Hi everyone ^^ Hope you'll like the third chapter of Our Last Dying Moment ^^

Sorry if Onodera is really OOC for you to handle ^^; You'll know when you see it.

Disclaimer: I don't own Sekaiichi Hatsukoi.

At last…I finally awoke. Looking back, for a moment I couldn't decipher if it was a dream, or reality.

The kissing, the rustling of clothes being shed to the floor, the squeak of the bedsprings, his sucking, my gasps, his groans, my moans…

…and then…


Screams of terror, agony, pain and my maniacal laughing reverberating across the room. I knew it would happen, but there's nothing I could do. I was a spectator in my own body. He curled himself up as I held the blunt object up above my head, grinning as it caused a sickening crack somewhere in his body. He screamed. I laughed.

"WHAT'S WRONG?! HAH?! DO YOU NOT LIKE THE PAIN?!" I threw the object across the room, grabbing his hair. "ANSWER ME!" He only sobbed and choked on his cries. I laughed even harder. How amusing these disgusting men were. But oh~ How much was I turned on. Ah…I need release.

Throwing him down onto the bed, I pulled out a bottle. He whimpered. I slapped him. "SHUT UP YOU PIECE OF SHIT!" I squeezed a large amount on my hand before placing it on his cock. I wasn't used to being submissive in certain situations, like right now. But I'm horny, and I need a good fuck. Without warning, I swiftly lowered myself onto him. It hurt, but it was pleasurable to just even look at him. Caressing his cheek gently, I smiled innocently.

"Don't worry, I'll make this wonderful for the both of us." Because it will be your last.

I shook my head vigorously and stood up from my bed. I could barely remember what happened afterwards, but I knew it wasn't pleasant, especially after seeing my bloodstained clothes in the laundry basket. As much as I regret what transpired last night, I'm just glad we didn't end up at my place. I didn't want to have a dead body right in the middle of my apartment.

But there is that possibility I may have dumped him in a river of some sort. Maybe the ocean even. I really couldn't remember. Heck, I could've burnt down the whole complex where he lived in and I wouldn't even believe one bit that I was the cause of it.

But even so, I'm never caught, it's like I'm one of those genius murderers who always get away with a nasty killing. And since I don't remember a single clear memory of it, guilt doesn't eat up at me.

Back then…I never knew how I had ended up in bloodstained clothes. I just assumed that I fell somewhere really steep. And it was logical for me since my family and I lived by the ocean, so I could've fallen down a sand hill for all I care. And that those flashbacks were from the many weird stories I would often read late at night. I didn't even realise that I actually had a split personality until I left Senpai.

Ah jeez, I let my mind wander off to him again. Does my mind always have to wander back to him everyday? I don't think he even remembers me anymore. The thought itself caused my chest to ache painfully. I frowned as I entered the kitchen. Why did I still end up falling in love with Senpai even though I had a split personality? I blinked in realisation as I poured myself a mug of coffee.

Ah yeah…that's right…

"Ritsu, I am immediately taking you out of that school!" My caretaker yelled at me. I felt anxiety and fear eat up at me. He was usually indifferent and calm, but now this was new to me.

"W-Why?!" I stand up from my seat at the dinner table. We were currently at home, having a meal after I suffered a mental breakdown again.

"Because every afternoon you return home, you always end up at this state!" He scolded, harshly pointing at my neck, where I had supposedly strangled myself.

"I didn't do it!" I retorted. It was true, I woke up in my bedroom and I had found these marks on me, I assumed that someone bullied me at school again. But that didn't sound right, since I was in the library with Saga-senpai…

"You did! I saw you with my own eyes! You came home, all normal and fine, and after a few minutes you changed completely and came to the point where you almost killed yourself!" I stared at him, speechless. I would never kill myself! Why would I?! I didn't want to leave this world yet, especially Senpai!

"B-but I-!"

"Ritsu, I need to explain something to you, in case if this will bring any crucial connections that may solve your predicament." Eh? What predicament? He sighed and rested his chin on his clasped fingers as he stared at me with a grave expression. I slid back down into my seat, resting my hands on my knees as I waited for my caretaker to continue.

"…when you were young…you were an odd child. You were very sociable, which was fine, but it came to the point where you began to talk to anyone. You even offered your kindness towards them and go off with them for long periods of time before coming back." I felt my jaw drop slightly. Why was I just going off on my own? Where were Mother and Father?

"Your mother and father were quite busy back then, having almost no time for you whatsoever. And so this newly hired maid was appointed to take care of you. I was the family doctor, so I would often keep an eye on you." I felt my stomach churn as my caretaker took a deep breath.

"Then one day, both you and the maid had completely disappeared. The maid – we finally know now – had gone by an alias to get close to you in particular. She was involved in human trafficking, which unfortunately you were a victim to." How could I not remember this? When did this even happen in my life?!

"A few days after your disappearance, a group of men had sent out a formal letter to your father, to say that if your family didn't hand over a large sum of money to the group, you would be dead." I felt my heart drop to my stomach. How could this have happen?

