Here is the next chapter. This is longer than any other chapter I have written. This is probably the longest story I have written so far. But just wait till you see the Elements of Insanity story. That story is going to totally KICK ASS! Anyway, so I'm working on changing my writing style a bit to more story like writing. Cause my writing is in like an essay style, or Format. SO, you probably don't give any bits what I do or the upcoming KICK ASS stories, sooooooo go ahead and read on to see what happens next. Enjoy!


Eclipse threw a punch at Bonerip, but missed. Bonerip grabbed his arm and snapped it. Princess Celestia shot Bonerip in the back with a beam. He let out a little pain filled cry. She shot another beam at him. Bonerip moved to the side and held Eclipse in front of him. The beam hit Eclipse instead. Eclipse screamed in pain. Bonerip slammed him to the ground and then went after Princess Celestia. Eclipse tripped him before he could get to her.

"You're really getting on my nerves," shouted Bonerip angrily," just die already you chump!" Bonerip kicked him hard in the face making Eclipse shout in pain. Bonerip got up and turned his hooves into blades. Princess Celestia ran after him and began shooting beams at him. He blocked the beams with his blades. Princess Celestia levitated a sword in front of her. She held it in her mouth and continued charging at him. As they were face-to-face Bonerip jumped in the air and clawed at Princess Celestia's back. She grunted in pain and grabbed the sword with her hooves. She turned around and swung the sword at Bonerip. He blocked it and then jabbed his blade at her. It went through her stomach and blood seeped out of the cut. She coughed up blood and fell to the ground. Bonerip lifted his blades ready to strike. Eclipse saw Bonerip about to kill the love of his life.

"No! Bonerip don't kill her," shouted Eclipse in worry," kill me! I'm the one you want! So get over here and take me on you piece of crap!"

Bonerip looked at him and thought for a bit.

"How about this," stated Bonerip," I kill her then I kill you so you don't have to live through the pain?"

"Why don't you turn that around," shouted Eclipse standing up tall," kill me then kill her! Let's settle this like real stallions and fight!"

"Hmm," thought Bonerip," no I like my other idea better. Goodbye Princess!"

An axe hit Bonerip's spine causing him to scream out in agony. Eclipse was shocked and looked to the direction of the attacker. He was very surprised and angry at the same time. Sage was the one responsible for the axe hitting Bonerip. Bonerip looked behind him and got hit in the face by a tomahawk. He shouted in pain and turned his hooves back to normal. He took the tomahawk out of his face. Sage ran up to Bonerip and flipped over him. He got a hold of the axe and tugged it out hard ripping Bonerip's spine, and head, from his body. Sage landed on the ground and got into a defensive stance. Bonerip's body fell to the ground limp. Bonerip woke up in his normal body and looked at the direction of his death. He grunted out in anger. He saw another Brute Renovy and switched souls again. He roared out in anger and ran towards Sage, Eclipse, and the Princess. Princess Celestia was healing Eclipse and herself.

"Hurry up and heal you two," said Sage extending his blades," Bonerip is coming back. I'll buy you guys some time."

"Why should I listen to you," said Eclipse in anger," you're evil and a coward. You brought nothing but pain to us."

"I brought pain to you guys," shouted Sage in a questioning manner," you're the one who brought pain and sorrow to us!"

"You're the one who started it," shouted Princess Celestia as she was massaging Eclipse's snapped arm that she was healing," if it weren't for you then we wouldn't of had a war in the first place!"

"That's in the past," said Sage thinking of what Fluttershy told him," you have to put the past behind you. That's all over now. I want to say I'm sorry for all that I've done. I want to be good like all of you. You guys have friends that are like family. I just have an army who just fights for money, and just kill. We're nothing like a family. Will your forgive me? I want to be your friend."

Sage looked at them with pity and sadness in his eyes. They looked at him angrily for a while and then they saw that he was telling the truth. They both looked at each other and sighed.

"Will you be my friends?" asked Sage. Eclipse and Princess Celestia looked at him. They sighed and then nodded their heads.

"I forgive you," said Eclipse," I will be your friend, and I will fight beside you." Sage smiled at him and then looked at Princess Celestia. She sighed and looked down. She looked back up at him.

"I forgive you too," said Princess Celestia," welcome to the herd."

