Alternative Ending to Romeo & Juliet {Modern English}

Continuation of Act 5, Scene 2

(Romeo enters vault and sees Juliet.)

Romeo: My love, why did you have to go? All of these plans and now none will ever happen.

(Romeo looks at potion in hand.)

If you're not here with me, there is no reason to live.

(Romeo raises potion to his lips.)

For you.

(Juliet awakes and sits up.)

Juliet: Romeo!

(Romeo drops potion.)

Romeo: Juliet! I thought you were dead!

Juliet: No, why would you think such a thing? Did you not get my message from the friar?

Romeo: Message from the friar? I did not get a message.

Juliet: I sent Friar Lawrence to tell you the plan he devised. I drank a potion the day before the wedding my parents planned. I was supposed to marry Paris.

Romeo: What did the potion do?

Juliet: It made me sleep for over a day, everyone thought I was dead. They had my funeral and put me here. I was to wake up with you here.

Romeo: I almost drank this...this poison.

Juliet: Our love was meant to be if I awoke right before you about to take your own life.

Romeo: It is meant to be anyway.

(Romeo and Juliet gaze at each other and smile. Juliet looks down to see Paris' lifeless body.)

Juliet: I see someone put up a fight…

Romeo: I wish it weren't so. I would do it again if I had to for you.

(Montague, Lady Montague, Capulet, Lady Capulet, and Friar Lawrence appear.)

Capulet: Paris! He's dead!

(Capulet looks at the blood on Romeo.)

Murderer! Criminal! The prince banished you from Verona! On what terms do you think you're allowed back? And Juliet! You…you're alive!

Juliet: I am. And Romeo is no criminal, he's a hero, he's my one and only, my love, my husband.

(Gasps throughout vault. Montague turns to Friar Lawrence.)

Montague: Did you know about all of this?

Friar Lawrence: I did.

Lady Montague: With who's permission?

Friar Lawrence: These two.

(Friar Lawrence turns to Romeo and Juliet.)

They are old enough to make their own decisions, no matter what family discrepancies there may be between the two of you or your husbands.

Capulet: That just will not do.

(Montague and Capulet look at each other and nod. Romeo and Juliet look at each other puzzled.)

Capulet: Romeo, I am your father.

Montague: You cannot love your sister.