A/n: Um, warning for dicking in this chapter? And Cambions with genital changing abilities? Overall I'm not entirely thrilled with the quality of this chapter but… /rolls on floor/ Thanks to all who have commented/kudo'd!

The second interlude, the second meeting

"You would do that, Smith? You would potentially sacrifice a child for the greater good?" Nile's voice is shocked. He doesn't think that anyone could do such a thing, not even himself if he was ordered to do so by the Royal Commission. He certainly did not expect it from Erwin.

"Yes." Erwin's tone is cool. "Anything else?"

"This is madness!" yells Nile. "What is it that you're planning, Smith?"

"Hey," says Hanji coolly, their hand clenching slightly while the other grasps Nile's shoulder. "I would watch your language, Dawk."

Nile shrugs off Hanji's hand but backs down, huffing. He's a hypocrite, after all, to be concerned about Erwin's morals when his own are so murky. "I'm going," he says abruptly, and leaves, slamming the door behind him.

"Hanji?" Erwin nods towards them. "You wanted to see me?"

"I've improved the plan," they say, barely concealing their excitement.

It's a week before Eren's nineteenth birthday, a year after adulthood. He's in bed when those who are or are training to be Hunters leave their cabins in the early morning, ready to strike. Armin and Bertholdt grasp scratchy sacks filled with ceramic and glass jars that contain granules of salt. Marco and Christa have vials of holy water tucked away, rosaries hung around their necks and wrists. Sasha, Mikasa and Mina have bows and silver-tipped arrows. The rest wield daggers that have been blessed. They're grasping at straws, for sure, however they're not going to settle for anything less. Armin and Marco had scoured legends, holy books, anything for any hints of tackling such demons as the ones who were after Eren, with Erwin's approval.

Erwin had decided to lead the Hunting expedition, deciding that the opportunity to catch a Cambion, or three, (was it those three?) in the flesh was too important to pass up. It was dangerous, for sure, but it was necessary. The two weeks before a Cambion was to meet its Promised was the best time to strike, claimed several legends. In this time, Cambions were at their weakest as they prepared for the ritual, though still stronger than the average hunting expedition.

Of course, that's where the holy books were most useful. Hunting in early daytime also helped.

"Spread out," orders Erwin, and their formation disperses, ready to sound the alarm if one group encounters the Cambions.

"You were right, Levi," gloats Farlan. "They were going to do such a thing, after all."

The three had watched as the Hunting Expedition, searching for them, had dispersed into the forest. They had also seen Carla bid the others good luck before heading to the markets in the village square. She and the families of all those involved in the expedition were going to prepare a feast and medical aid for when the Hunters came back. Eren was to remain in his cabin silently, guarded only by Thomas Wagner.

Funny how humans assume that things would go the way they plan.

"Levi is the smartest, after all," says the girl, her voice filled with pride.

"You're a gross sap, Isabel." Isabel's face falls for a second but lights up again when she realises it's just Levi being himself.

"Shall we taste him, then? Mark him?" asks Farlan, pale blue eyes glinting with hunger.

"He needs to invite us in," says Isabel sadly. "Not to mention we need to get rid of that guard." Levi steps up to the door, the other two following behind. The weak sunlight doesn't hurt them, not at all, but they feel a little sluggish. A snack would change that.

Wagner barely turns to look at the intruders before Levi cleanly snaps his neck. Isabel and Farlan quickly drag him to the edge of the forest, tying up the body and covering it with foliage.

Inside, Eren is half-asleep. He hears movement and a knock (on the door?) and assumes it's Armin, being polite as ever.

"Come in," he shouts.

Isabel and Farlan's grins widen from behind Levi's shoulder. It was wonderful how humans believed that ignorance would protect someone. If only that lone guard and Eren had been informed instead of being coddled, this would never have happened.

Levi pushes open the door and they go in.

Eren's stomach drops when he feels the shift in the air. The places where he was marked three years ago throb. Oh, no. He hears footfalls, or perhaps he imagines them, for they are so light, just like the ones that stalked him that night.

"Surrrrrprise!" laughs Isabel, opening Eren's door, and he yelps, jumping backwards, his back hitting the wall. She clicks her fingers, and his lips are sealed. "Shall we play now, boys?"

They converge on him.

Eren notices that the three are surprisingly beautiful. The legends said that all were, the better to tempt humans with. They killed your grandmother, Eren reminds himself bitterly.