"Your family…they…didn't want you harmed anymore, so they made no move to contact the authorities and get more people involved. And so they gave your captors the money and let them go." I couldn't believe what I was hearing. They let them get away?

"When your family found you…it was…a terrible sight." …what…? "…they immediately brought you to me and…at that moment, I saw that you were deeply disturbed after what you've been through." What do you mean 'been through'?! It couldn't have been…

"S-so…I was…abused…?"

"…you were…unfortunately." I felt sick at that moment, looking back on all of those weird dreams I had ever since I was young. Were those dreams…real? I wrapped my arms around myself and gripped my sleeves. I felt so disgusted. Those…nightmares…were real.

"At the time, I was unable to pinpoint where your mentality stood, however you showed many signs of depression, so we assumed you had become apathetic. But…that wasn't the case."

"Then what was it then…?" I watched him with intent eyes. He was seemingly hesitant about telling what happened next. Why?

"It was your docile mental state, and if anyone tried to care for you or look after you…you would kill them. I immediately knew when I found out who the first two victims were." Care for me? Many people cared for me! Is that why they all left?

"I could remember it clearly before they talked to you. You were in your hospital room, almost fully healed. You were happy as you played with your toys, so I went to tell those two victims the good news." Both of them were there?

"They said, 'Oh thank goodness! It's been so long since we saw our dear Ritsu!' and practically rushed to your room. Who knew…it would've been the end of them…" I tried to think back on the past, who they were, why they would call me by my first name…

I gasped as I looked at my caretaker with wide eyes.

No…not them…please…

"…w-wait…my parents…?" I asked.

"…they…" No…I couldn't have…how?

"…did I…kill them?"

A long silence permeated the room…before…

A small nod was given.

I sighed as I placed my mug down. After that my caretaker said that after my two parents had died, he took me in and kept a close eye on me since. And through watching me closely, he found that my split personality would be triggered on two different occasions.

If I was cared for or shown signs of love, I'd kill them on the spot. If it was night and I was near someone, I would lure them somewhere and kill them before disappearing, both presumably because my past memories were brought back to the surface. I guess the experience was so traumatic to me that my memories were hidden from my sane mind.

So how was it that I was still able to go to middle and high school…?

"My boy, before you let the information sink in, there is a reason why I need you out of that school." I lifted my head from my hands. What else now? Does he think I could take anymore of this?

"Before you attended high school, your personality disappeared one day. And never came back again." I looked up at him with hope in my eyes. Does that mean I can still live a normal life?

"But…I now know you need to stay with me." I felt my whole world crashing down. I didn't want to be hidden away, why should I?! I'm alright! I'm fine!

"Why?! It's not fair!"

"Because!" His hand slammed down on the table, causing me to shrink back slightly. He sighed and hung his head low.

"I don't know what you do in that damned school…I told you not to make friends, didn't I?" I nodded. I only had a few acquaintances, but that was all.

"So why is it that you try to kill yourself?" I look down at my hands. I know why, but I don't want to tell my caretaker.

"I hear you yelling, 'Don't get closer to him!', 'Don't let him get near you!' and you scream in pain as you inflict yourself severely!" I clutched my hands. I don't understand…wouldn't I have…killed…Senpai already? What makes him excluded from my parents?! I love him as much as I loved them!

I'm so scared…who knows…maybe I might stop inflicting myself and start killing the people around me again…no…I don't want anyone else to die!

But even so...I don't want to go...I don't want to leave him all alone...

Before my caretaker continued, I stood up abruptly from the table, tears threatening to spill from my eyes.

"…t-..take me out of that school."

I frowned and narrowed my eyes at the wall. When I finally left him made me realise that I could never fall in love again. I had to keep my distance if I wanted the people I cared for to be alive. Even my caretaker, he could not show any emotion that was close to caring and often left me alone. I knew it wasn't intentional on his part, but I soon left his place once the feeling of loneliness got too much. Even now, I feel like I'm being suffocated, that all of the air has been drawn out of me, that I've now lost the voice to speak out to someone, anyone…

A loud knock drew me out of my thoughts. Tch, it's early morning, what now? I think bitterly as I walk up to the door.

"Ah…I've also been wanting to know this…" I muttered to myself as I strode to the door.

Even though it was assumed that Senpai was the reason I tried to kill myself…

"Ritsu! Open the door!"

why was it that…on that day…when I went over to his place…

"If you don't answer, I will break down this door at once!"

my personality didn't even appear in the slightest?

"Ritsu!" I was met with my caretaker's exhausted face, as if he ran up the stairs. Before I could say a word of greeting to him, I was met with a newspaper article pushed in my face.

"Explain this." I look at it, before my eyes slowly turned wide with horror as I took the newspaper from him.

"Ritsu…how in the world…could you have done this?!"

"I-I…" I drop the newspaper in panic, pushing myself up against the wall as I clutched my head. "What…?" That can't be...I remember...he...he...

"Ritsu…I don't know what you did last night..."

"But your co-worker's alive."

Oh my god I finally updateddd ;^; It's been so long ne? Sorry minna! I'm finally on two weeks break so I'll try write up another chapter very soon! Bye for now!