[ - ]- Someone over the phone

Someone's thinking

"-"-Someone's talking

'Tomorrow is the day.' Akashi thought to himself as Kuroko slept peacefully in his arms. Comfortably, Akashi laid in bed, under the soft and warm blanket, thinking of the many possible scenarios of tomorrow. Some of which included scenarios of a perfect evening with his beloved or a sudden surprise of a miracle childbirth. Soon Akashi drifted to sleep, anticipating for the next day to come.

Morning came, too soon to be exact. "Akashi-kun, please wake up," Kuroko called from the kitchen as he prepared breakfast for the both of them. "Akashi-kun." Kuroko walked into their bedroom and was displeased as he saw the messy mob of red peeking out from under the blanket, unmoving. "If you don't wake up soon you'll be late." Kuroko then mercilessly pulled off the cover exposing Akashi to the harsh cold weather. The action resulted in the red head snuggling up against himself and he smiled softly, satisfied with the little warmth he provided himself with. Akashi was awake but his eyes would simply not respond to what his brain was telling them to do. He definitely was over thinking yesterday, which resulted in him being extremely fatigued. "Akashi-kun." Kuroko gently shook his husband. "Hmmm…5 more minutes…" Akashi mumbled.

"5 more minutes?" Kuroko furrowed his eyebrows. "Don't you want to see our children?"

Akashi shot right up in shock and looked at his husband. "C-children?" Akashi spluttered. What happened? How long did he sleep? What happened in those 9 months of his beloved Tetsuya pregnancy? Kuroko sighed before going back to the kitchen. "Akashi, please quickly get ready and hurry down to breakfast." Kuroko closed the door behind him, Akashi sat still motionless. Who's the father? Was the last question in Akashi's mind before he quickly got ready for the day.

"Tetsuya, who is the father?" Akashi, in all his seriousness, asked his husband across the breakfast table. "Akashi-kun that was a joke you know it's impossible for me to be pregnant." Kuroko sighed. Sometimes he wondered, if Akashi actually at leasthave some form of common sense in him. Akashi started again. "There is a possibili-"But his words were cut short when Kuroko's phone vibrated on the table. Kuroko opened his phone to check the message before setting it back down on the table. "Akashi-kun, if you don't hurry you'll really be late for work." Kuroko warned, he stood up and brought his tray to the sink. Akashi checked his watch before setting his tray in the sink too. He hugged Kuroko's waist pulling the slightly smaller male tightly against his chest and rested his head comfortably in the crook of Kuroko's shoulder. "Gochisosama." he whispered into his husband's ear and closed his eyes. "Akashi-kun yo-"

"No, I'll be alright Tetsuya. You're very warm." Akashi tightly squeezed Kuroko before reluctantly letting go. "Ittekimasu." Akashi said as he grabbed his suitcase.

"Itterashai." Kuroko gave Akashi a small peck on the lips before Akashi headed out to work.

Left alone in their penthouse, Kuroko took out his phone and began to send a few text messages to some people, before starting his daily chores. Kuroko had the whole day off today and he had a lot of work to do.

At work, those who worked under Akashi knew that today was their boss' special day and they strived to do their best today. Even though Akashi was especially harsh on his workers, there times when Akashi would come help them with their work and getting it handed in on time. Such a good guy he is. Everyone in the company respected him for many reasons; one of them was his fearsome smile. His smile alone was enough to drive countless shivers down your spine. As Akashi walked into his office that morning, he greeted his workers who ran by him. Akashi stepped inside his office and set his things down, he then looked at his desk which was piled high with paperwork, much to his displeasure. He sighed and took a seat at his desk before bringing the cup of coffee he had brought in and took a sip; he then set it down and began working. As time went on, Akashi noticed that the pile of work had not lessened and his workers were still walking in with more. Akashi was not sure if they knew that today was his birthday or not, but it seemed like they were working harder than usual (which is a good thing). But the amount of paperwork that was flying into his office was phenomenal. No matter how fast Akashi worked, there was so much he could do by himself … at this point the red head wasn't sure if he could even go home, and as the work kept on piling up he knew that he would have to work overtime to get it done. No. Akashi HAS to get home today. He wanted to spend his day with his wife, and no amount of work could get in his way. With that being said, Akashi began to work faster.

