is a new pair of tennis shoes for gym class." I said to my dad.

I looked up to see him pulling his wallet out and handing me thirty dollars. "Keep the change." He said to me. I nodded and then put the money in my pocket so my brother wouldn't take it. Sad to have to do that in my own home but its what you have to do when your older brother is a drug addict and your dad is a workaholic. My family wasn't always this bad.

I remember a time when my dad came home with a smile on his face and would give us hugs and kisses. But that all ended when my second to oldest brother died. See when I was five my parents were separated for some reason that I still don't know. Well they still had shared custody of the three of us and so one day dad asked mom to take us a an extra day due to him having a meeting and so she agreed. My dad had told us that our mom had a drinking problem and after explaining that to me he told us that if she ever got violent to go to the nearest house with lights on and call the police and then our dad. He would come to us no matter what.

Well it so happened that the next night my mom started to drink. My brothers had been upstairs when she started. I noticed that the was doing something weird with the stove and it made me scared so I ran to them. "Rin, you know Mom doesn't like it when your run. You might get hurt." Koji said to me as I ran to him. "Rin what's the matter?" He asked me. I looked from him to the door to make sure my mom wasn't coming and then held his arm. "Mommy is drinking that stuff that Daddy says she's not suppose too." I said to him as I kept looking at the door. "She's doing something funny with the stove. I don't like it. I wanna go." I said as I started to cry.

Koji nodded and then he grabbed my older brother he was two years older then me. He put our backpacks on our back and then he quietly took us through the front door. We were walking and then we heard loud popping sounds. I didn't know what it was seeing how Koji was carrying me. I looked over his shoulder to see Sasuke on the ground not moving. "Koji, Sasuke isn't moving." I cried. Koji didn't stop he got to a door with the porch light on and knocked as loud as he could.

When someone answer the door he had a phone to his ear. He looked outside and then seen Sasuke on the ground. "Yes I think one of the gun shots hit one of the children." The man said pulling my brother and I into his house. After waiting for what seemed like forever a police officer came and took us away. "Now you two sit here. We called your father and he is on his way to come get you. Now can you tell me how old you are?" The man asked us. Koji was the one to answer all the question. "I'm fifteen and my sister is five." He said. The officer nodded and then we were brought something to drink.

Finally I heard my dad come into the station. "Daddy!" I yelled and ran into his arms. He picked me and kissed my head and then wrapped an arm around Koji and kissed the top of his head. "Daddy do we get to go see Sasuke?" I asked him. He just sighed and then he took us home. Dad explained to me that Sasuke got hurt and that he would never be coming home.

I remember attending the funeral and going to the court house and people asking me about things I seen the night that Sasuke was killed. I remember my mom saying things like she didn't remember or that I was lying to everyone. They took her away and after that I never saw her again. She has never called or sent me a letter. We tried to go about as if everything is normal, but it wasn't. Dad would work all the time and Koji would ignore me and that's when I noticed he started to do weird things like pop stuff into his mouth all the time.

As time went on I realized that my brother developed a drug problem and my dad a working problem. I was left alone. As I grew up I started to do the house chores and then I decided I wanted a job to make my own money. I just never told my dad about it because I didn't want to upset him. He gave me an allowance every week but I always saved that and when he gave me money to buy something he told me to keep the change. I would save it and put it in a jar.

I remember when I explained it to my dad about what I did my brother went looking for it so he could buy drugs but he never found it. I had a good hiding space that Sasuke showed me. It was one of the few things the could always remind me of my brother. "Koji, Rin, I have to run. Thank you for breakfast. I wont be home till late so don't wait up for me." He said and then left. I smiled to my dad and told him I loved him. He never said it back. In fact in the eleven years that Sasuke has been dead no one but me said 'I love you' anymore.

I got up and put the dishes in the sink. "Rin, I won't be home tonight." Koji said to me. I nodded and took his dishes. I put them in the dish washer and then grabbed my bag. "Koji." I said as I seen him walk out the door. He turned around to face me and waited for me to speak. "Give it back." I said to him. Koji sighed and then handed back the money he had taken out of my pocket. "So still gonna be out tonight?" I asked him. He just ignored me and then left.

I sighed as I remember how he use to be all hugs and everything now he's nothing but an empty shell. "Love you Koji." I said as he made it to the last step. He turned to face me and then looked away from me. I sighed and then smiled as I seen Kagome pull up in the drive. I locked the house up and then headed for her car.

"Why is it every morning you have a smiled on your face?" She asked me. I just smile more and then we were off. "Hey are you driving me back home?" I asked her. Kagome took a moment to think and then frowned. "I can't. I have to got get my little brother." She said to me. I nodded and then tried to think of a plan. "I guess its the bus for me." I said and then watched as we drove down the road.

"Now explain to me why your dad wont buy you a car again?" She asked. I smiled and then looked at her. "Cause Koji decided to get a DUI at sixteen. Cops and my Dad were pissed when the tox screen came back to find eight different drugs in his system." I said to her as we pulled into the school parking lot. She sighed and then parked the car. I got out and smiled as I seen Sango walk over to us. "Aw the joys of the smiling Rin." She said as she hugged us both at the same time.

"Alright who is ready for our last year of high school drama?" She asked as we walked into the building. I rolled my eyes and then smiled. "Oh I have to catch up later you guys. I have to turn in my forms or else you can say bye to me." I said as I headed to the office. They waved bye to me and then I was out of sight and in the office. "Well good to see our number one role model student back here at Avalon High." I smiled as I seen my favorite teacher. "Hello Mrs. Kai." I said as I gave her a hug. She was one of the few teachers that knew about my life. In fact she was the wife of the man who called the police to get us help the night my mom tired to kill us. "Well Rin I can't wait to see you in class. I will just love when I see the looks on all the demons faces when they see you can answer more about demon history then you can human.