Sage smiled at the both of them and then looked back at Bonerip who was just ten yards away. Bonerip swung two blades at Sage. Sage blocked them with his blades and round house kicked Bonerip hard in the face. Bonerip fell to the ground hard.

"I'll buy you some time," said Sage smiling daringly at Bonerip," hurry up you two. We've got some bones to break."

Bonerip looked up at him and swung his hooves upward. Sage hopped over him and jabbed his hooves at Bonerip's skull. The blades jammed in his skull and hooked onto it. Sage pulled his head away from his body. Bonerip shouted out in pain.

"Not again," shouted Bonerip frustrated and angry," I'm better than thiiiiii-!"

He was interrupted as his skull was ripped from his body. He fell to the ground dead again. He woke up in his normal body and was growling in anger. He killed another Brute Renovy and swapped souls. He ran towards Sage again shouting out in rage. He ran towards Sage who was in a defensive position ready for his strike. Bonerip turned his hooves into blasters and began shooting rapidly at Sage. The mare came out of Sage and put her hooves together and formed a shield. All the beams bounced off of the shield. Bonerip got irritated and sped up. The mare went back into Sage and he ran towards Bonerip. Bonerip jumped in the air and got ready to strike. Sage stopped running and smiled at him grimly. Bonerip was confused then he got shot down by a beam. He yelped in pain. He looked up and saw Princess Celestia shooting beams at him. Eclipse flying at him fast wielding an axe. Bonerip's eyes grew wide and he shouted in horror. Eclipse swung the axe at Bonerip and cracked his skull open killing him instantly. Bonerip woke up again and got even angrier. He killed another one of his brutes and swapped souls. Applebloom was watching Bonerip swap souls for the third time. She was curious what was happening. She saw Bonerip wake up again.

"Damnit," shouted Bonerip," everytime!"

He killed another Brute and charged at Sage, Eclipse, and Princess Celestia. Applebloom watched as he ran after them again. She closed her eyes as they tore him apart to shreds. She looked at his dead body waiting for him to wake up. He jerked upwards as he woke up.

"I can't keep losing," said Bonerip in anger," I go to kill them!"

Applebloom was watching him the whole time studying his moves and how he was still alive. She was wondering what would happen if this body was destroyed. She saw him wake up again and she hid behind Debris. He shouted in irritation and anger.

"I will kill you all," shouted Bonerip," if it's the last thing I do!"

He swapped souls again. Applebloom took a closer look at the body. Bonerip woke up again. He swapped souls again and again. Applebloom thought of an idea. She went to the battle and took a dead Grim's axe. She went back to Bonerip's back up body.


He swung a blade at Princess Celestia and she dodged it. She kicked his face and stunned him. She punched his ribcage and her hoof went right through his chest. He gasped and fell to the ground dead. After he fell to the ground dead, she held her hoof in pain. Eclipse and Sage both looked at her in shock.

"Oh man," said Eclipse," that hurt me just watching it."

"That really hurt," said Princess Celestia with a tear forming in her eyes.

"It's okay babe," said Eclipse holding her hoof and massaging it," it only hurts for a little while."

[Attempt 31]

Bonerip came back and began to attack. Sage ran up to him and tripped him. As he fell Eclipse smashed his skull with a hammer. Bonerip woke up again and was boiling with anger.

"This is getting really annoying!" shouted Bonerip. He swapped his soul for the millionth time.

[Attempt 89]

He ran towards Sage with his hooves turned into axes. Before he could strike he was hit on his side by Eclipse and Princess Celestia. He fell to the ground hard and looked up. Eclipse and Princess Celestia were holding a giant piece of Debris.

"You got to be kidding!" shouted Bonerip as the Debris was thrown on his head smashing it.

[Attempt 100,000]

Bonerip was held still by Princess Celestia and Eclipse as Sage had his bat out aiming for his head.

"Come on this is unfair," said Bonerip angrily," three against one! That's pretty much one sided! Come on let's all be…"


Sage hit his skull hard making it fly across the room.

[Attempt 100,001]

"This is getting ridiculous," said Bonerip as he was held still again, but this time by Sage and Princess Celestia," this is just plain unfair and a cowardly thing to do."

Eclipse swung the bat but missed terribly. Sage, Princess Celestia, and Bonerip looked at him with disbelief.

"Bro he was right in front of you how could you…" Sage was interrupted when Eclipse shouted.

