So my dog Shadow (named after Midnight Shadow from Avenged Sevenfold), had puppies they are now a little over a month old and sooo cute! We are keeping one her little girls we named her Zelda and as I type this chapter she is lying asleep on my lap with her mommy at my side!
I hope everyone has had a great day and if anyone has any books they would like to recommend to me as I am slowly running out of books! Currently I am reading the Dollanganger Series from V.C Andrews!

I am burdened with glorious books!

- Chapter Eight Getting the Ball Rolling

No matter how he looked at it Harry's life was never to be normal. Normal is everything that Harry strives for. He wants to be able to meet someone for the first time and them not looking at his scar and knowing his name before he even mentions it. Harry wants the basic wizarding life, to get a job and work.

No matter how he looked at what he has planned for the wizarding world he is in the center. To change the laws and upgrade the school he needs to be there. Sure he would be able to delegate most of the responsibilities but he needed a way to get the ball rolling.

The instigator would unfortunately be his fame.

Fame, why would people want to become famous? They are known and gossiped about and people make all the wrong conclusions to what actually is happening.

Fame sucks, plain and simple. If you want to become famous go ahead just wait for people to turn, they always do.

But then it hit him. Sure he could use his fame he just needed to pull more of a Dumbledore. The thoughts rolling in Harry's head he could almost kiss Daphne –not that he would- for her way of words. However Harry didn't have a way with words heck he couldn't even dance! It cost him large to get Daphne to teach him!

So once again he was stumped, sitting in the library with Hermione a few tables away appearing to be spying on him, again. She has been doing that a lot lately… Harry thought before scribbling some of the ideas rolling in his head down in his note book. His thoughts were interrupted though as a few students entered.

"Hermione Granger, is it?" Asked a brunette Hufflepuff her hair blocking her face from view.

"Yes do you need anything?" Hermione asked in her usual clipped tone.

"How do you think Harry cheated his way into the tournament?" The Hufflepuff muttered just loud enough for Harry to hear, her potter Stinks badge proudly worn on her uniform.

"He probably found an older student to do it for him." Was Hermione's reply not bothering to be quiet about her belief.

The Hufflepuff however didn't look amused. "I thought he was your friend?"

"If he stopped being a child and talk Ronald and I already apologized"

The Brunette laughed. "Fine."

Before the brunette left the library however she stepped towards Madame Pince. The face she made as the young Hufflepuff talked was priceless shooing the young lady away she made her way to the restricted section before making her way in front of Hermione who seemed oblivious to the cold glare on the librarians face.

"Miss Granger I would like my books back."

"but Madame I haven't finished my essay-"

"Not those books you know very well what books I am speaking of!"

"Surely Madame-"

"Everyone Library is closed you have five minutes!" Madame Pince screeched to the other students before paying her attention back on Hermione.

Harry couldn't believe his ears; Hermione Granger was getting in trouble in the library. It made his day. Quickly gathering his things he searched for the Hufflepuff but she wasn't in sight.

A couple of days later you could see Harry speaking with Neville in the common room getting ready to leave. Nev, had apologised for not speaking up sooner but Harry quickly forgave him as Neville reminded him how many times he was ignored by Harry. One of the examples was when Neville had the leg locking curse cast upon him by Draco.

"A Hufflepuff got Hermione, in trouble?" Neville laughed.

"It's true!" Harry said aloud arms in the air. "I think her name is Megan she's in our COMC class, noticed her hair right away."

"Yes and I'm the Dark Lord Nevillus." Neville joked popping candy in his mouth. "and Trevor is my mighty companion!"

"If you're a Dark Lord I'm the Doctor…" Neville made a face. "Never mind so why do you say that?"

"Megan is never in trouble- she- well she's just there!" Neville said not knowing much of the young girl in question.

"The same could be said about you too Neville."

"Hey that's not fair." Neville wined. "Fine suppose she did have something to do with Hermione Getting in trouble how did she get the books in question into the Gryffindor girls dorm?"

"I don't know." Harry said defeated. Seconds later the twins walked into the room both laughing. "Oi! Ginger one and two!"

"I believe the great Harry potter sir is calling us Gred-"

"I believe you are right Forge!"

"What can we do for-"

"Harry Master today?" They asked smiling.

"Do you guys know a Megan our year from Hufflepuff?" Neville asked.

"Nope not at all-"

"you're asking the wrong blokes" with that they tried to leave.

"You do know her then." Said harry from behind them.

"Why would you say that Harry, we don't know no MJ do we forge?"

"Nope not at all.."

"MJ" Neville laughed. "Harry this is priceless. The twins are protecting a Hufflepuff!"

"We are not!" The twins announced.

"Besides she's more like a Slytherin, very sly." The other added.

"So where would we find this Slytherpuff?" Harry asked a little proud of his new word.

"She finds you." The twins exclaimed before escaping.

"Really Harry, Slytherpuff?"

"Would you prefer, Huff-therin?" He asked rolling his eyes.

"So Harry where are we going? I seriously doubt that we are just taking a nice little stroll this close to-"

"The shrieking shack"


"I have some important questions that the portraits don't need to hear."

"and what will the portraits do, tell on us?" murmured Neville, Harry just glared. "So to the shack of shrieking I guess!"

Once in the shack harry sat Neville down on the dirty ground. He didn't do or say anything for what seemed like hours to Neville when in reality was only second.

"Nev, What do you want to do after graduation?" Neville's cheeks coloured but he answered anyhow.

"My nan thinks I'm going to become a ministry worker but I want to be a Professor and Teach Herbology" He smiled thinking of all the plants he would have to work with day in and day out.

"What do you think of the way the school is run, truthfully?" Harry asked.

"Its fine I guess." Harry glared. "Fine it's out of date the books are older that the professors and we don't even have half the classes we should!"

"What about the government, laws and well the wizarding world?"

"The governments is just in shambles mainly for bullies like Malfoy to get what they want, heck the Malfoy's are not even a Noble house!" This gained some interest to Harry. "The laws are just the result of what people wanted at the time and the wizarding world doesn't have a backbone to stand on they rely on scapegoats and trickery to get anything and the people who don't use those means are sheep in another's plans!"

"What would you say if I said I wanted to change that all of it but we need some help how far are you willing to go?"

"But Harry this will take a life time are you really going to try?"

"Neville, my life is never going to be normal, why not get the ball rolling early?"