Snape sat rigidly in the chair before Dumbledore, his sallow complexion paler than usual and his dark eyes fixated and emotionless.

"So, Severus, what was on the agenda for Death Eaters tonight?" asked Dumbledore casually, as though he were discussing a lesson plan.

"Recruiting giants." Snape responded tersely.

"Ah yes…Voldemort was always fond of them. I think he favors their intimidation factor. But if I must admit, I have always found giants to be exceedingly gentle and innocuous…just take a look at Hagrid…" Dumbledore mused thoughtfully as Snape continued to clench his fists. "I trust it went well? He has gained them as allies?"

Snape nodded curtly.

"So then what is it, Severus, that is troubling you?" Dumbledore asked curiously, finally acknowledging the man's disquiet. "Do you believe the giants will pose an insurmountable threat to the Order?"

"Of course not."

"Then, Severus, what is it? Please tell me."

Snape looked up slowly, his black eyes meeting Dumbledore's. "After the successful enlistment, they all wanted to…celebrate." He spoke bitterly. "There was a small Muggle village a few miles away. We broke into a house on the edge of town…a family of four. They were using Crucio on all of them, for sport…Bellatrix" (he snarled her name venomously) "was using it on the smallest child."

Dumbledore narrowed his eyes in shared contempt. Snape's expression hardened.

"He was…roaring in pain. I told her that her efforts were fruitless. That his body was too small to feel the curse, that he was likely screaming in fear." His voice was unbearably bitter. "So she stopped, so he could watch her torture and kill his mother, and then…set Greyback on him. To kill." His jaw clenched, he stared aggressively at Dumbledore. "Does that satisfy your curiosity?"

Dumbledore didn't speak for a few moments, surveying the tense man before him. His eyes, though melancholy, gleamed with something like pride for a fleeting second.

"You're a good man, Severus."

Snape glared at him angrily. "Don't say that!" he spat. "It is my fault that the child died. Had I not redirected Bellatrix, she would likely have lost interest. The two lives would have been spared. I am not…a good man," he muttered disgustedly, his harsh features pinched in self-loathing.

Dumbledore shook his head quickly. "It is not your fault. You were trying to save the child from pain. To openly protect him would have completely blown your cover…you did your best under the circumstances." Snape snorted incredulously. "Severus, you cannot compare yourself to the other Death Eaters. They find recreational pleasure in harming others…you sit before me, horrified and regretful of what you witnessed. That difference…is distinct."

Snape continued to look at the man disbelievingly, the lines of his face etched with anguish and regret. He shook his head slightly.

Dumbledore leaned closer. "You are a good man, Severus." He said quietly but forcefully. After a few moments, Snape's face relaxed slightly and regained its normal pallid color. He sighed heavily.

"Now. How about a raspberry lollipop?"