Wow... April 29 was the last time I updated. So sorry about that. I was kind of stressing about not graduating, but I did it! So, to celebrate! I'll keep updating regularly until my story is done! Yay! Honestly, it probably won't be too long, but we'll see! I kind of play everything by ear. Anyway, short chapter, but here you go!

"Yeah! Woo!" he cheered. Cyborg groaned for the twenty-second time. "How about 23 out of 45?" Beast Boy gloated once more.

"Uh-uh! I'm not falling for that one again!" Cyborg defended.

"Come on, man, I know you'll get it. You just need about eight more hours of practice - like I had!"

"What?" he asked incredulously. "BB! You played this game already? That's cheating!"

"Sorry," Beast Boy chuckled sheepishly, rubbing the back of his neck. Cyborg stood, holding an expression that could kill, and Beast Boy disappeared into a microscopic insect. He traveled into the air vents, knowing Cyborg wouldn't be able to track him. He began to follow the pattern back to his room, but stopped short at Raven's. He told himself he was going to check on her, but he got too caught up in his game to remember that promise. It had been two hours since she limped from the Titans' sight and she hadn't returned to get her afternoon tea.

Oh, Beast Boy thought, right. He felt more than guilty for breaking her teapot - as well as a little terrified - but he didn't see what the big deal was. He told her he'd get her another. Beast Boy left the air vent and shifted to his normal form, landing softly in the hall. He stared at the intimidating door and, with a sigh of possible regret, he knocked. Listening closely, there was a small echo that could be heard. From inside the dark room, Raven was pulled from her healing meditation.

"What do you want, Artichoke?" she questioned coldly. Beast Boy gulped - so she was still mad.

"I, uh, just came to make sure you're okay?" he squeaked.

"I'm fine," she answered unconvincingly, pushing herself into a sitting position. Her hip made another crunching sound and she gasped in pain, blinking back the tears that threatened to break through. Beast Boy's ears perked to hear the small cry and almost immediately after, he was standing in her room. Raven glared at him.

"Get out," she growled.

"No. You're obviously not okay," he sympathized. Raven rolled her eyes in defeat - she had been caught and knew there was no way to convince Beast Boy to leave. Raven eased her way back to laying, placing her hands over the left side of her hips; the white glow continued. "Why haven't you told Robin?"

"Robin's mind is on the burglaries and he's probably trying to decipher why Adonis is robbing banks. Besides, we all know how he gets when he wants revenge. I don't want to be the reason for another one of his episodes."

Beast Boy nodded in silence, thinking, calculating the best possible choice of words. Then he blurted, "Are you still mad at me?" Raven sighed, closing her eyes.

"Yes, but also no." She took another deep breath and continued to search her mind for the best possible explanation. "I think... well, you definitely tick me off, but I think it's the fact that I let you aggravate me that makes me mad at myself."

"You're mad at yourself?" he tried to understand.

"In case you haven't realized, my father is Trigon."

"Yeah, I know, but-"

"Which means I hold his rage inside me. It doesn't define me, but it's still a large part of what I am."

"Who you are," Beast Boy corrected. Raven ignored him.

"My humanity tries to control the rage - my human side wants to be good. I am literally at war within myself and I can't change it, but I can try to suppress it. I can't ever stop the war and I hate that. I hate this part of me - the part that makes me what I am. I never wanted this to be my life. I want something... normal."

"So you'd rather not know any of us?" he brought to realization. Raven's eyes widened.

"No! You are my friends. I just want to have a normal life."

"Raven, you wouldn't know us if you had a normal life. So don't hate yourself. None of us hate you, Rae. We all love you. And we've all had our struggles - you're just still going through yours - and now you've got us to help you through it." Raven stayed silent, letting his honest words sink into her subconscious. "I'm sorry about your teapot," he continued. She clenched her jaw. "I'll buy you another one - whichever one you want. Even if I have to get another job to pay for it."

"Beast Boy, I appreciate your apology, but it was my fault the teapot was destroyed and there's no way I can replace it."

"What do you mean? Just run to the department store and-"

"No! Nothing can replace it. When I left Azarath, there were two things I brought with me - The Book of Azar and the porcelain teapot. Both were gifts from the monks who cared for me. Now, Azarath is gone and so is one of the last artifacts of the Temple. And it's my fault. My anger destroyed something I held close to my heart. My temper destroys everything I hold close to my heart."

"Is that why you stay away from us all the time?" Beast Boy asked timidly. She snorted in amusement.

"Maybe from you," she joked. "The truth is that, because my abilities allow me to sense others' emotions, I have to suppress them within me until can release them safely - which is when I'm alone."

"That makes sense. Cyborg always says that it's just 'cause you hate people," he tried to lift the mood, but Raven just closed her eyes. He could tell she didn't take it lightly. With Raven, it was always hard to tell the kind of mood she was in. Then again, he just tried everything until she responded - even if it was a violent response. He took a seat next to her on the bed. "So, Azarath... what's it like?" When she opened her eyes to look at him, he gave her an encouraging smile.

"It's a city that surrounds the temple I grew up in. It all floats on an island in the air."

"Cool! With, like, sand and stuff?"

"No. Everything is golden and it reflects the hues the sun creates in the air and clouds. You can almost see the swirls of the wind and the people never wish harm on any creature. It's the safest, most beautiful place you could imagine." She sighed. "I wish you could have seen it."

You know, I really love Raven you guys. And Beast Boy just compliments her so well - in the comics and the show. They're just perfect. Anyway, I was kind of thinking about how Raven admits in the comics that she hates the demonic part of herself. And, being Raven, she probably feels as though she doesn't deserve the life she has (being accepted by others and such). So I figured she might also feel as though she isn't an actual being, since the demon in her seems to show more. Which is why she refers to herself as a "what" in this chapter, to which Beast Boy promptly corrects with "who". I kind of want him to show her that she is capable of loving and being loved and accepted. Anyway, tell me if that's too out of character for them. :p