"Oh, feisty little lamb," coos the blonde, "it's been so long. Still a biter?" He laughs. Eren's helpless as Farlan and Isabel pull off his pyjamas. His eyes meets Levi's, who simply watches his peers strip Eren.

Eren's stomach lurches. His wrist twitches with the memory of the slow touch that Levi had given him as his green eyes meets steel grey ones. Another part of him throbs, one between his legs.

"He wants Levi," crows Isabel, brushing a hand over Eren's aching cock, causing him to cry out. "Clearly we know where this thing is going. Up Levi's ass! But first, to prepare." She laughs, before lowering her lips to its head. Her mouth is warm as it engulfs him and Eren's cry is strangled.

"Little lamb," whispers Farlan from behind him, his tongue laving against Eren's neck, "I'm excited to taste you again." His lips suckle at the junction between Eren's neck and his shoulder, leaving a light pink mark. Eren's heart jitters with fear and pleasure as he litters Eren's shoulder with more nibbles, marking him over and over. The sharp sting every so often is then covered with the sweet warmth of Farlan's tongue, trailing tantalising over tender skin.

Eren turns, looking self-consciously at the leader of the trio, Levi, who is watching the activities in front of him with slight interest.

"Brat," says Levi calmly. "You've grown up."

It's all he says, and then Levi is right in front of Eren as he joins Isabel in tormenting the teen, lips and tongue sinfully hot. Levi holds down Eren's hips as Isabel pulls off her mouth and reaches into her pocket for a small glass bottle filled with viscous liquid.

"I think he'll appreciate it more from you," says Isabel. Levi raises an eyebrow humorously before pouring some liquid onto his fingers.

Farlan lifts Eren's legs up, spreading him before Levi's eyes. Eren can feel a bulge pressed against his lower back and excited breath on his neck. He tries not to shudder, as any movement would jostle both the cock pressed against him, and his own.

"That's pretty sexy," quips Isabel, before her lips attach to Eren's torso, tongue flicking over a dusky bud.

Levi presses the slick tip of one finger to Eren, sliding in gently to breach the tight ring of muscle. Eren keens, a desperate tone from the back of his throat, and the effect is instantaneous upon the Cambions, whose eyes flash, sharpening a tad beyond human. Levi wriggles the single finger inside Eren, causing the younger man to move against him needily.

Levi adds another finger inside Eren. It looks a little obscene, Levi's pale fingers sliding and scissoring inside Eren, stretching the tight dusky-coloured hole with wet squelches. He sits up a little straighter, pressing his cock to Eren's with his unoccupied hand before wrapping fingers around them both. The desperate, ecstatic look in Eren's half-lidded eyes is delicious. He slides himself against Eren, grunting at the sensation of velvety hot skin tightly rubbing against his own.

"Hey, hear that?" Farlan murmurs into Eren's ear, tilting his head in the general direction towards the wet sounds of Levi's fingers. Eren's too busy feeling to hear, but once Farlan brings it to his attention, he writhes, his stomach burning with warmth. Eren can hear the wet sounds, and the ragged breathing of the Cambions around him, and it's disconcerting to think that he's part of the reason for it.

"Fuck, that's good," swears Farlan as Eren's back rubs against his clothed cock. He lets go of one of Eren's legs for a second, pulling himself out of his pants, before rutting it against the soft skin. Eren keens in response.

"Oi, keep his leg up," says Levi, but with a mouthful of cock it's muffled and rather unrecognisable. Farlan realises what Levi is ordering anyway and complies. "Isabel, take out your tail. And use his hand."

Isabel claps her hands in joy. The glamour that covers her tail disappears, and she slides it in with Levi's fingers. They could not trust Eren enough to put any of their genitals near his mouth, as he had proved once that he was iquite the biter/i as Farlan had said.

"Ahh ahaha," giggles Isabel. "That a good feeling, yeah." Her tail is undulating inside Eren before she takes one of his hands, which was lying limply against the bed, and presses it to her own core. She guides three of his fingers inside her before relentlessly grinding against his hand. Eren groans at how soft she feels against his hand, all warm and wet.

Levi pulls his fingers out of Eren and adds more lubricant to them, before reaching back to prepare himself.

"Ha, Eren's gonna get the lay of the century," muses Farlan. "First time and it's an orgy. What a lucky human."