"I don't know," shouted Eclipse," this bat must be broken or something. What happening?"

"You fricken suck that's what's happening," shouted Bonerip," just leave it to the prof…"


[Attempt 101,533]

Bonerip's head was smashed to bits by Eclipse and Sage when they hit his skull on both sides with hammers. His body fell limp to the ground. Eclipse and Sage smiled and brohoofed.


He woke up and was shouting in anger. He looked up at the sky and was about to shout again. He heard hoofsteps behind him. He looked behind him and gasped. Applebloom tackled him down to the ground. Bonerip got pinned down to the ground. Applebloom was breathing heavily in anger.

"You brought terror and fear down upon their town," shouted Applebloom," why? It's because of you their town is under distress and sadness! Innocent ponies were killed and made into you zombies!"

"Don't lecture me about Sunny Town," shouted Bonerip," I didn't bring them fear and distress! I brought them truth and happiness! Those curse marks are nothing but evil and bring distress across the lands!"

"Then how come Ponyville and all of Equestria is a cutie mark filled land," shouted Applebloom," everypony is happier with a cutie mark!"

"Quit calling it that," said Bonerip kicking Applebloom off of him," they're called curse marks! Ruby had to die or else she would have infected my town!"

Bonerip ran towards Applebloom and swung his hooves at her. She ducked and grabbed his hooves. She flung him over her body and slammed him to the ground.

"She didn't deserve to die," said Applebloom about to break down to tears," Ruby and Mitta both didn't deserve their fate! They could've lived such happy lives, but you had to go and make the village kill her! How can you live with yourself?"

Bonerip looked at her and then at the battle. He watched all his zombie friends killing all of the other ponies, and the other ponies killing them. But he noticed that most of his zombie soldiers were crying or sad. Bonerip sighed deeply. His skin was coming back and his eye was reattaching itself to its socket. Bonerip's mane grew back and his bones were fully covered by skin. Applebloom watched in awe as he was becoming a normal pony. She heard all of the swords and crossbows drop to the floor. She looked to the battle and saw that everypony stopped fighting. She saw two lights floating above Canterlot. One of the lights was golden and the other was maroon. Applebloom smiled at the two figures as she recognized them. A tear rolled down her cheeks as she saw Ruby and Mitta. All of the Renovies looked up at them in awe. Then they felt something surrounding their bones. They looked down and saw that their skin was coming back. They all looked surprised and began to panic. Some even turned their hooves into blades and began to tear at their flesh. Bonerip looked up and saw Ruby and Mitta coming closer. He began to move uncomfortably. Applebloom gripped onto him tighter. Ruby motioned for her to get off of him. Everypony watched the two friends encounter Bonerip. Bonerip began to cower away from them. Then he was pressed up against a wall. Ruby and Mitta walked up to him. He tried to turn his hooves into a blaster, sword, or some sort of weapon to attack, but he was no longer a Renovy. He was just an ordinary stallion.

"B-Back away you t-two," said Bonerip in a shaky voice," d-don't m-make me kill you…again."

Ruby and Mitta raised their hooves. Bonerip got into a fetal position and began whimpering. They put their hooves on his back and patted him gently. Bonerip gasped in surprise.

'Why are they treating me like this?' asked Bonerip to himself.

"You have brought much pain and distress to Equestria," said Ruby in a soft voice," you'll have to be punished. You have killed hundreds of thousands of innocent ponies."

"You will have to suffer the same fate that we did," said Mitta," we have died protecting others. Some have died for no reason, not even given a chance."

Mitta motioned to Ruby who looked at the ground sadly. Bonerip felt shame fall over him. He was frightened of the curse marks. He saw them as threats to his town.

"I'm so sorry Ruby," said Bonerip," I was scared that my town would be infected and destroyed, so I made them kill you. The curse marks got me frightened. Anypony who has a curse mark must be killed."

"Well then I guess we have no choice but to kill you," said Mitta in disappointment.

"Kill me," said Bonerip is exaggeration," there will be no such thing my dear. You see this isn't my real body. This is…"

"Which is why we sent a few of our friends to Sunny Town to find your body and destroy it," said Ruby," but they won't destroy any of the Zombies, or Renovies which is what you called them. They will instead show them the beauty of cutie marks and have them apologize for their mistakes. Once they feel sorry, hopefully they do, and then we will finally get our freedom."

