This is a Beatrice and Tobias meet in Abnegation fic. It's my first divergent fanfic but I have written one other fanfic. Thanks for reading and enjoy!

Beatrice's POV- age 10

I was walking home from school. I was all by myself because Caleb had vomited at lunch and the nurses had sent him home. He had insisted on walking because he didn't want to inconvenience any by having them drive him. That was a very Abnegation thing to do. Caleb was so selfless. Although I did half expect to find him collapsed somewhere along the road. I was passing the Factionless alleys when I heard sobs. I had seen the factionless scream and yell, but I'd never heard one cry. So I stopped. I looked around carefully and found that I was in Alley X. Alley X was right next to a big old tin shed. The factionless hate it because it was supposedly used to execute people during the war. Some even say that the Dauntless still use it when a factionless person commits a crime. That's only because the Dauntless have meetings in there sometimes. It's ridiculous but none of the factionless will go into Alley X because they're scared that they will be caught and killed by crazy Dauntless. I was started walking again, but then I heard my parents voices echoing in my head. Children of Abnegation should always be ready to help. Ready to give food the needy or comfort to the weak or hurt. But then I remembered my mother telling me to always be careful in situation so that I would not put another in harm's way. I started walking away anyway, but then my curiosity got the better of me. So I walked into Alley X, half terrified of what I would find. I followed the sounds of the cries to the side of the shed. I could see a foot with a light brown boot sticking out from under a brown box. The foot was reasonably small, a child, although they were probably older than me. I grabbed the corner of the box and lifted it up. Underneath was a young Abnegation boy. He had brown hair that despite being cut short in the traditional Abnegation style was still shaggy. But it was his eyes that caught my attention. They were dark blue, like the clothes of the Erudite. No they were deeper than that. More special and different. But the most remarkable thing was that even though he made noises of crying, his eyes were completely dry.

"Hi. My name is Beatrice. What's yours?" I asked. The boy looked shocked.

"Why do you care?" But he didn't say it cruelly, just with curiosity

"Because I want to know. You seem sad. So before I ask what's wrong, I want to know your name." I added a touch of bossiness to my voice. He smiled slightly

"My name is Tobias Eaton. And I'm sad because I miss my mother. She died 2 years ago today." He said with a curious smile on her face.

"You're Marcus' son. I'm sorry about your mother… Was she pretty?" I asked inquiringly

"Yes. And she was really nice. Like you Beatrice." He said smiling quietly.

"You think I'm nice? But… we aren't supposed to say things like that."

"I know. But I don't want to be Abnegation. When I'm 16 I'm going to transfer."

"But where to?" I asked

"Come on. I'll show you!" He grabbed my hand and led me through a maze of boxes and crates. We arrived at a loose sheet of tin, which Tobias pulls back and ushers me through. I'm sitting behind a collection of boxes, big enough to hide myself and Tobias. In front of us, is a huge gym. Weights, guns, knives, punching bags, running machines and so many other sorts of equipment are scattered around the room. Dauntless members are practising style and technique. The threw knives that smashed into the centre of the target, bullets flew through the same hole on a human shaped target and members threw each other to the mat in fights. A man steps onto a box and yells for attention.

"Well Dauntless members, I have some exciting news. The gym back at Head Quarters has finally been repaired!" The cheers from the crowd were absolutely deafening and completely drowned out the guy on the box.

"Also, we have new equipment so we don't have to take any of this stuff back! We'll all return to Dauntless now and the gym is open for use at any time now!" The Dauntless cheered and sprinted out.

"That's what I want to be. They seem so free and happy!" Said Tobias a wistful smile on his face.

"Well they're never coming back to this gym. Why don't we train here?" I suggested

"We?" Asked Tobias

"Yeah. I'm going to Dauntless too. We might as well start practising now!" I said. Tobias looked at me for a moment.

"So you want to practise with me and transfer to Dauntless when you're 16. I like you Beatrice. Friends?" He said extending his hand in a very un-abnegation gestured. I reached out and shook it.

"Let's start now!" We slipped into the centre of the room.

"Wait! Our parents. What will they say if we're late home?" I said

"We can't practise in the afternoon, they'll be too suspicious." We stood thinking for a moment before I got an idea.

"Your house is right next door to mine right?" Tobias nodded in answer

"I don't know about you, but that tree that is in-between our houses reaches up to my bedroom. If it does the same for you, we could sneak out at night and come here!" Tobias' eyes light up.

"That's perfect! You're a genius Beatrice!"

"Come on we have to get home. Meet at the foot of the tree at 11?" I asked. He nodded. As we left, I tripped over a weight and knocked over a box. It fell open and its contents spilled over the floor. Black leggings, singlets, pants, shirts, boots and other clothing accessories spilled out onto the floor. I looked at Tobias and grinned. We each selected a pair of pants and a shirt. We tossed the rest of the stuff back into the boxes and sprinted home. I was only a few moments late so my parents didn't ask any questions. All the houses in Abnegation were the same. Tobias and I have the same room in the houses. We have two windows. One that looks towards the other house and one that looks towards the backyard of each house. I looked over to Tobias' window and saw him sitting on his bed. He smiled at me and gave me the thumbs up. I grinned and waved back.


Tobias and I had closed our curtains at 9pm as we were instructed to by the Abnegation rules of going to bed at 9. I set an alarm for 10:50 and went to sleep. I woke to the sound of quiet beeping and turned it off quickly so no one would wake. I pulled on the black legging and singlet, and then pulled my hair into a ponytail. I pulled my curtains open a crack and looked over to see Tobias pulling his open a crack. I gave him a quick thumbs up before going out the other window. Tobias was dressed in black jeans and a muscle top. We still wore our Abnegation boots. I leapt out of the tree and landed soundly on the ground. Tobias looked nervous but jumped all the same.

"We should run there as a warm up." I whispered. We began running and arrived in no time. We threw knives and shot guns, after finding a silencer which muffled the noise from the gunshots. We ran on the machines and taught ourselves punching techniques. At 2am we turned around and ran home. We arrived back at the tree and Tobias said

"Beatrice? I… thank you. For being my friend." I smiled back at him and said


So… good, no good? Thanks for reading! I love all readers, reviewers, favouriters and followers! If you see a flaw please let me know! But tell me how to correct it so that I'm not totally clueless!