"Levi's ass is the best in the underworld," chips in Isabel gleefully. She undoes the seal on Eren's lips with a click of her fingers, keeping it just restrained enough to prevent any noise over a particular volume.

Levi pulls away from Eren (who groans from the lack of contact) and kneels on the edge of the bed, hovering above him, before he lowers himself onto his cock. Eren's head lolls back, a groan ripped from his lips at the tightness around him. Levi is slick and hot and oh, the way that he takes it to the hilt is divine. Every time he takes it all, he grinds against Eren, eliciting a gasp. He nods towards Farlan, who smirks.

"Party time," and he slides inside Eren, whose breath hitches in his throat at the intrusion. There's a slight burning from the stretch, but with the ample amount of lubrication inside him, it starts to slide in and out so slickly. Eren grits his teeth and bucks against Farlan, eager to dispel the growing warmth in his lower torso and back. It causes him to slide into Levi a little sharply, who hisses at the sudden movement. Their legs are entangled as Levi starts moving faster on top of Eren.

"You should see your slutty expression," murmurs Farlan into Eren's ear between heavy breaths. Eren makes a small, strangled noise. "You're so tight around me with your legs spread so wide." He rams upwards inside Eren, who gives a desperate cry.

"Oi, you're squishing my tail!" grumbles Isabel.

"Why don't you just hurry and transform, then?" snaps Farlan. "We need to leave a little present for when the Hunters return." Isabel rolls her eyes.

Levi is interested to see the way Eren's eyelids flicker, how his eyes go a little out of focus from the onslaught of pleasure from front and behind. He grinds his hips against Eren again, who cries out. Levi drags the heels of his palms down Eren's torso, sliding it against the faint outline of ribs. The boy's a little on the skinny side, Levi muses. No matter – they would feed him well. He relishes the warm burn as Eren is inside him, the tip rubbing against that spot inside him. It's been a while since he's let someone else inside him like that – the last time was the Promised who had gotten away…

He's a little amused to see how enthused Farlan and Isabel are with tormenting his Promised, with Farlan whispering filthy words into Eren's ear and Isabel taunting him while pleasuring herself on his hand. (She's long since pulled her tail from the boy and completed her transformation down there.) The effect on Eren is wonderful in itself, his expression one of desperate hunger for more, more, more. Only a person with immense self-control could resist the temptation of a Cambion, anyway.

The pleasured noises from the back of Eren's throat are always strangled as if he feels guilty, said throat littered with bite marks. His wrecked expression, needy eyes, tantalisingly swollen lips all warm Levi's belly, and all he can think of is making that look more earnest than before. Levi leans forward to press himself against Eren, grinding his hips while biting down on tanned skin.

For Eren, it's too much, and he comes inside Levi with a defeated groan.

"Sh-shit!" swears Farlan, thrusting hard and then releasing inside Eren as well. Eren slumps in his grasp. Carefully pulling out, Farlan moves out of the way.

"Your turn," he shrugs.

"Gross!" says Isabel. "I'm not putting myself inside a soup of your cum even if it's inside Eren!" She places the tip against Eren instead, and strokes herself to completion. Levi extracts himself from Eren and does the same.

"Plug?" says Levi, and Farlan hands over the specially made glass object. Levi slides it in Eren, who looks exhausted.

The three clean him up and dress him in his clothes before tucking him into bed.

"He's so cute," sighs Isabel.

"He's bound to us, now," says Farlan smugly.

It had been hours and there were no sightings nor deaths. They had thoroughly scoured most of the forest, found the odd track here or there, but could not find the owners of those tracks.

Erwin frowns. He and Hanji had meticulously planned this. The two of them were able to come up with plans that threw off skilled manipulators of the Royal Commission and yet this seemingly simple plan was not quite working. Unless…

"Do you think it's… those three?" asks Hanji. Erwin shrugs as they reach a clearing.

"Trios of Cambions are not unusual. This must be their nesting place…" he observes. He gets off his horse carefully and moves back some leaves.

The only thing he sees is a small silk handkerchief engraved with his initials, E.S. in gold.

Cornflower blue eyes widen a fraction. After all these years…

"We've been tricked," mutters Erwin. "Let's gather the others and head back."

A/n: I believe that demons/cambions can change their genital types at will, so uh, yeah. Was it too weird /cries/ I don't even know what's appropriate and not anymore.