"Freedom," asked Bonerip in horror," No! No! NO! I will not allow it! I love this curse! I will not go back to living in a useless body! I will not go back to feeling fear!"

Bonerip jumped up and over Ruby and Mitta's ghosts. He began running towards an axe. Applebloom threw her axe at his legs. It hit him on his legs and caused him to scream. He hasn't felt this much pain ever since he was alive.

"Don't kill him," said Ruby," if you do then he'll wake up in his normal body and try to escape his death."

Bonerip was holding his legs and trembled in pain. He grabbed the axe and tugged hard. He let out a loud pain filled cry. He raised the axe and began to bash his head against the sharp edge of the axe. He was crying from all the pain. Applebloom jumped up and snatched the axe away from him. He was bleeding so much that he can fill up a whole bathtub. He fell to the ground and was finding it harder to breath. He smiled knowing that he would die soon. He gave the others a grim smile.

"Tiprotec ym ybod mifro eth rintrude," said Bonerip loud enough for the Renovies to hear him. The Renovies all looked at the Everfree Forest and began to run in that direction. Mitta hovered in front of them and stopped them.

"Fi uyo od nithe uyo liwil ide," shouted Mitta in a threatening tone. All the Renovies stopped in their tracks and looked back at Bonerip.

"Tidon niliste…ot rhe," shouted Bonerip weakly," esh si a…tighos! Esh tican od…ganythin ot uyo!"

The Renovies continued to run towards the Everfree Forest. Then an axe flew by and hit a Renovy in the skull. It fell to the ground dead. All the Renovies stopped and looked for their attacker, it was Applebloom. She had another axe ready to strike again.

"I was afraid of you when I was a filly," said Applebloom," I still am, but I will step up and kill you if I have to. You killed Ruby because of a stupid rumor."

A zombie pony(Renovy) looked at her with shock and curiosity. He took a closer look at her and gasped.

"The filly…from the woods," said the zombie pony in a moaning voice," you left us…to rot. You're stupid friend…saved…you."

Other Renovies, and zombies, looked at her in confusion. Some of the Renovies, and zombies, recognized her from the woods.

"You came by Sunny Town," said another moaning zombie," you found…out our secret…and our curse."

"We said that we would…protect you forever," said a different Renovy," but you still left…we just wanted to be friends."

"Now you'll die for sure," said another Renovy as he limped his way forward. The others followed him. Applebloom held her position and gripped her axe tighter. Scootaloo, Sweetiebelle, and Babs Seeds ran to her sides wielding swords and axes as well. They were all scared, but they always stay as a group.

"Once a Cutie Mark Crusaders," said Sweetiebelle.

"Always a Cutie Mark Crusader," finished Scootaloo.

"Come on girls we can take em," said Scootaloo.

"Cutie Mark Crusaders…" said Babs Seeds.

"Equestrian Heroes!" they all shouted. The Cutie Mark Crusaders all smiled and got ready to attack. They held up their weapons and ran towards the horde of the dead.

"Don't let them reach the forest!" shouted Sweetiebelle. Applebloom stood on two hooves and ran towards the Renovies, and Zombies like a human would. The others watched Applebloom in awe as she was running at a fast speed with her axe drawn back. She closed her eyes and thought of Pinkie Pie as she ran to battle like this. She imagined Pinkie Pie spinning in the air and kicking a Renovy's head clean off its body. Applebloom spun around and kicked a Renovy hard on the face sending his head flying through the air. Pinkie Pie flipped over a zombie and ripped its head off its body. The zombie fell to the ground dead by Applebloom's legs. Applebloom held the zombie's head in her hooves and dropped it. (Applebloom is doing whatever Pinkie Pie is doing in her mind. Just saying) Applebloom pulled a cupcake out of her satchel and closed her eyes as she blew on it. She thought hard, so hard you could see a vein sticking out of her forehead. Then she opened her eyes and they were glowing pink. Pinkie Pie looked at a group of Renovies and zombies running, or limping, towards her. She held her hoof out at them and smiled. Applebloom was smiling at them and she screamed loudly. The cupcake in her hooves became a boiling hot ball of energy. The cupcake shot out of her hooves and went right through every single creature in her way.

"Cross my heart…" said Pinkie Pie

"Hope to fly…" said Applebloom

"Stick a cupcake…" said Pinkie Pie

"In my eye…" said Applebloom with a tear in her eye.

