A/N: I'm going to need cooperation on this. I have never written an Avenger's fan fiction and I haven't read any of comics. I've only seen the movies, so don't expect anything to be correct. I will probably make a few mistakes here and there in the story. If I do, please politely correct me and I'll try and learn from it. Anyways, thank you for taking your chance with reading this. I would love to hear back so I can decide whether or not to continue with this fan fiction.


Loki walked down the halls of the Asgardian Palace that he had once dared to call home. It had been years since the attack that he had orchestrated upon New York. In the time between his run of destruction and the present, he had spent his time in the dungeons of Asgard paying for his crimes.

Odin's punishment had been swift and had done its job. Loki was a shell of the man he once used to be, or that's at least what he had convinced the masses of. To a lot of people, his eyes seemed dull and lacking the life they once seemed to overflow with.

As Loki entered Asgard's Hall, where his punishment would be dealt out, the crowds went from insanely loud to deathly quiet. The closer he got to Odin, the more Loki thought that his ruse would be found out. Loki was a master at lying, but even he was unsure that this lie would play out as he planned.

"Loki Odinson," Odin's voice boomed. Loki wanted to growl at Odin and curse his once father for the use of that name, but managed to restrain himself. If he made the wrong move now, everything was for naught. Loki simply looked Odin in the eyes with his dead, mirthless gaze. Odin almost faltered his words in shock, but managed to successfully say, "You stand here today after serving the first half of your punishment. Today is the day that you face the second half of your punishments."

Loki continued to stare at Odin. When Odin's eyes shined with slight confusion, Loki realized that his ploy was working. If he kept it up, he might manage to get off with only a minor punishment. If he's lucky, he figured that he would be able to escape without being exiled.

"I have decided upon your final punishment. For your crimes against Asgard and Midgard, you are to be banished to Alfheim. Only after a thousand years may you dream of returning to Asgard and only as a changed man." Odin clanged his staff against the ground. "Do you have anything to say?"

Loki tilted his head to the side in a curious manner. His eyes wander to his mother, Frigga. She was the only one in this room that he truly cared about. "Mother," was all Loki said and his message was successfully conveyed. Frigga understood right away what Loki wanted to tell her and it came to her clear as day.

When Odin sensed that Loki wasn't going to continue to talk, he said, "Thor, you are to escort your brother to the rebuilt bifrost and send him out into Alfheim." Thor hardened his face and accepted the Allfather's words. "Loki, you are now banished to Alfheim and stripped of most of your magic."

When runes appeared on Loki's arms, he tried not to freak out. He had suspected that Odin would take away his magic, but he had not been able to prepare himself for it. Magic was part of Loki and it pained him to lose most of it.

"Your magic shall be restored to you when it is shown that you can be trusted with its power," Odin declared. "I hope that you can manage to find redemption. Thor, take him away."

Thor gritted his teeth and stepped forward to take the chains from the guards that led Loki from the dungeons. He pulled Loki out of Asgard's Hall and started to lead him on their long walk to the rainbow bridge.

"Brother," Thor addressed Loki as soon as they were out of earshot from anyone that might listen in. "I know that you're still in there." Loki refused to reply. He was almost free, he couldn't mess it up now. "You may not want to talk to me now but know that you're still my brother in my eyes. Nothing can keep me from thinking otherwise."

Loki gritted his teeth. Everything he had done had been for his brother. The stop to Thor's coronation had only been to benefit Thor. Loki was the only one that seemed to realize that his older brother was not suited to take his position so soon.

Thor didn't know what else to say so they continued in silence until they reached Heimdall's observatory. The said man stared out upon the galaxy in contemplation.

"Finally you arrive," Heimdall said as he continued to stare straight ahead.

"Yes, our walk here has been long," Thor said.

"Your walk from here will only be longer," Heimdall replied as he finally turned to face them. His eyes landed upon Loki and narrowed considerably. "I shall now open the bifrost." Heimdall placed his sword in the bifrost and started up the process.

As soon as it was ready, Thor pulled Loki up to the gateway and removed the chains that held Loki. "Brother, if father permits it, I will visit soon," he told his brother.

"You don't need to visit me," Loki replied. For the first time in years, Loki truly smiled. "For you won't know where to find me."

Before Thor could respond, Loki pushed himself out of the observatory. Using what magic he could, he changed the course of the rainbow bridge. He didn't know where it would take him now, but he they wouldn't be able to find him for at least a little while. While they are searching, he would be able to put a spell on himself that would prevent Heimdall from seeing him.

"Brother!" Thor yelled and jumped in the bifrost after him, but without magic to help him veer off course, Thor ended up on Alfheim.

Back in the observatory, Heimdall yelled for Odin; that it was an emergency. Loki, had escaped.