Outside Akashi's office, his co-workers gathered around giving their boss some time to finish the piles of paper in his office before sending in more. "I really feel sorry for Akashi-sama." His secretary worriedly looked at her boss through the glass wall.

"Yeah…you think he'll make it home tonight?" Another asked.

"Well, he'll probably get home somehow. After all…his waifu is probably too tempting to be left alone right? Especially tonight…" Another male worker said, grinning widely.

"What do you mean?" The secretary asked but the male worker just showed her his phone.

"Ok guys! Orders came in. Send him more paperwork!"

Akashi sat in his office frozen in his chair. 'Send him more paperwork? MORE PAPERWORK? ISN'T 5 PILES OF PAPERWORK STACKED UP TO MY HEIGHT ENOUGH?! WHAT DO YOU MEAN MORE PAPERWORK? ARE YOU GOING TO LET ME GO HOME TONIGHT OR NOT? ARE YOU GOING TO LET ME ENJOY MY BIRTHDAY OR NOT? WHICH IS IT?' Akashi glared at his co-worker rushing around busily sending in more evil paperwork to his office before continuing to look at more unattractive paperwork, he would definitely prefer look at Tetsuya instead. The phone in his office rang; Akashi picked it up.

[Seijuurou... Have you prepared the paperwork for the recent project?] His father asked him through the phone.

"Yes I just did, Father." Akashi answered.

[I see… then prepare yourself; you have an urgent meeting today at 5 PM sharp. Listen well Seijuurou, you must prepare yourself very well] and with that his father hung up.

'Did he just say MEETING? A FREAKING MEETING ON A DAY LIKE THIS?! DO YOU EVEN KNOW THAT IT'S YOUR SON'S BIRTHDAY TODAY? IS THIS MEETING YOUR BIRTHDAY PRESENT TO ME?!' Akashi was not pleased. His plans for today are all ruined, more importantly, it seems almost impossible for him to see Tetsuya today! Why? Why is this world so cruel? Everything and everyone is against him today….Oh well, the faster he finished this the sooner he could go home. Ok Akashi, you're going to work hard today. For Tetsuya, your waifu. Akashi encouraged himself.

And thus Akashi entered the Zone.

Once again outside Akashi's office, his co-worker gathered.

"Oh god, this is really tiring." His secretary sighed.

"I know right…so much work…Akashi-san is really amazing just look at all the paperwork we gave him. He's like half way through already. Wait, is his eyes glowing?!" a co-worker exclaimed

"Hey guys! It's 12:45 PM; I'll go and bring him his lunch." His secretary grabbed a black bento box and went to heat it up

"Wahh…I want to eat Kuroko-san's bento too." A random co-worker drooled the rest just sighed.

"Guys, that's all the paperwork right?" The secretary returned with Akashi's bento in hand, her co-workers just gave her thumbs up and nodded. So the secretary made her way to the lion's den, otherwise known as Akashi's office.

Amidst the papers, Akashi noticed the heavenly and familiar scent of food as his secretary walked in with a black bento box. "Kuroko-san had delivered your lunch, Akashi-sama." She set down his lunch on his table where it was clear of paper.

"Where is he?" Akashi set down the set of paper in his hand and turned towards the black box.

"He had left after the delivery, saying that he was busy with something else." His secretary bowed respectfully and stepped out of the messy office. Something else? Akashi thought as he absent-mindedly chewed on his lunch. What is this unpleasant flavour? Akashi looked at his lunch box and realised…he just ate seaweed. Akashi ate SEAWEED. Kuroko packed SEAWEED in AKASHI'S lunch box…WHAT IS THIS SUPPOSE TO MEAN? CAN HIS BIRTHDAY GET ANY WORSE? At that moment his secretary walked in again with a tray and a small bowl of tofu soup and placed it on Akashi's table then retreated to her own desk. Akashi sighed in relief at the sight of his beloved tofu soup. Tetsuya sure is cruel today; did I do something to make him mad? Akashi was confused…

Time Skip

On the other hand, Kuroko was having a fabulous time preparing for Akashi's birthday with their friends; maybe Kuroko requested for too much paperwork. At that moment, Kuroko received a text from Akashi's secretary, asking if he wanted more paperwork to be sent to his husband. In response, he politely declined and wished her a happy weekend.