Then she shot another cupcake at a zombie and it went through his eye killing him. Pinkie Pie spun around with her axe and spun around so fast that she could create a twister. Renovies and Zombies fell to the ground dead one by one. Applebloom threw her axe at a Renovy's head smashing it's skull open. Pinkie Pie stuffed her hoof in a Renovy's mouth and pulled upward ripping its head off. She Bent down and spun-kick a zombie's legs off. She punched a Renovy through his chest killing him instantly. She lifted up the limp body and tossed it at a group of Renovies and zombies making them all fall down like bowling pins. She jumped over the piled up rotten flesh and bones, and landed on top of a Renovy and punched through his skull, then she roundhouse-kicked a zombie hard killing it instantly. She did a side-ways flip and smashed a zombie's head into mush. She went on her front hooves and spun around, while still on her front hooves, and spread her hind legs, kicking zombies and Renovies repeatedly. She went back to standing on her hind hooves and punched a zombie's nose into its head, and smashed whatever brains that remain. She heard a screech and looked up. She saw a hooded Renovy airborne, and headed towards her. She ran up to a dead body and lifted up a sword that belonged to it. She jumped on top of a zombie's head and kicked off of it to gain higher air. She held her sword in the air and swung at the Renovy. It tried to stop, but it was too late. The sword had enough force that it went through the entire body, cutting it in half. All the bones scattered into a bunch of little pieces. When Pinkie Pie came down she jabbed the sword at a zombie. The sword was long, and sharp, so it went through the zombies head and through a few other zombies and Renovies. Applebloom stood at the top of the pile of dead bones, and flesh, breathing heavily. She turned around and saw the other Renovies and zombies surrounding her. She tried to pull the sword out of the pile of bodies, but it was stuck. Two Renovies lunged at her to strike, but missed. Applebloom jumped down and looked at her surroundings. Pinkie Pie was looking around her frightened. There was no way out. They all began to charge at her. Pinkie Pie began fighting them off one by one. Applebloom fought off the incoming zombies and Renovies one by one. Pinkie Pie couldn't take them all on. Applebloom began to panic. Pinkie Pie heard a large growl. Applebloom turned around and saw Grims coming to help the Renovies and zombies. The Timberwolves were long gone already.

'Cross my heart,' thought Pinkie Pie as now Grims began to attack.

'Hope to fly,' thought Applebloom dodging a Grim's sword.

'Stick a cupcake,' thought Pinkie Pie as she grabbed the sword out of the Grim's hooves and swung at its neck.

'In my eye,' finished Applebloom as she cut off the Grim's head.

Pinkie Pie threw the sword at a hooded Renovy in the sky. It fell to the ground dead. Applebloom watched the hooded Renovy fall down to the ground. She continued to fight off the horde one by one. Pinkie Pie killed many Grims and Renovies. A Brute Grim threw his axe at Pinkie Pie. She turned around and half her right arm was cut off. Applebloom held her arm in pain and screamed. Scootaloo flew in fast knocking over a large group of Renovies, zombies, and Grims. Scootaloo helped Applebloom up and aided her. A Renovy shot a beam at Scootaloo. Scootaloo lifted Applebloom off the ground. Scootaloo felt something hit her in the back. She fell to the floor in pain and dropped Applebloom. Scootaloo was holding her back in agony. She had a tear flowing down her cheek. She was breathing heavier and fell flat on her stomach. She saw hooves in front of her. Scootaloo looked up and saw Sweetiebelle blocking a beam with a shield.

"You hit me Sweetiebelle," said Scootaloo holding her throbbing back.

"Sorry Scoot," said Sweetiebelle apologetically," this beam would've killed you."

"What did you hit me with?" asked Scootaloo going back to aid Applebloom.

"Probably with the armor I have on," said Sweetiebelle," I pushed you out of the way. I might've hit you with my armor on my shoulder with the sharp part. It gives a pretty nasty sting"

A Grim ran towards Scootaloo and Applebloom. Babs Seeds jumped in front of them and bashed the Renovy's skull open with an axe.

"I hate these zombie ponies," shouted Babs Seed," I hate the Renovies, Zombie ponies, and the Grims!"