That's right my school is filled with all kids of students. Demon, human and even half demons or anything in between. The school was named Avalon because the founder father was into King Arthur and all that about peace and to make a better world. Mrs. Kai wanted me to know about this world of peace so she started to help me with getting a scholarship to go here. My dad wasn't about to pay for a private school such as this one. I have my brother to think for that one.

I walked up to the counter and waited in line. "Alright these are your schedules. Sorry but due to this being your first year here you don't get to pick your electives." The secretary told the two young men in front of me. Now our school isn't hard to navigate but seeing how you share all your classes in the morning you two should do just fine." She told them then she seen me and smiled. "Oh Rin give me a moment with these two and then I will be with you Sweetie." She said to me. I smiled and then nodded to her.

"Now do you have the papers that your parents were suppose to sign and send back?" She asked. They both nodded and then started to look through some folders. "Rin hand those to me." She said as she waited. I gave her my papers and she handed me my class list. "Rin how was the summer Dear?" She asked me. I smiled and then told her it was good. "I saw your show. You did a wonderful job." She said as she took the papers from the two new students. "Thanks I was hoping I didn't do to bad." I said to her and then I was turning away when she stopped me. "Seeing how you have the same classes as Mr. Takigawa be a dear and show him and his brother around. Boys this is Rin Shibuya." She said and then I smiled at both of them. Neither of them seemed to like smiling so I shrugged and told them to follow me.

We were about five feet out of the office before I spoke again. "May I see your classes?" I asked. They both handed me their list and I took in their names. Sesshomaru and Inuyasha Takigawa. I then noticed that Sesshomaru had and identical class list to mine. Inuyasha and I share only morning classes. "Well Inuyasha I can show you to all your morning classes but as for afternoon I will have to ask around and see if anyone else has those classes so you can find them. As for you Sesshomaru, you and I have all the same classes." I said as I took them to first period class.

There I saw Sango and Kagome talking to Hojo. Before I got closer to them I pointed to the door. "This is Demon history. Mrs. Kai is the teacher. I don't know if you two met her in the office or not." I said as I turned to look at them. This is the only class that you have on this level Sesshomaru. All your other classes are on the third or fourth floor. Inuyasha most of your classes are on this floor. In fact the other three classes your have are on the third floor. Your afternoon classes are on this floor." I said as we got closer to the door. I had been walking backwards until someone stopped me.

I looked behind me to see Kagome holding me. "Its not wise to let her walk backwards. The last time she did she knocked over all the book shelves in the library. I frowned and then smiled again. "So got any questions for me?" I asked them. Inuyasha was the first of the two to say anything to me. "Yeah what's on the second floor?" He asked me. I smiled. "That is where the cafeteria is. See level one looks like its above ground but actually it's built into it and then second floor is the cafeteria so that the students and faculty can eat in the court yard." I said and then smiled. Inuyasha nodded and then looked behind me. I turned to see the principal walking towards us.

He didn't seem happy at all. I always hated that look. Cause that look was usually for me. "Rin, your..." I nodded. I already knew what happened. Dad called to tell me that Koji wont be home for a couple days or weeks depending on how mad he was and that dad wouldn't be home as well. "Thank you, I said as I smiled at him. Mrs. Kai had joined us and frowned. She had tried to help Koji too but I guess he just didn't want it like I did. "I see Koji has given you a gift for the first day of school already." She said to me. I smiled and then nodded.

We walked into the classroom and took our seats. Then soon some more students came in. Then came the once group I could live with out. I called them the pack. Which make sense because they are wolves. I never really like them because they were rude and very mean to me. But I always ignored them and smiled no matter what. "Hey Rin, my dad texted me just now. Seems that he arrested your brother again." He said with a grin and his friends just laughed. I looked away and ignored him.

"Your Dad can't even afford to pay you to go to this school because he's too busy bailing your worthless brother out of jail all the time." He said and then laughed at what he said. I turned to face him and then looked at him. "Koga, I don't care what you say about me but don't talk about my brother." I said. I never raised my voice or nothing. "Koga if your father is giving you names of people he has arrested then that evasion of privacy. He's breaking the law by giving you a name." Mrs. Kai said as she walked up behind him. Koga shuddered and then looked panicked. "I wonder how good that will look on your family when the Big Bad Wolf gets a slap on the wrist." She continued on. Koga lost all his joy and didn't look at me for the remainder of class.

As class was ending Mrs. Kai took the last few minutes of class to talk to us. "Koga please come up to the front of the classroom." She said to him. Koga did just that and stood in front of her. "Koga, I expected this year to be different for you but it seems I was wrong. Now due to the treatment that you gave to another student I emailed the principal. He and I agree that you shall serve a lunch detention today and during that time you will write a one page apology to Rin." She said to him.

Koga was about to speak when Mrs. Kai cut in. "If you cannot finish the letter then you may spend how ever long it takes to do so after school today. Also if I hear of you or anyone else in your group verbally assault Rin again you will not get a slap on the wrist. That goes for everyone. Understood?" She asked the entire class. Everyone nodded and then the bell rang. Koga glared at me and I just ignored him. I smiled to Mrs. Kai and she smiled back.

Senior year is already a blast and its not even lunch time. Great what else could go wrong? Wait never mind I'd rather not know what else could happen. My luck it would be something to me and it would hurt. Off the second period!

Chapter one and this is what I can give you. If you have a thought I would love to hear it. Thanks for reading!