"It's already 5…Akashi-kun should be at the meeting by now" Kuroko glanced at the clock and then at the colourfully decorated room (Kise's and Momoi's work) with rainbow colour, a beautiful 7-layered birthday cake with a small Akashi at the top (Murasakibara and Himuro's contribution) and a tall mountain (taller than Kuroko) of presents in the corner, luckily everyone promised that they'll help with the cleaning so Kuroko don't have to worry about the mess , then Kagami and Himuro walked in and placed dishes of food on the table…that sounds like a lot have been done but there are still lots more to be done but the largest problem isn't the preparation…it's Kuroko. The poor sky-blue hair boy still does not know what to give his husband for his birthday and had been stressed over it for three days with not the slightest clue whatsoever. "Still haven't figure it out yet?" Kagami asked as he walked by "Not in the slightest clue, unfortunately" and then Kuroko's phone rang, Kagami left to clean up the kitchen.

"Hello, this is Kuroko speaking."

[Oh! Good afternoon Kuroko!] '…this voice…K-san?' Kuroko thought

[Yes yes, this is K. I heard today is Akashi's birthday. How's it going?]

"Ah yes, the preparation is nearly done."

[More importantly what are you planning to give him?] Kuroko didn't answer [Oh I see. You don't have anything in mind just as of the moment right?]

"Yes…" Kuroko sighed.

[Hmm… I see that is troublesome…I have something you can use…remember that present I gave-]

"I'm sorry but no." Kuroko immediately refused.

[You haven-]

"Your ideas are always the worse. Last time Akash…"

[Hm? Akashi what?]

"Anyway, please don't trouble yourself."

[At least hear me out...]

Time passes as Kuroko listened to K's idea "As I thought I'm-"

[He'll be over the moon, which I can promise you.]

"….." Kuroko stayed silent.

[Well…give it a thought.] K then murmured something but wasn't audible enough [Well, see ya!]

"Wait K-sa-"K hung up "…Ah…Kagami-kun!" Kuroko called out to his friend

"Hah?" Kagami turned around and waited for a while for Kuroko to come closer to him. Kagami raised an eyebrow(s) as Kuroko got on his tip-toe and whispered into his ears "WHA?! I dunno Kuroko! Why would y- w-w-" Kagami flushed bright red "you know what? Just do it. I don't care about you guys anymore, just do it. JUST DO IT!" Kagami ran to his bag, threw it over his shoulder and left.

"Kagami-kun!" it took Kuroko a minute or two to register the fact that all preparations are done and everyone has already gone home to get ready. Kuroko looked at his watch…looks like if he's going to do it, he better start now. Now… Where did he put that present?

Akashi did not like this. Repeat, Akashi DID NOT like this. At all. Sure, it was his birthday. And yes, he is celebrating it with his friends right now.

After a hard day of work, Akashi finally returned home and welcomed home by party crackers and was immediately showered with birthday wishes and presents and was immediately occupied with people surrounding him, entertaining him with constant conversation. While that's nice and all, but Akashi did not like it. He didn't realise it at first because he was momentarily distracted with the crowd but when he did, he became depressed and distant himself from the other by himself from the others to the couch, releasing a menacing aura to prevent anyone from coming closer.

"Ne…Aominecchi, isn't Akashicchi releasing this kind of scary aura-ssu?" Kise sweat dropped "Oh really?" Aomine looked around "Oh yea. Have you seen Tetsu anywhere?" "Eh? Now that you mention it… where did Kurokocchi go? I haven't seen him since this afternoon….." that's right, Akashi's waifu is currently nowhere to be seen in this entire penthouse. Not in the kitchen, not in the bathroom, not in the bedrooms. Not anywhere.

This is not how Akashi wanted to spent his birthday. Later into the night, everyone bid the last birthday wish and wish goodnight and goodbye. One by one, they left the penthouse and soon it was only Akashi in the penthouse, all by himself.

To be honest, Akashi feels very strange. Not once had Akashi been in this penthouse by himself, he is always accompanied by Tetsuya 'Tetsuya where did you go?!' Akashi sat on the couch that he and Tetsuya would cuddle on every night, by himself. Then his phone rang with Tetsuya's number on the screen.

[Erm…Akashi-san?] Said a foreign voice

"Who are you? And why do y-"Akashi was rudely interrupted.