Before any other Renovy, zombie, or Grim could attack, everypony began to attack them. The Renovies, zombies, and Grims were getting pushed back by the good ponies. Greatheart and Nightcore came to Applebloom to heal her arm. Eclipse, Sage, and Princess Celestia were back to their small stage and went to aid everypony in battle.

"NNNNNNOOOOOOOOOOO!" shouted Bonerip as he saw he was losing. Renovies, zombies, and Grims were being killed hundreds at a time. They were getting decapitated, smashed, melted, hung, or made into trophies, for those hardcore warriors. Bonerip was pinned down to the ground by the twin brothers. They were bored out of their minds, but they were told that they were the best ponies for the job. So that made them a bit happier.

"Likil em," shouted Bonerip to one of his Renovies," likil em! Os titha ew nica niwi!"

The Renovy nodded his head and ran towards Bonerip and the brothers. The brothers looked at him daringly and surprised.

"You challenge us?" asked the black haired brother.

"What an idiot," said the other brother. The Renovy stopped running and pointed his hoof at Bonerip, but nothing happened. The Renovy was puzzled and looked at his hoof. It was covered in skin. He let out a shriek of horror and shock. He was changing into a normal pony. He began to panick and started running around. He rammed into a wall and slid down to the floor. The skin covered more than half his body now. He looked at Bonerip scared. Bonerip was just as scared.

"Eth lispel si gibreakin!" shouted the Renovy.

"I think he said the spell is breaking," said one of the brothers.

"It sounded like it," said the other brother.

"On it tican't be," said Bonerip. His eyes widened in shock. The Renovy looked at him and got worried.

"They're in Sunny Town," said the Renovy covering his mouth with his hooves," We have to…what's wrong with me? Why am I talking pony?"

"The spell is breaking," shouted Bonerip fighting to stand up," we…haave…toooo…STOOOP…THEEEEEEEM!"

Bonerip broke away from the brother's grip and ran towards the Everfree Forest.

"Come on we have to go," Bonerip told his Renovy friend," we have to stop the spell from being broken!"

"Right let's go," said his friend," I can't be seen normal again. I like being a monster."

"All Renovies retreat," shouted Bonerip," retreat back to Sunny Town. Only we can find it! Hurry! Heal yourselves in the rotten soil! Come on!"

All the Renovies and zombies made their way to the Everfree Forest. Everypony was killing as many Renovies and Zombies as they can, but the Grims aided the Renovies and zombies. Sage looked at them angrily.

"You betrayed us boss," shouted one of the Grims.

"You left us to be with those fleshlings," shouted another.

"Now it's time to die," said a Grim as his face was changing to its Nightmare form. Sage gritted his teeth in anger. He lifted his blades up ready to attack. Jester twirled his staff around making a giant lightning storm. He whistled loudly to get all the Grim's attention. They all looked at him.

"Have you ever been in a storm before," asked Jester preparing his strike," well today's your lucky day!"


Finally done with this chapter, it took me a day in a half I think. Anyways, I hoped you liked it. Thought Scootaloo was going to die huh? No…well then…I will kill her…JK…I tried to make it sound like she was dyeing like Rainbow Light. I made like half the scene pretty much how Pinkie Pie and Rainbow Light died. Same wounds, and attacks, and everything! Same arm got cut off. Both saviors come flying in fast knocking over the enemy. Getting shot, or hit in the back with Sweetiebelle's armor, and dyeing, or whining on the ground. So I hope you liked it. Leave a review if you did. If you want an OC's in my stories.

Also, Ruby and Mitta belong to the original creator of The Story of The Blanks game, and story.

Of course you know who My Little Pony Friendship Is Magic belongs to. Hasbro Studios

Almost every single OC belongs to me in this story except for the ones that were requested to be in it. I already explained who the OC's belong to on my profile Bio.

So anyway, that's all I can think of to say. So leave a review of your favorite OC's, favorite parts of the story, criticism, OC requests, and MLPL0V3R, I will put your OC in the story, it might be the next chapter. I am accepting ANY OC'S RIGHT NOW FOR THE NEXT CHAPTER. I WILL NEED ABOUT 4-5. IF YOU WANT YOUR OC TO BE ON AN EXTREMELY SKILLED ASSASSIN'S TEAM THEN SEND ME A REQUEST. ONLY IF YOU WANT. Alright, so hope you guys, and girls, have a goodnight, or day, depending where you live, and see you all later. BROHOOF/)