Christmas Part II: The Christmas Kitten

"Are you serious... it's for me?" Belle asked, her face alight with holiday joy as she gazed at the tiny kitten which Rumplestiltskin had just placed in her hands. "A Christmas present?" she looked into her master's eyes and watched him struggle between glee at her obvious happiness and annoyance at himself for enjoying her happiness so much and something else...was that guilt?

"It's not a present." he corrected, waving an admonishing digit at his maid. "Not. A. Present."

"Then why is there a red bow around its neck?" she asked, tickling the tiny grey kitten under its chin.

Ignoring his logical maid Rumple continued with his mini-tirade, "And it's certainly not for ...that particular occasion."

"Do you mean Christmas?" she asked.

"I'd prefer you refer to it as Saturnalia if you must refer to it at all and definitely not Ch... 'er that other thing. It hurts me even to say it."


"Because it's a day to celebrate The Light! And I am an imp who serves darkness or hadn't you noticed that I named my home 'The Dark Castle'?"

"You really don't have to serve the darkness you know."

"And YOU don't have to keep talking and yet you do."

"I'm sorry Rum... 'er Master," she curtsied with a grin.

Rumple gave a mock half-bow in return, "By the way" he said on his way out the door, "Whatever you do...DON'T remove the ribbon."

"Why shouldn't I remove the ribbon?" she asked, puzzled.

"Just don't!" was his unhelpful reply, adding "Look just go and give it a saucer of milk or something and don't bother me as I have important matters to attend to." he said as he strutted his way out the door and down to his laboratory to study a particularly irritating little spell he was determined to master.

Belle watched him go with a huff of annoyance. Why did Rumple always have to be so opaque? Why can't he just trust me? But no one could stay annoyed for long in the presence of such an adorable kitten. It was a fluffy grey tabby with a white patch on his chest and a patch of black fur on his left ear and within minutes Belle had fallen hopelessly in love.

Over the next few weeks Rumple watched in the mirror from his laboratory as Belle enjoyed the kitten. She must be lonelier than I thought, he thought as he watched Belle tuck the kitten into her own bed and lie down next to it to sleep. Why does she care so much about that little pile of fur? he wondered as he watched her feed the tiny animal with an even tinier golden spoon. All I wanted was for her to feed it and keep it alive! he exclaimed as he watched her reading to the kitten. Did she just knit a tiny golden sweater for it? Is she insane?!Clearly I'm allowing her far too much free time, he fussed as he watched her play with the kitten in the snow.

Finally the spell was ready and he opened his mouth to call for Belle to bring him the kitten, but before he could bellow her name he heard her screaming in the distance with the screams moving rapidly towards his current location.

"RUMPLE HELP!" Belle screamed as she slid around a corner and collided with her master in a rather pleasant way or so he thought. In fact he was spending more time thinking about his maids pleasing person and how it was clinging to him at the moment when he felt the floor shaking under his sexy boots. Instantly he knew what must have happened.

"Belle how could you!" he admonished, "I told you...I distinctly told you NOT to remove the ribbon!"

"But Rumple I didn't remove the ribbon!" she protested, "But...I um... I may have kissed it on its nose." she admitted guiltily. "It was such a cute little nose!"

"Was being the operative word 'eh?"


"You and your kisses!" he said with a shake of his golden head. "Now I shall have to make another transmogrifying potion!" he complained, nearly falling off his feet as the floor shaking came closer. "I'd better hurry before that giant destroys our home!" he exclaimed turning to go back down to his lab.

"Wait Rumple...did you just call this place our home?"

Rumple upper lip twitched, "A slip of the tongue." he said turning once more to go to his lab.

"Wait Rumple!" Belle said, placing a hand on his arm. Rumple could hardly concentrate on her next words for the heat that rose in his cheeks at her simple gentle touch. "Before you go" she said, "Could you just do a quick little glamour spell on the giant?"

"Wait ...what?" he faltered, unsure that he heard her right with all this blood rushing to his ears.

"A glamour spell...on the giant?" she repeated her request, blushing quite red herself.

"To what purpose, Dearie?" he asked, honestly puzzled. "A glamour spell only changes the clothing and appearance. It most definitely does not shrink a giant. Well not more than a couple of inches anyway."

"I know that." she continued explaining as patiently as she could, "It's just... he's not wearing pants."

Rumple laughed, "Kittens don't wear pants, Dearie!" he giggled merrily, his confusion finally clearing, which probably owed a lot to the fact that Belle was no longer touching him.

"I know that too, but Rumple... giants really should."

Still giggling wildly he snapped his fingers to glamour some pants onto the giant and then he turned and left to make another transmogrifying potion, leaving his embarrassed maid standing in the hall to greet a rather grouchy giant wearing a strangely familiar pattern (and rather tight fit he soon complained to Belle) of leather trousers, a large red ribbon around his neck and an enormous hand knitted golden sweater.