[Yah… Now is not the time for that Akashi-san. Are you in your apartment by yourself now?]

"Answer my question."

[Oh ok. That's a yes then.] and muffled noises could be heard before hanging up. Not long after something landed loudly in Akashi and Kuroko's bedroom.

And oh my kami. If this isn't the best birthday for Akashi then he wouldn't know what could possibly top this. "Phew. Delivery complete!" A stranger wiped their forehead off of sweat "Thank you for using the K-express delivery service! Now please enjoy!" the stranger that dropped Akashi's ultimate birthday present ran pass him and escaped out the front door.

"Oh my! I certainly would never expect this Tetsuya~" Akashi's eyes happily glued to his waifu.

That's right! Not even the great Akashi could ever thought of Kuroko for his birthday! Now, I know you might be thinking 'but that's wut every seme every wants' yes…that is somewhat correct.

But I haven't finished yet. Akashi would NEVER think that he would live long enough to see his beloved dressed as Santa - The small red corset at Kuroko waist had wonderfully outlined the bluenette's body to near perfection along with a short frilly shirt that barely covered what it was originally created to cover revealing luscious pale skin. It only reaches just 3cm above Kuroko's mid-thigh based on Akashi's analysis, how very creative. A small Santa hat on his soft baby blue hair, to tease Akashi further - a big ribbon was tied behind Kuroko's back with a small golden lining, just like those ribbons that you would probably use to wrap your Christmas gifts. If Akashi was given the capability of nose bleeding easily, he would probably die from blood lost by now. And just trying helping out a little Kuroko (if you still want to be able to walk tomorrow) that heavy blush of your pale face is actually helping Akashi's abused sex drive a lot.

"…A-Akashi-kun please don't stare" Kuroko tensed as he felt the uncomfortable gaze which belongs to Akashi. The red hair moved slowly to his ultimate birthday present before wrapping his arm around Kuroko's thin waist pulling, grinding them against each other. With his other hand, Akashi delicately grabbed Kuroko's face and gently tilted it upwards, facing him. "Well well well I would never have thought... Now Santa-san are you here for my birthday or is it Christmas early?" Akashi smirked as Kuroko face became more flustered if it's possible but all of a sudden Kuroko's facial expression changed. Those innocent big blue eyes suddenly narrowed to sexy and dangerous…slowly…slowly Kuroko pushed his husband on to the bed and gently hit Akashi's back against the head board Kuroko got on all four and leaned in to whispered huskily into Akashi's ear "Well…if you want…I can be both". Akashi was glad he didn't have to deal with this Kuroko every day. It's not like Akashi hate it, if anything he loves it when his innocent Tetsuya's mind was clouded with lust and became demanding. But still, dealing with this Kuroko every day, Kuroko might never be able to leave the bed.

"Well, if you insist. Why not?" Akashi grabbed the back of Kuroko's head and pulled him in for a kiss, in respond the bluenette's back arched seductively and grinding his chest against Akashi. Akashi smirked into the kiss and crept slyly his hand to one of Kuroko pink bud and gave it a little pinch. Kuroko flinched and pulled away, both male panting for air as they gazed at the others with lust filled eyes.

"How very handy…" Akashi smirked as he easily pulled off the skirt and abandoned it to the floor along with the hat that fell when they both landed on the bed. Kuroko shifted uncomfortably as cold air touched against his skin. He gasped as Akashi's warm hand grabbed his member tightly. Kuroko wrapped both his arms over Akashi shoulders and climbed to Akashi laps, hovering over the slightly bigger male, slightly pouting which made Akashi chuckled "What's wrong? Did I do something bad and won't be able to receive my present, Santa-san?" Akashi licked Kuroko's earlobe as he whispered which made Kuroko shuddered "Ah. That's right." Akashi shifted his other hand and reached over to the bed table "It wouldn't be fair now would it?" he brought out a bottle of liquid "Akashi-kun what…is that?" Kuroko asked in a mumble "Transdermal Aphrodisiac." Akashi Seijuurou proudly smiled "Eh? W-w-why do we need it?" Kuroko shakingly muttered. "Since you're giving me so much today (including the paperwork and the seaweed). I guess this is the very little thing I could do for you today. Enjoy Tetsuya~" the way Akashi said it made Kuroko shivered in both fear and delight. He shouldn't have put in the seaweed… "…Since…Since today is Akashi-kun's special day…Seijuurou-kun can have one wish…" Kuroko prayed that he would never have to regret saying those words "Oh my~ such broad service~ I'll make sure to make good use of it." Akashi smirked before pouring the cold liquid onto Kuroko soft and pale skin… "And I'll make sure that you won't ever regret anything at all….Tetsuya"

The next morning…both of them couldn't leave the bed…oh wait...lemme c- Oh never mind they're going still at it. God cheeses dam lord Akashi!


The Neighbour's Concern

[So….what you're saying… it's still creaking from yesterday night to tonight?] K asked her friend, concerned.

"Yea! Is this place haunted or something?! HALP. K! HALP!"Akaou pleaded desperately.

[Ok….What is the room number, Akaou? Imma come over!]

"Umm," Akaou hesitated trying to remember his apartment number "1504."


"K? Are you ok? K?"

[…Isn't that under where Kuroko lives?]

"B-but I don't know and I don't care what they're doing up there! But my roof is creaking and I can hear scary moans and groans…K…I'm scared!"

[… (So am I. But for a whole different reason)….Akaou….On second thoughts…Just ignore it. Go somewhere else for another 3 hours or something.] then K hung up

"Such great friends I have." Akaou said in sarcasm and smiled with a small tear appeared at the corner of his eye.

BWH (Behind what happened)

[YAH! ~ Thanks for co-operating Akashi-occhan! Akashi and Kuroko is really happy now! Their faces are like…so sparkly~] K laughed over the phone.

"Mind your manners K. If it wasn't for Tetsuya, I wouldn't be participating in such events" Akashi senior breathed out the poisonous smoke from the cancer stick.

[You say that…but actually you couldn't wait to pull the prank of a fake urgent meeting with the other chiefs and producers on Seijuurou-san right? I heard it….from your dear wife, Lady Souzetsu!]

"…Do you truly believe her words?" Akashi senior closed his eyes.

[Based on your reaction. Yes I do.]

Suddenly the phone was snatched out of Akashi senior hand by his very own wife "WAHHH~~~ K-san-chan! MY GOD did the costume fit him? How did Tet-chan look?! Was he super cute?! I bet he was! KYYAAA~~~TELL. Me. EVERYTHING that happened! Yahh!~~Actually no. We're meeting AT THE MALL AND YOU CAN TELL ME EVERYTHING (LOL)" Souzetsu yelled loudly in to the phone

[I can tell you right now…]

"YES YES YES YASSSSSSSSSSSSS TELLL ME EVERYTHING~~~Oh," her tone suddenly turned cold "And if you leave one tiny detail out. Expect to face my wrath of a mother."

[Actually it's nothing much. I just dropped down Kuroko from the roof then escape through the front door that's all]

"…K-san-chan…We expected more from you" Souzetsu sighed disappointedly.

[I know….That's why I set up cameras around the room.]

"*epic gasp* YOU MUST SEND IT TO ME! NNNNAAOOOO! YASSSSS SEND IT TO ME" Souzetsu desperately begged.

Akashi senior massaged his temple "Souzetsu…'s already noisy enough" ever since his wife arrived home. This house had never been quiet

"But darling~ don't you want to see the fruits of our dear Tet-chan's plan?"

[BUT…Akashi called me this morning and…yea…you know the rest]

Both Akashi seniors expression turned similar to this (-_-) "Tch. Ungrateful son, doesntevenlethisparentsseeswhathappeninhisbedroom" they both sighed.

[…Errmmm I thinks that goes for everyone .I think I'll be on Akashi's side dis time. Bai!]

After a heavy pause "Darling~" Souzetsu purred "What name will we give our grandchildren?" she asked in delight.

What happened at Akashi work place?!

Extreme bliss and peace was written all over the whole company as their fearful CEO had became so happy that he affected the whole company. Because that's just how influential Akashi is.

A/N: and that was a wrap on Akashi's birthday! … OTL I know I tried writing failed smut and you probably can't imagine wut position they were in don't worry. Cuz I can't either….well…I guess I'll have to post hiatus on this one till I wrap up 'When your doctor says' since I kinda lost my planning for this series. And 'When your doctor says' is still hiatus so…I guess you won't be seeing me for a while~ until then! Be well~~~